Great list. As a victim pre-convid shots I found

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Great post, Ray. So glad you are recovering well. 💪👍🙏

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I would like to share something here but before I do I want to make it clear that I am not intentionally attempting to be self-righteous or 'critical' towards anyone at all; but the topic of crystals/stones IS a VERY important topic to look into, especially for those who are Christians.

The practice of using stones/crystals; no matter WHAT we or anyone else might attempt to claim; has its roots in demonic mysticism/New Age occultism. There are no two ways about it. It is not an opinion or a 'point of view' or a 'theory', it is absolute truth.

I UNDERSTAND our DEEP desire to AVOID sickness/pain/trouble/anything bad/negative; I do. I'm human; I get it. But we must not allow ourselves to be driven; not only TO desperation; but BY desperation; because desperation WILL; eventually; lead us to do things that we would never have considered doing before desperation set in.

I urge everyone; whether Christian or not; to PLEASE take just a FEW minutes to read this excellent article on the use of 'healing' stones/crystals; because Truth applies to EVERYONE; no one is exempt from the 'rules' of Truth. The article is pretty short and to the point; not long to read or difficult to understand. Here is the link to it:


Again; I am NOT attempting to have ANY type of 'attitude' except concern; that includes; of course, towards Ray, the author. It does not MATTER the REASONS why we do things; the devil is not INTERESTED in whether we do something for 'good' reasons or not; or if we acknowledge his existence or not; he IS 'attached'/drawn to certain things; and the practice/use of 'healing stones/crystals' for ANY reason/purpose WILL; I GUARANTEE it; draw him in. Oh; you may not FEEL his presence; nothing 'spooky' MAY happen; but he will be an INFLUENCE upon those who practice false beliefs.

Remember; the devil is called by God "The FATHER of LIES"; his modus operandi is ALWAYS to deceive; by ONE means or OTHERS; he is NOT BENEVOLENT. He will attempt to pull ANYONE; and actually EVERYONE; if he could; down to the pit of hell with him; even if it's 'only' a zillionth of an inch at a time.

Take supplements; do the other things suggested to ameliorate the effects of toxins/emf's/etc.; but PLEASE avoid the use of ALL stones/crystals and beliefs that are from of the devil.

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Whilst 5G is hard to protect ourselves from, I feel chemtrails are harder. I decided to implement the idea of exposing eyes to morning sun (to re-set aspects of both the endocrine system and autonomic nervous system), so bought a comfortable chair for my balcony so I could do just that. But each time I have gone outside to get the early morning light exposure, I have looked at the sky and seen the almost white-out level of chemtrailing. I give up after watching a trail being laid for a few minutes and go back inside, as it seems like all that white stuff is falling in my direction.

I have recently watched a few videos by Chris Exley about protecting ourselves from aluminium - quite simple it seems (find mineral water with high levels of silica), but what about the other things being dropped on us? Is anyone testing what is being dropped any more? Do we know the full range and the things we can do to protect ourselves from the various components?


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Have you looked into shungite? True shungite from a specific part of Russia.

Apparently there have been experiments where they incorporate the powdered form into paint and paint a room or a whole building to negate the effects of.emf, elf etc.

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Any recommendations on where to purchase these magnets that you speak of? I've been disoriented too, once, driving home from work. It was a path that I took every day and suddenly, I didn't know where I was. So I think having something I can take me when I travel might be smart. Or even carry with me when I am going anywhere. Thanks for your article, Ray!

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Great post. Some general comments: For EMR issues, the Mercola Faraday tent saved me from brutal microwave induced insomnia when I was living in 5G active Oakland, California. My various RF meters measured "blinking green" or the very lowest levels from within the tent. It is not roomy and not a great fit if you are claustrophobic. I've been taking low-dose Naltrexone for an autoimmune condition and "Long Covid" and I've noticed it's helped with EMF sensitivity, likely due to its effects on microglia in the nervous system and brain as well as it's antiinflammatory effects. 3mg before bed has been good for me. I have to recommend the products from Advanced Tachyon Technologies, which foinder and inventor David Wagner brought to market in the early 90s. I've made a sizable investment in their products and they have been helpful for recovering from modern life.

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Wondering if anyone has tried takesami charcoal, fulvic or humic acid or shilijit?

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When I do a bluetooth pairing search in my home, 4 items show, 3 from my adjoined neighbour, 2 TV's and a sports watch, and the other is in my loft which just shows a code and I searched and found it to be my solar panels inverter. Will covering this in 6 layers of foil stop it doing it's job? Lots of chem trails here today, get FB people sharing magnificent sunsets which I read was caused by what's being sprayed but no idea if true. We cannot buy iodine otc anymore in UK. I have a Berkey water filter but will boil water for drinking first from now on.

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Thank you for this post, this is what was needed...

A resource-grass roots as to what is working for some, and what may work for others.

Thank you.

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Phenomenal post, Ray, as always, and I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. I have walked those bowels of hell myself.

My Mercola tent seems to mitigate my migraines and heart palps...but it isn't easy to open and close. And I'm not prone to placebos either.

I also found some EMF devices that I think are helping enormously, in fact I just put a pendant in a cat bed in my back bathroom closet for my bedroom cat - who is failing fast - and I just realized that he began to melt down the same time I did. It coincided with a four-month targeting spree that I thought I would not survive - so, of course he was being hit too...what an idiot I was that I didn't realize it sooner. I'm now on hospice watch - pumping him with holistic meds, trying to bring him back and protect him all that I can, but I think I'm postponing the inevitable. I hope I can forgive myself. Anyway, I digress...my drama, not yours...

I got a pod for my bed and one for the table next to my computer...orgonite - and this company is pretty impressive and humbly trying to assist us. Prices are good but takes time to get them, they are in Morocco. I've heard a few interviews with the owners of the Company and they are seriously tuned in...


As for the G Hydroxide, it is the reveal that gets you targeted and killed, as you might already know...and is responsible for the sudden deaths we see, IMO. Exercise at your own risk now...they are slicing and dicing us. And we are all laying in wait for the killshot...fukk...

Thank you for all of this critical information...you always give so much of yourself for us...We are forever grateful. And we follow the same amazing people - will share this for sure.

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Just reading another substack about cat’s claw tincture in combo with IVM cured someone’s mother’s vaxx injury.

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No time right now, but just want to tout the benefits of Iodine for all kinds of general detox, or just basic body functions? - just raised my daily dose back to 50 mg ( yes, mg, not mcg) from 25, since I thought "nobody has to take this high a dose for so many years." However, apparently I do. So in the last 3 days, back on the higher dose, I have been able to breathe freely again, and have not needed either the rescue inhaler or the essential oil remedy. And I just had the most delightful sneezing fit after coming in from the hayfever soup outside. Body doing its job expelling junk.

I was inspired by Jennifer DePew's articles about iodine, this the most recent - https://denutrients.substack.com/p/looking-beyond-the-overton-window

I am also soliciting comments from smart people about Iodine for Horses -


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Good stuff Ray.

I will say, I’m growing more and more skeptical of the idea that this can be transmitted through food. The medical literature on this subject is very scarce, and mostly theory at this point.

Their “studies” are all in silico and lab based PCR magick. Yeah they got a pig cell culture in a lab to spit out what they claim is a spike protein, woop de doo. Actually injecting a live animal, harvesting it, and then feeding that to a human has not been demonstrated, and we’re not anywhere close to doing it either.

Even taking their claims at face value, our stomach acids would break down most of this, and that’s without cooking the meat and heating this stuff up. If you’re not eating raw meat, idk how this stuff would survive the cooking and digestion process.

I’m sure it’s not good to eat, but whether it can manifest itself as the nanotech we’ve seen, well the jury’s still out on that one.

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We surely do have psychopaths in control on Our planet. And I work to solve for that problem. My articles here are all to draw awareness of a solution - My latest has links to a number of vids and articles:

My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience

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