A house of cards.
Some predictive programming seems to have been in the works already for a month:
Last weekend, while doing our weekly grocery shopping, I noticed an increasing pile of toilet paper in stores, and a dwindling supply of comestibles.
It looks like my predictions about the (s)elections are about to mature:
In the meanwhile, ABC News has already published the outcome for Pennsylvania, for which they “apologized”!
Pennsylvania: ABC News Station Apologizes For Showing Presidential Election “Results”
According to this, Trump is getting 47%, and Kamala 52%.
Imagine how the “people” are going to react to this after it actually happens! Of course, even if they don’t, they will receive “support”: BLM and Antifa (some of the 34k criminals released from prison in California to wreak havoc who staged the riots in the summer of 2020) are already exercising for new fake riots they will initiate. The following coverage is from the Trump Rally in NYC from three days ago:
Even if the “people” don’t fall for this, the result, based on BLM/Antifa intervention, can be martial law, which will diminish even the appearance of “constitutional” rights:
As if the (Un)Partiot(ic) Act hadn’t completed the process (hint: it did):
Hi Ray; You may remember my reservations about the utility of "Stacking" anything? Storage and preservation should certainly be a part of every security plan. But, outcomes from this and other disasters are unpredictable as to scale and specially "Duration" I believe this will last a lot longer than anyone's "Prepper Larder".
Building bed and soil for gardens is a year around job even if one has the best soils and conditions. I cannot offer much advice to that 80% who live in cities, other than try to build "Community". There really is 'strength in numbers'.
It's hard for me to imagine this world voting for Harris but I'll keep my thoughts about election fraud to myself. Thank God for Substack, for respecting freedom of speech.