Remember (you may not) when they were talking up the benefits of the statin drugs so much there was actually talk of researching a project to consider the addition of it to the community drinking water! Now I had been in pharmacy for long enough to know they were full of crackpot ideas for a buck and I suggested "Why not Valium, since everybody is so frantic anymore, and it is bound to get worse." How prophetic I was on that one!
FLOURIDE in the 50's. Want to see an absolute INSANE REACTION??? Just "mention" taking Flouride out of drinking water or even questioning "the science" / "benefit" of poisoning water to "prevent" tooth decay.
A simple way to treat depression is to get more exposure to bright morning light. Sunlight is far brighter than artificial light and we apparently need it. Likewise, limit exposure to blue light at night for better sleep.
Not being alone is the best... Which is why I am trying to bring people together here. Many of my readers have lost friends and family and were forced to be isolated. Time to get out of it!
Remember the famous 60’s Star trek “Trouble with Trebles”
The Klingons had poisoned the “wheat” colony seed shipment with an almost undetectable virus that made anything that ate it get fat and starve to death at the same time.
I think that has actually happened to us. We are depressed because we suffer from extensive mitochondria damage and do not have adequate ATP production.
Obviously viruses cause mitochondria damage and eventually cell death. The spike protein seems to cause this as well.
And no, I think, the only Star Trek series I was somewhat familiar with was The Next Generation in the late 80s. I admired the level of political correctness and "multiculturalism" in those episodes that clearly expressed and, perhaps, even foretold a number of things about turning already-conformist people into obedient drones...
Sorry, I am not a believer in "viruses," unless we agree on what those tiny particles that Rockefellerian "Medicine" calls "viruses":
Ray, how about an article on glysophate? and then on GMO foods...I think all of our pancreases(sp?) are malfunctioning, which is why everyone is obese.....
There are plenty of well-written articles on the subject, but you are probably right that only few have noticed. I'll keep this one in mind; several other posts are still "under construction." I've been delaying the most important one for weeks by now, because I want to make sure it will be devoid of basic mistakes. :)
Catherine Austin Fitts has recently been warning of the weaponization of mental health - it doesn’t take much it seems to institutionalize a perfectly sane person.
From the Solari website This comment from a gal :
You’ve touched on something I’ve been dealing with lately, which is the impossibility of removing embedded but inaccurate diagnoses.
I noticed, on a computer screen in a doctor’s office, that I had a diagnosis of “BRCA Gene” (breast cancer gene). I asked where that diagnosis came from and they couldn’t say.
I called the health information department of my local health system and asked, “who gave me that diagnosis and when?” The rep either couldn’t or wouldn’t say. Shouldn’t this be something I’d know about, if I have such a gene? The rep said I must’ve had genetics testing at some point and I should call the genetics department. I called, and no, I never had any genetics testing. So, it’s a phony diagnosis, and I want it removed. The health information people told me they can’t remove it. Why not? Who is controlling this information so that you can’t remove it. The rep wouldn’t say.
I know from experience that at some point some doctor’s office used that BRCA diagnosis in a claim for reimbursement, and to remove the diagnosis would be an admission of lying in their billing a claim for reimbursement. I wanted to know what doctor did this, and so I started digging.
Back in 2010, I was briefly uninsured. Somehow, my local health system knew this and got word to me that they were offering free mammograms to uninsured people like me. At that time, I still believed that mammograms were a good thing and I was pretty naïve still. I accepted the free mammogram and of course they “saw something”. I let them do a biopsy, which was negative but they told me I had stage 0 breast cancer (what the hell?), that I was at risk for full blown breast cancer, and they offered me free double mastectomy with free new fake breasts and told me I should now take this drug, Tamoxifen, because of my risk, which would also be free. There was a lot of breast cancer grant money flowing at the time and seems they planned to bill all of my “free” surgery and drugs to some grant, probably funded with pink ribbon sales. It was they who gave me the BRCA diagnosis and they did so based on me saying my mother’s great aunt might have had breast cancer in like 1930. That was enough, at the time, for the BRCA diagnosis which would’ve unlocked their access to all the pink ribbon grant money available to them, had I agreed to the surgery and drugs, which I did not agree to. Why would I do all this when I don’t have breast cancer? All the “free” care I’d had to date, including the biopsy, was no longer free once I said “no” to the Tamoxifen, and they billed me $1000’s that I had to pay out of pocket for this manipulation and scare tactics. I understood later, when I was less naïve, that it was only free if I’d taken the Tamoxifen. I never got another mammogram again, and so far am completely healthy. The doctor, like some sort of huckster snake oil salesman, is long gone and I can’t find her to confront her about removing that phony diagnosis. So, I’m stuck with it because it’s out there with the big data now, and embedded in so many systems, most of whom protect my “privacy” from me by refusing to tell me anything about my own data, so that I’ll never get to fighting all of it successfully.
My point in this very long story is that Catherine is right. Whereas 10 years ago the money was in the breast cancer diagnosis, its looking like today the money is in the mental health diagnosis and, in my experience, once you’ve been manipulated into giving the information for a diagnosis that they need to unlock the money, there’s no getting rid of that diagnosis (as happened to me when I gave up information that a great great aunt might’ve maybe had breast cancer in 1930). Doctors are financially incentivized and required to do these current mental health screenings, with patient responses and diagnoses pinging around who knows where out there. Because I’ve told such a long story already, I’ll save this part of the story, for another time, of a doctor recently using my admission of grief over the death of parent to level weird diagnoses to jack up my bill from a level 2 E&M to a level 5 E&M, bringing in a much higher reimbursement payment for himself plus demand a massive out of pocket payment from me, with my high deductible plan. If I didn’t have a high deductible plan, I’d have never known it happened. I’m fighting this, the costs and the phony diagnoses, through the PA attorney general at present, and will update.
As I said in the article, "mental health" has been weaponized since its inception. I am glad that Fitts can reach more people with this, but I still haven't seen anyone who can see through the system as clearly as I can and doesn't mystify their "knowledge" or "position" with "credentials."
Yeah, "doctors" seem to be instructed to perform genetic studies. It can be easily done on pretense of cancer screening... FYI, one in 30 women die of breast cancer, whether treated or not, but that figure doesn't include breast cancer caused by mammograms...
The bastard/bitches, in the meanwhile, scare healthy people shitless...
Stage 0 is a scam... Biopsies are scams, too... Tamoxifen WILL kill you...
If you have "health" insurance, they charge your insurance to its limits, and if you don't, they turn you into a lab rat, who is, by the way, fully disposable... Well, before your departure, they prefer to dissect you, because they sell the body parts/biopsies...
All statins do harm, but not to the same extent. Besides the evident and serious "side effects" (e.g. weakness or dizziness), they affect the circulatory system. Basically, the harm they cause cannot be diagnosed (e.g. mental deterioration), because the same symptoms can stem from a large number and combination of other causes. They are still unneeded chemicals (it is possible that the body adjusts to them to a certain extent), and are prescribed based on junk science (as most, if not all pharmaceuticals these days). The latest flavor of "cholesterol" drugs came out about four years ago, and they are not even statins, but according to Mercola, they are even more harmful.
Actually, ER medicine is based on battlefield medicine. Battlefield medicine has to be quick and effective. If I break a bone, I'm happy with the ER guys to patch me up.
It's the chronic stuff where they don't have a clue. I showed my doc a scan of my inflamed liver, and she said, "Ozempic?" Sheesh.
PSYCH INDUCED PSYCHOSIS, MD'S used to KNOW BETTER than follow the BOTTOM OF THE BARREL of Medical School ...... The Sickiatrists. BUT NO MORE, They JOINED THEM.
The power of words and suggestion are indeed a factor in all of this, and as you point out it is nothing new. On the other side of this words in the positive framework of human interactions can be equally as powerful. The human condition is interesting and never really fully understood. Words do have power is one thing everyone can agree on.
A few words of kindness do make a difference, but they cannot sub for self-respect that is based on realistic values. It's hard not to encourage someone without creating imaginary assets in the person's mind...
Still, after many years of trying, I eventually managed to find a way to discover the good and the powerful things in people, but helping them out with that carries a lot of responsibility, because the same talent can be used for good and for evil...
Strangely, environmental variables (e.g. lead poisoning) can greatly increase suicidal ideations, and certain substances cause suicide without an exception...
People who cherish no illusions often see the future. There are stories about soldiers in the two world wars who predicted their time and ways of death accurately...
Psychiatric "medications" are known to cause suicidal or even homicidal behavior, too...
Back surgeries often fail. Even according to official figures, one in three fail, one in three makes no difference, and one in three mitigates the pain.
Remember (you may not) when they were talking up the benefits of the statin drugs so much there was actually talk of researching a project to consider the addition of it to the community drinking water! Now I had been in pharmacy for long enough to know they were full of crackpot ideas for a buck and I suggested "Why not Valium, since everybody is so frantic anymore, and it is bound to get worse." How prophetic I was on that one!
Oh, crap. How forgetful I am. Valium and all kinds of heavy metals in chemtrails. Statins... Oh, boy... I guess, I am going to pin your comment.
FLOURIDE in the 50's. Want to see an absolute INSANE REACTION??? Just "mention" taking Flouride out of drinking water or even questioning "the science" / "benefit" of poisoning water to "prevent" tooth decay.
You have just inspired my next article!
Along with mental health is a big push for psychedelics. “Microdosing” is the new cool thing to do. Feels very MK Ultra.
A simple way to treat depression is to get more exposure to bright morning light. Sunlight is far brighter than artificial light and we apparently need it. Likewise, limit exposure to blue light at night for better sleep.
Not being alone is the best... Which is why I am trying to bring people together here. Many of my readers have lost friends and family and were forced to be isolated. Time to get out of it!
Remember the famous 60’s Star trek “Trouble with Trebles”
The Klingons had poisoned the “wheat” colony seed shipment with an almost undetectable virus that made anything that ate it get fat and starve to death at the same time.
I think that has actually happened to us. We are depressed because we suffer from extensive mitochondria damage and do not have adequate ATP production.
Obviously viruses cause mitochondria damage and eventually cell death. The spike protein seems to cause this as well.
Tribbles. The Trouble with Tribbles.
I know🐇👍sorry for the typo.
Funny; my next post is about water. :)
And no, I think, the only Star Trek series I was somewhat familiar with was The Next Generation in the late 80s. I admired the level of political correctness and "multiculturalism" in those episodes that clearly expressed and, perhaps, even foretold a number of things about turning already-conformist people into obedient drones...
Sorry, I am not a believer in "viruses," unless we agree on what those tiny particles that Rockefellerian "Medicine" calls "viruses":
Spike proteins, while the technology has been around since 1981, when the Soviets first developed it, is unlikely to have been released in public:
Ray, how about an article on glysophate? and then on GMO foods...I think all of our pancreases(sp?) are malfunctioning, which is why everyone is obese.....
There are plenty of well-written articles on the subject, but you are probably right that only few have noticed. I'll keep this one in mind; several other posts are still "under construction." I've been delaying the most important one for weeks by now, because I want to make sure it will be devoid of basic mistakes. :)
Good morning Ray,
Catherine Austin Fitts has recently been warning of the weaponization of mental health - it doesn’t take much it seems to institutionalize a perfectly sane person.
From the Solari website This comment from a gal :
You’ve touched on something I’ve been dealing with lately, which is the impossibility of removing embedded but inaccurate diagnoses.
I noticed, on a computer screen in a doctor’s office, that I had a diagnosis of “BRCA Gene” (breast cancer gene). I asked where that diagnosis came from and they couldn’t say.
I called the health information department of my local health system and asked, “who gave me that diagnosis and when?” The rep either couldn’t or wouldn’t say. Shouldn’t this be something I’d know about, if I have such a gene? The rep said I must’ve had genetics testing at some point and I should call the genetics department. I called, and no, I never had any genetics testing. So, it’s a phony diagnosis, and I want it removed. The health information people told me they can’t remove it. Why not? Who is controlling this information so that you can’t remove it. The rep wouldn’t say.
I know from experience that at some point some doctor’s office used that BRCA diagnosis in a claim for reimbursement, and to remove the diagnosis would be an admission of lying in their billing a claim for reimbursement. I wanted to know what doctor did this, and so I started digging.
Back in 2010, I was briefly uninsured. Somehow, my local health system knew this and got word to me that they were offering free mammograms to uninsured people like me. At that time, I still believed that mammograms were a good thing and I was pretty naïve still. I accepted the free mammogram and of course they “saw something”. I let them do a biopsy, which was negative but they told me I had stage 0 breast cancer (what the hell?), that I was at risk for full blown breast cancer, and they offered me free double mastectomy with free new fake breasts and told me I should now take this drug, Tamoxifen, because of my risk, which would also be free. There was a lot of breast cancer grant money flowing at the time and seems they planned to bill all of my “free” surgery and drugs to some grant, probably funded with pink ribbon sales. It was they who gave me the BRCA diagnosis and they did so based on me saying my mother’s great aunt might have had breast cancer in like 1930. That was enough, at the time, for the BRCA diagnosis which would’ve unlocked their access to all the pink ribbon grant money available to them, had I agreed to the surgery and drugs, which I did not agree to. Why would I do all this when I don’t have breast cancer? All the “free” care I’d had to date, including the biopsy, was no longer free once I said “no” to the Tamoxifen, and they billed me $1000’s that I had to pay out of pocket for this manipulation and scare tactics. I understood later, when I was less naïve, that it was only free if I’d taken the Tamoxifen. I never got another mammogram again, and so far am completely healthy. The doctor, like some sort of huckster snake oil salesman, is long gone and I can’t find her to confront her about removing that phony diagnosis. So, I’m stuck with it because it’s out there with the big data now, and embedded in so many systems, most of whom protect my “privacy” from me by refusing to tell me anything about my own data, so that I’ll never get to fighting all of it successfully.
My point in this very long story is that Catherine is right. Whereas 10 years ago the money was in the breast cancer diagnosis, its looking like today the money is in the mental health diagnosis and, in my experience, once you’ve been manipulated into giving the information for a diagnosis that they need to unlock the money, there’s no getting rid of that diagnosis (as happened to me when I gave up information that a great great aunt might’ve maybe had breast cancer in 1930). Doctors are financially incentivized and required to do these current mental health screenings, with patient responses and diagnoses pinging around who knows where out there. Because I’ve told such a long story already, I’ll save this part of the story, for another time, of a doctor recently using my admission of grief over the death of parent to level weird diagnoses to jack up my bill from a level 2 E&M to a level 5 E&M, bringing in a much higher reimbursement payment for himself plus demand a massive out of pocket payment from me, with my high deductible plan. If I didn’t have a high deductible plan, I’d have never known it happened. I’m fighting this, the costs and the phony diagnoses, through the PA attorney general at present, and will update.
Diag-nonsense, we call it in the survivor's groups. Like Mad In America, and Surviving Antidepressants.
I am a woman but I used to bemoan the fact that women's health was getting all the funding which was unfair on men.
You have changed my point of view Susan.
Very good information you have imparted.
😲 OMG!
As I said in the article, "mental health" has been weaponized since its inception. I am glad that Fitts can reach more people with this, but I still haven't seen anyone who can see through the system as clearly as I can and doesn't mystify their "knowledge" or "position" with "credentials."
Yeah, "doctors" seem to be instructed to perform genetic studies. It can be easily done on pretense of cancer screening... FYI, one in 30 women die of breast cancer, whether treated or not, but that figure doesn't include breast cancer caused by mammograms...
The bastard/bitches, in the meanwhile, scare healthy people shitless...
Stage 0 is a scam... Biopsies are scams, too... Tamoxifen WILL kill you...
If you have "health" insurance, they charge your insurance to its limits, and if you don't, they turn you into a lab rat, who is, by the way, fully disposable... Well, before your departure, they prefer to dissect you, because they sell the body parts/biopsies...
The scam didn't start yesterday:
Well, the butchers are also bankers, after all...
I will never accept any "health" insurance. As I usually say, "here, in the village, we prefer to die of natural causes." No "medical" help needed.
It (Tamoxifen) hasn't killed my ex-boss yet and she's been taking it for over 30 years.
All statins do harm, but not to the same extent. Besides the evident and serious "side effects" (e.g. weakness or dizziness), they affect the circulatory system. Basically, the harm they cause cannot be diagnosed (e.g. mental deterioration), because the same symptoms can stem from a large number and combination of other causes. They are still unneeded chemicals (it is possible that the body adjusts to them to a certain extent), and are prescribed based on junk science (as most, if not all pharmaceuticals these days). The latest flavor of "cholesterol" drugs came out about four years ago, and they are not even statins, but according to Mercola, they are even more harmful.
How do you handle emergency situations? Like if you get into a major accident requiring surgery?
Not day-to-day (lifestyle) health issues.
Actually, ER medicine is based on battlefield medicine. Battlefield medicine has to be quick and effective. If I break a bone, I'm happy with the ER guys to patch me up.
It's the chronic stuff where they don't have a clue. I showed my doc a scan of my inflamed liver, and she said, "Ozempic?" Sheesh.
I die. Everyone does. :)
PSYCH INDUCED PSYCHOSIS, MD'S used to KNOW BETTER than follow the BOTTOM OF THE BARREL of Medical School ...... The Sickiatrists. BUT NO MORE, They JOINED THEM.
You'd need to be crazy to be always full of fun and joy to the world.
Unless humans are here for a reason, it doesn't matter. :)
Your reply might be a little too obscure for me Ray.
Why does the world exist is the question.
The power of words and suggestion are indeed a factor in all of this, and as you point out it is nothing new. On the other side of this words in the positive framework of human interactions can be equally as powerful. The human condition is interesting and never really fully understood. Words do have power is one thing everyone can agree on.
A few words of kindness do make a difference, but they cannot sub for self-respect that is based on realistic values. It's hard not to encourage someone without creating imaginary assets in the person's mind...
Still, after many years of trying, I eventually managed to find a way to discover the good and the powerful things in people, but helping them out with that carries a lot of responsibility, because the same talent can be used for good and for evil...
Agreed, actions always speak louder.
Actions WHISPER louder! :)
You hit the proverbial nail on the head.
You hit the proverbial nail on the head.
Sorry, bad habit. :)
You can only imagine how popular I was among colleagues at the colleges/universities, where I taught! :D Never had a problem with students.
Strangely, environmental variables (e.g. lead poisoning) can greatly increase suicidal ideations, and certain substances cause suicide without an exception...
Good to hear you are feeling better.
People who cherish no illusions often see the future. There are stories about soldiers in the two world wars who predicted their time and ways of death accurately...
Psychiatric "medications" are known to cause suicidal or even homicidal behavior, too...
Back surgeries often fail. Even according to official figures, one in three fail, one in three makes no difference, and one in three mitigates the pain.