Yep, people get excited but never see through the BS.

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Tennesse Bill Fatal Flaw:


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Mar 29·edited Mar 29Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

So all this focus on the stuff we SEE in the sky is almost a smokescreen for the toxic stuff that is there whether we see it or not ? Except that it is a proxy for the actual amount of pollution...



Yes, I (Jim Lee, climateviewer) published that in 2015 before testifying at the EPA


please consider subscribing to Jim's substack. We need him back in front of the EPA, not doing the 9-5 and having only spare time to do this work..


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Adding about 6 million flights per decade. which is just about the TOTAL number of flights in 1970. There are 6 1/2 TIMES as many flights now as 1970. Even if the contrails were totally clean cirrus clouds, how could the skies not look different?

Thanks to @dirkelsthout

Questions for Super AI : 1. Can you provide a list of annual global aviation flights from 1960 to present ?


Answer : The bot possibly doesn't give the average for each decade, neither direct reference links to these rough figures.

1960 : Approximately 1.5 million flights

1970 : Around 5.9 million flights

1980 : Estimated at 10.3 million flights

1990 : Approximately 16.4 million flights

2000 : About 24.2 million flights

2010 : Around 33.1 million flights

2020 : Estimated at 38.9 million flights

Sources : World Air Transport Statistics (WATS)

International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 


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I'm cautiously opti-mystic (emphasis on the latter)... cautiously meanin' that I think there's gonna be loopholes an' sleight've hand an' mebbe they'll even just call it waste recyclin' an' git around the lawr entirely (b/c a lotta that garbage we're breathin' in is just industrial waste they've turned inta "engineerin' marvels" in the name of "recyclin'"-fluoride is a'nuther on...)-- an' the "mystical" part of it, optically speakin', is that we're hopefully gettin' the normies (pen pushers in middle gubbamint who aren't "in on it") ta just barely SEE thru the mist that there's sumthin' odd goin' on up above in the ether... That tic-tac-toe game they ignored now has a name. They won't need (yet) ta grasp the true eugeni-cull dystopian nightmare of course--but call it weather mod, call it "dustin'" or I daresay "chem trails"--at LEAST it will start ta be on their radar.

If a "bill" exists--somebuddy's paid fer it! They'ze PERMITTIN' it ta be on the radar NOW. (Mebbe the profiteers'll circle like vultures if a referee calls "clean up time!") Nuttin' heppens by accident--but of course we'll jus' have ta see if it's gonna really leave like DDT or if it'll just come back, as ya said Ray, in a more convenient form... Here's ta breathin' fresh air...one day!

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Mar 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Do these psychopaths realize that all this weather manipulation and poisoning affects them as well? All their stolen money in the world won't save them. Then they have Hell to contend with on the other side. I will never, ever give any sympathy towards these Devil Worshipers.

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Money makes that possible...

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Mar 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The more bills there are like this the more it could cause the average citizen to look up and contemplate the patterns they see above.

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If you pay attention, the bill prohibits "the intentional release..." . There is no stipulation in the bill as to who is prohibited from "intentional release"...

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Maybe it will at least be a way to show the obtuse chemtrails are real since “government” acknowledges them.

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