Actually, many, if not most of my other articles, no matter how old they are, are still relevant. By that, I am only proving that I am not a bait-and-switch actor like Vigilant Fox or the 2nd Smartest Guy in the world turned out to be... There are, of course, plenty of others...
Yes, hired killers. I call them Licensed to Kill. Young folks better wake up coz one day, very soon on their horizons, they'll be the next set of grandmas and grandpas. Is this the way they want to go out? Probably. Government will convince them "its for the good of society". Hitler was nothing compared to the murderers of modern day.
There will be no grandmas and grandpas in North America.
Hitler actually fought the same globalist bankers as the ones who are now hell-bent on exterminating humanity. No, Hitler made several fatal mistakes, taking Jews to labor camps among them, but such camps were established by the Brits first in South Africa and the US also had such camps for Japanese-Americans during WW2.
Hitler is a little boy scout compared with today's monsters:
I'm holding it against the "medical community" for all of the above and for spitting in our trusting faces and acting completely contrarily to the hippocratic oath they all swore to but paid ABSOLUTELY NO ATTENTION TO and for being pompous, intellectually lazy, greedy, sell-outs!!!
I've been avoiding them for several years. There are good doctors, but only a few, and most of the time, I'm better off having nothing to do even with the good ones. As I usually say, "Here, in the village, we prefer to die of natural causes." :)
Dr historically have been looked down upon, the last resort so to speak, but since the advent of Bernays Motion Pictures and Stranger's that TELL A VISION and some well fed propaganda in the compulsory schools the last century everyone will believe that doctors are the greatest, smartest miriacle workers/savers when in fact it all pretty much all boils down to 'order following' and there is no virtue in order following.....All these medical worker, administrators, doctors, nurses any one who aided or supporter this crime comes into my sphere I will be quick, terse as polite as possible but they will know they were party to a crime, a tragedy, atrocity, a massacre.......
"Big Pharma" is owned by the globalists, who are already using taxpayer's money for everything. It's about control and genocide...
You are right in a way; it used to be about money and creating the class of the permanently ill, mostly blaming them for their conditions ("asthma," "allergies," and the like)...
And it is still about the money and creating the class of the permanently ill, mostly blaming them for their conditions ("asthma," "allergies," and the like)...
They may wish to cull more than usual but a lot is just because people have been poisoned for years and years and toxicity builds up and more people's defenses are down.
Genocide has been going on for centuries and the Nazis/communists carried on the trade since WW2 unabated, it's just more obvious now.
2024 - I'm still having conversations with people who think that the jabs are the best thing since sliced bread, and have not a clue that people are dying from them.
I agree, and there's no promises any of those will work, but they support health in general so IMO no harm in trying. But I am pretty sure that if you took the jab, you'll have to take active steps to restore yourself (your body probably won't fix itself unless you're extremely healthy).
I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but this is not about passing around a hot potato: someone had to push the button, and it was more often than not, nurses...
Administrators, as you are also saying, are usually worse, but that doesn't mean pushing the button is an innocuous act.
Already in the summer of 2020, NYC nurses put up posts laughing at the whole scam... They KNEW early on what was going on. At Elmhurst hospital (NYC), a nurse actually provided detailed information about overdosing on painkillers, sleeping pills, the murderous protocols, and even a dentist performing as a doctor...
In the past 12-18 months, the nurses I met had cut back on recommending "vaccines."
Responsibility is another problem, when the lynch mob arrives:
A nurse tried to kill me last year. With concern. I had cycled up to the surgery with some complaint re an infectious bladder (these days I tend to treat complaints myself) and she said that my sugar readings were off the planet and that it was lucky that I'd survived the the bike ride up there (I seemed fine although somewhat incredulous). Luckily when I got to the hospital they were a bit more sane. I even managed to find a nurse that was not too impressed with either allopathic medicine or with the nurse who had sent me there. My readings were a little high (but only a little) but you know I had an infection, that tends to do that.
If I haven't mentioned it before, I call it Stupid 20, we are now one Moronic variant. My forecasts below. it is rather silly, but so is the whole Covid 19 nonsense.
yup, an the "nursis" and dok-turds were the FIRST to take lives at the start'o Nazi Germany--first the "babies" (start'em small!) then the "mentally unfit"... they "worked their way up the ladder" to the Jews-- EXECUTIONERS all! (Jacobins too!--may they experience fraternity and equality in sharing equally "just" ends / reckonin's...)
Accomplices to murder, they find this so very awkward. If anyone should get amnesty howsa bout all the unjabbed who lost jobs and families and much more....and we are not asking for it, because we are not pitiful.
A quick example of what you’re speaking of: I was in the hospital in August for cancer surgery. It’s important to walk as soon as possible. They forced me to wear a mask walking down the long hallways with no one around! Yet, they want me to breath into a device so I don’t get clots in my LUNGS! Seriously???? And the surgeon wouldn’t speak to me alone without a mask on. Pure insanity.
I have not been to a hospital for a while. I consider it a dangerous place to go now. It was before 2020, just not quite so dangerous.
I was mis-diagnosed with cancer in 2020 and received unnecessary immuno-therapy for 9 session before I worked out what was going on, no thanks to NHS. I have suffered the medics wearing masks but refused to wear one. This might amuse you and perhaps relive some stress.
Glad you never wore a muzzle; my wife and I certainly didn't and sometimes the environment was creepily intimidating. Still, we prefer to live and die as human beings. After all, both can happen only once.
Misdiagnosing is one of their feats, but the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper:
Remember the movie, “The Golden Child”, Staring Eddie Murphy?
The plot was centred on getting this supernatural child to eat corrupted food which would weaken his spiritual defences so that he could be attacked and defeated by the daemon.
This is a persuasion indoctrination technique. Get people to buy into evil just a little bit and keep pushing till they can’t go back.
Same with Covid, standard of care, standard diet, eating bugs. It is all incremental corruption of our spirit.
I am still against the Ukraine proxy war with Russia. I get a lot of push back from that.
So am I. It annoys me intensely that the Ukraine flag hangs in at least two places in the village in England where my wife and I live. I did this on the situation in Ukraine, I treated as pantomime as that is more what it is than anything else but my intent and summary are serious.
Of course, I daresay the reason it is the Ukraine is because in the UK we have rain!!!
Boiling the frog slowly has been the practice since the introduction of the muzzle and the antisocial distancing; I kept telling people in vain that it was only the beginning and I refused to wear one, ignored the distances, and walked in stores against the arrows. It made little, if any, difference.
Ukraine is only a show and an excuse for food and energy shortages. If WW3 breaks out on TV after a few 9/11-type false flags, martial law can be also expected. The Russian injections are just as bad as the ones in the West.
Just reread your article. Still holds true
And it's getting worse and worse...
Actually, many, if not most of my other articles, no matter how old they are, are still relevant. By that, I am only proving that I am not a bait-and-switch actor like Vigilant Fox or the 2nd Smartest Guy in the world turned out to be... There are, of course, plenty of others...
Ignorance is the ultimate evil in the medical field - what's worse is willful ignorance, which is usually inspired by arrogance.
Yes, hired killers. I call them Licensed to Kill. Young folks better wake up coz one day, very soon on their horizons, they'll be the next set of grandmas and grandpas. Is this the way they want to go out? Probably. Government will convince them "its for the good of society". Hitler was nothing compared to the murderers of modern day.
To me, it looks like you are being optimistic.
There will be no grandmas and grandpas in North America.
Hitler actually fought the same globalist bankers as the ones who are now hell-bent on exterminating humanity. No, Hitler made several fatal mistakes, taking Jews to labor camps among them, but such camps were established by the Brits first in South Africa and the US also had such camps for Japanese-Americans during WW2.
Hitler is a little boy scout compared with today's monsters:
I'm holding it against the "medical community" for all of the above and for spitting in our trusting faces and acting completely contrarily to the hippocratic oath they all swore to but paid ABSOLUTELY NO ATTENTION TO and for being pompous, intellectually lazy, greedy, sell-outs!!!
I've been avoiding them for several years. There are good doctors, but only a few, and most of the time, I'm better off having nothing to do even with the good ones. As I usually say, "Here, in the village, we prefer to die of natural causes." :)
or eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away.
This has not been said for no good reason at all!
Dr historically have been looked down upon, the last resort so to speak, but since the advent of Bernays Motion Pictures and Stranger's that TELL A VISION and some well fed propaganda in the compulsory schools the last century everyone will believe that doctors are the greatest, smartest miriacle workers/savers when in fact it all pretty much all boils down to 'order following' and there is no virtue in order following.....All these medical worker, administrators, doctors, nurses any one who aided or supporter this crime comes into my sphere I will be quick, terse as polite as possible but they will know they were party to a crime, a tragedy, atrocity, a massacre.......
Yes, thanks. It is the good burghers who support and perpetuate tyranny. Education prisons devised and promoted by the governments don't help either.
If I may say so Ray, but wow! Hit 'em hard, and hit 'em again!
This is not like yours but sets out the vaccines industry money making scam.
Please, Bald,
"Big Pharma" is owned by the globalists, who are already using taxpayer's money for everything. It's about control and genocide...
You are right in a way; it used to be about money and creating the class of the permanently ill, mostly blaming them for their conditions ("asthma," "allergies," and the like)...
Another reply of yours missed until now, sorry.
But please Bald what exactly? I know that big pharma are owned by the globalists and using taxpayer's money for everything, I am not that thick!
And it is still about the money and creating the class of the permanently ill, mostly blaming them for their conditions ("asthma," "allergies," and the like)...
They may wish to cull more than usual but a lot is just because people have been poisoned for years and years and toxicity builds up and more people's defenses are down.
Genocide has been going on for centuries and the Nazis/communists carried on the trade since WW2 unabated, it's just more obvious now.
Everyone who advocated the vaxx better get busy recanting quick, or this may get ugly.
Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:
Vitamin D for cancer:
Microphage treatment for cancer:
2024 - I'm still having conversations with people who think that the jabs are the best thing since sliced bread, and have not a clue that people are dying from them.
Please, contribute in the comment section of the following article:
Sadly, I think, the whole picture is infinitely more complex than a few miracle meds...
Yep. No supplements or meds will cure shredded vasculature 😞.
I agree, and there's no promises any of those will work, but they support health in general so IMO no harm in trying. But I am pretty sure that if you took the jab, you'll have to take active steps to restore yourself (your body probably won't fix itself unless you're extremely healthy).
You see, the problem is not what; it's HOW...
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
My bad. What I meant to say way that only the outcome matters...
Your article is right on but the comments are focusing on nurses.
The people behind the scenes, the planners and instigators are the original
sinners. I am guessing the thousands of nurses, techs, and Docs with brains
left of their own accord. It was and is the richly rewarded administrators that
"cooperated" for the payoffs that are most guilty. Most of the general staff may
well have believed there actually was a pandemic initially. That is until the truth dawned
on them and they split. Result? Clear thinkers will be reluctant "patients" in every
encounter with health systems, and many will be appropriately reluctant about vaccines.
We must accept it is a hard sell to have majorities accepting the truth about the killers.
I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but this is not about passing around a hot potato: someone had to push the button, and it was more often than not, nurses...
Administrators, as you are also saying, are usually worse, but that doesn't mean pushing the button is an innocuous act.
Already in the summer of 2020, NYC nurses put up posts laughing at the whole scam... They KNEW early on what was going on. At Elmhurst hospital (NYC), a nurse actually provided detailed information about overdosing on painkillers, sleeping pills, the murderous protocols, and even a dentist performing as a doctor...
In the past 12-18 months, the nurses I met had cut back on recommending "vaccines."
Responsibility is another problem, when the lynch mob arrives:
Yes, those with a conscience-and a will to use it- did not comply.
My aunt, a RN in Texas, resigned out of her concerns, I am proud to say.
You must be proud of her!
I hope, she can read this!
A nurse tried to kill me last year. With concern. I had cycled up to the surgery with some complaint re an infectious bladder (these days I tend to treat complaints myself) and she said that my sugar readings were off the planet and that it was lucky that I'd survived the the bike ride up there (I seemed fine although somewhat incredulous). Luckily when I got to the hospital they were a bit more sane. I even managed to find a nurse that was not too impressed with either allopathic medicine or with the nurse who had sent me there. My readings were a little high (but only a little) but you know I had an infection, that tends to do that.
I don't know if the nurse had gone insane from the Covid drama or whether she was deliberately out to take me out of the pool of the living.
I like cycling. I would have been tempted to wrap my bicycle chain around her neck.
She was driving around 90 mph, but good luck. :)
Speedy Gonzales I am! Yeehaa, yeehaa!
Yes we are the scary mouse. The question is what "yeehaaw" stands for. :)
Stupidity has become rampant in all "professions." Some are more lethal than others.
If I haven't mentioned it before, I call it Stupid 20, we are now one Moronic variant. My forecasts below. it is rather silly, but so is the whole Covid 19 nonsense.
Been writing about this for a while, but it didn't seem to reach a whole lot of people or if it did, it didn't take. :)
On May 19th:
On oct. 12th:
yup, an the "nursis" and dok-turds were the FIRST to take lives at the start'o Nazi Germany--first the "babies" (start'em small!) then the "mentally unfit"... they "worked their way up the ladder" to the Jews-- EXECUTIONERS all! (Jacobins too!--may they experience fraternity and equality in sharing equally "just" ends / reckonin's...)
dok-turds I like especially. The word I mean of course, not the actual specimens. And speciwomens as I don't want to be sexist!!
Jacobins rings a bell... Jacob, Jacob I'm sure it's at the back of my mind somewhere...
Accomplices to murder, they find this so very awkward. If anyone should get amnesty howsa bout all the unjabbed who lost jobs and families and much more....and we are not asking for it, because we are not pitiful.
Haha! - no, I will not ask them for any reward or payment for my careful choices made.
I know the Source of any likely rewards coming my way, and nonesuch will come from the likes of those bureaucrats and worse.
Are doctors the FIB in White Coats instead of armored vests.??? Well, that's not quite true at the moment,
the FIB makes House Calls even in the middle of the night, and don't unneccesarily Inject you unless you disobey.
But they do Both Agree, You are just meat bodies to be herded and processed, no different than the other domesticated herds.
They are working on the same project. (I also call one of them "the FIB." :)
A quick example of what you’re speaking of: I was in the hospital in August for cancer surgery. It’s important to walk as soon as possible. They forced me to wear a mask walking down the long hallways with no one around! Yet, they want me to breath into a device so I don’t get clots in my LUNGS! Seriously???? And the surgeon wouldn’t speak to me alone without a mask on. Pure insanity.
I have not been to a hospital for a while. I consider it a dangerous place to go now. It was before 2020, just not quite so dangerous.
I was mis-diagnosed with cancer in 2020 and received unnecessary immuno-therapy for 9 session before I worked out what was going on, no thanks to NHS. I have suffered the medics wearing masks but refused to wear one. This might amuse you and perhaps relive some stress.
Glad you never wore a muzzle; my wife and I certainly didn't and sometimes the environment was creepily intimidating. Still, we prefer to live and die as human beings. After all, both can happen only once.
Misdiagnosing is one of their feats, but the rabbit hole goes a lot deeper:
How are you doing now after your surgery? 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
You’re precious! I’m better, but still have some healing to do. God bless you and thank you✝️💜!
Hired killers.
Healthcare soldiers.
Same thing.
The Q is: what do we do when we break that leg?
thank you.
Limp? :)
Hahahhaha I guess although it will be too painful. So we must find pain killers or avoid trauma at all costs.
Remember the movie, “The Golden Child”, Staring Eddie Murphy?
The plot was centred on getting this supernatural child to eat corrupted food which would weaken his spiritual defences so that he could be attacked and defeated by the daemon.
This is a persuasion indoctrination technique. Get people to buy into evil just a little bit and keep pushing till they can’t go back.
Same with Covid, standard of care, standard diet, eating bugs. It is all incremental corruption of our spirit.
I am still against the Ukraine proxy war with Russia. I get a lot of push back from that.
Damn good point.
So am I. It annoys me intensely that the Ukraine flag hangs in at least two places in the village in England where my wife and I live. I did this on the situation in Ukraine, I treated as pantomime as that is more what it is than anything else but my intent and summary are serious.
Of course, I daresay the reason it is the Ukraine is because in the UK we have rain!!!
Intentional humiliation of the people is part of the globalist project. It's easier to control those with no self-respect.
Britain received only one percent of its energy from Russia:
And it goes deeper:
Boiling the frog slowly has been the practice since the introduction of the muzzle and the antisocial distancing; I kept telling people in vain that it was only the beginning and I refused to wear one, ignored the distances, and walked in stores against the arrows. It made little, if any, difference.
Ukraine is only a show and an excuse for food and energy shortages. If WW3 breaks out on TV after a few 9/11-type false flags, martial law can be also expected. The Russian injections are just as bad as the ones in the West.
You are not alone