Do you also know the marriage certificate is a contract between the state and the couple - the state being the principal of the contract and the couple secondary? If you’re a believer, God is found nowhere in this contract. It’s 100% secular.

EVERYTHING you think you own and acquire during your marriage, even your children, is owned by the state. This is why you don’t own your house, property, vehicles, etc. YOU OWN NOTHING! The principal (state) owns it all. The couple is there to accumulate all of these things for the profit of the state. This is why your children can be taken from you at any time, for any reason by the state.

Just like your birth certificate (bank note) is a negotiable instrument so is the marriage certificate. “These “marriage licenses” are merely debt insurance products enabling the STATE CORPORATION to create as much debt-money-tender from the negotiable instrument [marriage “certificate” bank note] as possible… and in the process steal our relationship energies!”

All of this is explained at this link…


I’ve known this for many years, because I was a wedding officiant for seven years. I had a couple who came to me and said one of the stipulations for hiring me involved not performing a legal ceremony with the state. They did not want the state involved at all, so it was to be a symbolic wedding ceremony only. They did not want anyone to know that they were doing this. As far as their family was concerned, they were getting legally married with the state.

This made me very curious as to why they were adamant about this, so I started doing some research as to why someone would want to avoid getting legally married. They already had two young children ages four and two.

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That is an amazing list of statements. #30 was amusing in its reference to DJT.

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Thanks for the link about the UN. I’ll read it through later today when I have some extra time.

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Thank you for the information. This is so important that I am pinning it, and planning to add it to the articles discussing how the government treats people as its assets, that is, slaves.

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You’re welcome.

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This woman eloquently explains how the banking cartel STOLE so many homes using the 2008 manufactured financial crisis...in case anybody might still be confused. The link below is to an archive.org upload from a Jan. 2013 Town Hall meeting in Fort Bragg, Ca recorded by MCTV (Mendocino County Television). https://archive.org/details/7452-OccupyMendocinoForeclosurestownHallMeetingPart1

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Oct 15Edited

I was a paid subscriber to a course given by a disbarred attorney by the name of Eduardo Rivera who showed us that STATE has to do certain things by regulation before they can tax the property. He taught the student how to decode the legalese in which the regulations are written it.

We pay the tax due to our ignorance. I never tested that process. I am aware of what government goons are capable of even if you are 100% right and they are totally wrong. This is the real world. We do not live in the immaginary and IDEAL one everyone has in their mind.

Don't do anything against the government as they have mercenaries aka. police/sheriff/SWAT that will force you of our property. In the process though you might end up being carried off the property feet first i.e. DEAD!

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We have a deduction for property taxes cause we are ancient

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Apologies, but it looks like there is only a single county in TX without property taxes. :)

Oh, and if you believe in ANY politician, you are barking up on the wrong tree. My readers are fully aware that politics is only a show:


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My government, well I should say the IMF, wants to re evaluate all our properties and raise our taxes and rezone areas. " The Regulator plan" they call it.

This regulator in fact can extradite our properties if they claim it is on sacred ground. Example: a natural spring is anywhere around it or the creek running through is drinking water further down the mountain. An endangered tree frog using it as a breeding ground or its the natural habitat for a fruit bat and we humans are disturbing its natural feeding habits with the bright lights. I'm not making this up FYI.

Zero compensation. Maybe an offer of a shoe box in the 15 minute getto as temporary housing.

I have seen them tear down mom and pop hotels and homes over sea turtles breeding grounds. The excuse was the lights at night disrupted the nature egg laying habits.

Again zero compensation.

I personally tried to talk to my newly elected officials and they have the horse blinders on.

Seem like they are on a nice power trip in fact.

They refuse to listen to my reasoning.

The president of the counsel said she was taking boxing classes and I laughed out loud. You will not box their way out of this one. You are dealing with multi generation farms and properties.

You really should pay attention to what I am saying to you.

She replied, " there is no stopping it."

I did a 180 and walked away saying we will see about that.

You all should all be looking at your community levels, because that is were it is now at.

It appears we are getting it at various levels.

Fed all the way down.

You have to pick a level and stop it.

If you can go for the big fish, otherwise keep it simple and at the lowest level working your way up.

That own nothing and be hangry might be a reality if you just let them pass all these micro laws at the Monday night meetings in the muni hall. This agenda 2030 is very real and they are pushing it hard all over this world. Lots of suckers thinking it will not effect them.

It is ment to destroy economies reform societies as we know them.

They keep the lemmings busy with the big smoke and mirrors puppet show. Behind the scenes they are getting ready to hammer everyone.

Are you a nail or a hammer?

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We have known this for many years but they will never stop as they always need more money for their black projects and ability to never balance their budgets.

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Since 1913, they have been using the taxpayer's money. The only reason why it's been recycled was to keep inflation under control so that the collapse can occur at the time, when they wish it...

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I often tell people they aren't free to fish, free to hunt, free to travel, free to love or own a business. I tend to leave the own property out, though it is more crucial to the overall state of affairs.

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Yes, everyone is supposed to be owned.

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"Eric WhoRU Williams". He used to be a deal with the freedom movement against taxations and studied the federal reserve for his whole life almost.

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He sounds pretty convincing at https://www.blogger.com/profile/00415828044655182251

"I am 78 YOA, I have never filed or paid income tax. I defeated the IRS in Federal court in 1970 in less than five minutes. You are subject to the government’s taxation (and other matters) only because you volunteered when you voluntarily asked the government for permission to use a name owned by the government that was entered on “your” birth certificate. That birth certificate was never yours and you do not own “your” name. You do not know when or where you were born or who your mother was or if you have any siblings. There is no information on the birth certificate you use that can connect that document to you! The word Taxation is a euphemism for armed robbery. Taxation is a crime; voting is a crime any time the outcome purports to require the obedience of the otherwise unwilling. How many men voting would it take to properly and democratically vote the panties off an unwilling woman? This question proves the previous statement! Freedom cannot exist where taxation is used to fund government. Where taxation is utilized a police state has been implemented! The USA has been a police state from day one! I would love to be proven wrong."

Of course, I am not convinced.

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That's kinda of an intro to what he does. He used to have a series of podcast and radio show. He's much older now. Idk if he is still alive. I studied many of lectures and he also helped out with my cases by challeng8ng jurisdiction and I won most thanks to his help and to "Marc Stevens: No State Project" (website is not but his tactics is still running successfully).

Eric Williams had a serious case of glaucoma and most likely does not write he lectures anymore and has someone else do it for him. He has plenty of YouTube videos. Just stick to his name as such written "Eric WhoRU Williams" or "Eric Williams, The radical of the twilight zone".

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Either way, this only seems like another way of distraction, possibly leading to the loss of one's property (after five years of paying no income tax, the Fed's lapdog, the Fed, makes sure there is a lien on the property...

Who would think that the globalist-owned courts would ever side with a commoner? Well, having a "good" (insider) attorney might help, but only as long as the defendant is also an insider...

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Similar situation in the UK but more draconian. Any court order and fine that’s not paid will result in auction of said property to extinguish the debt . It’s rare it goes that far because most don’t want to lose their house but it does happen occasionally. I remember one case whose property was sold to pay a court fine because they refused to remove rubbish from their front garden. Extreme example but again it can happen.

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Good thing you are reminding me.

Loan owners and unpaid contractors can put a lien on property in the US, too.

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I have heard they want to bundle all your assets into a digital asset package and these assets may be subject to the same social credit scores as money. Sorry I can't find a link right now.

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According to WEF you'll have no assets except what they give you. They were planning to move everyone to smart cities and confiscate all private property. Their favorite saying, You'll have nothing & be happy means whAt it says. You'll have no assets.

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How does money provide social credit? Money is supposed to be converted to CBDC, and CBDC will not accumulate; it will have to be used up by the end of each month.

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"subject to the same social credit scores as money"

Means both assets and money will be under the Soc credit score system. But assets may be treated in some different way, how much assets can you have, are they Co2 compliant, how much can be inherited....etc

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You'll have nothing & be happy ~ Klaus WEF / WHO.

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Actually, they modified it after the first round:

"You will own nothing and will live a life of fulfillment."

Or something close, but that's how I remember it.

Not that it matters. :)

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There seem to be few solutions, one I have is to give notice to the city or state by certified letter that you wish to pay 20 years worth of property tax now, or even just pay it if you can and let them decline it. Will that work? Probably not but throwing out ideas is a good thing. Effective or not, I've come up with many ideas just by meditating out of the box.

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Pretty sure you can get an Allodial title. Not sure if all states do it, but this does allow for you to pay a lump in advance and never pay again. As prices rise, that could be a great route. You'd have to check with your local area and see if that is an option.

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It sounds like a good idea, but they keep raising taxes, and nobody has the authority to collect 20 years in advance.

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Former 20 year veteran as a RE Broker…

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I was so ignorant until I bought land and built a house. Paid tax on everything to build it. Prop tax went from 800 to 4000. You will own nothing and be happy hit me upside my head.

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I've been harping about this same topic for years, and people give me that "deer in the headlights" look. Trump during his 2016 campaign was pushing imminent domain during his rallies and people were clapping. Seriously? Everything doesn't have to be hi-rise condos or golf courses.

You don't own your homes, People. The government does!

Notice how NEITHER candidate brings up helping the homeless. Many companies make tiny homes, there is no discussion of what to do with these poor people. But we have money for Welfare, SNAP, Ukraine, Israel, and etc. I can't stand of any of these demonic morons. The only place they're leading us is to Hell and I wish Americans would wake up.

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When I was teaching in higher education, one of the announcements I made at my first classes was that, "Ladies and gentlemen, the average person can count up to one. That means that they can consider the outcome of a single act. Those with college degrees, might want to practice counting at least up to two, which translates to asking 'Then, what?'. And if you want a graduate degree in independent thinking, you might want to keep going."

Some people are caught up in their survival, others are in their addictions, their conditioning to be obedient and not think, their recognition of having been captured and trying to protect their prison guards, their commitment to the system for rewards or as useful idiots, or the simplicity of their cognitive "security." Nobody can do anything about such people.

It's certainly not an accident that the criminal property tax is in all states. The rulers are used to owning the people, and their assets, after all, and their subjects are not even noticing that they are slaves.

When I was a communications professor, I usually mandated an interview for each student, and some of them interviewed the homeless. Maybe, I should write an article about it. Basically, most of them WANT to be independent, whatever it takes, they are sick of the rat race, and don't want to be bossed around any longer. California has spent fortunes for "apartments for the homeless," and homelessness has been increasing nonetheless. And no, the taxpayer doesn't have money for handouts; no welfare state can survive, if it helps out freeloaders, and there will always be plenty of those, when the opportunity presents itself. Of course, the situation has become a lot worse than that, with proper employment and production outsourced for like 35 or more years...

Who would like to wake up to realize they cannot change a thing, anyway? Only those, who are able and willing to take responsibility for themselves, and those are few and far between...

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Become a State National? Renounce one's allegiance to the US Corporation? Thousands have already done so and strongly believe it is the way out of enslavement. I'm still trying to inform myself and boy, it's a deep dive!

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Will that get you out of property tax?

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That's what they claim, and their reasoning seems seductively credible to me. What I'm understanding is that one has to be super well-informed about the details and pitfalls before fully diving in. It took me forever to get any kind of clarity on the matter in the first place but now I've run into some sites that are helpful.

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It takes a lot of work but go for it!

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Yes, I've read about the name in Caps and the Straw Man stuff. Seems like a lot of work but may be worth it under the current circumstances. Good luck.

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It's a lonely path, but at least reacts to facts.

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