I doubt it

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That makes the two of us! :)

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Awful image Ray.

Doesn't that guy in the club tie know that there's a syringe down that hole.

He's no coward.

And yes, we are stuck with judges enforcing bad laws.

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From my studies of the U.S. Constitution as well as State Constitutions as a "presumption of the law", and realizing that neither police, lawyers, experts and judges are not on the same page of clearly printed and articulated "Law"; it is evident to me that collusive or improper joinder to "invoke" the jurisdiction of said courts is a one sided story. What is deemed "Lawful" is usually a lie, and what is deemed "Legal" is subjective to the vested interest. When arbitrary opinions supersede valid "Laws" that are on the books, then as one of those lines in Billy Jack goes: When the police break the law, there is no law".

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The Articles of Confederation left the rights to the states. The "Constitution" only consolidated federal power, so the only thing left for the globalists was the job to take hold of the federal government, which they did with The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The private bank now basically owns the country:


If people knew what's being done to them, they would rise up with pitchforks:


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That's a great analogy!

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