Okay, but did you steer your mom to a good source for news?

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Well you know there was this rather learned Hindu mystic discusses illusion.


The question — what is the cause of Mâyâ (illusion)? — has been asked for the last three thousand years; and the only answer is: when the world is able to formulate a logical question, we shall answer it. The question is contradictory. Our position is that the Absolute has become this relative only apparently, that the Unconditioned has become the conditioned only in Maya. By the very admission of the Unconditioned, we admit that the Absolute cannot be acted upon by anything else. It is uncaused, which means that nothing outside Itself can act upon It. First of all, if It is unconditioned, It cannot have been acted upon by anything else. In the Unconditioned there cannot be time, space, or causation. That granted your question will be: “What caused that which cannot be caused by anything to be changed into this?” Your question is only possible in the conditioned. But you take it out of the conditioned, and want to ask it in the Unconditioned. Only when the Unconditioned becomes conditioned, and space, time, and causation come in, can the question be asked. We can only say ignorance makes the illusion. The question is impossible. Nothing can have worked on the Absolute. There was no cause. Not that we do not know, or that we are ignorant; but It is above knowledge, and cannot be brought down to the plane of knowledge. We can use the words, “I do not know” in two senses. In one way, they mean that we are lower than knowledge, and in the other way, that the thing is above knowledge. The X-rays have become known now. The very causes of these are disputed, but we are sure that we shall know them. Here we can say we do not know about the X-rays. But about the Absolute we cannot know. In the case of the X-rays we do not know, although they are within the range of knowledge; only we do not know them yet. But, in the other case, It is so much beyond know ledge that It ceases to be a matter of knowing. “By what means can the Knower be known?” You are always yourself and cannot objectify yourself. This was one of the arguments used by our philosophers to prove immortality. If I try to think I am lying dead, what have I to imagine? That I am standing and looking down at myself, at some dead body. So that I cannot objectify myself.

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That is fooking sick man - Blessings.


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Great article! I find support for Donald Trump a good gauge of whether someone is controlled opposition.

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Thanks. I, for one, have a unique evaluation for the (s)elections:


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It's horrifying. Everything and everyone around me operates on a foundation of lies.

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Loose the fat, Bacon. Lmao...Blessings!

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It doesn't strike me as anything new. I am more surprised by the minuscule response to something that is actually unique...

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Like this? One like, one reply, from me


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I LOVED the parental control !! Yes, thats how we save America. I say let's start with the fake media.

Great read and thank you.

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Thank yo for your appreciation.

My 12-year-old son got around parental control (we even paid for the crap) in a day. Computer wizard inherited, I guess. :)

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Good, it's the old people who need controlled by the children. You know how rolls reverse as we age. (i can't wait to use diapers. no not really. haha)

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I’m so happy I stumbled onto this group when I first joined Substack … I must admit I only woke up during Covid & fell for the Tier2 team @ first .. until I saw Malone telling those Hawaii kids it was ok to get the jab 🤐

It wasn’t until Substack and a few good truth tellers like yourself… that it all finally clicked…

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As I told my dad 15 minutes before he died, "It's never late."

Please, advise me about Substack authors like me. I am pretty unique, and I have fewer than a handful like me...

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Patrick Jordan, Substack, Vaccinefraud1


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Dr Jay J. Couey is one......https://gigaohmbiological.substack.com/

His website has more info and his streams are all archived there...... https://gigaohmbiological.com/

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I follow what makes sense to me. At least I have an open mind to think about possibilities. Inherited a good instinct from my father, so I usually rely on that. Its always led me to the truth, which shows itself sooner or later.

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Some great quotes from Ray today like this one, "I don’t know how many of such “authors” are agents of the Deep State, but one thing is certain: whether knowingly or not, they provide priceless assistance to the globalists by disseminating abortive hope that is good only for one thing: IT IMMOBILIZES PEOPLE BEFORE THE STORM."

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There Is No Vaccine

For A Mind Virus.

You Are Either Naturally Immune

Or Your Not.


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Humans are social being and, as such, easily fall for conformist thinking and/or behavior.

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Is Just Another Word



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The only way I measure up people is the kind of place (country?) they want to live in...

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Where would you choose to live if you could move?

Also, I’m a founding member and don’t recall receiving an email telling me how to obtain the associated benefits.

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For the longest time I liked to read history and make new discoveries about the past. Now, I seriously doubt that more than 10% of history that we have been given is really accurate. All events, happenings, occurrences and the like have only one truth. But that one truth can be distorted in a million ways.

Maybe history does not matter since it cannot be changed despite how many versions they invent. I never interact with the MSM directly and my trust level for most things is now close to zero. Besides, history is not a one-size-fits-all universe. Living in the past is not living at all.

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Most people are living in the past, and some the future. The best place to live, is in the present, with an eye for the future.

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Thank you for the well written wake up call.

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Thank you kindly. I figured that, as I am usually too early to come out with stuff, this time, a two-year delay wouldn't cause a problem. In fact, there might be more people perceptive than ever before...

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You are so generous to share your wealth of knowledge. I have been struggling to maintain a steady course, and appreciate the help in maintaining an independent yet interdependent perspective.

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A treat to receive such presience, precision and prose. Always a place to learn and ponder. Thanks, Ross

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Thank you kindly. It's good to be able to do something meaningful before I depart from this world. :)

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Hey Ray, I think "prescription" in the text should be, "subscription"?

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