I like Judge Napolitano. He doesn't pick "sides"; I feel he tells it like it is.

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https://rense.com/general79/among.htm Ray / anyone ... help i tried to go down the rabbit hole with this one ,,, this is as far as i got [ close to nowhere ] also 25 km microwave oven ' [ cyclotron ] blacks out cities because of power drain ... extrapolative speculations on this mammouth are approaching the " outer limits " the logical conclusions of teslas wardencliffe, the philadelphia experiment and the current edition kon c.e.r.n.....e any leeds welcome thanks

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ViroLIEgy Newsletter is fantastic resource on all no-virus science. On Substack.

The Truth Barrier (Celia Farber) covers all kinds of topics, many of which are very interesting. On Substack.

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Here is a start on the great game of news. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/censorship-industrial-complex-top-50-organizations-know

Mencken: The virulence of the national appetite for bogus revelation

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Good (Just my opinion, of course, which you asked for)


Sage Hana from Sage’s Newsletter

Reinette Senum's Foghorn Express

Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., PhD

Ray Horvath the Source

ICIC Rainer Füllmich on Odysee.com

The occasional post on Telegram channels, such as some of the ones from Astrid Stuckelberger, Dr. Carrie Madej (Serendipity)

Interviews by Maria Zee, Dr. Jane Ruby. I try to catch whenever Todd Calendar speaks

Critically Thinking with the 5 Docs on Rumble.com

Some of the information available on Catherine Austin Fitts Solari Report

There are a lot of sites I wouldn't call bad, but they often leave a LOT to be desired, so, they have me wondering. Like CHD. One of their good:ones: the Ilana Rachel Daniel report she does from Israel

I also get news in German, mostly from Austria, and in Spanish, a lot of it from South America and mostly from Spain. Not helpful here

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

I can only think of reliable and mostly Australian ones right now (with a caveat that they are not all 100% like minded but mostly feature quality journalism , are non sensationalist, feature a range of views, and are mostly sombre and considered enough (or if not sombre and considered, at least have a high enough profile to be taken seriously) to share with loved ones who aren't yet awake.

1. The Light Australia (and The Light UK) is a free reader-funded print newspaper aimed at waking up the 'mainstream' (www.thelightaustralia.com)

2. Dystopian Downunder (https://blog.rebekahbarnett.com.au/)

3. Spectator Australia (and I guess UK) - online and print - interestingly the oldest continuously running news magazine in the world, started in 1828. I think it qualifies as 'mainstream'. Yes they have editorial biases particularly about the UK - but at least they are very transparent and non-manipulative about them. https://www.spectator.com.au/

4. Political Ponerology (https://ponerology.substack.com/)

5. Dr Robert Brennan (former psychiatrist, brilliant writer - Australia) https://rmachine.substack.com/

6. Toby Rogers PHD (political economist - US ) (https://tobyrogers.substack.com/)

7. Josephine Cashman - former senior Indigenous Affairs advisor to the Australian Federal Government until late 2019 (and an in-demand commentator in left-wing mainstream media up til then) now blacklisted for speaking about how the UN is using Indigenous Affairs as a mechanism to end private property rights and national sovereignty (https://substack.com/profile/20029521-josephine-cashman)

8. John Anderson who was a senior cabinet minister in Australia for over 10 years, and Deputy Prime Minister in Australia for 6 or 7 years, has become a self-funded independent journalist! https://johnanderson.net.au/

9. https://blog.canberradeclaration.org.au/ - an alternative news site in Australia with a wide range of opinion and a very wide readership in Australia , has been growing since 2012.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Swamped here...flooding the zone...bracing for impact - and holding down the fort - flood watch and a full-on invasion here in TX, OMG...but will weigh in here soon. Great idea...time is precious.

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GlobalResearch.ca is pretty good for a wide variety of news. As someone else characterized it, "needs occasional sifting". Martin Armstrong is solid for financial matters.

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To a great extent news is more of the horrorshow of history on the fly. You are now gifted the status of gossip monger. If a couple ideas are present in the end it is enough. If people act on what they know we know it, and if not we know that too. Government fraud, all the way back to the first new nation formed from 13 colonies with a continent to take. When the Frontier ended the new frontier is man and the biosphere.

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Have to think about it. My favorite rumble lady is Xtreme reality check. My favorite podcast is the zeph report on spreaker, zeph Daniel formerly known as woody Keith. Both got kicked off of YouTube. (These are tin foil hat places)

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Good idea. I make it a point to NOT pay any attention to the legacy MSM, which is made easier since I dumped my cable TV years ago. I do not listen to any radio news, only a weather radio.

My source of info is the internet through my laptop, no phone.

Recently I discovered a news source called The Patriot Post, which is a sort of daily news summary which I get in my email inbox. https://patriotpost.us/

Mostly I subscribe to a lot of Substacks. A few I do the paid sub, but most I do the free.

I used to follow news sources and politicians accounts on Twitter, but the marxist censors suspended me last Nov., and I have yet to be re-instated. Musk has a lot of cleanup still to do there.

I also follow several Rumble channels, and a few also have Locals. Currently my go-to Rumble channel is Badlands Media. They have a line-up of live shows on a daily schedule. I just watched one of their more popular ones this morning, from Kyle, Just Human. He covered the current indictment situations on both sides, and how the fake news is spinning the narrative.

Hope this helps.

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That sounds exciting Ray.

However, in terms of news, I am finding lots of news to think about in Azra Dale's Substack about the newly anointed one. Not boring at all.

I love Stegiel's Substack for his philosophy and his having a proper conversation with me in my attempt to expand my mind.

I will try and work on actual lists as per your request but I just felt some urgency to comment about my current engrossment in the background and conjecturing about the royals.

(But I live in NZ so have that perspective.)



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Here's the most complete list on the web so far:

Unsung Heroes: Who’s who in the global #FreedomMovement


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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

reliable - Mark Steyn, Tucker Carson

'Sharyl Attkisson

A few Substacks but sifting needed

the Expose - more sifting needed. Frontnieuws (Dutch but translator available) - idem

A few Epoch Times articles, even more sifting needed

Lew Rockwell - sifting needed

Unreliable - all the rest

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www.thenewamerican.com has never been anything but accurate. They have super articles and videos on many, many topics. I highly recommend checking it out.

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