Wait! FL has a law in the books that now says FL Gov can mandate shots?? If that's true that's a big uh-oh. DeSantis would most likely never use it but what happens when he's out? That's bad!

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Yes, a version of it was passed in 2012 and DeSantis apparently added to it, when he prohibited mandating the shots; nice contradiction, if you think of it. The FL government (not the governor, as far as I can remember) can rule any time that it's a "health emergency" (which is still intact at the federal level), and FL residents are back in the same predicament as during the period when DeSantis allowed the edicts to be enforced. Apparently, he has been singled out for the next presidential circus and he has been proving a magnificent diversion that made sure people still fail to notice that they are slowly being exterminated...

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More grist fer the DeSantypants mill y'all... (not good not good)


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I take the Gitmo story with a grain of salt. True? Who knows. I want the WHOLE story. There are DEFINITELY two sides to EVERY story.

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Ain't that cute...

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One has to wonder why the commie left has not beat up DeSantis like they did Trump. As Ray points out DeSantis seems a little slow on the uptake on some issues, some of his decisions are not always logical.

He is still head and shoulders better above what we now have, but nobody should be above scrutiny.

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He is kept for making people believe in politicians, but the state he is running can turn around any minute, just like it upheld tyrannical measures for quite a while.

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I realize all of these people are flawed and suffer from the human condition. They also operate in an atmosphere of abject corruption and self service. We will never get perfect leaders, it will always be the lesser of two evils, with this flawed system we have.

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The problem is that nobody can be elected, unless they serve the dark powers, yet they exercise power over people, who didn't even elect them. The ones who vote are complicit, no matter what their votes are, because they acknowledge the fraudulent system.

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Is it fixable or will we just have to start over, in your opinion?

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I figure a best case option would be a civil divorce with a red and blue state America, a very small federal government the way the framers envisioned. A balanced budget and a planned and mandatory pay down of the national debt. That alone would shrink the government to a manageable size. The list is longer, but these are the biggies.

The other option is violence or war if we cannot figure out a way to do it peacefully. The UN and China wont be able to save them, it would be way too bloody and turn into a war of attrition. Only 5% of the population was involved in kicking out the Brits.

The other option is divine intervention, which would be the best all around. IMHO

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Compared to the liberal leaders actions, I prefer Gov. Desantis. He cannot solve all the problems we have but by highlighting them, the real 'leaders' are pressured and the population made aware of the issues created by the cabal.

Horvath, you sound like mass media. Tear down the good guys. Ignore the root problems. Not genius...

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How do you think politicians get elected and on what basis do they operate?

Here is about the latest Italisan hero, who is saying the right things (just like DeSantis, albeit both of them are a teeny bit late; the damage has been done):


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Actually, you sound like controlled opposition or someone placing your trust where it doesn't belong:


How long will it take for people to realize that politicians are puppets and politics is a side show?

Politicians are not going to save anyone. They simply don't possess the power and, if you think of the Presidents of Tanzania, Burundi, and Haiti, they are also easy to replace...

Does that sound like the MSM to you?

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People still don’t understand the concept that the political leaders are “selected” and not “elected” as will be proven in Italy very soon with the new “far right leader!” Who will soon disappoint

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People like Desantis and Tucker Carlson are probably controlled opposition. The Hopium is that a less-evil faction of the cabal, which is opposed to the COVID agenda, supports them.

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For sure they are. Tucker is a rat.

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When people base their trust on hope, they are certainly manipulated.

Hope must be based on trust.

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I've wondered why DeSantis hasn't said anything about the Chinese biotech company buying 1400 acres in Florida for a primate breeding facility. Sick monkeys are much more dangerous than illegal aliens. Currently the facility has to have the land rezoned, but it's only a matter of bribing the decision makers.


Update: DeSantis actually has spoken about this.


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DeSantis has come out about this situation.

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Thank you, I missed it. I'll look this up, it's the most important issue in FL aside from the hurricane.

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HI....Put in search....Spotlight on Levy County, FL Government

Governor DeSantis takes Aim at Purchases of Farmland, and Land

near Florida Military Bases by Hostile Foreign Powers like the

Chinese Communist Party. 3 days ago..

www.freespoke.com is a great search engine other than Google etc.

Take Care :-)

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Just about whatever happens in politics and everything politicians say and do are now only diversions:


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As much as we are inclined to trust any politician these days De Santis does the right dance. But with mainstream US-Pravda controlling the narrative it is hard to go on what we do not know. Think he has a big chance of being elected it we have such a thing as elections. The WEF is obviously quite wary of the US citizens.

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Elected for what office?

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That's the problem. He is obviously played for getting elected, which would pacify people and stop them from thinking and acting for quite a few more months.

The US government has been hijacked for a long time and it has probably never acted in favor of the people.

The US President is usually a sock puppet. Those who were not totally puppets, were 33rd-degree Masons...

If you consider upcoming the food/energy shortages, the WEF doesn't even have to exist. It's only a front, anyway...

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Yes, unfortunately people tend to believe if we solve the problems in the US we will be OK. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

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It’s a start. But, we are a HUGE part of the world geopolitically. Whether we want to be or not.

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If the USA gives the planet the full force of we the people we will have a fighting chance. Agree.

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TPTB do not want us to have HOPE. I always have hope! Sometimes an act takes only ONE person.

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When he declares the departure of the US from the UN then he is a hero.

For everything else there is MasterCard.

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C’mon people. It’s not a two party system, it’s a one party gulag with two factions that is controlled by the money people who control just about everything everywhere.

They love to watch as the minions fight back and forth as to who’s side is right and who’s side is wrong. It doesn’t matter since the end result will be what the money controllers want it to be.

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The Uniparty is real.

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Well, there is a way to save America, but would anything like this ever happen?


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Oh ! A manifesto. I want to read...

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No, it's a game by an armchair philosopher and armchair politician; that was me, but it was only a temporary role! :)

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The Bankers Control......

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As long as they are allowed. Governments are pawns and are owned by the global banking cartel. If the enforcers realized they are going to be sacrificed next, it would end the game for the monsters.

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That's the name of the game! :)

And there is "racism" and "genderism" and only the good Lord knows what else, but they all boil down to the same "divide and rule" principle. As opposed to the freshly and conditionally released criminals who had to be bused around to flesh out BLM and Antifa and wreak havoc, I am still to see a decent black or brown American to fall for the ruse! :)

It was worse with the muzzle and the "plague of the 'unvaxxinated'." Still, in rural KY, nobody said a bad word to anyone. Directly confronting anyone posed a more credible threat than the fake realities from the MSM. After all, KY is the 5th poorest state, with the 5th lowest crime rate. You know what I mean. :)

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