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I’m okay with someone calling me a no good numbskull moron psychopath when I call them evil for twisting, killing and eating children. Words have meaning, when someone misuses a word they show their own ignorance. Call me whatever you want. If I see you harming a child i love i won’t restrain my wrath.

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So let's say somebody comes on to substack and makes fun of your beliefs, name calling, says you must be infected with rabies in your brain. They generally treat everyone this way so that nobody can even express themselves or disagree without risking being insulted, name called.

Most everyone adores this person as if they are some sort of divine being from heaven. This person only parrots what many already knew but everyone has this theme going that "they told us first" utter nonsense.

Half of what they say minimizes and lays no blaim on the doorstep of those who harm us. As I see it this person is highly intelligent enough to know the truth but refuses to acknowledge it instead leading their followers to blissful ignorance. This person also pushed mandated vaccines for all kids when their brother was in a position to make laws in Canada and wants to censor anyone who disagrees with them

I call it out.

Another person fancies themselves some sort of savior because they're a doctor but they refuse to give exemptions to people who came to them instead telling them (they should be like the jews during the holocaust and just leave) walk off the job. They say that getting an exemption is getting permission from their master when really it's exerting their rights to keep their job and to stand up for their beliefs that they don't believe in taking the vaccine.

I called them out when they bragged about rejecting their friends request for an exemption. They insisted that I'm wrong, walking off your job would solve all our problems even though not enough people were against the jabs and businesses were threatened with fines that caused them to shut down if they did. All walking off does is cause good businesses to close, good doctors and nurses to quit, our hospitals left with killing doctors and nurses. We saw it play over and over. People walked off their jobs and lost everything they had. Gov flew in healthcare workers from the Philippines to replace USA health care workers.

This person acted like they're some hero as they bully others, sacrificing nothing, demand those around them to sacrifice, insulting them for not walking out. At their height of hypocrisy they refused to sign exemptions then asked others to sign their recommended papers which may protect them from mandates but didnt protect others in their time of need. It's all paper after all whether it's a law or an exemption it's all giving us "permission" as they said.

Please give me good reason to not stand up for those who are persecuted by these people. To not stand up for what is right. To not call these people hypocrites and bullies.

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Let me address your topics in three parts.


I consider the kind of attacks you are describing an attack on life itself. Everyone has to deal with them alone, and I also have my limits:



I have had my share of bots and trolls, and there is not much difference between them and idiots. Commenters on my site must stick to the problem and must not attack anyone ad hominem. Free speech is one thing and wasting everyone's time and energy is another. I tell such people to do it on their own sites, and ban them, if they ignore the warning (usually only for a day to give them time to cool off, in case they are real people).

Here are the signs I watch out for:

Once you challenge the enemy’s belief system, their lackeys and useful idiots usually jump into one of several categories:

1. change the topic;

2. attack you ad hominem (categorizing, name-calling etc.);

3. engage in mind-reading and psychologizing (e.g. “you seem to suffer from a lack of intimacy”);

4. spurt out a word salad;

5. turn to analogy instead of sticking to the actual case (it can confuse most people, because only about 7% of people can think logically a few steps ahead, while the rest rely on analogies, that is, make their decisions on situations that were resolved previously and resemble the current one);

6. provide no response (they tell you, “it’s too complicated to explain”);

7. rephrase what you’ve said that turns you into a feeble opponent (they use the “so-you’re-saying” straw-man argument);

they divert, consolidate, and aim at wiping you out, while trying to discredit you among your supporters;

8. Hide behind mysterious technical terms, and pretend they know what they are talking about. When asked about the details, they cannot provide any.

Fair disputes are possible, but the conditions for them can hardly ever be met. Steve Kirsch’s challenges clearly demonstrate the reasons why such encounters fail (it makes no difference if Steve is the challenger or he is being challenged):



I have learned to ban repeat offenders, because I have seen good sites destroyed by an avalanche of nonsensical or offensive comments. Keeping the comment section useful for my readers is one of my priorities.

One can stand up for anyone or anything only when "standing up" can mean a difference. Surrender is for slaves, but I cannot fight an enemy on their own turf:


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Thank you for your detailed response. A lot to think about.

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Thank you for this article and reminder Ray.

When I write or speak about another person, I should focus on their actions and describe their behaviour - not label or categorize them, not call them names. There is a huge difference between calling someone a psychopath and referring to their behaviour or particular choice as psychotic/uninformed.

We are our choices however we also have the capacity to change our minds, admit our mistakes, learn new facts/ideas, etc. Just be aware of those who refuse to accept or acknowledge new information.

We all make choices based on our specific circumstances and perceptions.

Behaviour is a result of a person’s perception.

Perception is a result of information.

When 2 people receive different information, they will behave differently.

When you control/manipulate/censor information, you control/manipulate/censor perception. This is why free speech is the most powerful and important of all human rights/responsibilities.

Being open minded and speaking the truth is vital to the survival of our species, more important than any relationship or connection.

Self-censorship is self-murder. Do not be afraid to speak your truth. Do not stand in the way of anyone else speaking their truth.

I get called/labeled/referred to as “unvaxxed” all the time/everywhere however this is completely false. I’ve been vaccinated a ton, I just didn’t accept the “covid” jab.

I was self-employed and had no debts or dependants when the plandemic was forced on the population. It was easy for me to wait for the results from the experiment before making any decisions on the “vaccine”. I lost clients, family and lifelong friends but there are always more. I am trying my best to be understanding with everyone however if you refuse to accept new information, you are refusing to see the truth and therefore, I am moving on. They have made their choice.

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Yeah, I'm fighting like a buccaneer, tooth and nail ... https://liborsoural.substack.com/p/going-rheumantic-with-nicki-minaj

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But when we are discussing the people in charge, the psychopaths, and their plans, how should we refer to them? Should we always name the individuals or use the mouthful TPTB? What do suggest is kind way to refer to these unkind people ?

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That's a challenge. I am using "globalist," "technocrat," and "eugenicist" interchangeably.

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A friend today said she reffered to them as "usurpers" I thought that was pretty good too.

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Sometimes I also wrote they were usurping power, and also said they had hijacked the country.

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I still feel this is a form of name calling. We use many different names that are interchangeable but they all equal psychopath in the end.

If I were to refer to Sasha L as a pharmacratic eugenicist (technically not a name but a derogatory label like the ones you listed above) because her beliefs dismiss the dangers of bioweapons, CRISPR, gene editing, GOF just like Malone only coming at it from a different direction. She wants to censor people, she has her own brand of The Science and she name calls and silences people... others might think I'm calling her names labeling her, putting her in a category. Amiright? Somehow it's different when these derogatory terms are directed at someone (you? and) most others like.

She gets full pass from most people to be as big of a bully and jerk as she wants to. Her past, trying to force vaccines onto children is forgiven so why not forgive the globalist technocrats too because some of them are even nicer than Sasha and they think they are saving the world deluded fools that they are

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Are you blind? It takes courage and tenacity to counter the whole globie ilk. The difference is that she, whatever her past, has come full circle once she saw the dangers. Globies continue their quest to dominate, destroy, confiscate and rule with tyranny over the whole world. Nothing "nice" about that. Devil's spawn. I imagine you are one of them. Got it.

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There is not much a person can do, but once a lot of people can arrive at the same conclusion, they might be able die with dignity... Not guaranteed.

"Heidi," as far as I know, still believes in viruses, but that must not prevent anyone from checking out her factual reporting, and based on her child, a little compassion cannot hurt...

Sasha is a compartmentalizer, and she attacked me in my comment section (never banned me from hers) after I called attention to this problem:


Malone is even worse, and I've never had the patience to read "him."

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In my case, the words are meant to designate meaning to a specific group of people, and my terms are not automatically judgmental.

The eugenicist movement sprung from the belief that the speed of natural selection can be, and must be increased. The belief is based on the premise that everyone has their own limits regarding people they'd rather not have around.

As for crime and punishment, I posted the following meme in https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/crime-and-punishment:


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I'm probably going to delete the below and put a heart and a flower in its place because I appreciate your responses and your links.

When you said this:

"The eugenicist movement sprung from the belief that the speed of natural selection can be, and must be increased. The belief is based on the premise that everyone has their own limits regarding people they'd rather not have around."

... This is the first reason I didn't like Sasha is because of how she acted towards people who severe disabilities or health issues it seems like she's disregarding the seriousness and potential harm things may do to people who are susceptible she doesn't believe in genetic defects my son was born with a genetic deletion causing him to have severe health problems his was due to chemical toxins in the environment. Her lack of belief of things that people are actually suffering some of those children like my son who have genetic defects are able to get cured with special diets and if we didn't acknowledge the fact that genetic defects exist these children would go without treatment and die. she did backtrack on what she said to me, that she doesnt believe in genetic defects, but she did it in a really cruel way.that made it false. She also kept on making fun of people and me saying we believe science is all a bucket of genes. Firstly I don't believe that science is just a bucket of genes but it's really disrespectful to my son who's suffering and many others to make a statement like that just because I acknowledge that my son does have a genetic defect to put me in a category it's like she makes her own sweeping statements which disregard people and then she makes sweeping statements about people insulting them and it's very cruel I don't know what category to put her in but bully seems to fit her and the fact that she's been in infarma but she disregards so much science that is real. She minimizes health threats that are real to people who are vulnerable like my son and elderly people whose immune organ has shrunk and they're not able to fight off infections well.

One of my initial statements to Sasha where I felt deeply is that I feel she believes in CULLING people who are weak by not even acknowledging their defects and vulnerabilities it's like she only stands up for the strong people in the world and this is how my grandmother was she felt that people like my son should just be drowned at birth it touches me very deeply when I see people like this I feel like many people in their hearts have some group of people that they dislike and wish they weren't on this Earth and Sasha is 1 of those types of people to me.

Maybe I'm wrong but the more she goes around judging people and insulting them disregarding them the more I see this as truth.

I'm sorry this is probably going be a really horrible edit because I'm talk texting and not spell checking


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Your son is a different story. You have done an amazing job and are kindly sharing your findings on your stack.

"Autoimmune" illness is a misnomer. The potential causes of the symptoms can be

1. toxic overload, especially of stuff that doesn't leave the body;

2. conditioned response to a stimulus that was previously followed by symptoms;

3. genetic change in some body cells to the extent that they are attacked as invaders in an immune response;

4. mutated cells;

5. cells combined with foreign substance(s)

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I did a substack on how adjuvants in vaccines cause auto immunity by skewing the immune cells...


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Sasha and I had some interaction on another site, and when I expressed my concerns with my reasons, she tried to make fun of me (her sense of humor is quite flat and insipid, perhaps a bit higher than kindergarten-level), plus she said I didn't understand her. My response was:

(in a plaintive voice) Do I have to?

After that, she didn't try to ridicule me. Not that I care.

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Good reply.

I've asked her many questions which she didn't reply to she just responds with insults.

When she insulted Dr. Nagasi on his substack I asked her why don't you please tell us what your beliefs are instead of coming onto Nagasi's page calling people like him a clown with dangerous beliefs. You're very intelligent. Why not share your beliefs so we might understand them instead of just putting other people's beliefs down?

She just kept calling me names. Now she calls me a troll and tells everyone to block me.

I feel if we had an honest discussion it would make her look foolish and she knows it. A lot of her theories and claims are based on her opinion only. I think this is why she is rude to people who do not hold her in adoration and believe what she does. She knows they are a threat to her. All she has is her insults to fall back on. At times I thought maybe there is some misunderstanding between us but after her dismissiveness, twisting my words, putting words in my mouth, sweeping comments and insults I no longer care if I misunderstand her. She has no desire to bring clarity and have a respectful discussion. She's crossed so many boundaries of mine and others.

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Nov 15, 2023
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Once, when and if you feel comfortable about it, would you share your husband's story, please? Only in general, there is no need for being specific. I am also sorry about what happened to him, but I would also like to learn more about specific events.

It's good to hear you can derive some satisfaction from my pieces...

Did you know that Agatha Christie allegedly cooked up her murders during doing the dishes? She hated the job. :)

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I'm so sorry about your husband. 😪🙏🌹

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Nov 15, 2023
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Language was invented by women. That’s my working hypothesis.

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Dec 30, 2023
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Words were invented by women a million years ago and perverted by the state thousands of years ago. Writing words down killed language and made it a tool for the deceivers. I believe the internet is unwinding thousands of years of word black magick.

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we all have exibited lesser to greater forms of mental illness which are many ie cognative dissonance, repulsive sick evil desires etc etc the term pshycopath is just a discriptave word ... pshychi [mental ] pathology [ sickness ]../ dear God of goodness please enlighten our darkness

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french general calls the un jabbed superheros , for me it was easy because im retired with a steady income , no dependants no money owing etc... there are people with dependant families that sacrificed their selves by getting jabbed so they could hold their jobs so they could support their loved ones ... to me they are really big superheros... good God please help us all return to goodness and truth

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I spoke with a dad yesterday. He had to take "it" or lose his job. He had to pay his astronomical support payments for his children or go to jail. While mom did fine w his payments and didn't have to work during that time, she was more than willing to risk even his children's future if they lost dad. I can't imagine how frightening it must have been, for those who had already seen terrible reactions from it. I've seen vid of forced military. Those men who came after him as he kept trying to push them off, yelling at them, that mob needs to be given consequence. That is just not who we are, in a free country. Yet...unless we let the tyranny persist.

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Where did this happen? All I ever got was $600, and nothing ever came around. According to the IRS, they were all "paid," but when I want to inquire where, the line breaks up, sometimes immediately and sometimes after more than three hours.

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Fantastic work Ray!

I plan to share this with other awakening people, and I would encourage others to do the same.

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I agree with the lesson an' with not cursin' 'er follerin' the verbal wate tunnel all the way ta the proverbial sewer!--We've come a long way from that McGuffey Primer (learnin' the meanin' an' power of words an' how not ta use 'em indes-CRIMIN'-antly) such that not becomin' what yer hollerin' IZ a mighty good lesson. Agreed! BUT... not ta "lessEN" the message, sometimes a well-aimed epithet (psychopath is one've 'em!) is warranted. Agreed, such words lose meanin' today--overused, meanin's diminished, erased even--but selective aimin' is a'nuther thing--cuz what we cain't back up with gunpowder/gunpower (ha! they do wanna make it that way but I'm not the viggy-lantea type anywayz...) kin be hurled at them that deserve it! I'd say that mass murderers like Gates an' Fauxchee deserve ta be royally dubbed "psychopaths." I cheer on the feller that egged Gates at -- wuz it Davos? Another one got 'im with a pie. So like I said, I don't think a few pot shots'll make folks "same" as the word they're hurlin'--frankly the lil' empathy the Mister Globals have fer their fambly members (mobsters are no different btw...) is not redeemin'--it's different from someone defendin' their kin an' momentarily droppin' empathy fer self-preservation's sake.

The likes of these true rotters with blood on their hands (an' others forcin' jabs an' CBDSeizes on us human beans) are not without empathy momentarily or simply due ta some imminent danger 'er the necessi-tats of self-protection / preservation-- THEY WANT US DEAD! So... (an' now I'll cuss!) Fuk 'em. I sure do hope justice IZ done (I surely ain't waitin' fer "white hats.")

I'll argue too that those of us tryin' ta keep our noggin's on straight and NOT foller the fold...are not drawn inta mass "anger-psychosis" by hurlin' a few cherse woids at these crumbs... So while bein' mindful of over-lax jaw slingin', I'll getta few out past the teeth in limited but satisfyin' moments! (I think I'm in good comp'ny...?)

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I spose, like my momma used to say, I'm in agreement with your reply. "They're tryna keal us!".

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As your momma would most likely say, "Sure thing!" :(

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"PTSD occurs a lot more often than people might assume and it is not restricted to those who returned from war. Someone whose emotional threshold has been raised by traumatic experiences can develop a certain level of immunity to feelings. When anger1 contributes to their disposition, they can very well behave like psychopaths or can even turn into one of them. That’s one way a victim can become a predator."

Abused kids and women often develop PTSD. So does the mom of an innocent murdered 16-year-old who was mentally and physically a 12-year-old. Who grew up in a small town of 5,000. By a bully, drug dealer, and Sociopath two tears after we moved to a larger town to close to Memphis. It made me Mad, Angry, and Determined to see the POS, spend every day the INJUSTICE SYSTEM I could ring out of it. 33 years ago, I still loath the RINO Prosecutor for Plea Bargaining a Murder 1 to a Murder 2, 20 years out of the 10-30 years possible, with the 2 years he'd spent in the Shelby Co. that meant he had his first parole hearing in just 10 months.

I fought it. And 5 more to eke out 8.5 years. I made sure he served every day of the 30% 'Good Behavior' sentence. And never lost a chance to tell anyone the Prosecutor who ran for the local AG, what a fake his tough-on-crime message was.

I'm sane, logical, and well-researched to accomplish this. And if they'd put him in the electric chair, I'd pulled the lever. You can't fix these people, only lock them up or execute them.

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I seldom place myself in the "we" column. Self thinking and individualism made it more difficult to become part of the "we" cult. And just who is in charge of the we cult? 99% of the time, it is no one I could ever blindly trust. The "we" groups are for those who do not have any life concepts other than to be lead by the blind fools pretending they are important.

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This is so important. We become what we study. I became very dark when I started 9/11 at one point, sitting at my desk, working an honest job, I came to envy Larry Silverstein. I briefly answered in the affirmative would I do what Larry did for $4 billion. I wouldn’t worry anymore about my children’s college tuition. Or what house they would live in. Or how they could survive. I was in a very dark place. I studied, and I studied the evil of 9/11, and for time it took over my life. I am well past that now, but it was not a good time in my life.

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Nov 14, 2023
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How does this relate to the article? Please, explain.

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Nov 14, 2023
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I'm wondering how you relate to my article on anger:


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Nov 14, 2023
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It's the story of the way I managed to overcome rage.

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