
David Bowie, in his sole evergreen song, may have revealed more than nothing about space and celebrity:


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Moon landing hoax excellent deep dive link below ... IMHO this is the VERY BEST though lengthy, titled "American Moon":


Also interesting is to watch "Astronauts Gone Wild" documenting the various guilty reactions of the former astronauts when confronted, e.g. yelling, punching, and running away like a little child! Link to "Astronauts Gone Wild":


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Our entire family are huge David Bowie fans.

No connection to this post but I have always thought this applies since the beginning of the Plandemic.


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Sep 18, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The “good” news is that nuclear bombs are hoax. So we can stop loosing sleep over a nuclear Holocaust destroying all life on earth. Still much death and destruction can be done with napalm and fire bombs.

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I am sad to say I beleive nothing now. The past 50 years have been shown to have been not

what we all thought or beleived. I can hold two opposite thoughts in my mind at the same time

now. I beleive nothing. Except in the Consitutition as written back then with a dictionary of that time, and

the Lord and Jesus Christ.

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have you all gone down the flat earth rabbit hole? Love that community too. https://www.theflatearthpodcast.com/must-see-videos/

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Oops, Ray, l forgot to include in my comment that l think the special people like you, Gene (below) & some others who "see & sense" from early childhood that things are not as they seem....well....l think you few are quite unique. Maybe l'm wrong but for whatever reason, the general populous is not that smart or perceptive (like me, lol). I belive it is a unique gift that few possess. Could it be cultural? Intuitive? Instinctual? Brain development? Early childhood influence? I don't know. But it begs the question of why do some have this ability & most don't? Please look at what l mentioned below regarding predestination....l would love to hear your opinion on this topic!

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

You know....l think so many Americans have been just plugging along in blissful (well, maybe not exactly "blissful") ignorance all their lives....l mean the average person just never imagined TPTB (the powers that be) could be so blatantly evil as to be so conniving, deceptive & murderous! I've commented here before & l will repeat....l don't think these monsters can possibly be human-beings. Individuals with love & empathy in their souls. Why would the people in these government agencies even desire to deceive the public with false narratives about landing on the moon? (rhetorical question. No reply expected).

This covid scamdemic has been the red-pilling for me as it has been for so many. I was watching a video this morning about 9/11 & the Twin Towers. The engineer scientist made the point about how the Towers essentially were vaporized with very little rubble remaining on the ground where they once stood. An event that could NEVER be caused by an airplane crashing into them. And how the public never questioned this (at least initially). I know l sure didn't! I find myself quite embarrassed that l was so naive! But, at that time in my life, my worldview just did not let me comprehend that TPTB would PURPOSEFULLY kill over 3,000 people in such a heinous act of domestic terrorism. Again, l was very naive. I truly believed that Osama Bin Laden & his groupies were the bad guys. Silly me!

And the supposed "Moon Landing"....l was quite young at the time but that's no excuse....they sure fooled me. I guess l was too busy raising children & doing laundry, washing dirty dishes, etc like so many other "average folks" that l couldn't see past the end of my nose. My father-in-law was some bigwig scientist employeed at Kennedy Space Center & we would go visit & watch many space shots being launched from his boat on the lntercoastal Waterway during that time period. It was all so exciting & so patriotic. Ugh! I wonder now if he knew it was all a farce. Most likely....but he was getting paid the big bucks so he totally supported the company line (actually l never much liked the guy....that should have been my first clue).

What is the point of my rambling? I suppose l am feeling a bit sad that l was so naive for so long BUT l am filled with gratitude that the scales have now fallen from my eyes & l am now facing reality head-on. It is a bitter pill to swallow but l would rather "know" NOW then go to my grave "not knowing"!

The term "being a critical thinker" keeps getting thrown around on Substack & other places. I don't know if that applies to me. I belive it's just been a process of maturation. And investigation on my part. As well as a gift of enlightenment from the Creator (whoever THAT is!). I do kinda' think our Creator has a special reason for lifting the scales from the eyes of SOME & allowing others to remain in a thick fog of delusion. I don't understand WHY but that seems to be the case.

Ray, maybe one day you could address the topic of "Predestination" in your Substack. Just a thought....why are some folks predestined to understand the truth & why some are not?

Ok, enough from me for now. I've been way too dark & morose with this comment. Must be the dark, rainy couple of days we've been having here in Florida....geoengineering? Lol.

As always Ray, thank-you for your insight.

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Ha ha, once I realized that space was fake and all governments were in on it, I realized everything was fake. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTH2kvSWwUPwEnjrQ4zUURA

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I dutifully told my family it’s a fake; and for my reward, was sent to a psychiatrist. I couldn’t have known then, but it was the best free education I ever had.

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