Dear Ray, I agree with all that I have read here. I trained in holistic therapies and explored many avenues. I found flaws wherever I went. I do believe in the power of healing but the healing industry is just that, a money making ‘business’ that trains people quickly, who buy the “story” and then become ‘believers’ of the system. True healing starts within self. No one can heal another. It is more complex, but that is the simple version. So, why are others charging for their business of healing? It is wrong, plain wrong, because it harms deeply and those who rigidly hold onto Reiki, Yoga etc, are harming humanity more than they know. How do I know? I spend much time seeking answers through my heart. The biggest crime is to charge another or convince another that someone else or something else can heal us. The person who is suffering is their own healer. The therapist is merely there to hold a safe space for healing. RE: THE LAWYER…in my mind he is another fraudulent being who stole money and gold, and then had the cheek to slander his colleagues who broke the story. He has a dark past and is linked to Soros. At some point, I will enclose a newsletter from someone who I trust is a stickler for truth. I just want to double check that I can share their information. What I find most concerning is the group who purport to be the ‘truthers’ are just as lost in the false light programs as those they purport to be helping and when an emergency evacuation is in full flow in a WWW3 worldwide, western war zone, I cannot help but ask, why are so many charging for their knowledge when surely the safe passage of all souls should be of paramount importance? I am beginning to see more cracks as even those who appear to be helping reveal their dark agenda. No one is to be trusted and if they are making headlines, they need even more discernment, not less. People give their power away so readily, even the alternative community follow trends, not facts. They do not research as well as they should yet, they crticise the vaccinated. I think both groups are as bad as each other and would do well to assess the part they played in this chaos, address their own errors and avoid finger pointing until they are fully certain that they can back up their claims. Great to find you here. Kindest wishes, Claire

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I suppose you haven’t looked into hydrating yourself with browns gas. It definitely is a keeper! I know you asked for ones that didn’t work but I would rather share ones that do work. Health!

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I read an article years ago, which I do not recall who wrote or where it was published, discussing when the Rockefeller’s took over the medical schools, they also began adding petroleum products to pharmaceuticals. All types of cancers starting emerging following. Has anyone ever looked into this correlation or heard of this theory? If so, would you mind sharing any sources?

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Due to confusion.

1. I found there were miraculous healing 30-40 years ago. Not seen lately.

I put what happened below.

2. Healing seems harder now due to 'interference', which

I explained below.

3. With a trusted mate or friend, various massage is good.

See online.

4. Grounding. Many ways, see online. I combine grounding with prayer or singing. Singing helps vibration. Explained below.

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'That was THEN, this is NOW'....a LONG time ago now, at least 30 YEARS ago, I wasn't going to be

able to walk, couldn't sit on a bus (if there was a small bump in the road?...Aaahhh!!), and

I got in prayer for my husband to PRAY using oil on my back.

That night was the hardest one in my entire LIFE!!! I turn ALWAYS from one side to the other, always.

Not THAT night. A voice, brooking no argument said 'Stay STILL', ...me: uh, OK.

Then, I forget, REPEAT, repeat. Stay still, knees bent over pillows.

Fast forward to the morning. Remember, EVERY movement WAS unbearable, so I

GENTLY begin to turn to get off the bed, ....NO PAIN....Huh?? What's going on?

Then, I more gently put my foot on the floor. THAT was always awful. NO PAIN.

Well, you get the picture. Years before, Ray, I'd had a bad incident ice skating,

fell 30-50 times, ruined my back, but to really get BAD, it took years.

TO THIS DAY, my back is excellent. I 'got' in prayer, it is NOT healed, but other ways

were used. So, BE Careful!! I am.

But, Ray, that was long ago. Nada, nothing since then. I'd read the Holy Spirit was

withdrawing due to nobody believing, nobody interested. Makes sense.

To give my answer to your good question, and very good post, I'd say 'yes', often.

Not that there isn't 'healing'. No. But you've written on the TOXINS in the air, in

food, in the water? I suggest there's a LOT against it now. So, yes, a kind of myth.

I think the question THEN is, is it HOPELESS? I don't believe that, but can't say for sure.

So, how do we get around the toxins, what impedes healing?

You said you were married. Me, too. My mate has serious issues, and we've had success

with massage using various things with it. These are specific to your condition, and

online. We believe in 'grounding' but alas, I don't do enough of it!! Our old house is

natural, though, mostly, and that helps. I intend to do more grounding, and you can

look THAT up on youtube, online to see. Pretty simple, though. Walk in the dirt,

stones are even better. I haven't conditioned my feet yet to the cold, damp.

A woman in the Prairies said she RUNS 1/10 mile each way in the SNOW barefoot to

her car, to turn on the heater, and back. That's a lot of mental conditioning.

My mate told me he thought the very contact was healing. I sing, also, and sometimes

he joins in. The singing, any songs you like, are the vibrations.

A lot is vibration. And it is helping. Will it Work? I know it will improve things,

and the rest remains ahead.

Wishing all here health, best methods, and sharing as you're doing.

In prayer, the FIRST thing it says we have to know is the WILL of the Lord.

It says 'come let us reason(argue) together...' So, that all takes time, energy,

motivation but otherwise prayer is a 'shot in the wind'. Like wearing a mask.

Although, there will be exceptions.

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Thanks Ray. Here's my take on going natural. I nearly met my maker in 4 separate incidents in hospital over a 3 moth period. When I eventually was allowed home, with a long set of prescription meds. Pain killers, sleep meds. My darling wife stated 1 morning you're not right. My usual smartarse response was No shit sherlock! She said. No your spark is gone. You don't even argue with me any more. You're dull.

Spurred me on to take a much closer look at the prescribed meds. In a nutshell if I kept taking them. I'd wreck my liver & kidneys & definitely enter the evil megapharmas conveyor belt of more & more meds until I croaked prematurely early.

I looked up natural remedies. Then by chance, coincidence, karma, kismet, synchronicity. I came across the benefits of olive oil. The a bee keeping friend sent me, the next day! The turmeric, cinnamon, pinch of black pepper, honey, drink it down twice a day. Stopped meds. Went natural. After just 3 days felt or kidded myself that I felt much improved. After just a week I did answer the good lady back. She burst out laughing, hugged me & said you're back! If any relevance to anyone reading this. Please feel free to blast my article as far & as widely as you can. Thanks! 1Love!


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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

How’s your dental issue? I’ve had good results with ionic silver rinse to keep infection at bay. With regular water pick usage too

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In my own personal journey, i have seen my wisdom grow by ginormous leaps and bounds. Still, your prescience and foresight dwarfs my own. Kudos.

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yep. giving it my best to do it all by myself. The few times I could not find the solution, 2 out of 4 the doc did not know either. The 2 other times my fever went too high to fuddle with it myself, but the prescribed meds always make me sicker than I already am before they go the right way. Then of course I wonder, if I should have waited another day or two... been using herbal and the kind for 40 years now, recently started acupressure and qi gong (sort of slow gymnastics). Not a needle fanatic here.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I don’t mind as much when people “sell” things that they think are good for you. Lay persons may oversell or use faulty logic, but even those Accupuncture needles exist because someone makes a living from producing them..

It always struck me that the same people who balk at $30 vitamins still revere the doctor who charges $30,000 for a failed back operation. No refunds.

The glaring truth is that we slaves take comfort from answers—even for those situations where there are no answers, or the answers are terrifying. Our trained worship of white coats has led us to where mainstream medicine, correctly applied, is still a leading cause of death and we’re supposed to accept that as the last step in God’s will.

In our profit driven non-utopia, too many doctors have become unwitting shills for pharmaceutical companies, secure in the confidence that if something is worth knowing they would know it already. Even though their overlords try regularly to demolish holistic options.

The news of obscene profits and bonuses paid to medical practices with goal percentages of vaccinated patients tells us all we need to know: complete suspension of critical thinking, patient care, and medical ethics. Gone. And now the illusion of it is gone too. We know now—if we care to look—that medical personnel no more represent our individual wellbeing anymore than our “bought” Congress. They have the same owners and it isn’t little you or me.

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That Voltaire quote is amazing.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

You lost me at 'I don't like Voltaire';

"God is a comedian who is playing to an audience that is afraid to laugh"

Don't forget to refrigerate your rice after cooking it. This converts some of the simple starches back into resistant starches. Gray sea salt and iodine are great tools that allow your liver to do what it does best; detox metals from your body.

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I was also banned for 100 years, said God etc. was good.

A no-no. I just explained how the scriptures helped, my view.

No-no. So, gone, poof!!

Here I go again. I think you've got to be led, have that gut feeling,

or prayer or inner conviction. I thought negative ions were good?

Got one years ago, SEEMED good. Haven't been led to get it.

Do you mean disease and illness must always take down the person?

That everything is placebo? Maybe then use 'auto hypnosis, cheaper?

Linus Pauling took BIG doses of Vitamin C.

I know leaves are good. Beyond that, need more evidence.

Good post. Make us think. Easy to let Something be God.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=open-label+placebos&atb=v223-1&ia=web.... placebo works even when we know its a placebo ... any body guess why ??? also mind over matter" if we dont mind it doesnt matter " laughter best medicine ....ask our good creator for help ...

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Hahahahaha one of the first articles is about how it is a myth that the Amish are more healthy than the general population because they do not take vaccines!! Hahahahaha

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