We were eligible for WIC for our baby in western Mass- early naughts. There was nothing on the list that we would feed ourselves, much less our infant. Same with the Well Baby Visits- turned down the injections,- no copay with MassHealth. Al least the birthing and hospital stay was fully covered and showed that forty years of midwifery and conscious birthing had changed the medical mindset around obstetric, if not pediatric health. Hope your child is a reasonably happy adult now? Ours is so different than her medicalized and "normal" Standard American Diet peers.

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He cannot concentrate for more than a couple of minutes, but he can get away with that, because he is extremely smart.

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Thought about this as a generational trend. Focus, attention span, concentration are not valued now, kinda like 8 track tapes. I laughed at your smart Alex mechanix Comic Relief. Hope you get a chuckle from my RFK jr RoadKill Cafe column. https://open.substack.com/pub/stephensimac/p/comedy-at-the-roadkill-cafe?r=c93k1&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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I think we have to pause for a moment and simply admire how this system is perfect economics, based on extracting maximal value out of the slaves on the plantation. We have now created the illusion that they are free, and they can screw all they want, they can have their bread and circuses, including 'democratic elections,' and meanwhile we keep them barefoot, pregnant, and sick, and sell them highly profitable downstream oil products, aka pharmaceuticals, which keep them even sicker and gradually we suck the life and their money right out of them and then discard them with the trash. Unfortunately for them the presumed 'elites,' are also people who put their pants on one leg at a time, and they will end up owning nothing and being very unhappy. Eternal life is not achieved by kryogenics and other baloney. My Kingdom is still NOT of this world.

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A brief aside: How does a City Planner design a fifteen minute city for suburbia? Through the government collusion with these few, top providers, these multinational corporations, who lean toward globalization. These become the tools utilized in the hands of globalists, the UN and WEF, as you've documented, Ray. I focus an eschatalogical lens on the subject.


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I guess when one lives off of Coke, chips and Mikey D's what can you expect? This is why there is an overwhelming fat people population (along with poor pets). Ignorance is no excuse, in my eyes. Parading your overly overweight body is nothing to be proud of. If I and others can do research and actually LOOK at whats being sold in the grocery stores, well, so can everyone else. Its far less expensive to buy real food than the junk in a box or can. Or buy seeds and grow your own food.

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I grow a lot of food year round on my patio in a combination of raised bed covered by shade cloth in summer and greenhouse plastic in winter along with plants in 15 gallon pots that were salvaged out of someone’s trash pile years ago. It’s easy even in the desert to grow much of our own healthy food. I have my own chickens, too, for eggs and meat (when the bobcats don’t get into them first).

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We tried raised beds in KY to no avail. What do you think can be grown in those?

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All kinds of greens can be grown in raised beds. Our squash does well there as our patio-edge beds are 30 inches deep. Bush beans as opposed to pole beans also have shallow roots. Short root varieties of radishes or ball carrots and short Japanese turnips are also worth a try.

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Outside the chain link with daytime multi-cat patrol. Sometimes lizards or rats still get in and do damage. We live on the edge of town where rats are a problem, partly due to chicken feed.

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My raised beds are behind a 6’ chain link fence with 6’ of bamboo inside that and 2’ high corrugated panels on the outside of the

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This makes me sick! Haha - great research RAY!

I've eaten Dave's bread that exact one! Is that why my macula is degenerating - one never knows the root cause of health other than it is likely ingested!

Thanks for your work!

So many of my alternative doc friends still prescribe ivy league for parasite cleanse, will be sharing...

Yes wasn't Kissinger a piece of work! Matt Ehret did a good piece of work on him!

Liking LaRouche - Executive Intelligence Review - on why the Brits assassinate American Pres


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Thank you. I just want be a little but useful before I die. :)

As far as I know, macular degeneration can be delayed with blue-filter glasses.

Matt Ehret is not quite 20/20, but as with all sources (I am not posing as an exception), there is something to learn from everyone (well, there are quite a few sources I cannot read for longer than 5-15 seconds, because they stink to high heaven).

I actually posted something about Ehret here:


Not familiar with his posts on Eisenhauer, but nothing would surprise me. :)

Considering the power of the City of London, nothing is impossible, but I kind of refrain from generalizations as "the British." On the other hand, chances are, it's the same powers in play during presidential assassinations, so that is one more variable to add to the equation, while seeking for common denominators...

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Yes I also do not 100% agree with Matt, however, he does feed me some interesting thought provoking materials and teach me to find out my own answers, one cannot refute someone for doing that.

BTW the link you shared on Montagnier is now: https://canadianpatriot.org/2020/05/06/luc-montagnier-the-revival-of-optical-biophysics-and-the-clash-of-the-two-sciences/

I actually have come to believe its the intelligence source of all evils the British Empire with the MCIMATT of the US co-conspiring

Military Industrial Congressional Intelligence Media Academy Think Tank Complex

I do love to elaborate on Matt's work with Lyndon LaRouche's like this for example: https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2008/eirv35n48-20081212/eirv35n48-20081212_026-why_the_british_kill_american_pr.pdf

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I meant Kissinger my bad memory too!

Yes the British Empire is very strategic in maintaining its control on all 'free trade" involving shipping lanes and all ports and forts of the world... becoming so very obvious from the indigenism from Australia and the Mabo decision in the Torres Island Strait, to the Nunavut 'sovereign lands' given to the Inuit - NW Passage and now the Haida rights ( gee the Hecate Strait) primary shipping lane for pipeline access. anyways it's just one of many angles.

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Much of the food sold in supermarkets is unhealthy, especially if processed. A large percentage is GMO. Many welfare, SNAP recipients don't read the lying labels as they don't understand them. Organic is no guarantee of purity or goodness, mostly due to environmental pollution. The only hope for nutritious food is home grown, and that assuming non-GMO seeds. There's little to no chance avoiding poisoning by food.

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When my dad was dying of Stage Four cancer and was hospitalized, all they wanted to feed him was Ensure...I would get into many arguments with the drs, nurses, and therapists about the garbage that was Ensure....they all would say that their goal was to get calories into him... I would tell them that this would be a quicker death for him and they would disagree and send more Ensure with his other "meals" that were not fit for a dog..... there were only two new male nurses that agreed and we would joke about "Ensure not so sure"..... what a world....

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Same with my father when he had a stroke; the sheit the fed him in the hospital combined with all the medication caused kidney cancer. Fast forward three more years and brain cancer, leading to an early death at 67. Poor man, I still miss him.

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So, so sorry.....too much suffering.....when will we wake up and see what we are allowing them to do to us?

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With regards to the waking up; I don't know, I am not optimistic at all when I look at the people around me, here in Uganda, and a little when I look at the people from my home country the Netherlands. There is a lot to wake up from; from nutrition to pharma to virus to financial system to history to fake events to organised religion to.. Most that consider themselves 'awake' are slightly awake to one or a few subjects and I am not saying you need to know all to make a difference, but the problem with being slightly awake to one or two subjects, is the likelihood of a Russel Brand kind of character using them for the next episode in the big play.

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Exactly. Ensure = slow starvation. Patrick Jordan of vaccinefraud.com did a thorough breakdown of that scam.


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Oh, wow...VERY powerful...thank you for sharing.....

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The link contains alot of information. The Kassandra Complex link contains even more information. The gem is the video at the very bottom, right (of the Kassandra Complex link), wherein the Psychiatrist admits that forcing unwanted services upon patients is counterproductive.

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Yup, I'm planning to re-post the Ensure article. It looks like even "Agent" may have gotten the idea out of it to delve into toxic ingredients in "vitamins."

The comments after the original article are quite revealing. I can't forget one about an elderly patient being literally weakened out, possibly by Ensure... And when I was hospitalized, they wanted me to have one with each meal. I conscienciously tried one, and after that, I only informed the nurses (some of them read the article with interest), and told the food guy to omit it from my tray (not that a whole lot on it was edible, and my wife kept bringing me home-cooked organic food, anyway).

Dogs usually gobble up anything, so it would be a good test to try to give one some Ensure. :)

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Vitamins, vitamins everywhere. Added to the food, cosmetics, and even water with no evidence that any of them are necessary.

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Yup, the poisoning is going on openly, "in the benefit of consumers," as the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections were also advertised...

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A friend of my husband’s complained to him yesterday that he recently discovered his 50-something sister (kids all grown, no husband) who lives with an older sister receives $3,400 EACH month in food stamps.

I told DS that his friend must have heard wrong, been lied to, or there’s some serious fraud going on.

How can this be? Is it possible this woman receives this much for FOOD each month?

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A person I KNOW in NYC had gone in for assistance. She has ONE 14 yr old dependent.

They offered her $200/mo.

They all but TOLD her that IF she had a different last name & was not white or was an immigrant/illegal she would be eligible; for "full" benefits (medicull) including food stamps benefit of $2500

& on top of THAT, housing assistance/rent on a refillable VISA card. ... Oh & a cell phone package. WHY? For the app that keeps everyone connected, so they need not reapply in person.

OR perhaps it's sleeper cell activation APP ?? Just thinking out loud.

Ever wonder how they afford such nice vehicles?

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That’s CRAZY (and incredibly irksome). It’s one reason everything is such a mess.

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"medicull"? ouch....! let's cull them medically (or am I seeing things?)

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Words have meanings. <grin>

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absolutely :-))

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The amount must be after the number of dependents. And there are the "welfare queens," "providing" for foster kids, whose fate seems to be sealed on such a diet, plus the "vaccines."

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Ah, I didn’t think of foster kids. All of her natural kids are grown and on their own. Still seems fishy. Anyway, her brother struggles to make ends meet the old-fashioned way, while she receives an exorbitant amount each month for nothing. She doesn’t even pay rent because she lives with her sister.

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Being antagonistic with name-calling is not nice. Who is "we"?

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Isn't being "ridiculous" name-calling?

How about ad-hominem like "you are losing it"? Do you consider that civilized conversation?

If you don't like it here, you don't have to be here. :)

Just as you are saying: everyone is wrong sometimes. My objective is NOT "to be right." Only my readers can make their own decisions, which I respect, in your case, too:


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You have no idea what you are talking about. It's about foster children.

That would be alright, if you could tone down and engage in a civilized discussion instead of trying to pick a fight.

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What's wrong with you? I was only guessing why the compensation was $3,600.

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No, it didn't occur to me that she was lying. People in need usually lie the other way around. Explain that, if you can, because at this point, you are defending "the poor" who can also take advantage of the system...

Also, I didn't "compound" anything, but I already said that.

At the same time, you and I agree that SNAP is probably not the way foster parents are subsidized (but I don't know, which is why it was/is only a guess on my part, and there was no reason to attack me the way you did).

Again, you are labeling, which I don't care for. Moreover, your attitude is poisoning the comment section, if you insist on going on this way.

Nobody said I don't like what I wrote: you did. Frankly, I'm getting sick of occupying room with this nonsense.

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That comment made my day! :D

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It's amazing how fast this is all going down now. I mean, it's been happening for centuries but we're living in the time of "The Quickening" as Art Bell was fond of saying.

All happening so fast now. Crazy times.

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NASA war document/slide-show went public in 2001. In full-force and effect NOW.

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I've always pondered if time in history is perhaps not a constant. As I am aging, everything slows down, but the world around me is speeding up.

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The closer the needle is to the center of the record...the faster the turns?

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Imma steal that one! Ta!

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Absolutely! Be my guest :)

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Please, name ONE that is safe...

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One example as cited in your article, Organic Milk 'fortified' with 'Vitamin A'. As we know from Agent's deep dives in "vitamins", 'Vitamin A' or Retinol/Retynol Palmitate is an anti-fertility chemical drug and a poison. Only way to avoid this in your milk is to avoid milk, or buy the Biodynamic Organic Milk at no less than $14/gallon. The farm where I buy that milk is "cash only". That milk was $14/gallon 10 years ago in California.


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Actually, it's usually "vitamin" D, but also DHA Omega-3, which is also harmful, but it doesn't matter. Whatever I buy, I can just pick my poison. :)

Around here, in rural Kentucky, there is a "cow share" program, but even the closest location is too far away...

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That's alright. You have posted your answer.

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