Great list. As a victim pre-convid shots I found

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Great post, Ray. So glad you are recovering well. 💪👍🙏

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Thank you, James. I am at about 65 percent of my capacity, but it's unlikely I'll get it all back in the future. It's good to be able to be somewhat functional.

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You're 65% alive which is 100% amazing. Hope you reach 80% in the coming months. We're all supporting you with lots of positivity and prayer. 💪🙏

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It surely amazes me, because I was literally dying, and would have, if I hadn't received proper medical care. I did, which was a miracle. I only went to see a doctor in order to make sure my wife could collect my life insurance and figured they would put me out of my misery fast instead of me dying for weeks. The doctor in the hospital, where I received VIP treatment (minus the food, but my wife brought me food), listened to me (sometimes looked amazed), and agreed on all accounts (my self-diagnosis was inaccurate, though before I learnt about the test results; in fact, I suffered from two conditions and one of them is unlikely to go away anytime soon, but the immediate threat is mostly gone by now). I turned down a number of treatments and tests, but my lease on life has been extended. I'm glad that my departure doesn't yet have to disappoint my readers, and I'm grateful for their sticking with me during the hard times, when I was unable to publish anything important. I did project that I would need a miracle and your prayers apparently worked; thank you for that. I'm hoping to be here for my wife, too, for a little longer. :)

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You're welcome, Ray. Take good care of yourself. 😇

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I would like to share something here but before I do I want to make it clear that I am not intentionally attempting to be self-righteous or 'critical' towards anyone at all; but the topic of crystals/stones IS a VERY important topic to look into, especially for those who are Christians.

The practice of using stones/crystals; no matter WHAT we or anyone else might attempt to claim; has its roots in demonic mysticism/New Age occultism. There are no two ways about it. It is not an opinion or a 'point of view' or a 'theory', it is absolute truth.

I UNDERSTAND our DEEP desire to AVOID sickness/pain/trouble/anything bad/negative; I do. I'm human; I get it. But we must not allow ourselves to be driven; not only TO desperation; but BY desperation; because desperation WILL; eventually; lead us to do things that we would never have considered doing before desperation set in.

I urge everyone; whether Christian or not; to PLEASE take just a FEW minutes to read this excellent article on the use of 'healing' stones/crystals; because Truth applies to EVERYONE; no one is exempt from the 'rules' of Truth. The article is pretty short and to the point; not long to read or difficult to understand. Here is the link to it:


Again; I am NOT attempting to have ANY type of 'attitude' except concern; that includes; of course, towards Ray, the author. It does not MATTER the REASONS why we do things; the devil is not INTERESTED in whether we do something for 'good' reasons or not; or if we acknowledge his existence or not; he IS 'attached'/drawn to certain things; and the practice/use of 'healing stones/crystals' for ANY reason/purpose WILL; I GUARANTEE it; draw him in. Oh; you may not FEEL his presence; nothing 'spooky' MAY happen; but he will be an INFLUENCE upon those who practice false beliefs.

Remember; the devil is called by God "The FATHER of LIES"; his modus operandi is ALWAYS to deceive; by ONE means or OTHERS; he is NOT BENEVOLENT. He will attempt to pull ANYONE; and actually EVERYONE; if he could; down to the pit of hell with him; even if it's 'only' a zillionth of an inch at a time.

Take supplements; do the other things suggested to ameliorate the effects of toxins/emf's/etc.; but PLEASE avoid the use of ALL stones/crystals and beliefs that are from of the devil.

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I appreciate your sentiment and I do believe that your heart is in the right place, but perhaps you are overlooking something about crystals. They are prominent in Revelation 20.

Also, there are vague references to the crystals on the breastplate of the high priest called the Urim and the Thummim. See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urim_and_Thummim

The use of crystals might not 100% be of the devil.

And don’t worry about the poster named Frances Leader. She’s got a cult-like hatred for people who quote biblical texts and (so-call) “evangelize” on the comments section of her Substack.

Consider the source.

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Thank you for responding and for being gracious; I appreciate it.

You are absolutely correct; God's Word does speak of using stones in a couple/few places.

Here's the thing though. God mentions the use of stones only under those specific conditions and only by a few people; and we see no evidence of the use of stones throughout either the old or new testament; which signifies that their use was very limited. I believe one of the reasons for this is because God, knowing the heart of man; sees that we have a propensity for making a 'thing' out of....things. We are creatures of habit; and are prone to holding fast to RITUALS; rather than to God His Self; which is why; I believe; we see numerous instances in the Bible of God telling His people to do something....say; to march around the walls of the city, (Jericho; in the book of Joshua 5:1-20); God only had His people do such a thing ONCE; along with numerous other examples; because again; He knows that we are keen on rituals; and get easily hung up on THOSE things; instead of trusting in God's power BEHIND those acts. Do you know what I mean? I hope I'm not confusing you. My point is; that though God DID have His people use stones a couple/few times; it is clear from Scripture that it was ONLY those times; He never ever told us in a clear; precise way; to make a 'thing' of using stones/crystals.

And for a reason i can't explain; the devil DOES in fact use those things; because we must remember; he wants to be like God NOT in God's HOLINESS; but in His POWER and AUTHORITY; and it's satan's desire to USE things that maybe WERE of God; but for HIS purposes and intents; he has PERVERTED the use of MANY things.

I just know this; that the use of stones/crystals has been and is not used almost SOLELY by New-Age/mystic practitioners, THAT should warn us away from their use.

Stones are not 'evil' in THEMSELVES; they are part of God's creation; it's the PRACTICE of using them that has been perverted; and I see nowhere in God's Word where He wants present-day Christians to use those things. They were in the long-ago past; were used by only a handful of people for a very limited period of time and for limited use; and then they were let go of.

Not only that, but for myself; as a Christian; I must not allow myself to compromise; if there is the SLIGHTEST doubt about something; then I must lean far away from whatever is doubtful.

Does any of this help explain this better? I hope so.

Thank you once again for being kind and gracious and for reaching out and sharing your views; I respect that and I'm thankful to you.

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Thanks for your reply. I agree with you that the practice of using crystals for healing is a perversion. You and I could probably talk at length about true divine healing and how this healing is accomplished.

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Hello again. Yes; there are many things that have been twisted/perverted; sad to say.

I imagine that you and I could probably have a lot of good discussions on the topic of Biblical healing and how it is accomplished. Maybe we will!

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On this Substack’s comments section, the commenters are secular/worldly. The emphasis isn’t on the strait gate and narrow path which leads to eternal life. The emphasis isn’t on doing the will of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. The emphasis isn’t on praising the Lord, the Almighty, the king of creation and the Lord being the health & the salvation of one’s soul. The emphasis does seem to be on (and correct me if I’m wrong) the works of the flesh (our fallen nature) rather than the works of the Spirit. Being a witness of the works of the Spirit and testifying against the works of the flesh will often be met with lies and false accusations and derision and mocking, even revulsion and blasphemy. And sometimes we find a brother or sister in Christ. Rarely, but not never, our efforts might result in repentance and conversion.

I appreciated you linking to the article in Christianity Today, while realizing that the majority of people on Substack either want nothing to do with biblical teachings or are only nominally interested in these teachings in order to bolster their interest in other ideas.

I don’t know what else to write about healing from a biblical perspective here and now. Maybe I ought to write my own Substack articles.


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Yes, I have noticed that on almost every Substack article/author I've read, most of the commenters at least; if not the authors, seem to not merely be unsaved people, but HARD unsaved people. There are unsaved people who are not completely adverse to reading comments from people who are saved; and may even join in a conversation without any animosity.

But I do believe that we are in the last days; and wickedness is becoming increasingly widespread and mainstream. It is true; that upon the preaching of The Gospel; people who are STRONGLY led by their first father; the devil; will REACT like him. There is NO patience; NO tolerance for hearing/reading The Truth; and it does not sadden me for myself or any others who attempt to share Truth; we SHOULD expect it; no, it makes me sad for them.

Jesus made it clear...."If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world but I chose you out of the world, on account of this, the world hates you." John 15: 18-19.

Too many Christians water down the word (They are FED nothing more than watered-down milk); and are shocked IF the world hates them; they can't stand it. We can't serve two masters though. Either we will seek acceptance from the world; live like the world, and then die with the world; or we will seek acceptance only from The Lord; live the way He did; and die in Him. There's only two options.

I wanted to share the link for those who may be searching; whom God may yet be calling; so that they could see that I was not sharing my own opinion. I pray yet that God will; in fact; draw many to His Self; it is my great desire to see as many saved as possible.

I will say this about healing; Jesus did heal many; though not ALL. I believe He does still heal today; but again; probably not all. Many believe that the Scripture in the last part of Isaiah 53:5, ".....and by His stripes we are healed", is referring only to our spiritual healing. That is; of course, THE most important thing. Everything else is extra. Having said that; I still believe that God heals today; but I don't put all of my hopes in temporal healing or deliverance.

Thank you again for coming alongside and encouraging me; I appreciate it.

You probably should write your own Substack articles; I'm sure that there are people out there who would appreciate what you have to say; in spite of the many who may not. If only one person can be reached; it's worth the effort.

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The Bible does not say ALL stones/crystals are from 'the devil' (or any at all for that matter).

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Some crystals seem to have worked for me. I can't see how that is demonic; crystals are also parts of God's creation.

However, I would stay away from synthetic supplements; they carry too much risk these days and they don't necessarily have the right crystal/molecular structure, so they can be even harmful beyond being useless...

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Actually, she had been banned before, and this time she was banned for her performance here:


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Generally, I don’t like people being banned and censored. But if she’s going to do it, it’s fair game to do it to her.

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She and I had a disagreement about a year ago. She blamed the Jesuit order for things that happened a hundred years before the order was founded. She also proudly declared herself a witch and used lengthy diatribes instead of arguments, which distracted my readers and damaged the popularity of the comments (the comments are the heart and soul of my publication; without responsive and cooperating readers, my efforts amount to nothing). Had to ban her, although I removed my references to her behavior from the article that caused our disagreement, lifted the ban (I don't care if she lifted hers, because "the mouth speaks from the contents of the heart," so I'm not interested in whatever she says at this point). This time, she attacked me again, and I'm done with her once and for all.

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Hmmm. I wasn’t aware that Frances Leader has proudly declared herself to be a witch.

I ought to be done with her by now also.

Thanks for the reply.

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Being judgmental and non-cooperative doesn't reveal much good about your intention or your intelligence.

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You are saying nature is evil. Sorry. Not having that. Those attitudes to nature are pure idiocy. I am getting rather tired of the incessant bullying by everyone who wants to impose their world view on others, most particularly American Fundamentalist Christians, the loudest and most arrogant of the lot. Reading you is time and energy stolen from me, so I am blocking you so that I am not confronted with your arrogance again. I recommend others do the same if they are "feeling" imposed upon by this person. We need to keep Substack free of this rubbish so that we do continue to communicate freely.

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I'm sorry you find what I shared so offensive. I find your last sentence; the last part; very interesting: "We need to keep Substack free of this rubbish so that we do continue to COMMUNICATE FREELY."

You have NO desire to 'communicate' freely', what you seem to want is to NOT communicate freely; and if that isn't bad enough, you are calling upon others to join you in your erroneous belief that what I shared is 'arrogant'; or wrong in some way. Sorry; not having that. You want to censor me; shut me up and shut me down; don't you think that THAT is TRUE arrogance? I am NOT calling YOU arrogant; I'm ASKING you; do you live by your OWN standards or not? You want ME to shut up; but I'm supposed to let you call ME names AND encourage others to join you? I think it would behoove us all to learn how to be real adults; grown men and women; and be willing to learn something from others; even if/when we don't agree with the person/people. No; you don't seem to have ANY interest in reading a view that doesn't line up with your own. That's escaping reality. Not everyone holds my 'view', that's correct; but I was NOT bashing ANYONE but took pains to NOT bash anyone; but you want to hold YOUR view and shut MINE out; and again; to also recruit others to join you. This is reality; this is real life; others may say/write things that rub you the wrong way or that rub me the wrong way; but so what? I'm a big girl; I learned decades ago how to deal with reality and not hide from it.

No one; including me; is 'bullying' anyone; your language; oddly enough; sounds VERY bullish to me; and your seeming need to call upon others to censor me concerns me for you. The day that Ray or ANY Substack author begins to use censorship is the day I realize this country is truly over with. I would NEVER ask Ray or ANYONE to shut you down; you have a right to share your opinion for as long as this country is free; I ask that you allow me the same courtesy.

And I am NOT an "American Fundamentalist Christian", once again, you seem to be the one hurling false accusations against me; for no good reason. Go ahead; block me; it's your right. But if you turn a deaf ear and blind eye to Biblical Truth; I'm afraid for you; because you may find one day that you will be the one who is ultimately 'blocked.'

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I am telling you that you are annoying and you are telling me that I am evil. No contest.

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You weren’t called “evil” by your interlocutor. She was warning people about the devil’s influence when crystals are used for healing. She might be correct or she might be incorrect, but she is expressing her honest opinion.

To discuss how the devil (who some call “the demiurge”) perverts the best of intentions and even perverts aspects of God’s creation is most unwelcome by some. Even taboo. Hence the urge to block or mute.

This seems to make sense to me on the most simplistic of levels. “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” ~ https://quoteinvestigator.com/2018/03/20/devil/?amp=1

I realize that I have zero influence with you, but I am simply requesting that you unblock


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Nop. I don't intend to waste any more of my time on her, or you, for that matter.

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It’s gratifying to me that I won’t be hearing from you again. Ciao.

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One more thing I'll share is this article I found that addresses all of the many items that can be bought to combat the effects of EMF's,/ELF's, radiation, etc.; and which ones TRULY word and which ones are scams. I know NOTHING else about this site or the person who operates it; I've only read this article; and though I'm not an expert on this topic; it 'sounds' good and reliable:


I hope this is helpful to all those who are afraid/concerned/worried.

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The link seems to contain an infomercial for specific products...

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Oh; so sorry. That's odd. I don't know what happened there; I clicked on the link and I did see a number of links that can be clicked on; though I didn't click on any of them; I just read the article. Sorry about that.

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For those who are not upset at anything else I shared; I stumbled upon this short video tonight:


(Just the very first video.)

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Oops; here's the whole link:


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Whilst 5G is hard to protect ourselves from, I feel chemtrails are harder. I decided to implement the idea of exposing eyes to morning sun (to re-set aspects of both the endocrine system and autonomic nervous system), so bought a comfortable chair for my balcony so I could do just that. But each time I have gone outside to get the early morning light exposure, I have looked at the sky and seen the almost white-out level of chemtrailing. I give up after watching a trail being laid for a few minutes and go back inside, as it seems like all that white stuff is falling in my direction.

I have recently watched a few videos by Chris Exley about protecting ourselves from aluminium - quite simple it seems (find mineral water with high levels of silica), but what about the other things being dropped on us? Is anyone testing what is being dropped any more? Do we know the full range and the things we can do to protect ourselves from the various components?


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Have you looked into shungite? True shungite from a specific part of Russia.

Apparently there have been experiments where they incorporate the powdered form into paint and paint a room or a whole building to negate the effects of.emf, elf etc.

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I have been wearing three pendants, one a polished shungite, one a piece of black volcanic lava, and one green tourmaline. Results are guesswork given it is hard to measure if you feel 80% bad or 85% bad. My observations so far is that the tourmaline and the shungite do nothing, and the lava helps "quite a lot". Having observed that, I purchased from a garden supplies shop, a bag of black lava and have used it as mulch on both my inside and outside (balcony) pot plants. I can't say whether that has improved anything, but I am now finding that I am stronger when I am home rather than when I am out, so maybe the lava is doing something.

But how do we work this out if we don't use a meter to measure stuff?

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Yes, we have two pendants and four small pyramids, but in my experience, they worsen the situation.

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Any recommendations on where to purchase these magnets that you speak of? I've been disoriented too, once, driving home from work. It was a path that I took every day and suddenly, I didn't know where I was. So I think having something I can take me when I travel might be smart. Or even carry with me when I am going anywhere. Thanks for your article, Ray!

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Great post. Some general comments: For EMR issues, the Mercola Faraday tent saved me from brutal microwave induced insomnia when I was living in 5G active Oakland, California. My various RF meters measured "blinking green" or the very lowest levels from within the tent. It is not roomy and not a great fit if you are claustrophobic. I've been taking low-dose Naltrexone for an autoimmune condition and "Long Covid" and I've noticed it's helped with EMF sensitivity, likely due to its effects on microglia in the nervous system and brain as well as it's antiinflammatory effects. 3mg before bed has been good for me. I have to recommend the products from Advanced Tachyon Technologies, which foinder and inventor David Wagner brought to market in the early 90s. I've made a sizable investment in their products and they have been helpful for recovering from modern life.

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Good to hear about positive experiences about Faraday tents.

RF meters don't measure in the 5G range above 10GHz, and the ones that do, report your location to nobody-knows-whom. 5G can go up to 100GHz and it's extremely harmful over 30 and lethal over 45.

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Wondering if anyone has tried takesami charcoal, fulvic or humic acid or shilijit?

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When I do a bluetooth pairing search in my home, 4 items show, 3 from my adjoined neighbour, 2 TV's and a sports watch, and the other is in my loft which just shows a code and I searched and found it to be my solar panels inverter. Will covering this in 6 layers of foil stop it doing it's job? Lots of chem trails here today, get FB people sharing magnificent sunsets which I read was caused by what's being sprayed but no idea if true. We cannot buy iodine otc anymore in UK. I have a Berkey water filter but will boil water for drinking first from now on.

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Iodine is good for uranium isotopes only. Chances are it will be plutonium, if the killers deploy a false-flag attack (aka. "WW3" on TV and at a few sensitive sites), so I wouldn't worry about it...).

On the other hand, if they are using depleted uranium from reactors (the kind they used in all wars in the last 30 years), iodine could be helpful. However, reactors burn plutonium, too...

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We can get seaweed supplements which are rich in iodine. Something is stirring after another visit by UK ex PM Boris to Ukraine. Who sent him?

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Over here, Japanese-packed dried seaweed is available, although it's an "acquired taste." :)

Wouldn't go for anything synthetic these days...

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Kombu kelp is the richest seaweed source of iodine as far as I can gather, I nibble a one or two inch square of that dried leaf every few weeks whenever I fancy, but too much or too little iodine can give a nasty goitre, people need to do a lot of research on that particular issue before they embark on eating lots of iodine.

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More often than not, my body tells me what it needs. Kelp doesn't seem to be one of them; I can swallow it, but I don't care for the taste.

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Yes, it takes a while for it to soften up enough in the mouth to make it chewable, there are a number of other seaweeds that are very easy to eat but they only contain a tiny fraction of the iodine that kombu kelp contains, but maybe the other seaweeds are more suitable for culinary purposes, though some prefer the kombu kelp in powder form.

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Thank you for this post, this is what was needed...

A resource-grass roots as to what is working for some, and what may work for others.

Thank you.

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I'll try to compile a list out of the ideas that come up in the comments here.

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Phenomenal post, Ray, as always, and I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. I have walked those bowels of hell myself.

My Mercola tent seems to mitigate my migraines and heart palps...but it isn't easy to open and close. And I'm not prone to placebos either.

I also found some EMF devices that I think are helping enormously, in fact I just put a pendant in a cat bed in my back bathroom closet for my bedroom cat - who is failing fast - and I just realized that he began to melt down the same time I did. It coincided with a four-month targeting spree that I thought I would not survive - so, of course he was being hit too...what an idiot I was that I didn't realize it sooner. I'm now on hospice watch - pumping him with holistic meds, trying to bring him back and protect him all that I can, but I think I'm postponing the inevitable. I hope I can forgive myself. Anyway, I digress...my drama, not yours...

I got a pod for my bed and one for the table next to my computer...orgonite - and this company is pretty impressive and humbly trying to assist us. Prices are good but takes time to get them, they are in Morocco. I've heard a few interviews with the owners of the Company and they are seriously tuned in...


As for the G Hydroxide, it is the reveal that gets you targeted and killed, as you might already know...and is responsible for the sudden deaths we see, IMO. Exercise at your own risk now...they are slicing and dicing us. And we are all laying in wait for the killshot...fukk...

Thank you for all of this critical information...you always give so much of yourself for us...We are forever grateful. And we follow the same amazing people - will share this for sure.

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I have a Mercola tent too and it's been very helpful. Not very roomy but cheaper than the big canopies and no place for mm waves to penetrate

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Thank you for appreciating my work. Finally, I was able to put down something important again. I was running out of topics, but this one came in in a dream early this morning (they often do).

It's a race of who dies first. It doesn't look like average mortals like you or I have much of a chance, but you never know. I'm not holding my breath, but do what I can. I was actually hospitalized, which I allowed so that my wife can cash in my life insurance. I thought at least they would kill me fast instead of me taking several weeks to die. Instead, I ended up in a small, but fantastic rural place, where I received VIP treatment (the food was an exception, but my wife took care of that). By now, I have about 65 percent recovered. Of course, I refused a number of treatments and most tests/exams, but explained my reasons to the doctors, who seemed to agree with my decisions, although sometimes looked flabbergasted. I gave two lectures to nurses: one on Ensure and another on 5G (management is about to install 5G-capable routers in every room there). Some of the previous damages cannot be fixed, but at least I got an extension on my lease on life. :)

We also have orgonite, one for each of the two of us, but haven't noticed any difference. Have you?

Strange, I did write about the weaponization of exercise on January 5:


I've found a little moving around is better than doing nothing, and I cannot do too much, anyway.

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Many things come in dreams - and I get precog visions in my OBEs...which is why I am frantic...

And yes, a little exercise - I don't ever have to worry about that with 13 special-needs rescue cats...

There is no way I can do all of the protocols needed - boiling water, blood-letting leeches...LOL...I'm not even doing supplements anymore - only what I absolutely need to ingest to stay alive...very little food...just less of everything...

our time is short...just rant until we can't?

Much love to you and your wife, Ray...sending healing vibes your way...

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Actually, my wife took me. Eleven weeks of my illness took their toll on her, too.

I probably wouldn't have gone if it had been for me. It turns out, I would have certainly died. Of course, depending on what, if anything, comes after this, I might be better off. :)

Synthetic supplements can be extremely harmful, depending on their crystal/molecular structure... Chemical composition is not everything.

People caring for each other is what I am sensing here, too. Thank you for being one of them, and I am grateful to be one as well.

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Many thanks to your amazing wife. We need you here - both of you- it is a thankless mission, but a warrior's journey usually is...hang in there...XO to you both!

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Thank you kindly. She often finds new topics and collects materials, but I usually flesh them out, mostly by juxtaposing them with something else. More than anything, she is keeping me alive. :)

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and yes, the orgone pod next to me at the computer seems to calm me down...I also use a grounding mat - which my cat just loves to sit on...they know more than we do...in the midst of full-on paranoia, I seem a bit more calm...unless it's the frequencies zombifying us...I'm only doing non invasive detoxes now, foot baths, dry brushing my body before a shower (with water only) red light therapy, steam tent, etc. EMF protection...I want to find an air scrubber that catches nano sized metals...can't seem to find one...

I hate having to lay out cash for all of this stuff, but I'm a survivor so far, so I just do it when I can afford to.


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Your grounding mat reminds me of the one I got for my wife and it's been sitting around without her ever trying it out. I did try it for a few hours and it seemed to attract flies. :)

The only detox I use is an occasional hot bath (we have a $300 whole-house carbon filter, which is necessary b/o the pesticides in the drinking water).

There is a lot less radiation here than in the town where we go shopping 14 miles from here. The place is so saturated with 5G that a few months ago I felt dizzy in the supermarket, when I entered the isle with cans on both sides. Last Saturday, I was disoriented for 10-15 seconds, which had never happened to me before. I thought I was in the parking lot opposite the one where I really was. Happily, my wife corrected me and I managed to drive in the right direction. Oh, one more thing: we have been using the most powerful magnets all over the house. I don't know if they work, but they have been around for about three and a half years, evenly distributed and placed on strategic surfaces.

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Try your mat...make sure your skin is touching it.

My four month ordeal was harrowing - a revolving door of suspicious issues that kept rolling and repeating. Serious migraines, vertigo ( a real tell for targeting ) stabbing pains in my heart and solar plexus for a week at a time - pure agony - and neurological issues, that would debilitate me - actually unable to walk - and then it disappeared in a half hour or so. Round and round they went...I was so terrified I finally went for some tests - all the tests, but no MRIs or cats, nor did I drink any aspartame for testing for acid reflux...and...they couldn't find a thing...I even had a burn on my belly one night...unreal. But as many bouts of targeting as I've had, since the 90's, I still question it - I've been a real pain in the a$$ for these spooks - but my feeling is that you were targeted...be vigilant, and paranoid, and step back when you need to...IMO - EMF protection is critical - I have two blankets and a hoodie and wear them to bed...and break the frequencies up with music...I'm looking into getting some tuning forks too...

and the beat goes on? The heart beat, if we're lucky!

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Sounds like a horror show...

You must have exceeded your thresholds a good while ago, so even a little more stress can send you a long way...

I'll ask my wife to experiment with the mat; she seems to need it more than I do.

Considering the "shedding" that made me sick two years ago (and I don't seem to recover anytime soon, but at least, now I know what it is), it looked accidental. I was the one who asked the stranger why people were not muzzled all of a sudden. She told me that the governor of KY declared that the muzzle was not mandated for those who had received the injections...

What do you expect from the tuning forks and on what basis? I am familiar with their story, but I'm not convinced they work the same way for everyone.

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I'm thinking that I might not be an average mortal. Looking back at my ET experiences, and the the implant in my ear, scoop marks from when I was a child...I could be altered in ways that I am not aware of...time will tell...and boy do I have a story to tell, if I still have enough time to tell it...

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Cat's claw has also been used for cancer treatment, but I have no idea if it works or not. According to the homeopathy page you recommend, it might even work against inflation. :)

HIV and AIDS don't exist and the tiny particles that could be called "viruses" don't cause illness:


The other link in your article elevates quercetin onto a pedestal with nearly magic power. I, for one, am always cautious when something or someone is supposed to "cure cancer," because cancer is not a single illness. The term is mostly used for hammering real or misdiagnosed patients into obedience.

I'm glad you were able to help your mother, but I would still be cautious about using ivermectin: it's an anti-parasitic, not a miracle drug, and there is a good chance it is not tainted:


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Not my article-I just provided the link.

I do think fen ben &/or IVM cures some cancers which may be caused by parasites.

Also according to my understanding IVM is more than just an anti-parasitic drug.

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Agreed, but there seems to be too much mysticism around IVM.

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Idk. Supposedly it was Adam- @veryvirology who says he discovered it worked against covid. I trust Adam is on our side.

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As pathogenic viruses and "covid" don't exist, it's hard to trust someone who says they do...

I have no idea who "Adam" is.

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Adam Gaertner. He goes by @veryvirology on Twitter, Substack, Telegram

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Just reading another substack about cat’s claw tincture in combo with IVM cured someone’s mother’s vaxx injury.

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To me, it sounds like magic thinking. The injections contained a lot of things; malaria parasites were only in a few of the vials...

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No time right now, but just want to tout the benefits of Iodine for all kinds of general detox, or just basic body functions? - just raised my daily dose back to 50 mg ( yes, mg, not mcg) from 25, since I thought "nobody has to take this high a dose for so many years." However, apparently I do. So in the last 3 days, back on the higher dose, I have been able to breathe freely again, and have not needed either the rescue inhaler or the essential oil remedy. And I just had the most delightful sneezing fit after coming in from the hayfever soup outside. Body doing its job expelling junk.

I was inspired by Jennifer DePew's articles about iodine, this the most recent - https://denutrients.substack.com/p/looking-beyond-the-overton-window

I am also soliciting comments from smart people about Iodine for Horses -


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thx, Phar...I have hashimoto's and bought some iodine a long time ago...it might not be tainted...might try it. I take armour thyroid from viet nam...

Looking for something for oxidative stress...chemtrails are killing me...

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As about 80 percent of Americans are iodine-deficient, iodine can be good in many cases. "Doctors," instead, prescribe "medications" for hypoactive thyroids, instead of checking for iodine levels...

I am usually against supplements, because I believe, they can make the body lazy and the body can stop producing what it gets without an effort. Moreover, synthetic supplements can do more harm than good b/o their unnatural molecular/crystal structure... Iodine must also be food-grade, when needed.

Please, check out my paradigm that explains "allergies" and "autoimmune diseases" better than allopathic medicine does:


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I'm reading, might take me a few days!

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Good stuff Ray.

I will say, I’m growing more and more skeptical of the idea that this can be transmitted through food. The medical literature on this subject is very scarce, and mostly theory at this point.

Their “studies” are all in silico and lab based PCR magick. Yeah they got a pig cell culture in a lab to spit out what they claim is a spike protein, woop de doo. Actually injecting a live animal, harvesting it, and then feeding that to a human has not been demonstrated, and we’re not anywhere close to doing it either.

Even taking their claims at face value, our stomach acids would break down most of this, and that’s without cooking the meat and heating this stuff up. If you’re not eating raw meat, idk how this stuff would survive the cooking and digestion process.

I’m sure it’s not good to eat, but whether it can manifest itself as the nanotech we’ve seen, well the jury’s still out on that one.

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It is not "they," who are doing this. It's their central AI that is running the worldwide simulation on live data. All plans and projections come from that, and the operators have next to no idea what's what (which is likely to be their undoing).

Whatever they put in food, it is not good, and they are not stupid to use something that doesn't work. Obviously, hydrogel/graphene is not going to be in comestibles that are cooked. Apart from that, even "organic" produce is often covered with a preservative toxin.

GM-produce-fed animals are bad enough, as are GMO comestibles (Anhauser-Busch, for one, even transports GM yeast to Belgium for making Stella for Americans :)).

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I agree, they (the puppet masters) are obviously poisoning our food and have been for a long time.

However, the prevailing notion that food is now a vector for nanotech in particular, I just am not convinced of that. I’m familiar with the patents and the theory behind it; as far as demonstrable evidence of the entire process accomplishing that goal, that I just haven’t found.

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The FDA's authorization of "vaccination" through the food supply might be a red herring, because there are so many other ways to harm the people. Still, these monsters "never waste a good crisis," especially when they are the ones creating it. :)

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I have a friend in BC Canada & she told me of a lettuce factory up the street using MRNA in the vegetation. IT's not outside the scope of possibilities. Celeste Solum also confirms this information & has tracked down several patents & Gov records.

As far as cooking in the meat... It's bio-mechanic tech ... I think running thru an MRI or dragging magnets over it would also deactivate it.

ALWAYS Pray over your food & give thanx for the sacrifice that sustains YOU.

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Yes, it is possible or even likely that mRNA is used on plants or even on some bacteria, parasites, or even insects. Playing with fire, if you ask me...

I thought about magnetizing or demagnetizing nanoparticles already three years ago, but all they might need is to be redirected by satellite or 5G signals and some bioelectricity in the end. Either way, never heard about either ever since.

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We surely do have psychopaths in control on Our planet. And I work to solve for that problem. My articles here are all to draw awareness of a solution - My latest has links to a number of vids and articles:

My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience

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