Good Morning,

Patients that are scheduled for admission to hospital are asked to bring in (physically)

all of the medications they are presently taking. Many came in, often with an adult child,

carrying a plastic bag chock full of pill bottles. Often those were taken at random by the

patient that lost the scheduling and didn't know what some were even for. Some bags

contained 20 or more pill bottles.

I was an RN with 2 university degrees, but jobs for nurse included sign on bonuses

as we were in a shortage. My nursing degree came from a rigorous and demanding

program that many washed out of. I never "studied" for my board exams, or crammed

as many did, because I understood systems within the body/and interactions between

systems. I could figure out the answers even if they weren't memorized/integrated


I have questioned doctors, and made suggestions to ease a procedure, and was met with

resistance. Years later, I continued that questioning to include medications and procedures.

Example: A patient may have had 3-4 recent MRI procedures, yet the MD would order

yet another. Supplements were included in the medication regime that did no good

but added to the burden of the patient physically. Mentally: in my latter years , I practiced

(20 yrs) in behavioral medicine and gave out psych drugs and patients also got ECT

(shock) treatments. Gradually I saw the poor results of the drugs and treatments and

reported all to the prescribing physician/psychiatrist. The answers? Revenue building.

I had had enough and subsequently retired early (I was nudged by my supervisors) and

grieved a bit over it all, but I would not have gone back. Those bastards will prescribe

horrible drugs with severe SE especially for the elderly, but any age group can receive

these "medications" that can be debilitating. You might not even believe me if I elaborated.

The system has changed from sometimes bad to consistently bad. Most physicians no

longer have a private practice. Some do, eg Ophthalmologists. They pay their own

liability insurance. A physician with admitting privileges, now work for the hospital, and

must follow hospital "protocols" to the letter. They have 15" per patient, and the entire

visit is dominated by the doc typing the required "medical record thing" on their computer.

The docs get pd. by the # of patients seen and recorded. They are told to push certain

medications and recommended vaccinations unrelentingly, and the more they give, the more

bonus $ they earn. The trade off? The hospital pays their liability insurance, without it

Docs can't afford to practice anywhere.

So there you have it. End of story.

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Kaiser (one of my former clients) used to keep its MDs on salaries and the got paid irrespective of how many patients they saw. That would have been an incentive for them to keep patients out of the office by helping them, but most of these frauds were happy with the kickbacks from prescribing injecting poisons...

Some states maximize payouts for malpractice, but liability insurance goes up even when the doctor is found "not guilty," because that's how insurance criminals are making money. The only difference is that after a "not guilty" verdict, the premium doesn't go up immediately, only when the policy gets renewed (the doctor's clientele is deemed to pose "higher risk" for the insurance company, kind of the same process as in the case of car insurance).

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I don't know how you put up with observing this, or how anyone could.

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I will tell you. The year I graduated and B4 I even took the boards, I did my best to

secure a job at C. Hospital. It had the reputation of being the best of the best and

I knew I wanted to work there. They hired me (contingent on the tests of course)

and I relaxed. I started work on probation. We had a "unit teacher" (Endocrine beds

and med-surg) and the woman, never will forget her, that was kind but very strict.

There was a huge binder which was a giant check list with all and every procedure a

nurse would have to be "certified in" and she taught us newbies 1:1. The hospital also

had a nursing school, residential, that comprised the bulk of the nurses. Year round

the hospital had trained nurses to the highest standards for years in a 3 year program.

At the completion of the supervised training I got a certificate and a letter telling me I

was among the very best beginning nurses ever and I passed with flying colors. I just

loved working there, and all the established nurses were helpful to me, plus I gained

a fantastic mentor who became a friend for years. There were no shortcuts ever, which

I was so happy about.

Then things gradually changed. My real love was psych. I wanted to work in that area,

but not until I had solid skills as a bedside nurse taking care of our medical-surgical

patients. My best friend's husband, a psychiatrist, started a unit there for adult in-patients. I had to interview, and was offered the job. We started small. Two docs, a nurse manager, and 8 nurses.

A secretary and some Nsg. assistants, and gradually we added our "Ts" (therapists)

and others and we developed programs. We grew and our reputation grew to where we

had a waiting list to be admitted. We gained Docs, every patient had an internist to do a

history and physical so a medical condition could be identified and treated as needed.

It was a dream job. I loved it.

Then things began to change. The insurance companies began to scrutinize the treatment

plans and question the length of stay. Many other things changed v the administration

and the various .gov programs that ultimately ruled over the hospitals everywhere due to

some patients being on medicare (Federal programs) and lobbyists for the insurance

companies trying to control patient care. Now things have changed so completely that

their are "protocols" for virtually everything. The docs lost their independence, and it

has been downhill since then, with patients care becoming secondary to costs.

We know what we have now. Any Doc not towing the Administrations line/rules is

out. I left before it got that bad, and I know now that it was $$ that ruled the entire

system. I would warn any family that has a loved one hospitalized to be hanging out

there as much as possible. I did that for years anyway, when things were still good,

because it was the best way for the patients. We know that the big C forbade visits

of any kind and it was a horror story for the patients. We realize that now, most of

us do, but many don't. I hope that gives you insight into why things got so bad and

why a nurse would stay on through the changes. We stayed to try and save our patients.

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I don't understand what savings insurance companies could have come up with, if there was a waiting list at the institution. This sounds like the boss(es) were captured by the "medical" mafia, wanting to accelerate depopulation... The money was there, no matter what, so the taxpayer was paying for patients being harmed or killed.

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What year would you pinpoint as the downturn?

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The ultimate tragedy of psych is that even the underlying paradigm ("chemical imbalance in the brain") was refuted 2-3 years ago, but the drones are still poisoning their victims with the toxins by following the "protocols."

To add insult to injury, these criminally-insane morons are still considered "experts" and wield enormous power to destroy lives... The even added "authority-refusal syndrome" (or something like that) to their manual that lists "psychiatric disorders" for which not a single authentic test exists (and if you ask two of the frauds, they could never agree on a "diagnosis" that is harshly dealt with, like ECT is legit again).

When my mother was a victim of experimental DEWs in the late 1980s (he must have been picked b/o her exceptionally-high IQ), these shills nearly completely destroyed her, mostly in the first year with Haloperidol! Still, she had a nice nurse, who cared to sit down with her and spend time with her. She is in her 90s now (my mom has been long gone), but I still call her every few months as a sign of my respect and gratitude! Her mind is still 20/20, although she has been taking care of her handicapped husband, too, for over 40 years!

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Suzanna, you are so right about the need to be present for anyone institutionalised.

Parents need to be at the school lots too.

Being there shows that the person, (child or patient) is not victim material.

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Thank you

That is very correct

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"Doctors" want "patients" to bring along their pills, because the system is not reliable.

Still, there is no comprehensive database for chemical interaction between "meds." Kinda like the butchers are willing to inject several childhood "vaccines" in a child all at once (the highest number I've seen was 11 shots to an 11-year-old little girl. The mother said, "The doctors must know what they are doing." I told her, no, the doctors haven't got the slightest idea. She still proceeded with the injections for her daughter, because she wanted to pass the girl on to the NYC school system... She was busy with her new boyfriend... And that was before the maniacs with the "covid" injections.

A simple rule of the thumb is that not taking any "medication" is a lot safer than taking any.

Also, people might want to reconsider their cravings for miracle medications. It's a lot more important what NOT to consume than what to eat, as long as one keeps eating rarely (once a day has been working for me for 14 years, but everyone is different) and little (that allows room for detoxification).

Most "doctors" are vain and stupid; they can't afford to be challenged. You are also talking about waste and abuse in the system... Extremely common. Those with good "health" insurance have their insurance ripped off, and the poor are entered into "clinical studies" that often result in their maiming (unnecessary hysterectomy or mastectomy are the most common frauds) or untimely deaths (thinking about "Stage 0" breast/ovarian cancer "treated" with extremely toxic chemicals; again, quite common). Training and getting rid of those pesky interns is also a factor.

The 15-minute limit is quite universal, but why would anyone want to go to see a "doctor," for whom a patient is only a number and a means for profit and justifying the butcher's "professional" self-image?

There are good doctors, about 2-3 in a 100. They burn out fast or leave. Some of them end up losing their license.

The ones who turn to naturopathy can be extremely dangerous, because they are mixing paradigms, while still having next-to-no idea what they are doing.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you Ray

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The reason why I like "A Midwestern Doctor" here on Substack is that he is open for discussions and respects opposing opinions, while retaining his integrity. He and I hold different positions on a lot of things, but he also said that my experience in "healthcare" was the same as his...

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Both you and I have seen more than we would have ever wanted to see. Still, we were not blind, deaf, or too brainwashed to think.

My wife was absolutely horrified by your story posted at the beginning of this conversation! She has been telling about it to just about everyone she's talked to since...

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Is this the same Mercola who hawked a tanning bed that wouldn't give you cancer?


I don't know, Ray, many of his followers consider him a hero. He is a cultist of a sort.

You can't buy that stairway to heaven if heaven for you is good health but that's exactly what Mercola wants you to do. "Don't trust Big Pharma, trust me." The irony is, Big Pharma is the supplement industry now too so anyone who hawks supplements is hawking Big Pharma. Mercola is burning both sides of this profitable candle.

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I don't need Mercola to tell me people are over medicated in our take a pill and vaccine for everything society and I certainly don't need his supplements in lieu of the Big Pharma meds considering the supplements are Big Pharma too.

Mercola is not a practicing physician and there is a reason for that. He's making so much money selling supplements, there is no need for him to practice for much less money. He's not about healing and good health. He's about personal enrichment and in this sense he's not much different from any other wealthy elite.

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Not being a "practicing physician" might be an advantage, but he is a businessman, which is just about the same. I personally consider about 98% of the dupplement business a fraud or, at best, a useless fad.

The ability to think cannot be tied to "education," "expertise," or a license:


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Remember the magnets sticking to the arms of the recently vaxxed? Do you think a strong magnet could be able to detect graphene oxide in medications?

I find this information about Mercola interesting. Have always been amazed at the number of articles he puts out daily so it makes sense he is working with a team. Even so, the information his group produces is good and the 48hr restriction was somehow forced upon him when he was determined to be #1 disinformation source by those who want to suppress truth. I would not want him disparaged since people need to hear this information. Don’t give up on getting access to the comments. I would think they are still in the archives.

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The problem is that it's not "only" graphene oxide, like the lethal injections also contained a cocktail of unique selections from a few hundred toxins, pathogens, parasites, and nano-tech.

Mercola has always been a business, not a "team." The ghostwritten articles often contradicted each other and if you had bought everything they recommended, you would have ended up broke or dead; probably both. :)

The 48-hour limitation is only the tip of the iceberg. He has been shilling a lot, too... Kinda like Malone. And no, old comments are not in the archives, at least, they were not, when he started up on Substack.

Nobody knows the whole truth. In my opinion, that includes the game-masters, too. They are simply following the guidance of their "super AI" that is running the worldwide simulation, while processing live data...

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That is a lie. No magnets were sticking to arms after vaccination.

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Actually, that seems to depend on the molecular structure of the materials. Some graphenes do possess strong magnetic properties, but I doubt that pills would contain enough of anything like that to be strong enough for a magnet to show. Also, it is a question how the material is injected (graphene hydroxide and hitting a blood vessel kill fast).

The same inconsistency can be observed about the IP address emitted by some of the injected, but that might be due to the time the self-assembling structures need to set up transmitters and receivers (and a control center, as needed) in the body after the injection (probably depending on the length of 5G exposure).

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I can't see how enough graphene oxide, to set up all these transmitters, can get into the body from the covid clotshots.

So stands to reason that other methods must also be used.

Does the digestive tract just excrete graphene oxide that was eaten or does it get into the blood circulation.

Breathing it into the lungs, does it get breathed out again, or does it end up in the blood or stay in the lungs.

Ray, are you thinking that it's in toothpaste, or just that any rubbish can be in toothpaste.

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Look, there is plenty of literature about the way self-assembling graphene structures behave in the body. That's not even a question. For your convenience, there are links in this post:


One can breathe in a lot of stuff and some can be coughed back up.

Never said graphene is in toothpaste, but I did say a lot of cryptic stuff is. I am yet to see a person, whose teeth have been preserved by using mouthwash and toothpaste. However, I've seen plenty of people, whose teeth were a lot worse than people's, who never brush. :)

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I am compelled to defend Dr. Mercola. I find his articles extremely helpful and IMO he has been a courageous warrior in the fight against medical tyranny and fraud. He’s taken so many hits (NYT / CNN) and comes back swinging. He is finely tuned in to the evil going on in this world. Ray, you said you were a reader on his site for 8 years, right? You must have found value there. Your harpooning of Mercola today seems perhaps a bit over the top. Anyway just my 2 cents’ worth.

Keep rocking with your stack!

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It's all right. Both of us are entitled to our opinions, especially because they are based on our experience! :)

Mercola, even before becoming compromised about 18 months ago, was 3-5 years late reporting stuff that I wrote about already in my 2012 book.

He IS controlled and is fake opposition:



And here is what to do about it:


But that's only my opinion! :)

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Since I avoid the death cult as much as possible, and have successfully avoided all the medications and injections since a tetanus shot that made me sick decades ago, I can only add that I feel fine. Feel better than ever actually since a diet change spurred on by my healthy food growing (and growing) abilities.

Also am losing my ability to care about the volunteers for these many sacrificial experiments or about the revenge that surely is going to fire up over this current injection event.

Sure, my ideas and lifestyle has become very narrow concentrating on taking care of myself among the ensuing chaos.

I am going to attempt to wean myself of this computer at some point here soon after I think I have enough this is how I did it posts around. I quit smoking, then I quit sugar, breaking addictions is very hard to do!

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Oh, I will have to ask the dentist I visit for teeth cleaning a few questions, that's a sleeper, thanks for the tip.

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I don't think dentists would know.

Still, I suspected it enough that I canceled my last dental appointment in November, 2020.

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Will have to grin and bear it at the dentist's in future.

Can't trust those needles.

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It's not just the needles. The swabs can also be used as graphene (or worse) delivery systems.

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As an aside I do have a wisdom tooth that had been deteriorating and have resisted its removal. Since I have been eating healthy food (and no sugar), including eating a few black walnuts from my yard regularly, the gummy pains have went away. I am thinking my body has the building blocks to repair it. I don't know, just what I think.

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Try a swish/soak of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of baking soda (NOT baking powder!). Mix it well (it tastes bad) and hold it in the area where the troublesome tooth is...let the solution SOAK into the tooth and gums for about a minute.....spit it out and do it again. The action of these solutions gets into the crevices and cracks in the tooth and gums and neutralizes the bacteria......do this about once a week to keep the area clean. In fact do this for all your teeth and gums once a week....its a lot more effective than mouthwash. (I add a half tspn of a flavored mouthwash to the peroxide mix to make it a little more palatable).

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Use food-grade peroxide only, as long as it is available!

I don't think ANY dental rinse or toothpaste is good for anyone, but that's only my opinion, based on observation. Waterpicks are better than brushing and flossing, because they don't use cryptic chemicals.

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Oil of cloves is allegedly good for toothaches as well as a disinfectant. Other than that, it's time to learn natural methods for treating teeth (I agree with you that regeneration is possible, but there are too many myths out there) and at least the way to perform clinically-acceptable extraction. It is quite easy to die of a bad tooth...

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Yes clove oil is valuable and it does reduce pain but use my peroxide recommendation (above)....it works even better. The clove oil has to be re-anointed too often and it can burn.....but its good in an emergency

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The last one I had was well before this injection event, I will ask what they used back then too. I never thought about the dentist being in the cult before. I suppose so!

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They use the supplies they can get. They don't "need" to know what's in the supplies.

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Oh. Ok. I'll think about it.

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