For the last 5,000 years religion has failed to save the world from self-destruction. Is it that not enough humans seek religion or is it that the religions all like to hate each other? My wife is a devout Lutheran and there are many factions all fighting one another as to which one is the true religion. Mind boggling.

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Nope, it's not religions, it's ideologies. That's why Islam is so dangerous; it's not a religion, only an ideology...

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It looks like Britain is already a Dhimmi nation subordinate & subservient to Islam.

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Added that to the end of the article, including a link to India...

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"If Jews control most of the media, how is it possible that the media actually defends Islam in the West against criticism, while anything is allowed against Christianity and national identities?"

The explanation is very simple Ray: Whom do the Jews hate more? The Muslims or the Christians? You should have the correct answer in about 2 seconds without any help from me. I can't remember which of Asha Logos' presentations mentions it, but seems 8th Century Christian, Visigothic Spain was overthrown when the Jews helpfully opened the gates of various cities to the Muslim invaders... And they've refined their subversive proclivities over the centuries and thus today courtesy of The Kalergi Plan and The Great Replacement of about a century ago we now have the Muslim invasion of Europe and North America, the moribund state of Christianity, the pernicious influence of Cultural Marxism/Post-modernism giving rise to the twin depravities of "Woke" and Transgenderism; and Western Civilization generally speaking, circling the drain. All thanks to our Jewish friends and allies... 🤔

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Most of our gas stations are owned and operated by Muslims. I talked to one man and he told me the Koran doesn't allow them to be violent. Whatever. I don't have any desire to mingle with any of them. I see many of them walking around and working at the one mall that exists near me. So I stay away. You never know what these people will do. I've been given countless scathing looks.

But what the hay, we go over into their countries and blow the smithereens out of their lives so I would assume, what do you expect? Then our loving and caring politicians bring them over here.

They do not want to assimilate, at all. My attitude is they should have been left alone in the first place. Let them be. They weren't bothering me over there, and I wasn't bothering them. But everything is going along accordingly, to The Plan.

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Hi Fran, have you read "Camp of the Saints" yet?

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No, never heard of it. Can you give me a brief analysis?

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Written by French author Jean Raspail in 1973, it recounts how France and all of Europe was invaded and overthrown by migrants in tramp steamships from India, the governments and peoples of same having become so demoralized they were unable to come together and fight the invaders off... Eerily prophetic really, even if the wooden translation of what was obviously the witty and pugnacious French original makes it a bit dry and difficult.

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Yes, I did a quick googly on this book. Sounds interesting. It was in one of these Substack writers' article who stated Europeans only make up 11% of the population. What does that tell you?

Trump did once say, Breed, people, Breed. He was referring to White hetero folks. All this ghey agenda crap out there is sickening. I watch LawandCrimeNetwork on YT and it recounted an incident I think in FL of two ghey guys adopting two young boys who they r*ped repeatedly. Who couldn't see that coming? I am old fashioned. Children need decent mothers and fathers.

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I gather they were sentenced to 100 years each... 🤔...

Busy listening right now to two of my favourite people, Jeff Rense and Stefan Verstappen.. You may enjoy it:


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Jeff used to have a YT channel, but he stopped.

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Thank you for your account. That alone deserves my "Like."

Of course, as the materials even as few as in my post demonstrate, the Q'ran actually expects them to become violent, but only after they are the majority. According to their faith, it's okay to lie to the Kaffir...

I have known a female who stayed outside after dark without a male escort in a Muslim country, and even the cab driver considered her free to take, and she had to run away in the woods. Lucky, I guess, but she managed.

And no, they are here to take over, as their Holy Book tells them to do.

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here's a hero that "lost his head" rescuin' some young girls...


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Thanks for reminding me how Q'ran is spelled.

I remember watching the supposed true account of the movie, Not Without My Daughter some years back. This was marriage to an Iranian.

I also, for a very short period of time, worked with a gal who was married to a Middle Easterner. She said he was working a low paying job and wanted to move out to CA without her. She was the one bringing home the bacon. He didn't care.

And lastly, I did work for an Iranian in the financial field. He was meaner than crap. Once he came into the office late in the afternoon after watching soccer in a bar. I swear to God that I thought he was going to hit me - he was pissed off at me for some stupid reason. He broke company rules about the processing of client paperwork, so I turned him into personnel. I didn't want to lose MY license, so he fired me, which I expected but I could not stand working for him.

This is my country. I was born and raised here. So were my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. I don't sell out, to anyone.

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just had an amusin' thought...

Islam=I Slam! (kinda describes their MO ha ha)


= IsLamb i.e. yup, they're the leeetle lambs, the pee-pull of peace (not but that's their mssg.! they actually tell folks they're the religion of peace, chop chop)

I best careful tho' lest the "noble" charlie hebdo perps return an' invade the stacks ;-)

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Nice puns.

Charlie Hebdo, however was absolutely distasteful and disgusting, considering the way it treated Christianity. They tried the same with Judaism only once, and never again (the guy who did it lost his job). Muslims just went in there and shot the place to pieces... That's all about the Religion of Pieces, folks...

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ah, hadn't heard that but even so, mockery (gentle, cruel, even just plain lousy) is human... c'ept ye cain't mock Islam. ANY other faith'll take a ribbin'--even when it's cruel stuff (the anti-jooish memes all over the innertubes are horrible but I'd neither censor 'em let alone order the perp-a-traitors DE-headed...gracious!)

LOL, "Religion of Pieces"--that's a good'un... yup, my only comment wuz that my mockery was "dicey" ;-) as in the noble faith a cuttin' remark kin trigger "dicey" results!

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The blueprint seems quite characteristic of "the West":

Mock Christianity - nothing happens;

Mock Judaism - lose your job;

Mock Islam - lose your head...

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lol... the middle one is relative--MOCKING the faith is OK... callin' fer the death of joos? Job gone. Joos mock themselfs AN' the faith ALL THE TIME... I cannt list how many jokes there are 'bout jooish religious traditions (kosher rules, circumcision, throwin' bread / "chamatz" out on Passover--like givin' it ta the Central Park ducks!) so no... you CAN mock the faith IF you do it from a place of "good ribbin'" not good riddance.

An ol' tradition is ta engage in ethnic/religious self-mockery with other immigrant comics of all faiths (Italians & Irishmen bein' most popular). A joo, an Irishman, & an Italian went into a bar.... Old as the hills! Even joos make fun'a the faith but if someone sez "Die evil joo die" or screed "river to sea" that post college job offer gits rescinded. lookit it this way Ray--would you hire an assistant (hypothetically) that continually announced you were guilty of wrong-think, genocide, an' a rotten pedo? Nah, I don't think you'd do that... It's funny that when folks talk about firin' employees they say "heads will roll." With joos that means yer off ta the unemployment lines... the bowlin' with heads is indeed the game of Islam.

ps number 1's a little sketchy too--mock Christianity now, ye might verbally raked over the coals by one of the popular talkin' head punditz... Some are mean but the lashin' only comes from a sharp tongue.

BUT if ye mocked Christianity a few hund-dread years ago ya'd git BURNED at the stake, put on the Catherine Wheel (not the Ferris Wheel haha not) an' mebbe git a "hot night" in the Brazen Bull! Torture Chair, the Rack... oh "heretics" got treated ta lots of fun 'n games if they DARED mock the faith or JUST picked the wrong one! (joos by deFAULT picked da wrong one!)

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good stuff here Ray--I had no idear about this biography--link not workin' fer me tho! (98% of joos do NOT know what the NWO is let alone wants it). IF they KNEW they would not be pleased... it's gettin' 'em ta listen that's hard ;-)

ps I think the Dutch & some Portuguese joos involved in the slave trade were mentioned in the his'try books... It's not a source of pride, that I'll say. It's joos in Holland that are tryin' ta stop the "Black Peter" tradition (that recalls that slavery). These "white" jooish traders were a small but powerful portion of the "euro" industry vs the much bigger arab AND african slave trade... (yup, blacks sold their own ta other blacks an' then... ta the white man) entire history a...sorry..."black mark" on all us human beans (Thomas Sowell speaks eloquently onnit...)

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You can try another browser or a VPN. The link should work:


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This is the best stuff I've ever encountered on the subject.

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Rich Jews fled to Amsterdam from Italy. Dunno about Porto.

Most Jews seem to have been signed up to become collateral damage, and they might be interested in finding out about that...

And Sowell speaks as if it was me most of the time. :)

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yup, good pernt there--for a time (lol) the Dutch let 'em in! (Porto. ended up not likin' 'em too much either--Christopher Columbus some say too...)

100% re "we" bein' collateral damage (an' bein' blamed for doin' dat damage)

Glad yer a Sowell fan too! (bless 'em he's still around!)

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Hitler insisted to attack ussr way too late in the year, because of the winter weather conditions against the advice of his generals, causing the defeat of germanys armies,,, which it seems was his secret plan ... he wasnt of the arian race. just like what zelensky of the ukraine is doing now in kahoots with russia , they are killing the last remnants of the arians with the support of puppet americans,,, just a continuation of killing the enemies of the balfour state... " we will make war through deception " and now they are openly declaring admitting demonstrating their true selves, why ? because they controll the 5g computer code "kill switch injected world wide through the koovvid waxx, and all the computer controlled technology including atomic electric power stations , mobile phones even household appliences toasters etc [ very psycopathic paranoid race ] etc... good God please help

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Yes, he was late, but he probably learned about the threat to Europe too late, so he didn't have a choice. The surprising part is, how were the globalists able to predict and maneuver everything so neatly? Hollywood has hundreds of fiction on the H*, but nothing on Stalin, who was easily the largest mass killer in the world (well, the "Allies" plentifully contributed).

Yes, I have heard about Hitler being an agent, too, but the story doesn't seem to add up, except perhaps at going for Stalingrad instead of the oil fields of Baku...

Both world wars seem to have been targeting whites. Ukraine is sacrificing Polish and Hungarian minorities in order to make sure the "conflict" looks real.

And yes, the show must go on.

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learned about the threat too late, to me doesnt fit the diciplined intelligent nature of the through nature of gremanic peoples... they knew war historically they were warriors ,they well knew what happened to napoleon the generals knew and tried to kill him, they knew it was a suicide mission a tree is known by its fruits , hitlers fruits were the distruction and enslavment of germans, yes thanks,i forgott about the oil fields , which the armies needed because the train link through the balkans was hard to safe guard from the yugoslav partizans , yea i pray its only a show ie not real , we are safe in heaven asleep and dreaming all this etc

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What does military intelligence for the last two weeks have to do with the "disciplined intelligent nature of Germanic peoples"? Napoleon wanted to occupy Russia, and Hitler had to launch a counterattack before it was too late (according to Sudorov). Again, it was against the biggest mass murderer in world history, who amassed a large ATTACKING army at Germany's border (Stalin by then, occupied what had been left of Poland after Germany re-occupied German-majority territories gifted to Poland after WW1, because the Poles refused to negotiate)

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just an interesting side note ///https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Stalingrad# if wiki is credible... time lines are difficult to determine , just like all "second hand" historical accounts... i cant know first hand , only whats written ...

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me thinks ...truth is always the casualty , and at least 2 versions of history ,ie victors and the vanquashed. therefore this synthesis becomes the default...death becomes history, hell of our own making

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Ray, I was invited to a mosque for a big event and was nearly killed because of a misunderstanding.

Dangers of Islam - let me explain. Islam has been redefined deceptively so that it can be used as a weapon against us. The people who are part of Islam can be ordered to kill anyone at any time and outsiders have no idea. Islam is a danger to everyone.

We are in an unrestricted warfare zone, everything is weaponized. We are in danger and must defend ourselves, our families, our interests and our communities

Let me explain in my podcast here:


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dont forget who created isis ,hamas , sadam , alkider, lenin, stalin trotsky etc etc who destroyed the twin towers, who created and supports , guides militant islam,,, everyone else is guilty except them , " we are only defending ourselves" they say... who financed hitler stalin and others ... the end result is death of europes christian arians, and then everyone else whom they want... also they are in power not because they are smarter than everyone , its because they are willing to comitt any and all manner of atrocities that most others wouldnt do , like what we are seeing in the middle east

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Except there isn't much a commoner can do, when in England, Islam is protected by "law" enforcement...

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Ray, pls re-read da commint--yer friend here is not sayin' it's islam--it's da joos. only the da joos, (ditto fer his comment above ye liked). in other woids, in response ta yer qvestionin' Islam--the answer is sure but really... it's the joos... the joos an' only da joos created islam, lenin, financed hitler---common belief an' little u kin say will sway it... take a look at Richard Poe in terms of da joos & marxism...


or here


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The simple message of Jesus was 'HARM NO ONE.' If anything is told to you by the ‘church’ violates that law, then it is not Christian, it is false. One has the free will to violate this guidance, but Kharma quickly ensues ( it is sound advice for avoiding trouble).

God gave you the miracle of life to live it. Self-defence does not violate this law because God wants you to live free and multiply, not be a punching bag for tyrants. Dying without a fight helps neither you, your family or your community. Remember who you are.

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i cant call myself Christian because im not willing to"take up the cross and follow Jesus, so help me Good God ,,, id like to answer yes i will Lord not my will be done but Your will be done ,and take up my cross ,,, im praying for the strenght to do so

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I had someone ask me where do we go when we die. I made this podcast answering as question 3. It upsets fake Christians.


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Can you make a transcript available, please?

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To be a Christian is as simple as accepting him as your way to salvation. The rules are simple: 'Do no harm' unless in self-defence. Accept him as your lord and saviour. Simple. The righteous path is straight and narrow; perfection is impossible, but aiming for the target is the point. The original definition of SIN was to be off target; if you missed the target with a javelin, they would call out your sin, '3 feet to the left of the target'. See.

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if you please ,where does Jesus say to accept me as your lord and savior,?and do no harm unless in self defence

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Those are pretty good links.

"Turn the other cheek," however, to my best knowledge mean that if you resist the occupiers, your people will face retribution, so might as well let them slap once of even twice...

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There is no magic ritual for salvation. The bible is a guide only and it has been altered many times (different podcast). Listen to that podcast link and redirect your question if you want.

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As you are saying, Jesus never said one must not protect themselves... Better to die in a fight than to become a slave, right?

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I can envision NWO Islam more appealing than Marxism,..

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Global Calipgate is plan B, if they do not succced in the plan A, Technocratic World Cyber Government

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I see no distinction as anyone with intelligence and aptitude can work for the Man. To keep the worker bee dedicated requires more than money. And Islamic peoples are fanatics like the men of Mammon when properly rouzed up.

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You might like my podcast on IQ which explains a lot.

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Link, please.

May I assume you agree with me that IQ is a psyop?


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I.Q. is used as a weapon. The controllers put unqualified people in positions of authority and blame their failures on racism or anything but the truth.



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Yup, the Caliphate is only there to entice Muslims into the idea of killing the Kaffir... Later on, the Muslims will also be "taken care of."

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The next on the wall of the firing squad.

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Of course, you are right. Appealing to whom?

I don't think I would be willing to live under any of the two. I prefer to die under my own terms:


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Non Atheists. By the time any significant change from Mammonry comes we will br many years dead.

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Thought provoking Ray. On the "Jews" in the media, how do we know they are real Jews vs the fake cut-outs of the NWO? We'd have to pick apart the details of each of their work, not easy.

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Absolutely. It's hard to discern facts from manipulation.

Zionism lines up with the NWO and it can be used towards it.

As I usually say, "Who are 'real Jews'"?

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Nope, it's a lot more borin' than this... this whole "fake joos" thing is bullshart. So...puttin' aside people who have jooish heritage but were not at all raised jooish (there are many), joos that grew up EITHER in the faith (any level, reform, orthodox, conservative) or even secular ones but raised with jooish values (twisted values like education: study first/play later, havin' ta learn an instrument, HAVING to "make better" -- ah, yes, this one gits folks all bungled up--joos too--which is supposed ta be just in charity, kindness but sum'times gits twisted inta "fixing the world" which is often misguided BUT well-intended) AND--the most hated value--makin' a DECENT livin'--not bein' a bum). So this is why in ancient times muslims could take advantage of hard-workin' joos they hate! This is why (sssh) hamas wrecked the lovely greenhouses--jooish structures--that were given 'em when Israel left b/c then they kin cry out "see we have nuthin'" ruther than work those greenhouses ta grow food (as the evil joos did..)... I have not lived in the middle east but as ye know Ray, Karen Hunt did and sez these folks don't like ta work... so yer tale of ancient exploitation translates. Karen tells of all the women whose savin's are drained / bilked by lovers all named mohammed. so real joos (however hated) are brought up ta work... an' MOST do just that... EVEN in media (meeeeDia) jobs an' sadly do not qvestion the message bein' put out waay higher up.

Bein' in the biz (from the more thespian an' sin-o-matic side), I know a LOT of joos in the media an' most are not the evil devils most folks seem ta think they are. There are those with "ahrtistic talents 'er inclinations" an' those who are just capable an' hard workin' but (sadly) don't question much of what is needed "for work" until it's too late. I.e. they are honest, reliable, an' just cogs in the big media wheel that mills nooze inta a fine grain that's palatable an' denuded of trooth an' given out ta the masses ta be digested. They have decent salaries, go on vacation with their kids, do not eat them (the kids that is) OR practice satanism unless "shopping" is the devils work (ha ha). Seriously... these are my people an' too few speak up when they work for an industry (hollywood) or a network that puts out material that's often ANTI-jooish or anti-Zionist.

Zionism always meant just a home fer "da chews" b/c nobuddy wanted us... like MOST nations (nay-shuns) it was founded by some not-such-great folks (Balfour & Milner HATED joos but most joos don't even know this)... Anywhoo... folks make zionism sound like it's worse than Islam no matter what an' that's just foolishness. The word--had been weaponized. Sure, there are rotten political zionists. There are rotten republiCons an' rotten demoCraps (many joos, fwiw, are sloooooly wakin' up an' NOT likin' what they are seein'... they are votin' right more now but it's slow goin'--not b/c joos evil but b/c traditionally democraps stood up fer minorities an' joos were part of many of the orgs that helped others--they founded the frickin' NAACP and were MAJOR helpers in the civil rts movement "in solidarity" b/c joos were told not to just stand there / DSD! do sumthin' dummy as we say). So now the orgs they created are bitin' the hand that fed 'em (theirs). They got played too... But back ta zionism--yes, some really rotten joos runnin' Israel/Mossad (not synonymous) are also political zionists--but so are 7+ million joos & 2+ million Arabs LIVING in Israel who call it home an' don't wanna see it razed. From here, in the west, the call ta have it razed from river to see means nuthin' to most Americans an' it bugs 'em that it worries da joos.

So who are these tricky joos? Boring (many) regular wonks that keep the stations goin' (networks). They have wives, kids, they pay taxes, some go to temple, some don't but they may be culturally jooish an' again keep some/all of the values of the faith/culture/ traditions. We're hard ta define but we sure DO know each other. The reason folks say these folks are evil an' MORE EVIL than all others is b/c the networks they work for put out "dogma" which duz do harm (pro-clot shots, an' even pro-hamas!)--but for most with desks an' day jobs, this stuff is not their invention. They don't even write the copy! They run the offices, they do the memos, they do the accountin'--or (like an old friend of mine) the legal due diligence. He worked fer HBO for 30 years an' never even knew the content of what kinda material was bein' put out. Entertainment contracts protectin' all pahrties...yadayada. These are not dummies but they do their jobs an' go home an' may indeed even have high fallutin' intellectual pursuits outside work if they do wax creative. They take their paintin' classes or work on their novels.

So as fer those "on top" watchin' fer trends with the windas lookin' out on 6th Avenue. Yes, they are content-aware but they are well paid to put out what the NWO basically tells 'em. Those with the penhouse offices are also turtles--just on the top...supported by all who just do their jobs. Yup, that's boring. The issue is they don't understand they NEED to qvestion the higher ups messagin'. NY Times is a good example--run by joos fer years... joos that beyond any understandin' back in the 1930s put out puff pieces fer Hitler--for HITLER! The anti-jooish scenty-mints at the time got worse an' worse an' so toxic people like Bari Weiss left! An' yet...joos still work fer the Times. They are not evil but just clueless that they are frogs an' the water's hot... MOST don't see it. I daresay gentiles don't see it much better--I got friends of all kinds & stripes an' MOST don't see what a mess we're in.

The banality of evil...yes...joos like good "chermans" just doin' their chobs... (arguably judaism is not nearly as toxic as islam but that's off topic)

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ps so zionism which is super-nationalism does not line up with the NWO which wants to ERASE nation-states BUT it zo heppens that some zionists who are NOT good guys are all for the NWO... not unlike nationalism here--some nationalists wanna undo "America" but most of us waxin' patriotic see ourselves as pro-america / pro-nation-state... works the SAME...

hope this 'splains the "who are the real joos"--it's a strawman's arguement--even Soros (born jooish / self-hatin', never practiced) is a "real one"-- even tho' many of us wished that warn't the case... nobuddy calls out "fake christians" or "fake boo'd-ists"--this fake joo thing is just hogwarsh!

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ps sorry ray is this too long? I fergot ye didn't want long comments... lmk if I should delete

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I don't necessarily mind, unless a single person floods a single comment section. In general, I just don't always have the time and the strength to deal with long comments, and unless they are reported as offensive, I leave well enough alone. The other option would be to allow only paid subscribers to comment, but that would undermine the whole idea about my stack.

Breaking it up to the point of one or two problems helps. It is impossible to address more in an answer.

Omitting/editing is your choice, if you feel that's the way to go.

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I'll let it stand then--I hope it splains to those askin' the "qvestions" a little 'bout this whole "fake joos" thing which makes zero sense to ANY of us chews! :-) lemme know if you want me ta break it up--off ta help my older one in the kitchen :-)

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i read .. history repeates .circumstantial coincidents... ie kabbalah,,, kaaba, alah ... allah...extrapolations "? muslim story is an invention by israel given to nomadic tribes meant to be manipulated to war with enemies of israel... like the british creation of the wahhabis by hempher... like hamas of today,like the turkish dolmeh, also kemal attaturk.... good God please help us all return , turn to goodness truth and love of and for ALL

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The Muslim Brotherhood was set up by British intelligence as a controlled opposition.

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Never thought about it that way, but it makes sense... I'm not sure how and to whom. :(

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100% true that--it was not set up by da joos... (see the Richard Poe links I shared) -- an'

...an' no, (as ye know) Israel did not make up/invent the story of allah, OR the Quran, OR the bio of mohammad just ta git folks ta hate Islam.. (:-o ) I'm always surprised what folks say!

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Importing Jihad! Jesus said there would be days like this. Whilst we import Jihad, christian churches preach feel good self improvement nonsense. They are setting us up. Meanwhile, we will continue to ship shoe boxes full of Chinese goods to the poor.

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Islam is a religious form of communism, which is why the left protects it, despite the glaring contradictions.

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In my experience, there is no left and right. ALL politicians have been pre-selected and even groomed to become what they are.

Islam is NOT a religion: it's an expansionist ideology. In religions, people might be interested in the Divine, but in Islam, they only have to conform and chant stuff they don't even understand...

Islam is promoted, because it accelerates the demise of the West.

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most joos (a few sjw's excepted to the shock of their parents) do NOT wanna see the demise of the west BUT we never knew much at all 'bout Islam because "TOLERANCE" -- we were told that all the Abrahamic religious were "copacetic" an' we should/could "all git along"--most folks (joos included) STILL are deluded (an' if I may say de-looted too!) few know 'bout Islam an' I'm still on a learin' curve about this "cult" that wants me dead! (I've only known 'bout dhimmis fer a few years... it's not common knowledge....)

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The enemy of an enemy is my friend concept.

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First thoughts…..

I see they are adopting the regulated position……

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Please, elaborate.

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