My first reporting about the ongoing chemtrailing is from November, 2022, when I noticed plasmic materials on the windshield, while driving cross-country. Strangely, nobody seems to have said much about that ever since:
The latest development deserves a few minutes of attention at court. People are offered scraps in order to leave governments entrusted to serve their constituents and carry on with the political circus.
John Fleet informs:
The ban applies where “it is documented that the federal government or other entities acting on the federal government’s behalf or at the federal government’s request may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within the State of Tennessee.”
However, this is not the time to feel delirious about it.
If you pay attention, the bill prohibits the federal government from engaging in geoengineering. Who said it was done by or for the federal government? Eventually, it’s always the taxpayer, who pays, but that part is inconsequential in this case.
Wasn’t it Bill Gates who wanted to blur out the Sun? The federal govt did endorse the attempt, although spending tax dollars on it in such states is “prohibited.” There aren’t any tax dollars left, anyway, and whatever is left, is sent to Ukraine instead of “saving the Planet.”
If you are interested in some legalese, the bill prohibits “experiments,” which chemtrails are not… “Intentionally” is another key word. There are accidents, right? My preferred accident was the derailment in Ohio a year ago ( that contaminated about 1,500 miles dowstream along the Ohio river, which is a lot of farmlands. Accidents happen, right? Like the “contamination” in “vaccines” that by now killed millions of people. The only way to outdo that would be to announce that two planes hit the WTC on 9/11 and a third one also collapsed “by accident.”
Still, when it comes to “banning chemtrails,” there is no end to being optimistic:
Similar legislation has been introduced in at least six other states:
Rhode Island introduced SB2540
New Hampshire entered HB1700
Illinois entered SB134
South Dakota entered SB215
Connecticut entered SB302
As for me, I can’t imagine any significant changes for the better. If chemtrails disappeared, I would immediately suspect that they have been replaced with another method to weaponize the weather. Is the federal government going to “break the law”? If it did and were successfully prosecuted, that would be absolutely hilarious; it would pay penalties to fellow crook politicians out of the people’s pockets. Nevertheless, if “the law is broken,” and federal involvement can be “proven guilty” (chemtrails have been going on for decades and those who pointed them out were called “conspiracy theorists”), is Tennessee going to fine the federal government for money paid out by the taxpayer? Preposterous… In a potential other scene in the political theater, the case would end up at the mercy of unelected “Supreme Court judges,” the latest of which couldn’t even tell the difference between a man and a woman, because “she was not a biologist.”
John’s article further entertains you by telling you that titanium dioxide, which is also in food in the US, while banned in other places. It’s also in chemtrails, but there are so many other things in chemtrails. Weather manipulation started around 1947, and it wasn’t even acknowledged until recently:
Do these psychopaths realize that all this weather manipulation and poisoning affects them as well? All their stolen money in the world won't save them. Then they have Hell to contend with on the other side. I will never, ever give any sympathy towards these Devil Worshipers.
The more bills there are like this the more it could cause the average citizen to look up and contemplate the patterns they see above.