Dec 23, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The cross publishing implies that the Substack author agrees with everything that they have cross published.

Would be better if they did a critique of the other's work or said which parts they thought were spot on.

It surely is aligning themselves with a *greater* authority. Joining some one else's club.

I don't see how it gets them more subscribers, it's only their initial subscribers who will see the cross publishing.

I sometimes wonder Ray at your giving unequivocal praise for another's Substack.

You know me, I only gift myself monthly subs, because I might change my outlook, and the person whom I thought smart, might have only been a one trick pony, who hasn't kept up.

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Yes, cross-publishing is acceptable, if it is accompanied by critical observations!

Sorry about being unequivocal occasionally... You know me enough to know that I never agree with anyone 100%, but I learn even from the enemy, which I heartily recommend everyone else to do! :)

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I suspect cross posting is used by those who cant offer any original content or who are too busy but want to keep their paid subscribers. Or maybe they hope a big fish will reciprocate and help them (little fish) grow.

I don't care. I enjoy my solitude. I do fear Substack is looking more like Twitter, and will soon resort to shadowbanning.

I actually got more subscribers before I started emailing my posts in March, and wonder if that's how it will be done. Now they have to work with Apple and Google for their app, and they seem pretty tight with Twitter, so it seems inevitable. As Elon says, Freedom of Speech, no Freedom of Reach unless you say something they want amplified

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Pete, thank you for joining the discussion! Your ideas, as always, are most welcome. :)

Yes, sometimes I also run out of ideas, but on those days, I don't publish (about once or twice a week, but usually make up for it).

Sorry, I've never been on any (anti)social media, so I don't know about Twitter, but the number of commenters drastically dropped a couple of weeks ago here. I might also be to blame, because I published a couple of unpleasant things, but I keep this site open to discuss anything that humans are involved in (without agreeing with certain types of behavior).

Most of my readers, about 70%, only read their e-mails, and never log in to comment, but that hasn't changed since I started on May 6, 2022.

In fact, I consider myself lucky not to have 10k subscribers, because at that point, I would surely be in trouble. This way, I am only one of the court jesters, who are allowed to talk, like Rand Paul, and serve as a paragon for "free speech." Actually, I consider my readers' opinion important; I only share mine and hope that others do the same here. Whenever I remember to do it, I "Like" everyone's contribution irrespective of my opinion, and refrain from doing the same, when someone praises me.

Getting subscribers still puzzles me. I knew this was not going to be about money in my case from the very beginning. In fact, I started it as a farce, but soon realized that it was something good and I could do something useful for a few people, so I got hooked.

By now, it's clear that I could have 2-10 times more subscribers, if I had given myself a "respectable" name; after all, I do have two doctoral degrees, but I never use the title, unless someone seems to be in dire need for developing at least some respect for others. :) There is actually an English major, who calls herself a "Dr" and she has an amazing number of subscribers, especially considering the quality of her contents (my degrees are in AI text generation and in AI-human interface in natural languages, but I basically had to develop my own field at those universities, and literally nobody had much idea of what I was talking about, so external "experts" were invited to determine my worthiness of a doctoral degree or two).

Ultimately, I am content with my staying unpretentious; it's fun to be "The 'Source'" in a world, where nobody (including me) knows the truth. :)

There has been a steady increase of subscribers of about 130 a month, except for the first two months, when I had about 100 altogether, but there were two jumps of nearly 200 in a matter of days after that. The increase sometimes slows down and, rarely, even drops by 1-4 subscribers.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I am an amoeba by comparison. Probably because I go off on Trump every now and then and much of the anti-establishment crowd today hangs Right and supports Trump.

Amplification is a big part of it. If you promote one side of the 2 party paradigm you can get amplified. If you call out the illusion and show both sides are just pawns by the Elite using the Hegelian Dialectic to direct change that facilitates their agenda nobody really wants to hear that.

As a society we have been conditioned to choose sides and root for our team as spectators. People don't want to hear that their chosen side is actually one of their enemies. They cant be a spectator if they believe that, and its scary and its not popular to believe so. Plus people hate to admit they have been fooled.

Some of the bigger influencers even pay companies to amplify them more, and they are in turn paid by others who want a certain message to get amplified. Its actually a pretty big business. I did a recent post suggesting substackers might be earning over $300 million in subscriptions in 2022. Think about all that government Dark Money available to influence content.

Sanctioned posts earn paid subscribers, posts that are frowned upon lose paid subscribers. Its a great way to condition authors to post the right stuff. Like Pavlovs dogs, authors can be trained

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Author

The warmth of the pigsty seems irresistible for many, and there are plenty of "authors" for them. :)

You are the first one to say what I have also assumed: on Substack, lots of fake paid subscriptions seem to be supporting crooks, shills, and morons with the taxpayer's stolen money that vanishes without a trace.

Only "authors" who are in it for the money can be conditioned. :)

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Hey Ray, I'm a very small author, with about 1400 FREE subscribers and no paid options set up. Last month I had a family emergency and didn't have the energy or time to pen articles, so I cross-posted a lot. Yesterday I told my audience (mostly captured through an organization we represent), that I would get back to original writing with links after the new year but for now there were people who had a lot of news to share, and were saying it a lot better than I - so I was cross-posting. Since I don't use substack for any financial compensation, and really just want to get info out to our group members, I hadn't noticed any of the things you mentioned. For me, cross posting has been a bonus -- despite a read complaining that they were getting too much mail from MFR lately. ;-)

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Just noticed you have a pledge for future subscription. Never saw that before. Just testing the water to decide if you want to get paid (nothing wrong with that)?

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Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about, but here is my take on "getting paid."

In general, I don't even post the begging tabs in my articles, because I find them irritatingly disruptive (I make an exception about once a month and only insert them in exceptionally decent articles); I respect my readers and hope that whoever finds me deserving will support my work. At the moment, it brings in about 15% of minimum wage, while it requires 8-12 hours of work even on days, when I don't publish anything (well, on shopping days, about once a week, only six hours or so). For the time being, I also have to pursue alternative sources of income (cultural advisor for doctors, lawyers, insurance agents, government workers and the like, but I don't refrain from some trading on eBay, either :) ), which is fine.

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I was talking about Marins substack subscription page

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022Author

Sorry, I don't know what that is.


Okay, just noticed the commenter above your comment. I'm checking it out...

Please, tell me what a "pledge for paid subscription" is.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Author

You have my respect for basically working for free for what you believe in!

Welcome to the club!

FYI, I hardly ever allow for the subscription post within my articles, because they are disruptive and I am not a beggar. Well, not exactly making minimum wage, either, here, but nothing is perfect. :)

Cross-posting has two problems: you either post BS from a popular author and/or compromise yourself as an author.

After Kirsch posted one of my articles, I didn't get more subscribers.


Did you notice any increase in your traffic and/or your paid subscription after you cross-posted?

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Dear Mr. Horvath,

honestly, I don't notice anything... I think the pre-Christmas period is a little stressful for everyone to all that is currently happening to people and basically everything has already been said that is important(of course I am always happy to read something from you again)... I also think that people are tired because of the constant worries that most of them now have... well, for me, with two grandchildren and a great-grandchild, I am very busy, especially now... and my husband and I(we are both already retired) still take care of 12 children 3 times a week with teaching(my husband was a prof. of math, English and applied physics), supervision and lunch, so occasionally I am only here on Substack in the evenings or at night.... yesterday, e.g., I noticed that Substack was not available... I really hope your perception doesn't come true and wish you, your family and everyone here a peaceful and restful Christmas!!!

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Yes, that's how I have been thinking; the central graphene-based AI has been running out of ideas, which I am finding quite reasonable. However, all these "weather changes" in the last 20 or more years have been suggesting that something else might be going on.

Please, don't worry. I only indicated the worst-case scenario, which might or might not materialize at this point, but considering that by 2025, only 800 million Americans are supposed to survive, the time is kind of pushing. Still, I think, the AI has delayed some of the next steps, which is making me happy, although -4 in the next few days will certainly not.

May the Good Lord Bless You, too!

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Ray, I forgot to ask you....below where you said:

"Very soon, you & l will not be able to reach each other, unless the other guy is a deep fake".

I don't understand what you mean....can you please clarify? Who is the "other guy"? What do you mean by being a "deep fake"?

Please forgive my lack of understanding....

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Author

If there is no electricity here, the Internet is not going to work, either, and you can count in cell phones, which we don't use.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Hi Ray,

I agree with jacquelyn (below). I, too, subscribe to many Substacks. Being retired l have the time to daily read most of them. And l am finding the recent Cross-Publishing annoying. So repetitious. Sure, it's fine to share pertinent links but not the whole article that l've already read elsewhere.

As far as the drop off in comments you mentioned....maybe it's because of the holiday season?

Anyway, l've been here (your Substack is one of my top 5 favorites) but l just haven't been commenting. There's not much l have to say these days. Just trying to find the little moments of joy here & there each day.

I sure hope Substack does not lose it's credibility because it has expanded my horizons in so many ways.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022Author

It is my honor to have been able to serve you. I started up this site mostly as a joke (otherwise, I would have called myself "doctor" and I would have ten times more "subscribers," but I have always believed that even the most "qualified" parties have to prove themselves over and over again, and I never went for the money. :)

Thank you for your feedback; as I am not exactly supported by "hundreds of paid subscriptions" (well, I'm comfortable with that, because the truth is not for sale, although you can ask my wife about the amount of time I have been spending building this site, while we are not exactly rich :) ).

My site has been, and is, focusing on the globalists' perpetrated results and whatever can be done to prevent those things from happening and even after they happen, what can one do about it for protection.

Cross-publishing is not "repetitious"; it's deadly. Why am I so much alone noticing this? Kind of reminding me of the times, when I told people that refusing the muzzle was their last chance, which it was.

I also predicted at least eight months ago that people here must contact each other, because these "good days" would end. Not sure if it's going to be this time, but the time is coming, and it's coming soon...

God Bless... "We" (the ones still humans) all need that.

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Hard to know. My post yesterday Grendel on the Potomac had one like. I usually expect more.

I have no insights on x-posting. Nor on fakery. In contrast to many other sites Substack is not so bad. A gigantic cafe in Vienna. Lots of people. Lots of tables. Many interesting viewpoints.

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Cannot fully agree (which, of course, makes no difference :) ), but small sites have been compromising themselves recently. With large ones, that's the rule, but they are not useless.

I'm just wondering if everything is not mirrored by now or there is still a chance for retaining credibility.

Of course, I predicted this over a year ago, but it's happening now. Very soon, you and I will not be able to reach each other, unless the other guy is a deepfake.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ray it seems to me that those small sites do want subs, money. And contrasted to other sites I guess I do expect need of revenue from small sites. Now I am small. I do need revenue. However for peculiar reasons monetizing my site I am postponing until one full year on Substack. I review about 20 sites with regularity. I still hold the metaphor of a Cafe works well. It is a peculiar cafe where some tables have a subscription and other tables advertise other conversations that have a fee for sitting at the table. And looking around the options to Substack I guess Medium comes close though I rarely read writers from the site.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Author

You see, my friend, we are the last ones, and we are all SMALL, may be some of the last Mohicans. Although you have done this cross-publishing once, I am still unsure why, because its contents were not exactly compatible with your previous posts or, maybe I am wrong...

When it comes to "money offered for services," I was only 16, I imagined the worst-case scenarios, what I would do, if I would be offered money. I settled with none, including millions of dollars. I am not a servant/slave to anyone.

Of course, as you might say, I am unique (at least, not a eunuch, but talk to my wife about that :) )

On my end, I will NEVER be a sellout. Those, who would give themselves away for a couple of bucks, should already give you the statistics of how many people you can trust, once the famine arrives...

Sorry, the truth is NEVER a "medium," and at your age, you must know that; "averaging out" only helps the feeble-minded. No offense meant; I respect you and I am grateful for your previous participation (on your end, this is Fielding's definition of "love").

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Ray you were a teacher and toiler. For 20 years I a n'er do well cafe denizen in La Mission. I understand your position. I insisted on excellence as a Bohemian. My war with art is 40 years at least.

Medium is an online publication.

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You know me more. :)

Let's you and I talk for Christmas!

I am available.

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This is new in the last few days and I am concerned. :)

Why should you or I lose our credibility for a few bucks? We have never done it for money. The truth is not for sale.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yeah well I think many folks on Substack are 49'ers down deep hoping for a claim that pays. Given inflation and heating bills and overall lack of work folks do what they do. I even apply for jobs and interview now and zen. My circumstances are such that the job has to be work from home. Essays on Substack help, both to read and write, though I do share a concern that too much mirroring is arising..

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Now, that's a completely new can of worms to open.

My 'Nam vet next door is one of the most wonderful people I've ever met. You know why? Because he has been through Hell.

Ultimately, "we" (you and I) are all weak. As Hamlet said it, "The rest is silence."

You and I could still talk! Call me!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Would dump this new cross publish thing, makes for lots of repeats if you follow many people like I do.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022Author

It poses a danger to the honest ones or reveals them for what they are.

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i don’t accept any paid subscriptions, my goal is to provide a relaxing respite to the craziness for my subscribers.

i have chosen to cross post certain enlightening articles to help my readers understand what we are living through, that we are being subjected to a deftly designed program of extermination.

Knowledge IS Power.

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It's good to hear you can afford it. In the long run, I can't, but will keep doing exactly what you are saying, while making about 15% of the minimum wage without a pension.

Sorry, my wife and I are in the squirrel wheel in which one must keep running until they they croak. It is out of her kindness, contribution, and grace that this site exists, but I actually have to work for our money. :)

As for knowledge, I would be cautious about saying it's power. It probably isn't, unless power over one's life counts as such.


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🙏 power over our own lives, free will, is the greatest gift, blessing of all and it’s why we are here. God bless you and your family.🙏

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Thank you kindly; the same to you!

The only room for free will, as far as I can understand, is in decisions about the kind of world I am willing to live in. For example, I cannot live in a world, where I am muzzled. :)

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Haven't had a problem with placing links in my articles yo others and to my articles in other authors' comment sections. Obviously, I don't want to take up a lot of place there, and only place links to articles that otherwise would be my comments.

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deletedDec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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While you can learn new info from Vigilant Fox, the site is not exactly what I would call reliable, but that's normal with me and I expect YOU to make your own decisions, which I would not contest.

Yes, this newbie is definitely in the same tradition as


In my days, I used to say, "I'll believe it, once I see it."

Dailyclout confirms the official terms/narrative, which should tell you enough about the "fox."

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