I agree that the round up and deportation process will not be easy, quick or inexpensive. I think it must be done, just in case there is a future for the US. Trump says all illegals will be deported. Even those here for years. I have no source, but I estimate that close to 10 percent of the population is made up by illegals. Many will self deport as the government goodies dry up.

Down the road, another lengthy process, how much money will be recovered that hasn't been spent? How much will be recovered that has been spent (little, I think)? How much is missing (much likely stolen)? There is probably enough money missing to cover the national debt of 36+trillion. Unbelievable. Will Musk and his DOGE geeks actually recover enough to make a $5000 payment to taxpayers? Shouldn't that money be put on the debt?

Is anything happening in the Swamp via MAGA real or is it another bread and circus show?

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The problem with deportation is that it's difficult to say where it will start and where it will end. As far as I can see, the primary goal is individual tracking and targeting, so many illegals who have been in "asylum cities/states," "properly registered," are going to be left alone.

Resurrecting sustainable agriculture with family farming and restarting domestic production to the extent of self-sufficiency could take decades, and the current agricultural subsidies must be eliminated (but not word about healthy food, anyway).

DOGE will certainly collect all information about every living creature in the US, which will nicely fit into the Stargate Project that will close the lid on the remaining tiny crate of individual freedom. It will most likely lead to the collapse of the USD as well, the the Shining Knight, Trump, will graciously offer the CBDC to the rescue, and whatever will be offered, will be only available in that format (no mandatory introduction will be necessary).

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Billions, and billions, and more billions...saved to the extent of spending them elsewhere within the "BUDGET". Something NOT right (both) left here, (see what I did there). OH my dear, CREATOR - Mom, are we really, going to the moon - AGAIN!

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Ahhhh! the Maga team cheers. Looks to me like the scooping up of all gov. data (ha, ha the inhabitants of course included) to be added to the big data vacuum of DOGE as it accesses each department. Pacify the masses and lasso in everything with the tools for control of everything while the people breath a sigh of relief and are entertained by the busy show.

I'm all for smaller government and exposing the waste, fraud, and pocket lining.

BTW, That "EKO loves you" sub is running a program of hopium and I'm sensing is not a human.

the stack appeared a few years ago had less than a dozen followers, gained huge number of subscribers in a week and continues to grow and pushes the Substack APP in order to view more, this week. HMMMMM?

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The data collection seems to be an integral part of the Stargate Project that will imprison everyone even more than the SSN has been able to do.

"You cannot fix stupid," and those jubilant today will have a hard time realizing they will have been had, and will protect their devious political masters with their lives; ironically, it WILL BE their lives they sacrifice.

Government works only in small chunks, with the local ones making the decisions, but that would be against the current slave system and the principle of globalization...

Anyone and anything with a large number of subscribers (60 thousand or "thousands of paid subscribers") is most likely a mod in the system.

The SS app is probably a spy program, but cell phones are spy devices to begin with.

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Your work is refreshing! I'm finding I'm frustrated by too much I'm finding on Substack and probably elevating my blood pressure.

Are we for all intents and purposes, a nation of passive low iq types, falling for the next fairy tale they concoct to tickle our ears with?

Can't we all wake up --- at the same time???!!! 😡😡😡

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Thank you. I am certainly not always right, but at least I don't lie and haven't been sold out or intimidated.

Sorry, there is no "we":


Everybody is responsible for their own decisions, as I am:


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Cutting government spending and freebies, even if they are illegal or going to illegals, will put a knife to the throat of the economy. Government spending accounts for much economic activity so cutting of the freeloaders may have dire consequences. Maybe they DOGE the economy into depression and what evolves is CBDCs or something else ethereal.

Bureaucrats spending time doing nothing all day making $75-100K have no skills other than being lazy and thievery. They will go far in the homeless communities.

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The whole thing is a house of cards. I can't recall if Ray used that description in a recent stack or if it was someone else, but it's so ridiculous what we've got to deal with.

And yes, digital currency/social credits is a high priority goal for them. Several utube channels have described businesses no longer taking cash. Also, the treasury discontinuing of the minting of pennies. Slowww creep

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No..we were fine before they all got here the past 4 yrs.

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On which location? Metropolitan areas have been zoos for many years even without illegals...

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That seems to be the case.

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