Jan 11, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Representation has always been a lie; there are no "Elections," only "Selections." The "Democracy" the Elites and the media keep referring to only exists between the "Stakeholders," It excludes all of us. There are actually no "Governments" just "Corporations."

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The US government got incorporated in 1871. :)

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Some hacker will destroy it. There’s no loyalty among thieves. Thats why they double down with more rules out of paranoia.

Who represents me? Nobody. I’m Chinadian.🇨🇦

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I hope you still represent yourself! :)

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yer fkn right i do. To those who care to see me in my truth. Or ask me how i came to it.

Like letter writing, it seems asking questions has faded from style.

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Ask questions and shoot later doesn't seem to work? :)

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Any ideas on how we resist the CBDC's and digital ID's? Other than just saying no? It's all going to depend on how many muppets and livestock line up for this IMO. If the majority acquiesce, our lives will be a nightmare. The test of the past 3 years doesn't bode well.

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Author

If I have to pay my real estate taxes, car registration, license renewal etc. with CBDC, how can I say no?

The majority ALWAYS gives in to the smallest pressure...

The alternative is not exactly promising, either.

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

*They're* going to make is as difficult as possible to resist and there will be the same pressure on the refusers as with the covid crime. They're already talking about digital driver's licenses. They'll start with what people absolutely cannot do without. Getting salaries too. All corporations will comply and enforce downwards on their employees. Self employed may have more freedom. (for a while) Paying tax...receiving benefits... ***It's a very big trap.***

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When I was teaching in Europe, the university mandated a bank account that only cost me money (about $15 a month) and provided no benefits. I told them I would fare better, if I kept my money in my mattress and they smiled and told me that if I wanted to get paid, I had to have a bank account.

The "you will own nothing" part must be taken seriously. :)


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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

When I was in South Africa, it was the same, the costs of a bank account were much more than any benefit to having it. It was also mandatory to have one to get paid.

What concerns me is there will be far more tyranny involved with CBDC and digital ID's linked. Think Canada truckers bank accounts frozen, but globally for anything. It will be so easy for them to freeze you out of society and life for anything they don't like you doing or saying. We'll all have to be good little citizens. (In their eyes) Communism on steroids is in the pipeline. And yes I take their threats and predictions very seriously. But I am not really worried, I know they will fail. But more people do need to wake up to what is going on. The great awakening is happening, slowly now....I'm hoping for the tidal wave...

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You should have taught in India. Indian people, roughly 2014 were all given a FREE Bank Account, and these people thought they were so important to be given this status. Very few people in a number of countries are ignorant of the fact that once money is deposited in a Bank, that money belongs to the Bank.

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The funds in the Fund raising company (name?) donated by well wishers, were also frozen. Have never heard if either were refunded.

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The tragic part is that they want us to be part of the IoT (including our cows, dogs, and chicken), and when their AI decides we are no good for the system anymore, it just activates the kill switch, using the graphene in us.


Moreover, if we behave well, we'll be granted crickets and an occasional meal of lab-grown "meat" a couple of times a year,


and while being cyborg slaves, we'll be allowed to buy only what the AI considers "reasonable," that is, whatever supports a function in this global computer game, played out by real people (well, people who used to be real at one point):


Communism is actually an abstract concept, pretty close to the Kingdom of Heaven, but it is based on angels, not on human nature. The eugenicist globalist technocrats are, however, realists, and they have been planning this for several decades and have numerous technologies implemented to make sure it will work. It has been, flawlessly. "Waking up" will only result in more people screaming louder, unless some have the spiritual well-being and the intellect to make the few decisions that will be still up to them.

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