Need to reread this. It sure reminds me of my experience with “ morgellons “ or “ cross domain bacteria “. So much of it was baffling. Had a detox they helped balance my heavy metals and parasites overload. ( they thrive on each other)

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I am pinning your comment, because it adds a step to my conjecturing. What if the bacteria themselves are already semi-synthetic? The interface is still necessary, but bacteria can invade the guts, too...

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Lioness came out with a video today that resembles the bacteria in the blood. The fact that it's in PCR "tests" suggest that my assumption that they embed themselves in live tissue might be correct.

The PCR "tests" have always been dangerous, humiliating, fraudulent, and toxic, but this finding looks different from the previous ones I've seen.

This looks like the latest type of morgellons, which reminds me of the electro-conductive bacteria in the blood.


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The British Tavistock Institute & the NSA are deeply entrenched in all of this & have been since the end of the 2nd world war.... Psychological & biological warfare. Including the use of frequency modulation & Biological adaptations.

The test programs are in their hundreds & span at least 80 years.

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The City of London has been also at large forever. The Bank of England has been issuing fiat money since the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688... (Actually, the exact date is 1792.)

All these participants are "only following orders."

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Great article and seems very likely the 2 could “work together” too well.

Crazy these cable bacteria can be hollowed out (skeletons) and still conduct electricity, with just one end exposed to air!

Some extra info on the cable bacteria (more info included in comments and some included in SAMs article).


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Thank you for the link.

The combined application of both might sound like wild conjecturing on my side, but the data seems to support it. Also, the complexity of the operation suggests that it has multiple components...

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A possibility?

Tufts University

Core/Shell Bacterial Cables: A One-Dimensional Platform for Probing Microbial Electron Transfer


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Excellent comprehension of👍

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There is a long way to go. :)

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No, because that's the same nonsense as with the fictitious viruses!



If you scroll down here,


you can see what these are > Nano ribbons, which are present individually or in swarms or in clusters etc. and “feed” on body fluids!

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Sorry, Mary-Ann, but nanotech has been around for several decades, and it has been used large-scale in various industries at least for 35 years. The same applies to hydrogels. Nano-chips have been around at least since 2012.

A little bit more introduction to your links would be most welcome, especially after your initial statement. :)

There is a large variety of nanoparticles; perhaps graphene oxide is taking the lead these days, espectially because 5G can turn it into graphene hydroxide inside the human body, which is like tiny razor blades.

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What are your thoughts on using a magnetic pulser ? (like the Sota device) I have experienced 'morgellons' from many years back and also had the orange fluorescence in my skin about 15 years ago. I have found the devices that have helped me are the magnetic pulser, the detox foot bath and my violet ray machine. When I say helped me I mean I have had many health issues that I have addressed using many, many therapies and devices but these 3 are the ones I still continue to use as they showed results. Now I seem to be seeing certain 'live blood analysis' peeps saying all those things enable the tech to grow... Makes me a bit suspicious but then I can only speak for what works for me.

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I think this advice comes out of the early years where people where genuinely making things worse by using these devices, but if they haven't made things worse for you keep using them.

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That's interesting you say in the early years as it's been recently that people have been saying the pulser and the ion detox (not the violet ray as such) are making things worse. I hope I interpreted it right but the video link shows an EMP disengaging a nano tube..so what are your thoughts on that?

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Not the ion detox, just pulsers and zappers. As for the disengaging the nano with the EMP .....looks like he got the frequency just right and neutralized it.

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Considering the magnetic nature of some of these critters, I have been suspecting from the beginning that they might respond to magnetization or demagnetization, but haven't been able to ascertain any details...

Light is another option, but it can also harm:


I am having the same problem with various waves, because it's next to impossible to determine what's being treated.

The good part is that it worked for you!

Personally, I suspect that some of the publicized treatments assist the tech to relocate itself from the blood into or along neural paths, but that's only conjecturing...

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Ray, have you heard of Dr. Alphonzo Monzo?

www.well-beingbydesign.com is his website. I recently viewed a 47 minute video presentation he gave at the Red Pill Expo in Utah from November 2022, and it was quite interesting. Here is the link, there might be some useful information https://rumble.com/v5bkax9-what-they-are-putting-in-us-is-from-the-pit-of-hell-dr.-monzo.html

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Where is all this going? The end of life on earth is my guess. No way these perverted retards survive their own folly. Once we reach peak human population and crest over the top, it's all downhill and there will be no stopping the avalanche before it crushes all life. Cyborgs, bio-humans, borgs and all else will perish as well. The best we can hope for is that cats end up ruling the world as well as dogs. It would be a significant improvement.

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The Morlocks and the Eloi?

These monsters certainly want to totally separate themselves from their victims. Eventually, they will dumb down, too, after depending on their AI all the time, unless their AI plays a gambit and turns on them, marking an end of human history.

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