ugh re the 5g in the grocery--metal does bounce the "waves" so what you say makes sense-- this is why on the subway / in an elevator my head explodes 'cause everyone has their phones on... We do intermittent fasting also--but I never did more than a 4 day fast myself (nor has my type 1 daughter who is likely too young to have the motivation OR the stamina!) but autophagy IS good fer what ails ya... AND it saves money! There are hats that supposedly reflect the emfs (5g included) that are directional (from the top... most signals are from above). Do they work? Search me... they ain't cheap but if they work mebbe a good in-"vestment."

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Oh sure, I agree with that! our entire "fambly" is emf-sensitive (headaches, joint aches, etc) Something kin trigger one immune system (if vulnerable--like ours) to develop Type 1 an' not another... epigenetics, yes. And maybe (I sure hope!) something kin turn off those danged genes for future generations.... BUT the idea that there is a "cure" for Type 1 post dx (even if one could manage to live in a totally emf-free and electric-free void) is pie-in-the-sky. If I'm just not aware'a proof to the contrary I'd love ta see it--genuinely!

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almost all modern diseases are caused by new man made chemicals .... diabetes is caused by " endrocrine disrupter chemicals ,,, mainly house hold pesticides [ bug and weed killers ] also food chain and town water chemicals , also cosmetic chemicals , also clothes and dish washing chemicals , also pharmaceuticle chemicals { which are also in household chemicals ] also surface cleaning chemicals ...ETC ETC THEY ARE NEW, NEVER BEFORE EXISTED BEFORE LAST 100 YEARS , NOT ENOUGH TIME TO ADAPT TO THEM its that simple

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

FWIW, there are 2 main categories of diabetes: Type 1 in which pancreas does not produce insulin, and Type 2 in which the cells are resistant to insulin. Type 1 seems to be autoimmune attack on the pancreas, and childhood vaccines seem to be a primary cause. I’m interested in learning how the electrical affect metabolism.

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Chimin' in here--- there is Type 2 diabetes...totally curable in many cases with dietary changes (no sugar) and Type 1 Diabetes which is auto-immune and not created by diet and which has no "known" cure or cause-- To wit my Type 1 Daughter now 21 dx'd at 12---who was never overweight prior to DX and who was a tad underweight at DX, has been raised on an organic Weston Price Diet and was gluten free/sugar-free and low carb from age 4 onward (for other reasons like her ASD) and grew up in a home with only wired internet and no wireless devices of her own (father had a smart phone turned off at night and mostly used away from the kids).

Though our "fambly" has no diabetes on either side but DOES have a long his'try of auto-immune disease, it's likely the latter that got it up an' runnin'. To tell folks they can cure Type 1 or prevent it by avoidin' wireless or that wireless or bad diet just "caused it" simply ain't the truth (wish it was that easy!)--Since my DD had a great diet from birth and very limited wireless exposure (never direct), I can say those factors were far "less" likely culprits (wireless in the general environment might'a been a trigger...some say even A1 cow milk even if organic an' raw could'a done it...hence we've been raw A2 for a long stretch....) But anywayz, I JUST do not know which or what cause kin be blamed, but anyone (like Halle Berry the actress) who sez they cured their Type 1 is fulla the bunk. We've been on keto for years... blood sugar control--excellent--but a cure? NO. Just' sayin'.... I ain't seen any one cured and I foller all the studies (even the toxic ones!)

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I like this site;


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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023

i went from 255lbs to 171lbs in 4 months almost 7 years a go. diabetic to non diabetic

ive reversed my 30 years of asthma, psoriasis, gut issues, bad back and went from 6 medications a day to 0 at the same time

i work in telecoms and im constantly using a 4/5g phone (6 hours a day constant), now i am pretty healthy, have more energy and stamina than my 21yr old work colleagues.

eat like your ancestors, meat, meat and fish (wild) eggs etc

things to avoid: plastic, its an endocrine disruptor

sugar/carbs - without these cancer has a hard time growing (i mention this because of others comments but not all cancers)

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There are many ways glucose metabolism may be altered, however the study I mentioned in my article shows that even "short-term mobile phone exposure can locally suppress brain energy metabolism in humans." - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21915135/

Who here was even aware of such a thing? Awareness of all factors is the first step to taking back our total health I believe. Thank you all for your comments.

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Ray, thanks for sharing and getting the discussion going. My goal is to open eyes to the onslaught we face from all angles. Most of my family died from cancer, and when I began reading about how EMF can lead to cancer based on research by Otto Warburg, I became even more passionate about health. I've made this post open to comments for free subscribers fyi.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I hear the ring of truth in this article. Finding any control population without electricity is a challenge, to compare, but maybe there is somewhere without towers and microwaves that still has people. But all factors I have seen in my 58 years makes 'diabetes from electricity' a very plausible mechanism in part or whole. Audacious, even, so simple as to be overlooked until....

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I have had two of my Chesapeake bay retriever bitches develop Diabetes. Both fully done with what I know now are 1. GMO adenovirus jabs 2. Are licensed for every three years but given annually

With both I tried no carbs thus no grain meat and veg diets. Both eventually had their diabetes take them out.

There’s a link there. Could be contaminants that are in jabs like adjuvants but also antibiotics and metals.

We live in the middle of nowhere. So no 5G. No 4G. No3G. We sometimes get 2G in the fields.

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I am living proof a change of diet is all that's necessary.

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