Wull they say the truth'll set ya free--an' I think keepin' our minds alert MAY be the only freedom (an' not "free dumb") we got fer now. So why give it up? Let's take it, open arms (warts n' all) an' relish it (dash've ketchup too...) -- the good, the bad, the ugly (lots've it now'daze), cuz it's our most powerful weapon that truth sword (even when it hangs over our head damn-all-glees style). Many've us wanna know--black pillz n' pill bugz n' all--an' we'll keep up the effort 'til they do that 5g/6g golly gee directed energy takeover of all minds. But mebbe they'll miss some've us... here's ta hopin' fer that!
Meanwhile--as fer de-mock-racy (whoo hoo!), it's both a misnomer and an illusion... but it's like the Red Balloon... we chase it... I'm a Leonard fan an' I found it SO interestin' he sang that his notion' of "democracy" ain't here--ain't never been here yet (interestin' no?) but it's COMING... comin'... Wull this republic (if we kin keep it--we didn't...), by any name IS a concept so in honor of the noble concept (while the act-chew-all falls short...), here's a glimmer of wishful thinkin'... not quite hopium tho!
Seems we have been successfully manoeuvred into a situation where every single aspect of our “humanness” is deemed to be nothing more than mere commodity. Love, family, friendship and the age old pursuit of happiness are evaluated purely in regards to their overall financial value to the state.
Imagine truly comprehending the damage YOU did to your body out of fear, ignorance or trust in your doctor. Knowing you ARE the walking dead. I’d be an alcoholic or in the nut house facing that realization. 😑That is why I’m done trying to red pill my family members who fell for it. I would not wish that pain on anyone I cared about.
We are all on borrowed time. I might be dead in five minutes.
Knowing might actually make life more precious. Those, who live in fear will always find something to be afraid of...
On trying to inform those who are not interested, you and I agree. There is no point in telling people what they don't want to hear. Once they are interested in what I think, they will ask or read my articles.
The Truth is the only thing that matters; it is the perfect aspect of 'Sight' which really comes from within each individual, not some far off arbiter or potentate.
Government is a lie. It is a form of criminal behavior that requires two types of participants:
Those who are the architects, designers and central planners at one hidden end; then, there are the loyalist, believers, patriots and traitors alike who are all clueless while acquiescing to the concept of Arbitrary Hierarchy.
The only way out, is to go within; seek Truth within the Self. There is no perfect answer to the endless problems found being worked out in "the outer world," the ultimate origins of which may be found inside. Those who feel empty on the inside, experience it on the outside, seeking fullness by desires for seemingly endless forms of wealth, fame, power and platitudes that they always view as outside of themselves. The emptiness goes away when the inner self is awakened; those that know reality from within, will see the Self in all Existence and All existence within the Self. Anyone like this will view another human being as an extension of their own soul.
From this point, I can say that in this current Human Circumstance, like it was in previous ages; we are experiencing a "Crucible," where the Truth is being "smelted out."
As for what the "Law" is: From my culture, we call it "Sva Dharma" or Self Law.
No. There is a wide spectrum of varying degrees of intellectual dissonance, all of which depend on one's ability to endure discomfort. Actual reality is psychologically painful.
We must conquer our own truth before we can seek truth in the world. That’s been my experience anyway. I had to heal all my wounds and repair any resentments before I was able to feel and see clearly. Then I had to build my skills and strengthen my mind, body and soul. Then I was prepared to start challenging the external world and all the limitations and lies that were passed down/forced upon me. Seeking truth is now a lifetime endeavour. A journey I am committed to, happily.
I hope everyone finds the courage to heal and grow and seek truth. We are all capable and powerful. If only I had the ability to show everyone how truly invaluable and precious we all are.
I want to introduce you to my Friend, Justin Smith, he normally has a few articles in the Federal Observer. I would love to see him write more here on Subtack. He, Ray, and Fredrick R Smith are alike in their analysis of what is happening.
Jesus addresed this question with ... dont do to others that which you wouldnt like to be done to you and yours... and do to others that which you would like to be done to you and yours ... this truth falls apart with satanic sado/ masohistic demon possesed human pshycopaths... therefore we need the help of the higher power to help us and instruct us how to deal with them in a good Godly way
I don't believe that the "do unto others.. " admonition falls apart at all. It's the "satanic, demonic possessed psychopaths" that have. Dealing w them is another conversation.
well said. I think lots of people know the truth deep within but hide it, deny it when spoken to, or change the subject. It is difficult to live without having being poisoned (again) by govt, but I can not even begin to imagine what it must be to live with it inside your body. Everyone should think every day about death because that is where we will all end. But they live with an even bigger sword above their heads.
They are now too busy videoing the crime to post to Tiktok for upvotes, to help stop it. That was the purpose of surveillance cameras as sold to the unwitting ignorant public, as Smart Meters save you money, and disguise it as good when it is Unconstitutional, immoral, and illegal. In Blue states, you go to jail if you shoot a home invader. When it is within your right to protect yourself and your family. Thank the weather people for that one, they wanted damage photos of tornadoes, etc. 2010 there were floods from Millington, TN a small town of 15K plus an inland Navy Base, to Nashville, guess who got the coverage and the Country Music Stars concerts to benefit Nashville, while the Navy Base rescued Base families, helped with Base clean up, but mainly had Ser-Pro buses doing most of it, the small town of Millington had 1 FEMA bus. The city stunk like a sewer for weeks, Memphis is 30 miles away, and No music stars helped out with concerts for the town or Navy Base. Bing or google has many images of that flood in Millington. Never made the national news. The Levy broke flooding the entire South side of the Base and town. Air view https://external-preview.redd.it/ww5uvKNciWZzChg92CpiJX0qFmhcAjGb8el9m8bAcwQ.jpg?auto=webp&v=enabled&p=e&s=9df8876a3bdbd8a4bf8750f652ba28a64b8fa866
same thing happening to East Palestine. Small people are easily forgotten, only the stars get to shine. I hope the people have gotten some coverage from their insurances, but even that is not sure nowadays.
I've been asked several times to start up an eschatological site, but my current site is supposed to direct people to ask such questions, and I'm not the preaching type.
My favorite is from Northern mythology, the "little inner old man," but even in Tao Tze Tung, one can read, "There is nothing respectable about a person who after reaching 40 or 50, still hasn't heard the Tao." It's the inner voice that exists in all respectable religions. I denounce "spiritual practices" that promise people to have god-like powers.
My encounters with the inner voice has never cheated me (but it doesn't prove anything, except that I have no alternative).
Free Will has a tiny spot in human life and most people never even have a chance to practice it:
Actually, it is a cognitive "issue." I have written about the cognitive levels of truth judgment before. It is logical, easy to understand, and nobody seems to know about it. It can be used for clearly identifying problems and communication channels as well as for selecting the proper tool to tackle specific problems:
The Council of Nicea (325) certainly consolidated the Christian tradition, but the bishops only had to agree on what they considered authentic and left out apocrypha.
The image of God becoming human (Thomas Merton thought that was the very point of the creation) and accepting human suffering is the ONLY elegant answer to the question if God is "enjoying this."
Religion, however, whenever dominated a civilization, was always used as the ideology that would secure social stability, which certainly generated distorted images of the world.
The latest ideology, technocracy, doesn't even have compassion involved...
Wull they say the truth'll set ya free--an' I think keepin' our minds alert MAY be the only freedom (an' not "free dumb") we got fer now. So why give it up? Let's take it, open arms (warts n' all) an' relish it (dash've ketchup too...) -- the good, the bad, the ugly (lots've it now'daze), cuz it's our most powerful weapon that truth sword (even when it hangs over our head damn-all-glees style). Many've us wanna know--black pillz n' pill bugz n' all--an' we'll keep up the effort 'til they do that 5g/6g golly gee directed energy takeover of all minds. But mebbe they'll miss some've us... here's ta hopin' fer that!
Meanwhile--as fer de-mock-racy (whoo hoo!), it's both a misnomer and an illusion... but it's like the Red Balloon... we chase it... I'm a Leonard fan an' I found it SO interestin' he sang that his notion' of "democracy" ain't here--ain't never been here yet (interestin' no?) but it's COMING... comin'... Wull this republic (if we kin keep it--we didn't...), by any name IS a concept so in honor of the noble concept (while the act-chew-all falls short...), here's a glimmer of wishful thinkin'... not quite hopium tho!
I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can't stand the scene.
And I'm neither left or right
I'm just staying home tonight,
getting lost in that hopeless little screen.
But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags
that Time cannot decay,
I'm junk but I'm still holding up
this little wild bouquet:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
we garbage bags gotta stay afloat!
Seems we have been successfully manoeuvred into a situation where every single aspect of our “humanness” is deemed to be nothing more than mere commodity. Love, family, friendship and the age old pursuit of happiness are evaluated purely in regards to their overall financial value to the state.
That just about says it all.
Imagine truly comprehending the damage YOU did to your body out of fear, ignorance or trust in your doctor. Knowing you ARE the walking dead. I’d be an alcoholic or in the nut house facing that realization. 😑That is why I’m done trying to red pill my family members who fell for it. I would not wish that pain on anyone I cared about.
We are all on borrowed time. I might be dead in five minutes.
Knowing might actually make life more precious. Those, who live in fear will always find something to be afraid of...
On trying to inform those who are not interested, you and I agree. There is no point in telling people what they don't want to hear. Once they are interested in what I think, they will ask or read my articles.
Yes, it is possible to be scared to death:
"What is truth?" asked jesting Pilate who did not stay for answer.
The Truth is the only thing that matters; it is the perfect aspect of 'Sight' which really comes from within each individual, not some far off arbiter or potentate.
Government is a lie. It is a form of criminal behavior that requires two types of participants:
Those who are the architects, designers and central planners at one hidden end; then, there are the loyalist, believers, patriots and traitors alike who are all clueless while acquiescing to the concept of Arbitrary Hierarchy.
The only way out, is to go within; seek Truth within the Self. There is no perfect answer to the endless problems found being worked out in "the outer world," the ultimate origins of which may be found inside. Those who feel empty on the inside, experience it on the outside, seeking fullness by desires for seemingly endless forms of wealth, fame, power and platitudes that they always view as outside of themselves. The emptiness goes away when the inner self is awakened; those that know reality from within, will see the Self in all Existence and All existence within the Self. Anyone like this will view another human being as an extension of their own soul.
From this point, I can say that in this current Human Circumstance, like it was in previous ages; we are experiencing a "Crucible," where the Truth is being "smelted out."
As for what the "Law" is: From my culture, we call it "Sva Dharma" or Self Law.
Dharma, religious and moral law governing individual conduct. 👍
No. There is a wide spectrum of varying degrees of intellectual dissonance, all of which depend on one's ability to endure discomfort. Actual reality is psychologically painful.
It is. :)
No wonder the promise was that the Spirit would introduce the truth to people later, after they grow strong enough to endure it.
Thanks Ray. When anything that's too horrendous to cope with. Our own protective "block" will kick in.
That coupled with not giving a fig about anyone else, except their own selfish selves.
Goes a long way to understanding why folk ignore the truth.
Yes except that I think that the "protective block" is the cognitive dissonance.
We must conquer our own truth before we can seek truth in the world. That’s been my experience anyway. I had to heal all my wounds and repair any resentments before I was able to feel and see clearly. Then I had to build my skills and strengthen my mind, body and soul. Then I was prepared to start challenging the external world and all the limitations and lies that were passed down/forced upon me. Seeking truth is now a lifetime endeavour. A journey I am committed to, happily.
I hope everyone finds the courage to heal and grow and seek truth. We are all capable and powerful. If only I had the ability to show everyone how truly invaluable and precious we all are.
"Our own truth" is not necessarily THE truth. There can only be one. In order to grow in a positive direction one must be able to handle the truth.
Oh, ok.
I want to introduce you to my Friend, Justin Smith, he normally has a few articles in the Federal Observer. I would love to see him write more here on Subtack. He, Ray, and Fredrick R Smith are alike in their analysis of what is happening.
Smith: Make America’s Communists Swing in the Wind https://federalobserver.com/2023/05/23/smith-make-americas-communists-swing-in-the-wind/?fbclid=IwAR2FawO8KbJNWn351fWIRtvq4y11LLUrEHDvM2q4k9AIckCkqSlTsBwHwLo
Yep, the legal system isn't what many think it is!
"We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is." - Judge Charles Evans Hughes
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ― Benjamin Franklin
Jesus addresed this question with ... dont do to others that which you wouldnt like to be done to you and yours... and do to others that which you would like to be done to you and yours ... this truth falls apart with satanic sado/ masohistic demon possesed human pshycopaths... therefore we need the help of the higher power to help us and instruct us how to deal with them in a good Godly way
I don't believe that the "do unto others.. " admonition falls apart at all. It's the "satanic, demonic possessed psychopaths" that have. Dealing w them is another conversation.
well said. I think lots of people know the truth deep within but hide it, deny it when spoken to, or change the subject. It is difficult to live without having being poisoned (again) by govt, but I can not even begin to imagine what it must be to live with it inside your body. Everyone should think every day about death because that is where we will all end. But they live with an even bigger sword above their heads.
They are now too busy videoing the crime to post to Tiktok for upvotes, to help stop it. That was the purpose of surveillance cameras as sold to the unwitting ignorant public, as Smart Meters save you money, and disguise it as good when it is Unconstitutional, immoral, and illegal. In Blue states, you go to jail if you shoot a home invader. When it is within your right to protect yourself and your family. Thank the weather people for that one, they wanted damage photos of tornadoes, etc. 2010 there were floods from Millington, TN a small town of 15K plus an inland Navy Base, to Nashville, guess who got the coverage and the Country Music Stars concerts to benefit Nashville, while the Navy Base rescued Base families, helped with Base clean up, but mainly had Ser-Pro buses doing most of it, the small town of Millington had 1 FEMA bus. The city stunk like a sewer for weeks, Memphis is 30 miles away, and No music stars helped out with concerts for the town or Navy Base. Bing or google has many images of that flood in Millington. Never made the national news. The Levy broke flooding the entire South side of the Base and town. Air view https://external-preview.redd.it/ww5uvKNciWZzChg92CpiJX0qFmhcAjGb8el9m8bAcwQ.jpg?auto=webp&v=enabled&p=e&s=9df8876a3bdbd8a4bf8750f652ba28a64b8fa866
Did I miss the change of topic? 😵💫
same thing happening to East Palestine. Small people are easily forgotten, only the stars get to shine. I hope the people have gotten some coverage from their insurances, but even that is not sure nowadays.
Indeed. Nothing can be known, unless it's revealed.
There are many kinds of revelations. I favor the personal one:
But that's obviously not the end of it.
I've been asked several times to start up an eschatological site, but my current site is supposed to direct people to ask such questions, and I'm not the preaching type.
My favorite is from Northern mythology, the "little inner old man," but even in Tao Tze Tung, one can read, "There is nothing respectable about a person who after reaching 40 or 50, still hasn't heard the Tao." It's the inner voice that exists in all respectable religions. I denounce "spiritual practices" that promise people to have god-like powers.
My encounters with the inner voice has never cheated me (but it doesn't prove anything, except that I have no alternative).
Free Will has a tiny spot in human life and most people never even have a chance to practice it:
Reason is a crappy baby, when it comes to existential decisions:
Actually, it is a cognitive "issue." I have written about the cognitive levels of truth judgment before. It is logical, easy to understand, and nobody seems to know about it. It can be used for clearly identifying problems and communication channels as well as for selecting the proper tool to tackle specific problems:
The Council of Nicea (325) certainly consolidated the Christian tradition, but the bishops only had to agree on what they considered authentic and left out apocrypha.
The image of God becoming human (Thomas Merton thought that was the very point of the creation) and accepting human suffering is the ONLY elegant answer to the question if God is "enjoying this."
Religion, however, whenever dominated a civilization, was always used as the ideology that would secure social stability, which certainly generated distorted images of the world.
The latest ideology, technocracy, doesn't even have compassion involved...