When we had our first baby, it was in a hospital, and it was medical rape. Those in authority did everything possible to keep the babies in a room of warming boxes, away from the mothers, without anybody really overseeing the babies. This was, I guess, to keep the moms from bonding and nursing; baby formula means money in more ways than one. Besides the money for the formula, the baby is sicker and needs more "medication$"! The next baby we had was born at a birthing center via squatting in a jacuzzi; very easy; dad and mom were home in their own bed with our own baby just hours later. The third was a "risk out" because of "due dates." That one the mom stood up on the table (the doctor had previously said she could squat). She did so when she saw him looking at his cutting tools laid out on a table. After the birth, the mother was told she must have a shot or she might bleed to death; she refused. Everyone left her in the room alone; they took the baby with them. She decided to get up and maybe take a shower, but when she pulled up the sheets, there was plastic under, and under that was all kinds of human filth. FINALLY the mom was allowed to be in the same room as her new baby, but the baby had to be in some sort of "warming box." FINALLY they moved on to a room and FINALLY sometime after that, the mom and baby were allowed to go home. It is almost the sabbath for the last great day of the feast; is that why everything went into a Hebrew font?
Ever watch the series called, 'CALL THE MIDWIFE' it basically tells how we got those doctors and Abortions, the Pill, and SOCIALIZED MEDICINE in Britain. Nuns ran the midwife business or were trained who trained Midwives. Fastening to watch the country change into what it is today.
Sorry, I haven't watched much TV ever since I was able to go to my room and escape it. It has always irritated me. While teaching in Europe, I did watch some TCM (old movies), but that was just about it. Other than that, my annual average of viewing has been no more than a few minutes.
Midwives and nurses usually know a lot more than "doctors," if they ever pay attention. They are in no position to argue, but the good ones I've seen usually talked to the patient in person, without a "doctor" being present. Of course, they were risking their jobs, but at least they stayed human.
Thank you for thanking me; it was not needed. With a few exceptions, I cross post "small" authors, when I feel they deserve more attention. It makes me sad that I can never be completely fair, because I cannot read or even understand everything. I do what I can.
Over the last several decades, ever since the "daycare generation", societal dysfunction in all areas has escalated.
I experienced this as a kindergarten cop myself. Traditional socialization was so badly absent that both millenials and even pre millenials are very damaged socially.
The psychopathologies of young people is through the roof.
This is enough to show me that these timed of absentee parenting and myriad other social stresses, are sure signs of the miscarriage of bringing children into a world full of snares and pitfalls in regards to character development.
As a young man (before going to college, but after my factory jobs), I worked part-time at an after-school daycare center. Even at that time, the hypocrisy and idiocy were competing with each other. I lasted about a week, because I expected children to be responsible for their actions.
The extent of grooming American children to become conformist psychopaths has been amazing and increasing ever since. Computers and cell phones have eradicated the consciousness of the last couple of generations.
What kind of parenting can one expect from adult children, who have never tasted personal responsibility?
I took a LOT of courses on childcare. Some really top notch Psychologists and psychiatrists out there. Their 'methods' worked!! I took EVERY course offered to help me. These should have been offered FREELY. The books were in the library. And they were used, but like everything else, faded away. NOTHING was more important than 'flow' with family.
Even though Gameboy etc., TV, came along, one man(ONE)
said he stimulated THINKING and all his family could refute
the lies of that time. His children loved it!! We have to interact.
I would note that because something works, it's not necessarily good for children/adults. Behaviorist psychology works (they used in in the 90s, when I volunteered at the local VA at the psych ward), but it treats patients like Pavlov's dogs, depriving them of the little human dignity they might still harbor. They become well-behaved for sure, but lose their independence.
As you very well know, thinking is insufficient on its own. Thinking must be framed in order to include the thinker in the general framework of humanity and the inescapable encounter with the divine, without which humans remain conditioned animals.
There was a book out there 22 years ago that suggested that if your baby cried that you should leave it. Luckily I ignored it even if it caused a bit of flak in my direction. I figure we agree now of course. But the book had an impact for a month or so.
I delivered my four children with only my wife beginning in 1970 ten miles by exposed pacific coastline because in canada if you lived further than five miles away from the nearest school your children weren’t required to attend
Every one in nature gives birth on their own. ever seen an animal with a doctor? well in the zoo, of course. Where doctors think animals need assistance! A midwife was called on when my friend gave birth and all went fine, and no jabs or whatever, just the baby, healthy, fine. This family hasn't seen a doc in 10 years.
I thought this was going to be a post about whether trans women could give birth, lol.
Professor Quigley commented on what you described here in "Tragedy and Hope". Quigley stated globohomo's aim is “nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. The system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.” Worse, they want total control over all individual actions. Quigley argued that an individual’s “freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numbered from birth and followed, as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and his final retirement and death benefits.”
Father Pedro Arrupe, head of the Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic Church, was well aware of this group and he made the following charges during his remarks to the Ecumenical Council in 1965: “This…Godless society operates in an extremely efficient manner at least in its higher levels of leadership. It makes use of every possible means at its disposal, be they scientific, technical, social or economic. It follows a perfectly mapped-out strategy. It holds almost complete sway in international organizations, in financial circles, in the field of mass communications; press, cinema, radio and television.”
I generally think people should be aware of the research on topics that interests people that's been done before, especially by well-known figures, and his work coincides a lot with what you discuss. I mean, you don't have to do anything; this response was kind of confusing.
Sorry about the confusion. Let me clarify. I never tell people what they "should" do. I am not God. I expect to be treated the same way. I know, it's "only" a way of talking, but I don't care for it, and I don't think I'm alone with that. Would you care to be told what you should do? (We don't have to drag this out; both of us said what we thought, and it can be left at that.)
The source, however, does look intriguing. Thank you for sharing it.
Carroll Quigley was a history professor who wrote a history of the world covering the late 19th century through mid 20th century: "Tragedy and Hope". It's a 1300 page tome with microscopic font. The writing is complex and ponderous: way beyond what I could bear. The back story is intriguing; too long for me to encapsulate here. But Bill Clinton was a fan, and the CFR is explained.
Appreciate you addressing this very important issue. As a nurse of 20 years+ duration and now retired I think its well advised to avoid the rogue medical/pharmaceutical/ Governmental Corporatocracy from birth on up.
I would not work Labor & Delivery in the hospital because of it's disagreeable protocols for L&D management of Normal births. I could say much more, but let this suffice for now
Thank God I am beyond child bearing age. This is an excellent information filled argument. Too bad so many are ignorant (and choose to stay ignorant) and will follow the protocol leading to sickness and slavery.
I am beyond child bearing years as well. Way beyond. Due to the ignorance of youth I listened to Drs. due to whose care I lost the ability to have children. Not without much pain and suffering. An early lesson, learned the hard way, who not to trust.
That's so unfortunate. The doctors are still at it. Young people are encouraged to take the Gardasil vaccine, leading to disaster for boys and girls, including sterility and death. The arrogant bastards act as if they know everything about everything, when in truth they are often ignorant, brainwashed and misinformed. And still most people hold them in high esteem and blindly follow their instructions to their own detriment.
If you have ever seen a doctor, you've seen most of them. They follow a script that is geared towards turning the patient into statistics and, preferably, blame the patient for the symptoms. They hardly ever address the cause and nearly always stick to treating only symptoms...
I can't help repeating what I used to say about the injections: stupidity and complacency are only two versions of natural selection... I might add that it turns out, being an enabler or an enforcer will not guarantee longevity, either, but avarice or fear can possess some people beyond reason.
As I often say, petitions only acknowledge illegitimate powers and create lists of the non-compliant. People in power couldn't care less what their slaves think. Never did.
I don't appreciate your calling my writing a rant, whereas it is simply a collection of thoughts. Your comment, however, comes pretty close. :)
There are people out there who haven't made up their mind.
I didn't advocate against home birth, only noted that it can be life-threatening for good reasons.
You are a writer. I write what I can. You write what you want to. Didn't ask for your opinion to tell me what to write, and I'm finding it offensive that you did share it, and not exactly in a nice way.
I'd not call it a rant, it's Facts we forgot as we became more 'enlightened'. Not all women survived childbirth no matter the time period. Some came from being too narrowed-hipped, others from having a child a year. That said my Grandma had 8 live births via midwife or neighbor ladies. My mom had 4, in the hospital then started having miscarriages toward the end of the reproductive cycle. Nearly died with the last one, Catholic Hospitals dominated the area, and the 5-month baby had died in the Womb, which in itself is a danger of Sepsis. I'm the barely 12-year-old who found her bleeding out on the bathroom floor Took 2 units of blood to save her. The GP-Surgeon found a Methodist hospital and tied her Tubes. That old fashion GP who took care of us 4 as kids became my Doctor as an Adult. I grew up and married. First was a very long labor, was in the hospital, but a normal delivery, same old fashion doctor. I walked those halls for 3 days. The second was born after 3 hours of labor with a Viral infection Cytomagalic Inclusion Disease. He lived 33 days. He beat the doctor, the nurse delivered him. #3 head was too large for my wide hips, he was the first C-Section, same doctor. #4 had to be a C-Section, back then it was not a Bikini C-Section. like today. I was smart enough to have my tubes tied then. Different Doctor, Baptist hospital. There is good and bad in medicine, much of it is Medical Malpractice the #3 killer of people in the USA. Then you add in government what should have been safety regs became killer ones. I think We women each have a birthing horror story we can tell. Some ended well others did not. I don't approve of Abortions but will make an exception for a Tubular pregnancy or if the baby dies in the womb, labor can now be induced. It wasn't back when my mom needed it. Even Induced go wrong. It is a fad that should not be used without a real reason.
My hub came home from his Cardio appointment this week with a Third Statin. The numbers on the Fat Cholesterol have changed again. I was not a happy camper on that. Statins are dangerous. He doesn't have a serious heart issue, just what is called Driving the Freeway/White Coat syndrome. And a Prebeat that scares the 82 yr old too much. I just ignore them when they script them, and add them to my reaction list.
I find this quite ABHORENT Planned Parenthood Murdered Nearly 375,000 Unborn Babies in 2022
Governor Newsom announced that California has secured an emergency stockpile of up to 2 million pills of Misoprostol, a safe and effective medication abortion drug, in the wake of an extremist judge seeking to block Mifepristone, a critical abortion pill. Side effects https://www.drugs.com/sfx/mifepristone-side-effects.html
"Healthcare" certainly provides horror stories. They destroyed several people in front of my eyes, and they nearly killed me twice, but better doctors saved me from their "colleagues."
Statins are based on faulty premises and they are not simply dangerous; they are harmful in most cases, and most "doctors" don't even investigate the "side effects."
Thank you for the apology. Let's forget the whole thing. I, for one, have always excelled at insulting others or hurting people's feelings without even noticing it, so I wouldn't like to judge anyone.
Sadly, I am not familiar with "all the beautiful ways," so if you kindly wrote an article about that, it would be an essential continuation of where I've left off. If you want me to, I can also include it in this article. As far as I can see, your experience is sorely needed by a lot of people.
Even in the small town in Central Texas I live near there is a midwife/alternative birthing center. They offer water births as well as more traditional approaches. I think finding these resources is just a matter of looking for them and knowing you need to. Unfortunately the vast majority of expectant mothers are still fast asleep, like everyone else. There is absolutely no reason, in my opinion, people should trust an experienced midwife any less than they trust these Dr's that have literally sold their souls to a wicked system. 911 is always there if there is trouble, which I think is a rarity.
I had a bad back all week. It made me impatient and I often lost my focus. It was a positive experience, because it reminded me that I am not necessarily the reason why someone else is impatient...
Maybe y'all can come together and do something on the lack of care/relief for back pain patients. I get so irritable I irritate myself. It's just a nightmare and so are Drs.
As a C3 to S1 Spinal Stenosis patient, I know what you mean. I use a back brace and one on all the time at night heating pad on #1. padded to make sure I don't have A skin burn, to relieve the pain.
When we had our first baby, it was in a hospital, and it was medical rape. Those in authority did everything possible to keep the babies in a room of warming boxes, away from the mothers, without anybody really overseeing the babies. This was, I guess, to keep the moms from bonding and nursing; baby formula means money in more ways than one. Besides the money for the formula, the baby is sicker and needs more "medication$"! The next baby we had was born at a birthing center via squatting in a jacuzzi; very easy; dad and mom were home in their own bed with our own baby just hours later. The third was a "risk out" because of "due dates." That one the mom stood up on the table (the doctor had previously said she could squat). She did so when she saw him looking at his cutting tools laid out on a table. After the birth, the mother was told she must have a shot or she might bleed to death; she refused. Everyone left her in the room alone; they took the baby with them. She decided to get up and maybe take a shower, but when she pulled up the sheets, there was plastic under, and under that was all kinds of human filth. FINALLY the mom was allowed to be in the same room as her new baby, but the baby had to be in some sort of "warming box." FINALLY they moved on to a room and FINALLY sometime after that, the mom and baby were allowed to go home. It is almost the sabbath for the last great day of the feast; is that why everything went into a Hebrew font?
You're pretty privileged to get Steve quoting you. I doubt that it would ever happen to me. I have no idea why.
" i gotta wack you ' nothing personal just buisness..... good God please help us all return to goodness and truth
Thanks Ray.
Ever watch the series called, 'CALL THE MIDWIFE' it basically tells how we got those doctors and Abortions, the Pill, and SOCIALIZED MEDICINE in Britain. Nuns ran the midwife business or were trained who trained Midwives. Fastening to watch the country change into what it is today.
Thanks for the Cross Post.
Sorry, I haven't watched much TV ever since I was able to go to my room and escape it. It has always irritated me. While teaching in Europe, I did watch some TCM (old movies), but that was just about it. Other than that, my annual average of viewing has been no more than a few minutes.
Midwives and nurses usually know a lot more than "doctors," if they ever pay attention. They are in no position to argue, but the good ones I've seen usually talked to the patient in person, without a "doctor" being present. Of course, they were risking their jobs, but at least they stayed human.
Thank you for thanking me; it was not needed. With a few exceptions, I cross post "small" authors, when I feel they deserve more attention. It makes me sad that I can never be completely fair, because I cannot read or even understand everything. I do what I can.
Over the last several decades, ever since the "daycare generation", societal dysfunction in all areas has escalated.
I experienced this as a kindergarten cop myself. Traditional socialization was so badly absent that both millenials and even pre millenials are very damaged socially.
The psychopathologies of young people is through the roof.
This is enough to show me that these timed of absentee parenting and myriad other social stresses, are sure signs of the miscarriage of bringing children into a world full of snares and pitfalls in regards to character development.
As a young man (before going to college, but after my factory jobs), I worked part-time at an after-school daycare center. Even at that time, the hypocrisy and idiocy were competing with each other. I lasted about a week, because I expected children to be responsible for their actions.
The extent of grooming American children to become conformist psychopaths has been amazing and increasing ever since. Computers and cell phones have eradicated the consciousness of the last couple of generations.
What kind of parenting can one expect from adult children, who have never tasted personal responsibility?
I took a LOT of courses on childcare. Some really top notch Psychologists and psychiatrists out there. Their 'methods' worked!! I took EVERY course offered to help me. These should have been offered FREELY. The books were in the library. And they were used, but like everything else, faded away. NOTHING was more important than 'flow' with family.
Even though Gameboy etc., TV, came along, one man(ONE)
said he stimulated THINKING and all his family could refute
the lies of that time. His children loved it!! We have to interact.
Thank you for sharing.
I would note that because something works, it's not necessarily good for children/adults. Behaviorist psychology works (they used in in the 90s, when I volunteered at the local VA at the psych ward), but it treats patients like Pavlov's dogs, depriving them of the little human dignity they might still harbor. They become well-behaved for sure, but lose their independence.
As you very well know, thinking is insufficient on its own. Thinking must be framed in order to include the thinker in the general framework of humanity and the inescapable encounter with the divine, without which humans remain conditioned animals.
There was a book out there 22 years ago that suggested that if your baby cried that you should leave it. Luckily I ignored it even if it caused a bit of flak in my direction. I figure we agree now of course. But the book had an impact for a month or so.
Where I lived in BC, Canada, was always 'drug city', left, a 'port city', and there was always sex trafficking, abductions of often
very young boys.
Then, can we skip that topic of 'school'? What happens there.
Been there, seen that. Bathrooms were often where it 'went down'.
Caught a few. We assume they teach, but they enslave.
Let's forget decent jobs. We saw how doctors, medical, on it goes have to obey, eg. get jabbed or no job.
Generally speaking and who can say for sure?
Not good enough to entrust a lovely human.
This is a partial list.
(But helped 1000's of other people's kids).
I delivered my four children with only my wife beginning in 1970 ten miles by exposed pacific coastline because in canada if you lived further than five miles away from the nearest school your children weren’t required to attend
Every one in nature gives birth on their own. ever seen an animal with a doctor? well in the zoo, of course. Where doctors think animals need assistance! A midwife was called on when my friend gave birth and all went fine, and no jabs or whatever, just the baby, healthy, fine. This family hasn't seen a doc in 10 years.
I thought this was going to be a post about whether trans women could give birth, lol.
Professor Quigley commented on what you described here in "Tragedy and Hope". Quigley stated globohomo's aim is “nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. The system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.” Worse, they want total control over all individual actions. Quigley argued that an individual’s “freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numbered from birth and followed, as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and his final retirement and death benefits.”
Father Pedro Arrupe, head of the Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic Church, was well aware of this group and he made the following charges during his remarks to the Ecumenical Council in 1965: “This…Godless society operates in an extremely efficient manner at least in its higher levels of leadership. It makes use of every possible means at its disposal, be they scientific, technical, social or economic. It follows a perfectly mapped-out strategy. It holds almost complete sway in international organizations, in financial circles, in the field of mass communications; press, cinema, radio and television.”
I don't touch the trans topic usually, because I don't want to mess up my readers' digestion. :)
Not familiar with your two sources, but it looks like I've arrived at the same conclusions.
Quigley is a big figure who you should learn about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carroll_Quigley
How do you know I "should"? :)
I generally think people should be aware of the research on topics that interests people that's been done before, especially by well-known figures, and his work coincides a lot with what you discuss. I mean, you don't have to do anything; this response was kind of confusing.
Sorry about the confusion. Let me clarify. I never tell people what they "should" do. I am not God. I expect to be treated the same way. I know, it's "only" a way of talking, but I don't care for it, and I don't think I'm alone with that. Would you care to be told what you should do? (We don't have to drag this out; both of us said what we thought, and it can be left at that.)
The source, however, does look intriguing. Thank you for sharing it.
Carroll Quigley was a history professor who wrote a history of the world covering the late 19th century through mid 20th century: "Tragedy and Hope". It's a 1300 page tome with microscopic font. The writing is complex and ponderous: way beyond what I could bear. The back story is intriguing; too long for me to encapsulate here. But Bill Clinton was a fan, and the CFR is explained.
Appreciate you addressing this very important issue. As a nurse of 20 years+ duration and now retired I think its well advised to avoid the rogue medical/pharmaceutical/ Governmental Corporatocracy from birth on up.
I would not work Labor & Delivery in the hospital because of it's disagreeable protocols for L&D management of Normal births. I could say much more, but let this suffice for now
Exactly correct. BRAVO
Been contemplating on the topic before, but it's been ready in my head for months, so I figured that I'd only had to scribble it down. :)
Thank God I am beyond child bearing age. This is an excellent information filled argument. Too bad so many are ignorant (and choose to stay ignorant) and will follow the protocol leading to sickness and slavery.
I am beyond child bearing years as well. Way beyond. Due to the ignorance of youth I listened to Drs. due to whose care I lost the ability to have children. Not without much pain and suffering. An early lesson, learned the hard way, who not to trust.
That's so unfortunate. The doctors are still at it. Young people are encouraged to take the Gardasil vaccine, leading to disaster for boys and girls, including sterility and death. The arrogant bastards act as if they know everything about everything, when in truth they are often ignorant, brainwashed and misinformed. And still most people hold them in high esteem and blindly follow their instructions to their own detriment.
So true.
If you have ever seen a doctor, you've seen most of them. They follow a script that is geared towards turning the patient into statistics and, preferably, blame the patient for the symptoms. They hardly ever address the cause and nearly always stick to treating only symptoms...
They can usually fix a broken leg. Beyond that it's a crap shoot.
Yes, they can cut, although sometimes they remove the wrong thing...
I can't help repeating what I used to say about the injections: stupidity and complacency are only two versions of natural selection... I might add that it turns out, being an enabler or an enforcer will not guarantee longevity, either, but avarice or fear can possess some people beyond reason.
As I often say, petitions only acknowledge illegitimate powers and create lists of the non-compliant. People in power couldn't care less what their slaves think. Never did.
Centralized opposition cannot exist...
I don't appreciate your calling my writing a rant, whereas it is simply a collection of thoughts. Your comment, however, comes pretty close. :)
There are people out there who haven't made up their mind.
I didn't advocate against home birth, only noted that it can be life-threatening for good reasons.
You are a writer. I write what I can. You write what you want to. Didn't ask for your opinion to tell me what to write, and I'm finding it offensive that you did share it, and not exactly in a nice way.
I'd not call it a rant, it's Facts we forgot as we became more 'enlightened'. Not all women survived childbirth no matter the time period. Some came from being too narrowed-hipped, others from having a child a year. That said my Grandma had 8 live births via midwife or neighbor ladies. My mom had 4, in the hospital then started having miscarriages toward the end of the reproductive cycle. Nearly died with the last one, Catholic Hospitals dominated the area, and the 5-month baby had died in the Womb, which in itself is a danger of Sepsis. I'm the barely 12-year-old who found her bleeding out on the bathroom floor Took 2 units of blood to save her. The GP-Surgeon found a Methodist hospital and tied her Tubes. That old fashion GP who took care of us 4 as kids became my Doctor as an Adult. I grew up and married. First was a very long labor, was in the hospital, but a normal delivery, same old fashion doctor. I walked those halls for 3 days. The second was born after 3 hours of labor with a Viral infection Cytomagalic Inclusion Disease. He lived 33 days. He beat the doctor, the nurse delivered him. #3 head was too large for my wide hips, he was the first C-Section, same doctor. #4 had to be a C-Section, back then it was not a Bikini C-Section. like today. I was smart enough to have my tubes tied then. Different Doctor, Baptist hospital. There is good and bad in medicine, much of it is Medical Malpractice the #3 killer of people in the USA. Then you add in government what should have been safety regs became killer ones. I think We women each have a birthing horror story we can tell. Some ended well others did not. I don't approve of Abortions but will make an exception for a Tubular pregnancy or if the baby dies in the womb, labor can now be induced. It wasn't back when my mom needed it. Even Induced go wrong. It is a fad that should not be used without a real reason.
My hub came home from his Cardio appointment this week with a Third Statin. The numbers on the Fat Cholesterol have changed again. I was not a happy camper on that. Statins are dangerous. He doesn't have a serious heart issue, just what is called Driving the Freeway/White Coat syndrome. And a Prebeat that scares the 82 yr old too much. I just ignore them when they script them, and add them to my reaction list.
I find this quite ABHORENT Planned Parenthood Murdered Nearly 375,000 Unborn Babies in 2022
Governor Newsom announced that California has secured an emergency stockpile of up to 2 million pills of Misoprostol, a safe and effective medication abortion drug, in the wake of an extremist judge seeking to block Mifepristone, a critical abortion pill. Side effects https://www.drugs.com/sfx/mifepristone-side-effects.html
"Healthcare" certainly provides horror stories. They destroyed several people in front of my eyes, and they nearly killed me twice, but better doctors saved me from their "colleagues."
Statins are based on faulty premises and they are not simply dangerous; they are harmful in most cases, and most "doctors" don't even investigate the "side effects."
Thank you for the apology. Let's forget the whole thing. I, for one, have always excelled at insulting others or hurting people's feelings without even noticing it, so I wouldn't like to judge anyone.
Sadly, I am not familiar with "all the beautiful ways," so if you kindly wrote an article about that, it would be an essential continuation of where I've left off. If you want me to, I can also include it in this article. As far as I can see, your experience is sorely needed by a lot of people.
Even in the small town in Central Texas I live near there is a midwife/alternative birthing center. They offer water births as well as more traditional approaches. I think finding these resources is just a matter of looking for them and knowing you need to. Unfortunately the vast majority of expectant mothers are still fast asleep, like everyone else. There is absolutely no reason, in my opinion, people should trust an experienced midwife any less than they trust these Dr's that have literally sold their souls to a wicked system. 911 is always there if there is trouble, which I think is a rarity.
I had a bad back all week. It made me impatient and I often lost my focus. It was a positive experience, because it reminded me that I am not necessarily the reason why someone else is impatient...
Maybe y'all can come together and do something on the lack of care/relief for back pain patients. I get so irritable I irritate myself. It's just a nightmare and so are Drs.
As a C3 to S1 Spinal Stenosis patient, I know what you mean. I use a back brace and one on all the time at night heating pad on #1. padded to make sure I don't have A skin burn, to relieve the pain.
Thank you for your understanding.