Are you already aware of Dr. Judy Wood's work on 9/11?

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Sorry, I don't remember names, but I've read so much about it (and despite my habit of staying away, even watched a few videos) that I would find it hard to imagine there is anything I have left out...

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I thought that exact same thing. I started down the 9/11 rabbit hole in 2004, and later came across the Architects & Engineers for Truth site, and accepted that explanation for over fifteen years. Until 3 years ago when I came across Dr. Judy Wood, who had spent seven years examining the forensic evidence of what happened (she intentionally did not try to answer who or why.) What she came up with blew my mind - you would remember her!

I encourage you to read her book, which turned my world upside down:


Her website is here:


This is the photo that stopped me in my tracks and made me realize that 9/11 was an event far more profound than I had ever realized"


Videos here:


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Also, I'm a teeny bit concerned. How would it be possible to get around the central AI?

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WOW! I've only watched the short video thus far, but a DEW makes perfect sense!! I've never believed that passenger planes took the towers down, with terrorists aboard, I've always believed it was an inside job. It's been clear to me that even if there had been planes, they were not passenger planes -- maybe drones -- & they had something underneath that appeared to be bombs.

I'm glad you posted Dr. Wood's info, I'll be watching more as I get time!

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Even holographic planes make a lot of sense... Of course, all the buildings were wired.

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Thanks for posting Galen Winsor - hardly anyone knows about that.

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Yes, agreed

Everything we think we know is up for review

The schooled daze and regurgitation of the RIGHT answers has dumbed us down

Curiousity is the our best friend

And finding great questions to pursue.

My Substack is questioning the mammalian lung physiology

We breathe air not oxygen


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Keep those memes coming- they're worth 1000 emotions of truth.

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Yes, Sir. On my last one, I can only cry, when I look at the picture...


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this is the war planet [ deception is a weapon ] truth is the first causality,,,not even the incarnation of the good Gods Son Jesus the Christ ,,, Gautama , Mohamad , etc etc all the saints have managed to stop wars ,lies, perversions ,land evil globally , only individually has it been sucessfull ,,, but only through the intervention of the powers of goodness has it made it possible to have time and places withought wars ,,, thats the best that can be done in the present cosmic time so it seems that ours is to try to manifest and join the powers of goodness ,join as all men and women of good will , put aside our differences is imperative.... good God help us all return to goodness and truth ,,, especially the evil possessed pshcopathic leaders

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Thanks Ray. Interesting indeed.

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Great post!!

Yes, for many years now, I've been suspicious of whether nuclear bombs were real--once I woke up to 9/11, I seriously started questioning everything. And I used to listen to Deanna Spingola's radio show, and she had a guy Rae (who runs the big-lies site) on to talk about nukes being fake. I wasn't necessarily convinced, just didn't have time to look into it further. (Also, not sure if this is true, but I kind of recall Eustace Mullins saying something about the cities supposedly destroyed by the nuclear bombs were the most Christian cities in Japan).

And I saw that Galen Winsor video years ago--very interesting and compelling info. And back when I looked into this, I recall the Larouche people saying it was sabotage and something about TPTB (they say we are still dealing with remnants of the British/City of London Empire) are against nuclear power, so they try to scare people away from it, maybe because it is a dense source of power, which goes against their Malthusian plans (killing off billions by going to windmills and solar panels)

Here's more info:



And on Fukushima, I thought that was deliberate, but I'm still not sure of the reason why--It's been so many years, but I think back then people talked about Japan had recently expressed support for the Palestinians. Jim Stone had a theory about what happened and put the blame on the Israelis

Jim Stone Fukushima


And back then I also used to listen to the James McCanney (independent scientists, with expertise in space weather, weather weapons, astrophysics, mathematics) radio show and he believed they set a bomb off on the sea floor to cause the tsunami.

I definitely believe they have weather weapons (no doubt about it). I first became suspicious after the horrific Boxing Day Tsunami. Professor Chossudovsky (globalresearch.ca) had suspicions (as in there should have been warnings that went off) and wrote a couple of articles about it. And guy named Joe Vialls (I think he might be ex-Mossad) also thought it was deliberate:




Also, if you look up "tsunami bomb" on wikipedia, there's info about how the US was working on a tsunami bomb after ww2--so that definitely shows aspiration and intent to develop such weapons.

James McCanney also says they have a space based weapon called "Rod from God" that cause earthquakes. He said they used it on Ecuador, when they were in the middle of looting negotiations with the IMF. He also says they use space based lasers to guide hurricanes--so be suspicious if you see a hurricane that takes a hard left or right, or one that just gets parked.

I'm sure they did something to cause those horrific earthquakes in Turkey- the timing was way too suspicious. Supposedly, the week before, the US and other European nations withdrew their ambassadors, claiming they were worried about terrorist attacks. And apparently behind the scenes Turkey was trying to broker peace between Russia and Ukraine-- and we know that making peace is a big no-no when it comes to the banking cartel (they want war). And I think that's happened before in history--like in the lead up to WW2, certain parties were trying to make peace and then there was an incident (Ingrid Weckert has a book Flashpoint on this, I think Brother Nathanael used to have a post on that, but I think it has since been deleted).

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I saw a grid of the earthquakes in Turkey. It really was a grid of squares, with an earthquake at each intersection of the grid. Didn't keep the info, not my wheelhouse - but very convincing to see it laid out like that.

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tesla tech ,,,tunguska explosion ,creation of earthquakes , vaporising the twin towers... cern 25 kilometer microwave oven/ particle ? beam weapons ,,, causes blackouts in cities because it drains the electricity grid ,,, massive un imanage able focused power , haarp , the philadelphia experiment ,,, atomic neuculear stuff is OLD tech from the 1940 s search for ...ben rich ,skunkworks " we can travel amongst the stars '

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Tunguska preceded the technology.

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tesla destroyed the wardencliffe when he realized that it caused tunguska , and went into seclusion ... then the scientific cover up of tesla tech with einstien gobble gook science [ its hyper simple and any serious hobbiest could make it ] tesla refused to cooperate with the military untill ww2 when he released the death ray and the scalar tech em force schield etc see [ thomas bearden ] his tech has been developed and probably been perfected

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see [ bruce cathy or cathie ]

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SPECULATION IE ... it seems paradox is a law in the insipid life of duality duality... is everything fake yes but its real fake not fake fake... its a real illusion from which we learn valuable life and cosmic lessons of and from the tree of knowledge... thank the good god that evil is a p-art of this illusion , ie that evil is part of this fake ... FOR ME ITS UNIMAGEABLE THAT A GOOD GOD WOULD CREATE OR ALOW REAL EVIL TO EXIST .... of course if our posit is a single God creator... all in all its impossible for me to know from my present position , so my defalut stance is based on my need for help , i dont know how and why i got here ,where im going , where was i before coming here , etc therefore the my logical logicle conclusion is ... HELP and i have recieved help through prayer to the God of goodness and truth , of course this is pureley subjective experience for now ... my hope is for an objective experience of ... ... ...in the bible it says ' ask and it will be given ... mathew 7/7 thanks and glory to the Father Son and Holy Spirit

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Apr 12, 2023
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this is hell .... how did we get here??? do we deserve to be here??? how do we get out is the most important question to seek ,,, i know goodness truth kindness etc exist and think there must be a source of this goodness that is what i seek to me thats the kingdom of heaven paradise , i try to sideline forget the other stuff that seems to be way beyond my ability to percieve ,know and comprehend ,,, all thats left for me is to lament sigh cry and die and hope in salvation while doing and becoming good while im here good luck happy trails also jesus revealed when asked who will se the good God , bless are the pure of heart they shall see the good God ... not even a dog will law down in a dirty place how do we expect the good God to enter in our hearts that are full of devils ,murder ,greed averice, lust ,selfishness anger ego ... the remedy is to cleanse the vessal of our hearts once cleansed we can no longer stay here but immediatly return to our heavenly home ,,, when asked why do you Jesus wash our feet ??? unless I cleanse them you shall not be clean thank you and glory our Good Father Son and Holy Spirit

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possible explination is th biblical fall of man and women , in genisis is says what food is meant for humans ,... also universal law as revealed in the bible is " as we sow so shall we reap... we make war under the controll of evil ,,, not the good God ...,, the eastern explination is karma and reincarnation ,,, in order to love man has to have limited free will to choose between good and evil ,,, maybe thats why the good God made it so... otherwise we would be love robots... or maybe there isnt one God maybe the devil was also ,,,, and we and our choice of choosing which side good or evil might be the determining factor of who win this cosmic drama ... or as the hindi vedic philosophy ... its all maya [ illusion '] not real ... but through which we humans learn through experience valuable transendant lessons about all of this existance ... personally i tend to lean to the illusion aspect

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I've been to Hiroshima. I sat and talked to one of the last survivors of ground zero many years ago. Her story felt pretty real. The destruction and death that followed for years after seemed pretty real to me. They also seemed to culturally rebuild with a certain humility and grace that I have not seen anywhere else on earth. Hard to fake that shit imho.

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“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

― Frank Zappa

I think the scenery/illusions they put up decades ago is falling apart and we're now starting to see more clearly the brick wall at the back of the theatre of our post-modern Plato's Cave.

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Yes, I've been thinking about that quote a lot lately--that seems to be where we are.

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Yes, only the leash was longer.

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Everything is fake and ghey.

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Everything is Fake ...... Until it Isn't, then TSHTF, Comrades. The Media Matrix is drowning the USA, this can not end well, imo. Thanks for the posting!

All the best.


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Great post 👍

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