Fenbendazole (a close cousin to lvermectin) is also known to cure cancers. There is a fairly new Substack called "Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer" that documents case studies of individuals with breast, prostrate, brain, pancreatic & many other types of cancer who have used Fenbendazole to totally become CANCER FREE.

The author of the Substack answers all questions posed in the comments section & is not selling anything & the Substack is free to everyone. All the author asks is that you pass the information forward in an effort to help others.

I have no first-hand knowledge but l know if l was dying with cancer l would sure give Fenbendazole and/or lvermectin a try especially since both substances essentially have zero side effects.

That being said, l agree that our world today is a cesspool of toxins that is difficult to avoid. Excellent nutrition is critical. Minimizing exposure to radiation & EMF is also critical but impossible to accomplish 100% but we can try to do our best. The same goes for minimizing any exposure to fluoride which is a horrible poison. I've eliminated it from my drinking water but am still forced to shower in fluoridated water which really makes me angry. And, of course, there's chemtrails....

I could go on & on about the toxins we are purposefully being exposed to by TPTB in an effort to kill us. But in an effort to stay sane l view it on a scale of one to ten (ten being the worst)....where l used to be hovering around 8-9....l now am at a level of 2-3 in my efforts to avoid harm. I am doing the best l can!

As always Ray, thank-you for sharing helpful & important information.

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Great article and comments! Thanks Ray!

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The medical profession is so far away from promoting good health they have become a detriment to human beings as you allude.

"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food." This famouse quote is often attributed to Hippocrates. But, as research by Diana Cardenas in 2013 shows, this quote can not be found anywhere in Hippocrates' writings.


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Hippocrates is good (and I didn't know the quote is anecdotal, but in a similar fashion, Homer, in my opinion, only collected popular stories and compiled them into volumes); my favorite from him is his method to hang the elderly from a ladder upside down in order to prevent (cure? in my case, an inversion table cannot be used, while the inflammation is present; it only makes the pain worse) herniated disks.

In my life, I have found that it is even more important what NOT to eat. (Eating VERY little once a day and, occasionally, having a day only on clear liquid also help.)

The Greeks put the center of the human being into the intestines (modern man calls it "the heart"), and they didn't know that a healthy gut flora is indispensable for preventing illness.

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Excellent reply!

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A useful conversation requires at least two people! :)

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Jan 20, 2023
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Interesting comment. I don't test or know the details, even if I did, there are too many variables to make a blanket statement as a recommended amount of anything in particular. Like one day a body may need more of one thing than another.

I have no credentials (no skin in that ruse).

I grow food naturally to eat (instead of the agribusiness products) and source meat beyond my hunting activity. Its been a learning as well as a time process, for instance this is the first year I have grown enough fruit (mostly berries) and vegetables to feed myself.

One can easily know natural food by the amount of hairnet roots plants grow, the brix test on leaves, which is a function of soil fertility and planting schemes.

I do eat two meals a day mostly, one meal a day sporadically, and don't eat for 66 hours a few times a year. The larger meal later morning and a smaller mid to late afternoon, my goal is 18 hours without eating for a few hours of deepening autophagy.

I am now down to three egg yolks (nutritious), a variety of my fermented vegetables (nutritious) with some juice, half the time a few tablespoons of nearly minced meat, right now venison (nutritious) is on the menu, a mixture of greens (nutritious) I harvest from my holdings and the wild, all wilted a bit through dehydration, stored in a freezer, applied on the top of the cooking mixture just before I tilt the contents out of the pan and on to the plate (to minimize the plants defenses but not cooking the nutrients out of it). Alliums in storage, including crushed and eaten raw garlic cloves (nutritious). Am I getting enough of everything my body needs according to the self-proclaimed experts? I don't know other than I feel more energized than ever and have no symptoms of sickness. I could die today and these experts will surely blame my diet.

I should have typed this to my own newsletter, but I like this one so its good enough for me.

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Oh, I also eat a quarter of a can of cod liver with the included oil most days, sprinkle less than a teaspoon of nutritional yeast over the food, and drizzle a very small amount of black seed oil on the big meal when I remember. Not that it makes a difference, or does?

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Jan 20, 2023
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Excellent reply. Oh, I also eat a few black walnuts most days until the stock is gone, anyway, which varies from year to year..

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Jan 20, 2023
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From the very first electronic installations, EMF proved to be harmful, definitely causing "flu" symptoms (the "common cold" was mostly due to industrial pollution), and there was a "flu epidemic" every time the network was expanded with new technologies. Possibly, even diabetes is triggered by it:


My article offers a brief summary:


Resonance is definitely a factor that might harm or heal, except there are too many claims about it and I haven't been able to figure out what is true and what is not.

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