Ok, against my better judgement I'm going throw out another idea or topic regarding healing modalities. I'm sure you know who Tesla was. I believe he was killed bc he somehow discovered a way to easily and very cheaply produce free energy (I'm going guess using magnetism of some sort in some way which is what I believe gravity to be since the scientists can't explain it). So, I believe he was killed by the three letter agency types for his "inventions" which I believe were somehow "given" to him to "discover" or better yet rediscover. Because he had a moral conscience, he was inclined to use it for the good of the world but the ptb wouldn't have it so they ridded themselves of his interference into their global domination plan which would never include free anything because this would disable their control. Anyways, one of his "inventions" including pulling down the ether??? (I think) from the atmosphere somehow and the ability to get it into the human body using some sort of light and electric technology. This enables oxygen and likely other elements the body needs to heal to enter the body quickly and easily making healing almost instantaneous esp for acute problems like whiplash from a recent car accident. Supposedly, some mexican dr or drs have discovered these plans and were able to enhance and duplicate this technology. They are only accepting crypto currency for this "invention" and a few of the guys I loosely follow (Jeff Berwick and Max Igan) have said they have used this device on themselves, family, friends, and pets with almost unbelievable results including better energy than they've experienced in years. They want over 10K for this device and it must be in crypto and that's about all I know. Here's the website if you or one of your readers is so inclined to investigate it more thoroughly. Do you think this type of thing is even possible? Here is their website.
Here is Berwick's latest video and he calls himself an anarchocapitalist which I guess to him means he believes we should not be governed bc we should govern ourselves and true capitalism should prevail to get the best work out of people is my understanding.
Here is a suggestion: what is the link and the relationship between The Roman Catholic Church, The Vatican and Israel (both the state and the people (Judeans)?
Maybe good idea, maybe not.... Just know I can't find any one covering this question in any depth. ❤️
We'll wait if anyone else is interested. If another person comes up, I'll start up multiple conversations tomorrow morning, or maybe the day after tomorrow. Still, I'll publish my next post, too.
Awesome Ray! I suggest, best work is done if YOUR heart is in it.... So pick which ever topic energizes you and I'll be grateful to participate. Though I am going out of town early tomorrow until Tuesday so what ever you do write on I will dive into it when I get back home 🥰
Have a fabulous, peaceful and happy weekend ❤️ nature walk forth coming ❤️ sending Love and well wishes to all 😘
How about the biodigital convergence by augmenting humans using jabs to get graphene into us and jabbing and tagging every animal on this earth and spraying us all with smart dust that binds to our skin and lungs and starts its own evil web of networking to facilitate this convergence and turn us into transhumans or mixing of metal with miry clay and finally combining it with 6 or 7g tech to create a slave world that tracks and traces our every move and assigns us a social credit score that replicates what they have in China. This video may provide some understanding. Finally, maybe discussing some ideas of how to get the crap out of us and how to strengthen us (I'd say I would include Jesus Christ bc this is a spiritual agenda developing in this physical world). Human intellect has been hijacked bc we are just not this smart in my humble opinion. This is not a human agenda. It's pure evil. Most everyone calls that evil the devil.
I have written exhaustively about this, and sorry, but I am not buying into Sabrina. Anyway, as long as two readers support the idea, I can start two conversations tomorrow morning.
I'd like to know your points of discernment on Sabrina? I have been battling within myself over her and what she says is going on. If you would share what you've come to know and why you don't buy into her I'd be ever so grateful ❤️ thank you ❤️
I'd LOVE to know as well Darling C. I can see the Terminator2 reality Sabrina speaks of ....in a simulation/simulacrum. Reality is breaking down. I want to know ALL sides of the argument. :)
This has my vote also Ray. I have no tie breaker vote, as I am equally invested in both topics.
If you have written exhaustively about this, my apologies and I will search out what you've written. I don't want people to repeat their work. I guess I was lazy not to check into your previous posts. Again, I am sorry. Thanks for responding!
I liked your "unpopular" long essay on the institutions of the world (especially the Church) tracking and controlling people, because it is true. You just left out the solution, who is sourced above this world, but exists in it as well. The difficulty we all face is our own fallen spirit, which controls us by making us think that our thoughts are our own, and condemning us for them. If we don't like the thoughts that come to us unbidden, that means they are not our own! We are divine creatures (unlike the animals), and we are made of a flesh AND spirit. And our spirits (the subconscious voice within) are fallen -- until they are not.
Of course, they are. My wife is like Snow-white in the old Disney cartoon: animals are following her, she talks to them, and them listen. :) She saved quite a few animals (snakes, lizards, birds, frogs, and whatever else), and they keep coming back to her to thank her... I don't support reincarnation (it's an easy solution), but her stories are proving your point, at least to me.
Apologies, but the solution for saving "the west" is spelled out in the article...
Other than that, I do not engage in religious arguments; they open up too many cans of worms that can easily spin out of control, and my site is not about those.
I like that topic Toxi, I'd like to add in the script of the topic & how this place gives us a script to follow, whether it be the Jesus script, Allah script, Buddha .... & more currently, the Terminator 2 script or the hunger games script .... Leave the whirled behind...etc.
It's like Jim Morrison of the Doors (of perception) says....
" Into this house we're born (Astrological sign)
Into this world we're thrown (our scripted reality)
Like a dog without a bone (doG on the leash to "God")
An actor out on loan ....... (actors & portrayers, on loan to this realm ...spirit trapped in the meat costume just playing the part) In all actuality...evil is good & good is evil. It's all just based on perception looking thru the windowpane.
Oh, I don't know Ray ... something about scripted religiosity all leads back to the Synagogue of Satan & everybody has been duped into serving their .... whatever it is that the Pope serves. You don't have to do this Ray ... It's a very unpopular viewpoint of utter evil connectedness & the truth won't gain you any new friends.
I think religious duping should be spoken on ... Especially now it has been ramped up with the evangelicals, the Christian and Jewish Zionists - Trump and his ties and efforts for the state of Israel, embassy in Jerusalem, coin with trump, kaballah tree of life award, himself and family members converting to judaism. They use religion to achieve political ends.
Most, if not all, public players are fully compromised and, yes, publishing about those resulted in my losing readers, but I'm not interested in those who cannot read and cannot make their own decisions:
I totally agree. I believe all "in power' ultimately bow to the committee of 300 who in turn bow to Satan following their Egyptian pyramid of layered power. I do believe he's been given the power over this earth system at least for the time being. That's why (imho) this world is so unfair, evil and upside down.
That's an idea. The important variable to observe is that Christians respect Christ's Jewish roots, and they tend to confuse them with Christian principles.
The Talmud is also Christian script, but the Kabbalah is not.
If anyone else supports your idea, I'll post the article.
But the Talmud is not "Christian script". Since no one actually reads the Talmud, since it is prohibitively long, it's a good idea to get a condensation called the Shulchan Aruk by Erich Bischoff.
As you might or might not know, I have taught in Prison Education, and I'm extremely familiar with the plea bargain system that lands innocent people in jail, and the three-strikes "law" that ensures that non-violent offenders (e.g. for pot possession) never have a reprieve. I have also published quite a few articles on how "the law" works, but never focused on prisons. The whole legal system is rotten:
Ok, against my better judgement I'm going throw out another idea or topic regarding healing modalities. I'm sure you know who Tesla was. I believe he was killed bc he somehow discovered a way to easily and very cheaply produce free energy (I'm going guess using magnetism of some sort in some way which is what I believe gravity to be since the scientists can't explain it). So, I believe he was killed by the three letter agency types for his "inventions" which I believe were somehow "given" to him to "discover" or better yet rediscover. Because he had a moral conscience, he was inclined to use it for the good of the world but the ptb wouldn't have it so they ridded themselves of his interference into their global domination plan which would never include free anything because this would disable their control. Anyways, one of his "inventions" including pulling down the ether??? (I think) from the atmosphere somehow and the ability to get it into the human body using some sort of light and electric technology. This enables oxygen and likely other elements the body needs to heal to enter the body quickly and easily making healing almost instantaneous esp for acute problems like whiplash from a recent car accident. Supposedly, some mexican dr or drs have discovered these plans and were able to enhance and duplicate this technology. They are only accepting crypto currency for this "invention" and a few of the guys I loosely follow (Jeff Berwick and Max Igan) have said they have used this device on themselves, family, friends, and pets with almost unbelievable results including better energy than they've experienced in years. They want over 10K for this device and it must be in crypto and that's about all I know. Here's the website if you or one of your readers is so inclined to investigate it more thoroughly. Do you think this type of thing is even possible? Here is their website.
Here is Berwick's latest video and he calls himself an anarchocapitalist which I guess to him means he believes we should not be governed bc we should govern ourselves and true capitalism should prevail to get the best work out of people is my understanding.
Tesla, I think, wanted the Globe to be surrounded by an electromagnetic field, but he didn't know that would have killed every living creature.
You know my stance on bottom-feeders:
Here is a suggestion: what is the link and the relationship between The Roman Catholic Church, The Vatican and Israel (both the state and the people (Judeans)?
Maybe good idea, maybe not.... Just know I can't find any one covering this question in any depth. ❤️
We'll wait if anyone else is interested. If another person comes up, I'll start up multiple conversations tomorrow morning, or maybe the day after tomorrow. Still, I'll publish my next post, too.
Awesome Ray! I suggest, best work is done if YOUR heart is in it.... So pick which ever topic energizes you and I'll be grateful to participate. Though I am going out of town early tomorrow until Tuesday so what ever you do write on I will dive into it when I get back home 🥰
Have a fabulous, peaceful and happy weekend ❤️ nature walk forth coming ❤️ sending Love and well wishes to all 😘
How about the biodigital convergence by augmenting humans using jabs to get graphene into us and jabbing and tagging every animal on this earth and spraying us all with smart dust that binds to our skin and lungs and starts its own evil web of networking to facilitate this convergence and turn us into transhumans or mixing of metal with miry clay and finally combining it with 6 or 7g tech to create a slave world that tracks and traces our every move and assigns us a social credit score that replicates what they have in China. This video may provide some understanding. Finally, maybe discussing some ideas of how to get the crap out of us and how to strengthen us (I'd say I would include Jesus Christ bc this is a spiritual agenda developing in this physical world). Human intellect has been hijacked bc we are just not this smart in my humble opinion. This is not a human agenda. It's pure evil. Most everyone calls that evil the devil.
I have written exhaustively about this, and sorry, but I am not buying into Sabrina. Anyway, as long as two readers support the idea, I can start two conversations tomorrow morning.
I'd like to know your points of discernment on Sabrina? I have been battling within myself over her and what she says is going on. If you would share what you've come to know and why you don't buy into her I'd be ever so grateful ❤️ thank you ❤️
I'd LOVE to know as well Darling C. I can see the Terminator2 reality Sabrina speaks of ....in a simulation/simulacrum. Reality is breaking down. I want to know ALL sides of the argument. :)
This has my vote also Ray. I have no tie breaker vote, as I am equally invested in both topics.
If you have written exhaustively about this, my apologies and I will search out what you've written. I don't want people to repeat their work. I guess I was lazy not to check into your previous posts. Again, I am sorry. Thanks for responding!
I liked your "unpopular" long essay on the institutions of the world (especially the Church) tracking and controlling people, because it is true. You just left out the solution, who is sourced above this world, but exists in it as well. The difficulty we all face is our own fallen spirit, which controls us by making us think that our thoughts are our own, and condemning us for them. If we don't like the thoughts that come to us unbidden, that means they are not our own! We are divine creatures (unlike the animals), and we are made of a flesh AND spirit. And our spirits (the subconscious voice within) are fallen -- until they are not.
I like what you say here ❤️ I need to state, for the animals ..they too are spirit and flesh. They could not exist without spirit. (My perception) ❤️
Of course, they are. My wife is like Snow-white in the old Disney cartoon: animals are following her, she talks to them, and them listen. :) She saved quite a few animals (snakes, lizards, birds, frogs, and whatever else), and they keep coming back to her to thank her... I don't support reincarnation (it's an easy solution), but her stories are proving your point, at least to me.
I Love your wife too 🥰 if they love her, that says much! ❤️
You are a blessed man Ray 😊
Apologies, but the solution for saving "the west" is spelled out in the article...
Other than that, I do not engage in religious arguments; they open up too many cans of worms that can easily spin out of control, and my site is not about those.
How about the synagog of Satan, the talmudist teachings and cabalistic evil?
I like that topic Toxi, I'd like to add in the script of the topic & how this place gives us a script to follow, whether it be the Jesus script, Allah script, Buddha .... & more currently, the Terminator 2 script or the hunger games script .... Leave the whirled behind...etc.
It's like Jim Morrison of the Doors (of perception) says....
" Into this house we're born (Astrological sign)
Into this world we're thrown (our scripted reality)
Like a dog without a bone (doG on the leash to "God")
An actor out on loan ....... (actors & portrayers, on loan to this realm ...spirit trapped in the meat costume just playing the part) In all actuality...evil is good & good is evil. It's all just based on perception looking thru the windowpane.
.Riders on the storm ..." 🎶
Love this! Morrison said a great deal more than people have realized. ❤️
Great lyrics!
Thank You DC! He played his role well! :)
He really did! ❤️
I'll probably post this, if nothing more popular comes up, but how would you guys want me to phrase it?
Oh, I don't know Ray ... something about scripted religiosity all leads back to the Synagogue of Satan & everybody has been duped into serving their .... whatever it is that the Pope serves. You don't have to do this Ray ... It's a very unpopular viewpoint of utter evil connectedness & the truth won't gain you any new friends.
I am here to pay up for my life; not to collect friends. :)
Awesome attitude! Glad to hear it!
I think religious duping should be spoken on ... Especially now it has been ramped up with the evangelicals, the Christian and Jewish Zionists - Trump and his ties and efforts for the state of Israel, embassy in Jerusalem, coin with trump, kaballah tree of life award, himself and family members converting to judaism. They use religion to achieve political ends.
There are also Substack authors who also use religion as a bait to achieve credibility; a cheap shot...
1000% 🎯!!!!!!!
DeSantis certainly gave himself away, just like Trump(f). Here is about DeSantis:
Most, if not all, public players are fully compromised and, yes, publishing about those resulted in my losing readers, but I'm not interested in those who cannot read and cannot make their own decisions:
I totally agree. I believe all "in power' ultimately bow to the committee of 300 who in turn bow to Satan following their Egyptian pyramid of layered power. I do believe he's been given the power over this earth system at least for the time being. That's why (imho) this world is so unfair, evil and upside down.
You only lose those who cling to illusions and hope, they cannot be part of a solution, making the loss not so much of a loss.
I'll check tomorrow and, possibly, even the day after, and post accordingly, but I'll also publish my next article.
That's an idea. The important variable to observe is that Christians respect Christ's Jewish roots, and they tend to confuse them with Christian principles.
The Talmud is also Christian script, but the Kabbalah is not.
If anyone else supports your idea, I'll post the article.
Talmud is Christian script?
In my opinion and understanding the Talmud is the perverted dogma of the Jewish "religious" leaders interpreting the Torah.
But the Talmud is not "Christian script". Since no one actually reads the Talmud, since it is prohibitively long, it's a good idea to get a condensation called the Shulchan Aruk by Erich Bischoff.
My bad, thank you for the correction; I meant the Torah... :)
The Talmud is kind of the same mess as the one in which "Catholic" theologians have been engaged since "Liberation Theology."
Gotcha ❤️
Innocent people going to jail?
For those innocent people go to jail. Learn how to survive a false imprisonment experience in my podcast here:
As you might or might not know, I have taught in Prison Education, and I'm extremely familiar with the plea bargain system that lands innocent people in jail, and the three-strikes "law" that ensures that non-violent offenders (e.g. for pot possession) never have a reprieve. I have also published quite a few articles on how "the law" works, but never focused on prisons. The whole legal system is rotten: