In Switzerland there were slave markets for children every month . It was closed in 1972 .

Mr. Ray . Could you look into this too ?

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In the Middle Ages, it was customary to auction off orphans that the Church brought up until they were old enough to work or to be wed.

Never heard of the slave trade in Switzerland. Can you provide some sources, please?

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My great grandmother was an indentured servant from Norway. She earned her passage on a ship to America, once that was fulfilled she moved to Alaska, which is where most of my family lives. It has never occurred to me that I need to seek compensation for her hard work that allows me the privilege of living in this country.

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It must have been a LOT more civilized in Norway. If you haven't read the two links, please, do. They are well worth the time and the effort.

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I think white people should seek reparations then. I'm sure somewhere in my bloodlines, I have slavery in my ancestry.

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Medieval serfdom was pretty much the same as slavery, so a lot of people would qualify for "reparations," if the original beneficiaries were still around. :)

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Thank you Sir . The Ottoman Turks took most of their slaves from Central Europe and sold them to Sub-Sahara black tribes . During these times at the Bosporus ( a slave trade center ) only you needed to speak Hungarian .

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It was actually Greece, the Balkans, and Hungary, assuming the period we are talking about is the 15th and 16th century. One third of Hungary was nearly totally depopulated, because the slave trade was more profitable than converting the occupied areas to Islam... Didn't know about the sufficiency of Hungarian, though. Can you provide a link, please?

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Jun 20
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Do you really think slavery has ended? All governments treat their subjects as state assets:


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And what is written continues today in the form of debt slavery across all sectors of society! Freedom has choices! Sign here and have your shiny gizmo today. Keep up with the Jones! Then smoke some dope and whine about your situation. Zero compassion for stupids- tough luv…

The evil is brought to you by fiat slavery is compliant with Zionist goals. And most with there head up ass could be the difference and break the slavery system by simply demanding our currency being backed by something tangible rather than orchestrated violence. Yes sir to the meat grinder operations, proud to serve the banksters. What a fucking obvious shame on humanity…

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And I read that those, who bought their property with a mortgage, the issuing bank is about to become the actual owner... That would also make a good article, but I lost the link and had other things on my mind.

Being powerless often brings about the same results as being stupid.

In my understanding, even Zionism (not that it's harmless) is only a poster boy and a ready-to-aim-at patsy these days. The Black Nobility sounds like a good bogey man, but I've never read a logical and coherent account on the subject. The ones I did were full of nonsense and contradictions...

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white man has treated white man very badly in the past. Such abuse from positions of privilege.

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In the past ???

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"Most people must be unaware that the last workhouse in Britain closed its door only in 1948...the attitude the rich is representing to the poor didn’t start with today’s technocrats. It also shows man’s inconceivable and generously creative methods of imposing cruelty on their fellow humans."

-Thanks for the info Ray!

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Thank you for emphasizing this part...

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Only those of privilege can even conceive of 'white privilege'. Being white and unprivileged is my life story.

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You forgot to mention straight male. :)

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... and we are legion!

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Although the conception of 'white' is somewhat recent. I was happy just to know my social class origins previously. Only the bile from upper middle classes of the last 5 years has reminded me that I'm white, rather than NZr or Australian or British or Celtic (with a bit of privilege from a French ancestor about 150 years ago).

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"Caucasian" was a bad joke: as an umbrella term, it included Arabs and White Europeans...

As far as I can see, Ancient Rome was pretty "racist," too, and Aristotle considered Greeks "Ubermensch".

Ultimately, the background culture is more important than the skin color, although tempermental and inherited traits tend to match specific races (but that's "only statistics").

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I have read that 85% of humanity is Rh positive blood type . They have Rhesus monkey's DNA in their blood . So . Are only 15% pure humans on this planet ?

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Considering the way humans operate, it maybe higher. :)

Joking aside, the blood probably doesn't mean anything consequential.

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Jun 20
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True dat; that's another argument against race mixing.

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We all select on different features it seems clear. Volatilty might be helpful somewhere and not so much elsewhere.

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Jun 20
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That seems to be a couple of specific groups among whites.

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Thanks Ray. Horrendous.

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Or shall I say, "human"? In Catholic theology, this is referred to as "the mystery of evil"...

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Read WHITE CARGO by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh

Thanks Ray

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I hope, you will have time to read the one in the link; it's far the best I've ever encountered on the subject...

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I think we can trace a single ruling caste, which happens to look fairly white but with notable facial characteristics that expose their difference. This caste over-ran most of the western world, starting with Europe, then moving on to the rest of the world. They tried to take over the far east, using their indentured white serfs, and succeeded for a while, until repulsed in recent times. There may be another ruling caste that has pretty much dominated Asia but I cannot identify it, if there is.

The rest of us - we humans - are now and always have been their slaves. The degree of the slavery entered my consciousness when I did my family genealogy, and found that my mother's line had been miners since at least the 1600s - and by miners I mean the slaves working down the mines (lead and coal), not the owners reaping the wealth. The lives of the men in particular were very short, but also the women and children who were forced down into the mines. I was shocked when I realised how brutally these good English folk, my ancestors, had been treated. It was slavery - under any other name, as they were committed to (ie owned by) zero hours contracts. If they were not given the work , or if they tried to rebel, they were imprisoned for not working. Catch 22.

I so resent the current black lives matter bullshit. The slavery of the 20th and 21st centuries may be less visible but it is still here. We are all in this together. I AM WHITE AND I AM AN INDIGENOUS PERSON. I am indigenous to the British Isles, my family having been enslaved since the Roman invasion. I would like land rights too!

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Not overly helpful. But at least shows who the Ultimate Satan Slave master is. Do take time to go through all of the sections for the whole story of the domination of the world.

This Evil entity has now entered the god mode too.

What are symptoms of a god complex?

Here are some common signs that someone may have a god complex:

Believing they are entitled to special treatment or privileges.

Being excessively controlling or jealous.

Refusing to accept criticism.

Thinking they have all the answers.

Feeling superior or invincible.

Having a superiority complex.

Ignoring the needs of others.


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Jun 20
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BLM was a front organization for the 35k criminals paroled early and bused around in the country to wreak havoc (create an air of insecurity and create racial tensions that working-class blacks didn't seem to buy much).

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I'd like to say it's a grim look at our future, those of us surplus to the needs of the monied classes - but there are no more frontiers, no more wide, expansive territories to colonise to exploit with cheap, disposable, workers...

Now if only Elon would hurry up, we could ship a few to develop Mars as a holiday destination for the monied classes. Ship a few, before The Jab culls Too Many of us surpluses...

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Yup, I didn't read the one ya mentioned (I'm a gonna download it) but there's this one too:


The mahvelous writer/instructor/economist/historian Thomas Sowell has always spoken of the full hist'ry of slavery world-wide (slave com'in' from SLAVS i.e. whitepeepul) an' wrote a great book 'bout it too, "The Real History of Slavery" the sorry stewed-dents of today should read (ding it'!) cuz it ain't the nicole-hannah-jones'n on koolaid bogus version but the real deal. It's purdy disturbin' but ALL nay-shuns an' ALL races (including Africans that sold out their own brothern') are GUILTY of it. Nobuddy exempt far as I see it... It's a blot on the his'try of human-itty but no one group should shoulder that bird-done alone! (speakin' a bird-done, let's hope we kin still count 'r chickens for our "masters" steal 'em from us 'fore they hatch the next big crime they'ze plannin' !)

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Yep! Humans subjugating other humans is NOT a skin color issue.

Just plain nasty and wrong.

I just love the way you camouflage your brilliance Daisy !

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aw shucks, thank ya! (a lil' nom-de-plumage an' hidin' under sum' flaunty feathers like a pheasant's the name'a the game here in dodgin' bots, bullets, an' 5-gee-gangstalk'erz too!)

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Jun 20
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The Freedom is Speech is most welcome on my site as long as there are no ad hominem attacks. Nobody has to read Daisy's comments, if they don't care for them. Besides having fun, her message seems to be that one doesn't have to be erudite to see the point.

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sir yer fulla beans an' don't know jack squat 'bout me AND I don't commit the sins you accuse me of--but if Ray finds my posts "tedious" and offensive an' that I'm an "ugly clown"--it's up to HIM to delete my posts, ain't it? It's his site not yers. Your mask ain't so purdy neither an' yer a far bit nastier treatin' me thusly--I'd never suggest ya git lost like yer doin' ta me... geez. go in peace or peddle yer bitterness elsewhar - (I mean desist from attackin' me--soitenly it's not up to me for you to "go" away from Ray's stack--that's what I meant--to just stop the false accusations an' the harassment which this is... not nice)

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Jun 20
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My "character" (as a performer writin' in the vernacular) is not black--it's based on Irene Ryan, a white lady who also performed with an accent as "Granny Clampett"...mentioned this before but ya make assumptions not gettin' any references at all. Been stackin' two years an' yer the only fool sez I'm an imposter, the only one that sez I'm a racist? egads an' god a'mighty.

Sir, I'll not respond again but yer accusations are "offer yer rocker" an' mean spirited--ain't denigratin' nobuddy an' I have fambly from Kentucky! I love the South an' it ain't even "pee cee" to say it-- as I said, you don't know me one bit an' yet you attack...make assumptions, don't know squat

bout difference 'tween accents or that this ain't black face...

If ya look at my "character" (reruns all over the innertubes--look up Beverly Hillbillies!) you'll see my namesake is 100% Caucasian-- an' I do NOT write in a blaccent--it's pure "Southern" with a touch 've new yawk isms cuz that's how I roll...

Done conversin' with such nastiness--I'll gladly join the 4th -rate novelists that write in the "vernacular" like Mark Twain an' Joel Chandler Harris (!)--but actually--my twang, apart from my icon Granny Clampett, comes from Al Capp! (Lil' Abner)

Are you Ray's editor here? Does he disallow ridiculousness (also I've posted 'n shared serious stuff too). But if ya ain't, just skip what ya don't wanna read an' peddle yer high 'n mighty elswhar--

I'll hold my own in "Dogpatch!"--grateful to Ray for his stack, over 'n out.

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"White Priviledge" or "Manifest Destiny" or "White Man's Burden" may be more or less True as "something" put the European, Russian and later American Caucasians as a recent dominant race, that killed each other possibly more than they killed other races.

African Blacks whether in Africa or imported to other lands seem quite adept at killing as well. Asians and Arabs and Turks or other races and demographic homosaps All seem to enjoy killing each other.

Perhaps it's just a "Killing Priviledge" or a "Priviledge to Kill"

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14 miraculous photos of jesus christ. although different ages and angles it is the same person that miraculously appeared in these photos taken over years. humblehousewives.com/blog/miraculous-photographs-of-jesus consider ubready on yt

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Link doesn't work, but I found the blog. Interesting. Thank you. Maybe this link will work better:


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Bah. Pushing back against the stupidity, malice, and cunning of vulgar Marxist ideology is not fought on your grounds as truth is not at stake. The idea of Marxists is an ideology. Politics and perspective bias is no longer religion. In history Christianity arose and flows today like a mighty river with many tributaries. Christianity has her headwaters in a higher and older civilization that was itself a diminishment of Classical Greece. Christianity endures persecution and Marxists find favor precisely because the aristocratic nature of Christianity has no racial bias. Human bias yes. https://simoneweilcenter.org/publications/2021/11/28/christianitys-abandonment-of-the-future-nicholas-berdyaev-on-philosophy-prophecy-and-eschatology

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Jun 20Edited
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Please, read the link to the "indentured servants" before voicing your opinion about details that are in the article. It's well worth it.

The difference between "white" and "Caucasian" is not a matter of preference; the latter is a manipulative artificial concept.

Juneteenth is a politically-motivated construct aimed at dividing the people.

It looks like it is YOUR "argument" that fails to add up.

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