Jun 7Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

This is all very well..

But I am wondering what the ‘cure’ is?

How are the ‘super $$$’ living well and to a good age like Schwabb..Soros..Kissinger to name a few..there must be a cure and protection for ‘certain’ people?

I would like to hear about that! 🙏🏽💕

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You are not alone wondering. The cure is logical, but it doesn't look like it's going to be available for the average mortal:


Protection? Several are offered, but I wouldn't hold my breath:


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Well..it can’t be a very complicated cure because you see all the ‘special ones’ up front meeting..laughing..stealing all our monies..I wonder if it has to do with ‘med beds’ I read about a few years ago? Cleans toxins..cleans the blood.

I also wonder how many are really ‘chosen’ and how many are useless puppets..

One thing I believe is our Creator would not let all His People have their DNA/spirit/soul be taken out of His hand by the demons..


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Have you ever made an owl noise with your hands cupped, that's basically how the heart works.

It's a positive feedback resonance chamber, by the Great Creators design.

Twit, twoo.

As clever as an owl.

Now you understand the bohemia grove connection and worship.

The greatest medical lie ever.


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Jun 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Excellent post.👍

Great studies and conclusions.

If I may..

The 99% "salvageable" bit , is from where?, sounds unquantifiable.

I disagree on this last point.

A new model: The heart may be made of muscle tissue for expansion and contraction purposes acting as a compression valve for blood pressure regulation.

The flexibility of the muscle can be altered via the electrical array with 40,000 nodes that surrounds it, the higher the voltage for contraction.etc.

Since the hearts physical size seems it impossible to pump the blood through the great distance of all veins and arteries, it must be an electromechanical ferrous fluid shuttle (rail gun) with an adjustable cavity pressure enclosure.

(Why, if you limbs get trapped, or have blockages, your veins don't burst!

Welcome to the new model.

EMF is more important than ever, artificial adjustment of the narrow margin of the blood magnetic qualities via toxins and magnetic compounds and elements, will alter the circulation and speed.

EMF's will interfere with the electrical array control diaphragm of the muscle tissue (muscle spasms) and the syncopation and projection of blood circulation.

Both control mechanisms are out of their symbiotic operational parameters, causing failure.

Why is the heart black, literally electrical burn out.

Artery clogging is wall insulation breakdown due to additional stuck metal particles buildups causing electrolysis over time, either full blockage or a hole. Like bridging a liquid live wire to ground with a screwdriver bzzzzzzt.

The electrical arc eats at the artery wall.

Does anyone know the electrical power generated by a single heartbeat?

Would love to know....


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When I was young, I was taught that the heart muscle doesn't regenerate, and these days, it seems it can, albeit slowly.

Roman has quite a few articles about heart problems as reactions to electricity:


Your description, however, is most welcome.

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Jun 6Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Big Ray😁, great posts , great reporting, outstanding thinking.

The Roman Power couple are brilliant!

All systems in the body regenerate after 7 years, unless interfered with, this is the very big secret.

Due to the constant use of the heart, if the voltage/current is slightly off, mainly due to metal poisoning, it never reaches a full regenerative state, as the electricity and magnetism frequencies (radiation) mutates cell regeneration.

The wrong "signals" (mainly from the heart,( the IO is greater than the brain) are sent to the "cells" or "nodes" of the tissue (calcium voltage gates), thus the original blueprint of regeneration is interfered with.(A cell could not possibly contain all this information)

Unless the metal toxicity is stabilized within healthy parameters, the heart damage is accumulative, eventually leading to "burn out" of the hearts phased array, or insulation breakdown of the main arteries connected.

Just like a power board with wiring attached, that had a fault, or hit by lightening! The weakest point fails.

A machine may work for a while, being supplied with over voltage and current, but eventually the individual components not rated at the levels will fail.

The IMPEDANCE (restistance, capacitance and inductance) of the heart , allows time for correction, if not corrected, component failure.

Impedance matching (efficient power transfer)of the other vital organs is imperitive to system wide operation. If one organ is "off" it affects the whole body.

If one organ is missing, regardless of wether it is in use, the impedance of the whole body changes and effects other organs, (the phantom limb)

We should never remove any organ, or we alter the circuit.

The heart is actually just one big chunk of tissue once unfolded.

The ring circuit "cavitation" (see video) allows for ether energy extraction.

The free energy design we seek, comes from within, as Jesus taught.

I am iron man 😂

I hope this contributes to our new understanding of our most magnificent human machine.

Always a pleasure to converse, ask anytime .

The more frequency emitters the more heart disease, cancer and mental cognition interference.

This is why the network has to come down, this is what always ends civilisations.

We kill ourselves with technology, every time.

Look at the old buildings, full of antenna arrays, built by quartz and metallic stones, once covered with highly conductive metal.

The heart is an ether antenna system, creating a biosphere of induction around it, food is just matter to replace matter, water is the signal transport and lubrication system.

The power comes from the "air".

This can easily be proved by researching daily energy intake (calories) compared to physical kinetic output.

If I burnt and captured all the food I ate in a day, it would power only ONE arm lift with weight attached, then it would require more energy to do other things........

The unbalanced ratio implies another power source is essential to full body operation, other than food intake.

Kirchovs law, all power entering a node must equally exit the node.

"I am not mad, I've just done my homework."

The EMF towers and network emitters are the Achilles heel of our civilization death spiral.

We must skip the "dune" phase of technology enslavement, and smash the machineswhich we will eventually do anyways, how fast, is how many survive.

Feel free to share far and wide.

We should live until 120 healthily, if we remove pharmakia and environmental pollution.

It's that simple.

A very big cheers

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Thank you, Mick.

Your article on the subject also shines:


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May 25Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ray I really enjoy your stack, it always makes me feel so darn warm and fuzzy good.

We are certainly living in a time just as the days of Noah, when all living creature’s DNA has been manipulated and changed. Iron mixed with miry clay is next as written by Daniel. This action by the controlling Fallen angels types who move men’s actions will not allow for another 4th Turning. You don’t mess with God’s loved ones DNA and fair well.

Try as we may to stay pure blood, we cannot. Fasting, no sugar, mucho veggies and all the correct food is the only defense we have.

But I just had a hernia surgery so I’m now filled with whatever the heck the best poisons that the 5G can stimulate is in me. At 69 life has been good. We should just fight the ghouls as we always have. Mankind is like cockroaches, we’re hard to kill. But drip by drip, they have been thinning the herd.

As Paul said “To live is Christ, to die is gain.”

I really enjoy your good work Ray cause you open many eyes and hopefully I have helped warm your heart as you do all your followers. PEACE !

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Thank you kindly.

"Pureblood" also irritates the heck out of me. No such thing anymore. Nanotech is in just about everything. I'm quite certain all it needs is an activator signal from 5G or something like that, and miserably enough, everyone can be personally targeted.

Hernia, for some reason, has also become a lot more common than it used to be. It's probably 5G, but I would be interested in your thoughts regarding the 13 common causes of comparable conditions:


A few years younger than you are, I have been on borrowed time for several decades, and I am grateful for what I managed to accomplish (I am the judge of that).

Again, it's good to have you around. :)

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You didn't mention, or did I miss something?

SUGAR 🧁🎂🧁🎂🎉🎉🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉

No processed foods and for me fasting.

Go do it, good luck, I wish I had discovered and done fasting decades ago.

Start slow, then intermittent.

BTW I don't trust any licensed doctor, and this is not offered as medical advice.

Just what's working for me at 73 yo fit blue zoner 🌊 in 🏝️+ 🥲

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It's good to hear what's been working for you. I also eat once a day, and wrote an article about eating, too:


Of course, with Appeel on "organic" stuff, even "organic" is not all that great (not that it has ever been, because hydroponic has also been used as "organic" irrespective of how toxic the water used was, and there are various standards for "organic," most of which allowing for minuscule amounts of toxins that, nonetheless, toxic enough...

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May 24·edited May 24

LOL! I used to call this "syndrome" Industrial Disease after I got so sick with toxicities from multiple sources, jokingly using the title of the Dire Straits 1982 tune as my self-diagnosis when people would ask what was wrong with me:


The song's theme supposedly was dealing with the economic malaise at that time, especially in Great Britain, but I choose to interpret the theme as larger and encompassing the dis-ease propagated on all levels - physical, mental, spiritual - by the artificialities and toxicities of the industrial complex of the 19th-20th centuries. Now, with the artificial life and artificial intelligence industrial devolution in progress, dis-ease is our No. 1 GNP. Go USA!

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May 24·edited May 24

..."“Health experts are redefining cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, prevention and management,"...no they are not because they do not include herbs and other natural substances that can be used to create a healthier heart. All they will be using are more poison big pharma drugs. The AHA and others like it are murder machines run by Pig Pharma.

What is the test for CKM? There is none. This is all guesswork designed to scare the heck out of people and drive them towards more and more drugs which will cause the actual problems they are trying to avoid. I would never trust the AHA. 90%...where is the damn proof?

So what about the other 10%. What keeps them from having CKM? What a joke.

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Ray, have you looked into this? It makes a good case for why the vaccine injuries are so widely variant.


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ICD (international classification of disease) #999 - serum sickness

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May 24Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Thanks for the important info Ray!

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Nicely pieced together.

It has frustrated me for some time regarding 'titling' of anomaly's, no matter which situation. New clouds never seen before, no matter how nefarious, are simply given a name, then accepted as being ok and totally benign. Illnesses as you mention, simply given a new title and accepted, no matter how nefarious, then expanded upon.

Personally I like to clearly always be aware of the difference between natural and artificial in the world around me, to clearly let crazy do crazy while I stand back at arms distance. I like to understand that crazy will destroy crazy, and balance comes to the fore.

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May 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

It seems as if most are not and will not be aware of the nano transition taking place. Those with a heightened sense of self-awareness, consciousness if you will, might actually notice the changes taking place physically/behaviorally, and exhibit some degree of interaction with the instructions coming in. Your stack is one of the few worth the time, everytime.

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Thank you.

Thankfully, I am small enough to avoid being blackmailed with a total loss of my revenue here, which is still respectable, and I am grateful for everyone's help, but that help includes comments and the details in them, as it does in your comment, too.

The worst part is the 5G and the like, because it's always good for crowd control or for mass murder, even for mimicking a "pandemic" by making people drop dead in the streets.

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I don't believe it's 99% but time will tell.

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According to the article, it's 90%, but when 5G and the nanoparticles are combined, it's probably closer to 97-98%.

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