
Added: my wife actually suffered chemical burns that seem to take up to two weeks to heal.

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Mar 2Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ray you are so intuitive and smart that I have to read every single article you put out lol (of course by that I mean the ones I get notifications for). Would you have any good info on why my husband cant breathe around our animals? Its alot of work to always have to keep them separated. If you put out any articles about it that I didnt get a notification for, or perhaps it was before I found you and subscribed, could you give me a link? Thanks in advance.

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Thank you for your appreciation. Please, notice that most of my posts contain information that doesn't go obsolete anytime soon, and they all reflect my approach, so they don't contradict each other, except new developments keep being implemented. They are all parts of a whole, which is why I have to resort to so many links to previous ones in new pieces.

There is a good chance that it has nothing or not much to do with animals, but their closeness (exhalation, or perspiration, assuming touching is not involved) activates an immune reaction. Your husband reacts to something that is in the air, but that doesn't mean the stuff itself is toxic; an intruder chemical, probably foreign protein, may have been previously trained his body to react to something of which the new chemical reminds the body. This is a form of

"allergy," and the usual "treatment" (steroids) usually reduces immune reactions, allowing the body to be poisoned and preventing it from detoxing itself. While it is possible that the actual toxic chemical is accumulating in the body and it exceeds tolerance thresholds, new limitations on natural detox can develop further toxic accumulations.

For more: https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/what-makes-people-sick-apart-from

I realize this is not a solution, but at least it explains the phenomenon...

Even honest and highly able doctors can only experiment, because there are hundreds of thousands of common chemicals that can cause such symptoms. However, I found a most likely cause, when I was writing my following article:


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Feb 6Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Poison things I avoid...dryer sheets, laundry soaps, fake fragrances, and using old pallet wood, because it is usually sprayed with fungicides etc. at the border. Also, it is toxic to put those burlap bags from coffee beans on your garden because they are also sprayed at the borders. I know someone who managed to kill their garden soil that way. I had no idea about the flowers but not suprised no wonder they smell so chemical-y.

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Feb 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I'm allergic to flowers so my husband never buys them anymore (as of 2002) but my brother sometimes sends them

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I hope, you realize that "allergy" is an invented illness to cover up the poisoning... My wife's chemical burn would have been called "eczema."

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I've had allergies since 1975, so nothing happened recently. In fact, I've been doing part of the protocols (Bromelain, pine needle tea, etc), so I think I could actually be around flowers by now. Everything's a crap shoot, lol. Sorry about your wife's burn!

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

It never occurred to me that cut flowers could be filled with so many pesticides and toxins. Doesn't the murdering gates have any compassion?

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The globalists consider everyone else a pest that need to be crushed like a cockroach.

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Feb 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Of course. There is nothing that you touch that isn't poisonous now. And all products shipped to you - especially from Amazon - are covered with mold sprays and pesticides for those long journeys by boat. Even high end items are made in china and are making the same trip. I am so less inclined to buy anything new these days...clothes, sheets, bedding, cosmetics...all are more contaminated than ever and you know they all contain GO.

Even trying to grow your own garden is a problem with chemtrails. We live in a sea of poison.

Thanks for this stack...

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And the sicken the sick, too, not only with their toxic "medications," but even with Ensure:


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and I just saw that Simply Orange - the Orange drink is owned by coca cola - and their drinks are filled with forever plastics and chemicals...

just finishing a substack on it...


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Feb 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

You have GOT to be shitting me.....

Mouth open. On floor.

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My article received the same intense reaction after my article on Ensure:


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Feb 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

To those reading, something easy to do. Next time you're at a grocery outlet that sells flowers, notice your own reaction.

After Ray pointed these things out about cut flowers, I reviewed my own reactions to all the flowers(mostly cut) displayed at my grocery.

I had definitely reacted, and it was withdrawal; subtle, rather unseen. But upon hearing this, my own reaction got clearer.

It's getting more and more clear that we'd better know what our inner self 'is saying', so we don't deny this.

Maybe it's a group advertising for us/everyone to join in or

maybe it's some 'plant based' 'meat', not well tested yet.

Where we are the test subjects.

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After suffering chemical burns and figured out the source, she recognized the smell of harsh chemicals in near the flowers in the supermarket, too.

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It's like I am hard to convince? Why don't I trust MYSELF first?

Not 'them'? What a brainwashing job.

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Feb 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

All I can do is shake my head. Flowers. Of course they do this. Poisons are everywhere. On and in everything. Raining from the sky. Why shouldn't cut flowers be riddled with poisons too.

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Feb 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My woke 23 yo ADHD daughter is a florist so I sent her this.

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Feb 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Is she better now? How long did healing take? Was it 'fade away'?

Again, following the bible, 'Love not the WORLD, NOR the THINGS in the world'. I'd look at the plants at the store; now I can identify that they REPELLED me. Didn't get it, you've exposed it.

Nice work. Important. We need to find out what can grow where we are.

I loved how the woman 'talked and BLEW' on her plants.

Like kisses.

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It takes a couple of weeks for the spots and the itching to go away.

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Feb 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My wife developed eczema from the "covid cleaning" spray her spa began using in 2020, called Terminator. Protocol habits concretized, they're still using it, long after surface spread was ruled out. Wonder if they're still bleaching the beaches in Spain?

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Just about all disinfectant wipes and sprays are toxic…

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Off topic, just saw a post by a Q fan today and wondered if Q was maybe AI.

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Wull in Snow White they used a poisoned apple, in Sleepin' Beauty a spindle... innocent objects bearin' deadly toxins... only in "real live" no kiss from a prince is gonna undo the spell! Oh, an' somewharz in between they had arsenic in wallpaper an' all the "greens" (clothin' dye, leather dye, book cloth an' more)... devious stuff indeedy but yer homegrown organic roses are bee-u-teeful! (today's pesty-cided roses ain't roses by any name an' the things have no fragrance... so a rose ain't a rose ain't a rose today!)

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Brilliant and biting:

"Undoubtedly, the best place for cut flowers is apparently where they can’t do much more damage: cemeteries, which seems quite appropriate these days, when the whole world is about to become one."

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Where can I learn about Apeel?

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Its a Gates company, thats all you need to know. Cut out the inside of any fruit or veggie you buy and throw away the skin if you really need to buy them.

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