Only those of privilege can even conceive of 'white privilege'. Being white and unprivileged is my life story.

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Read WHITE CARGO by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh

Thanks Ray

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I think we can trace a single ruling caste, which happens to look fairly white but with notable facial characteristics that expose their difference. This caste over-ran most of the western world, starting with Europe, then moving on to the rest of the world. They tried to take over the far east, using their indentured white serfs, and succeeded for a while, until repulsed in recent times. There may be another ruling caste that has pretty much dominated Asia but I cannot identify it, if there is.

The rest of us - we humans - are now and always have been their slaves. The degree of the slavery entered my consciousness when I did my family genealogy, and found that my mother's line had been miners since at least the 1600s - and by miners I mean the slaves working down the mines (lead and coal), not the owners reaping the wealth. The lives of the men in particular were very short, but also the women and children who were forced down into the mines. I was shocked when I realised how brutally these good English folk, my ancestors, had been treated. It was slavery - under any other name, as they were committed to (ie owned by) zero hours contracts. If they were not given the work , or if they tried to rebel, they were imprisoned for not working. Catch 22.

I so resent the current black lives matter bullshit. The slavery of the 20th and 21st centuries may be less visible but it is still here. We are all in this together. I AM WHITE AND I AM AN INDIGENOUS PERSON. I am indigenous to the British Isles, my family having been enslaved since the Roman invasion. I would like land rights too!

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Jun 20, 2023·edited Jun 20, 2023

I'd like to say it's a grim look at our future, those of us surplus to the needs of the monied classes - but there are no more frontiers, no more wide, expansive territories to colonise to exploit with cheap, disposable, workers...

Now if only Elon would hurry up, we could ship a few to develop Mars as a holiday destination for the monied classes. Ship a few, before The Jab culls Too Many of us surpluses...

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Yup, I didn't read the one ya mentioned (I'm a gonna download it) but there's this one too:


The mahvelous writer/instructor/economist/historian Thomas Sowell has always spoken of the full hist'ry of slavery world-wide (slave com'in' from SLAVS i.e. whitepeepul) an' wrote a great book 'bout it too, "The Real History of Slavery" the sorry stewed-dents of today should read (ding it'!) cuz it ain't the nicole-hannah-jones'n on koolaid bogus version but the real deal. It's purdy disturbin' but ALL nay-shuns an' ALL races (including Africans that sold out their own brothern') are GUILTY of it. Nobuddy exempt far as I see it... It's a blot on the his'try of human-itty but no one group should shoulder that bird-done alone! (speakin' a bird-done, let's hope we kin still count 'r chickens for our "masters" steal 'em from us 'fore they hatch the next big crime they'ze plannin' !)

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"White Priviledge" or "Manifest Destiny" or "White Man's Burden" may be more or less True as "something" put the European, Russian and later American Caucasians as a recent dominant race, that killed each other possibly more than they killed other races.

African Blacks whether in Africa or imported to other lands seem quite adept at killing as well. Asians and Arabs and Turks or other races and demographic homosaps All seem to enjoy killing each other.

Perhaps it's just a "Killing Priviledge" or a "Priviledge to Kill"

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14 miraculous photos of jesus christ. although different ages and angles it is the same person that miraculously appeared in these photos taken over years. humblehousewives.com/blog/miraculous-photographs-of-jesus consider ubready on yt

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Bah. Pushing back against the stupidity, malice, and cunning of vulgar Marxist ideology is not fought on your grounds as truth is not at stake. The idea of Marxists is an ideology. Politics and perspective bias is no longer religion. In history Christianity arose and flows today like a mighty river with many tributaries. Christianity has her headwaters in a higher and older civilization that was itself a diminishment of Classical Greece. Christianity endures persecution and Marxists find favor precisely because the aristocratic nature of Christianity has no racial bias. Human bias yes. https://simoneweilcenter.org/publications/2021/11/28/christianitys-abandonment-of-the-future-nicholas-berdyaev-on-philosophy-prophecy-and-eschatology

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