Nov 16, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I think he gave the citizens interest free loans to buy or build their houses as well. The economy started booming when he did away with usury. Wherever he got the money, it's was obviously easier to do 9 decades ago. Those loopholes/allies aren't there anymore.

What I've thought about a fair bit is if I build a house and pay for it with a mortgage, and the final bill for the house is comprised of a number of costs: Land, building materials, labour, and a whole raft of government consents that must also be paid. Then there is tax on the land, the materials and even the man-hours (labour) to build it as well as tax on the pieces of paper I need otherwise known as consents. These consents nowadays can make up 10-20% of the total cost, if not more. Then I must pay interest on my mortgage on top of the costs including tax. Over a 30 year mortgage this means I end up paying the original loan amount 3 times over. AND...the loan from the bank was generated out of thin air when I signed the loan agreement merely based on my ability to repay it. BUT we won't go there now. Just my musings on why it's so difficult to get ahead. The system is designed that way. Oops, This is bound to set off some alarms for the thought police. Someone is beginning to reason for themselves and think independently again....

Ezekiel 18:13 "He lends at interest and takes a profit. Will such a man live? He will not! Because he has done all these detestable things, he is to be put to death; his blood will be on his own head."

How much more so when they create the money out of thin air they lend you and still charge interest on it? Actually it is your own money they are lending you at interest because it is "created" on your future ability to repay it plus interest! I spoke to a banker the other day who told me they don't even hold 3% of all the balances/savings in bank accounts in cash either. 97% is unaccounted for in reality. That's why runs on the banks are such a problem ,it's a big ponzi scheme. There really is very little physical money and it's not backed by anything substantial like gold, but we work most of our lives to pay off debts.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited May 1, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

people knew ...

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Now is the winter of our discontent...and it's once again springtime for Hitler and Germany!* Not about to do any in-depth research for the history, or mythology, recounted here, especially since its revisionism has prohibited any questioning of revisionism, in recognition of state censorship (wink, wink) and in solidarity with those victimized for their valiant stands on behalf of fascism - absent much if any care for those victimized by fascism.

In this respect, perhaps one good place to start 'our' merely 'academic' inquiry is at the start of this wide-ranging rant: "As opposed to the myths by posterity, the vast majority of Germans loved Adolph Hitler." Not clear what basis there is for this (latter) claim. The highest percentage of the German electorate received by Hitler and the Nazis - for whatever vote counts, hardly a measurement of 'love', are worth in rigged rituals of 'representative' government - was just a little over 37%. And for whatever "lies, damned lies, and statistics" (Twain) are worth, does the author have access to other polling data in the early days of Gallup?

Indications on the ground in 1930s Germany was that a major base of support for the Nazis, apart from the vagaries of politics, were the jackbooted thugs like the SA terroizing the general population through select targets, principally working class people and their organizations from unions to communists, who along with 'defectives' like the disabled were first in line for untermenschen, with other usual suspects like the Jews, Slavs, homosexuals (including the purge of the gay-spirited SA in the Night of the Long Knives), Gypsies or Romany, and more soon enough to join them. This reign of terror all the more reinforced less populous middle class people driven by fear in desperate times of economic insecurity to serve as Hitler's principal political base (he was 'cleaning up the streets' of the underclass criminal element. etc., etc.).

The Nazis 'improved' the economy principally by militarism, an all too common answer to problems of class war on the home fronts of industrial capitalist economies contributing to WW2's repeat of imperialist bloodbath. (The 'solution' of military Keynesianism was made permanent here post-WW2 to insure 'prosperity' relative to domestic subjects like the white race of Pax/Pox Americana, which contributed to the creeping fascism of U$, Inc. that now converges upon the New (ab)Normal Wolrd Order.)

While militarism employed armies of labor to the disproportionate advantage of owners of industry, workers' wages and benefits were slashed across the economy, complementing union busting and busting of heads by paramilitaries. Consumer society was supported by subsidy and price control, eventually necessitating greater resource grabs in the name of atonement for Versailles, while other compensatory crumbs were thrown the masses in such specatcle as Nuremberg came to epitomize. Bread and circuses, as the Romans practiced, now an adavnced science in ways all too comfortable for many good Amerikaners.

This kind of 'healthy' bizzness climate was why the big money as well as big guns of German industry and finance backed der Fuhrer, just like Italian capitalists rallied to Il Duce. And the maintenance of worldwide class rule was why the Bank for International Settlements (the BIS, today's central bank of central banks), nominally established 1930 to manage debt payments by Germany to WW1 victors, effectively funded the Third Riech and WW2. Whatever role it may or may not have played after 1933 and theatrics over international finance and the Jewish question** was amply balanced by foreign capital flocking to Germany for its 'stability'.

As usual, U$, Inc.'s corporate capital demonstrated its favoritism for dictatorship over democracy in collusion with Nazism - Rockefeller's Chase Bank and Standard Oil (aka Esso, particularly in partnership with IG Farben, a chemical and phrameutical leader in the 'final solution' trade), GE (most heavily invested in the Krupps arms industry), Coca-Cola (Fanta Orange) , GM (Opel), Ford (Henry was proudly antisemitic and fascist), Kodak (proud employer of slave labor in the concentration camps), IBM (reflecting CEO Thomas Watson's fondness for Adolph by supplying the punch card system for classification, and disposal of, concentration camp prisoners), Random House (major propaganda publisher for Goebbels and the gang). Most of these and other American companies carried on their grizly bizzness operations before, during, and after the war, even receiving reparations for damages, compliments of American taxpayers (working class people). Yet none dare call it treason, even as American soldiers (working class people) died while this orgnaized crime against humanity played whatever side was profitable.

No doubt our own fascist ruling class found some consolation in Germany after failure of their own planned coup in the US, exposed by General Smedley Butler when he was approached to lead the overthrow of FDR (another one of those bits of American history left out of standard textbook accounts). But we also should not ignore how the Nazis found inspiration from their own previous examples here, from Lebensraum carrying on such good old Amerikkkan traditions as Manifest Destiny clearing the land of 'savages' to Nazi doctors and medicine drawing on precedents of poulation control like Anglo-American eugenics. Nor should we overlook how Nazi propaganda built on Ango-American perfection of this science of social engineering, consolidated with WW1. It only stands to reason that such covert ops as Paperclip brought Nazi scientists to the US to lend their expertise to post-WW2 developments like MK-Ultra mind control and MK-Naomi bio-chemical warfare, or that the CIA more recently seeded and cultivated neoNazis in Ukraine since at least the 2014 coup.

Reference to Ukraine, and the way it's currenly being used to wage proxy war against Russia (Eurasia always having been a grand prize on the geopolticial chessboard), brings us back around to the role of the USSR at the time of the Nazis past. Allied powers, prior to their alliance against Germany, were more than accommodating, in the manner of Chamberlain, if not allied with the Nazis. They promised to be a bulwark if not battering ram against the communist regime, a continuing force of containment and destabilization the allies of WW1 had initiated in invasion of Russia following the 1917 revolution.

No matter to what degree that original revolution and establishment of a wokers' state had been betrayed under Stalinism, western capitalist powers still approached its symbolc power for its own working class masses as the primary threat to their rule. This also largely explains why British and American forces were used to fight antifascists in Italy, Greece, and elsewhere at war's end, also representing the threat of a good example to working classes, and instead set up in power some of the same fascist collaborators once deemed the enemy.

Stalin negotiated the short-lived pact with Hitler in strategic recognition of this typical preference of capitalism for fascism. Only when Nazi (false flag) invasion of Poland no longer served to form a buffer zone (and invasion routes into Russia) as conventionally reserved for eastern Europe, and rather served as a signal of Germany's threat to western imperialism, along with Germany's penetration of the Balkans and routes to mideast oil reserves, reminiscent of WW1, did the geopolitical game change.

Contrary to western imperialism, the USSR was about anything but worldwide conquest, confined to socialism in one country as Stalin defined it in doing away with international revolution, and its original advocates in mass purges. Still emerging from a primarily agricultural, peasant base of an economy and rebuilding from the devastation of WW1 (and invasions), the USSR was furiously, at the toll of millions of lives, fast-forwarding industrial capitalism under bureaucratic rule of the party, rather than private capital. Yet if any of the allied powers of WW2 deserves credit for defeating Nazi Germany (which perhaps is cause only for lament among many here?), it's the USSR, often forgotten as an ally, and for the as many as 27 million of its people who perished.

That's about all for now, and maybe for good. Having already come across in these here parts defenses of race mythology and some of the same biological essentialism of the pseudscience of eugenics as has been carried on by not only by Nazism but by the technofascists of global capitalism now rolling out their final final solution, I'm thinking it's time, or past time, to move on from this echo chamber.

*The Producers - Springtime for Hitler


**I say "theater" particularly in recollection of the more recent show by reality TV host President Trump performing his publicized exit from the WHO, only to turn around off stage and increase by seven times as much funds for universal 'vaccination' via the Gates and GAVI, from less than $300 million to over $2 billion, all part of Operation Warp(ed) Speed by this present-day 'populist'.

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Really interesting.

These last few years have pulled back the veil.

Whether by pure arrogance or God.

The once covert Psychopaths are in full display.

I have long thought that wars since WW1 also had a purpose of depleting the populace of Patriotic Warriors, leaving only the types we have now in a lot of areas.

Gullible simps, who can’t even change a lightbulb.

Just a thought. Zero proof

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Have you read The Red Symphony?

A 1938 Stalinist police interrogation of Christian G. Rakovsky, 65, a founder of the Communist International, laid bare the Masonic Jewish banker plot for world tyranny, i.e. the New World Order.

The 50-page transcript of his interrogation dubbed The Red Symphony was not meant to become public. The transcriber made an unauthorized carbon.

This is perhaps the most explosive political document in modern history. It reveals why the Illuminati created Hitler and then sought to destroy him, and why Stalin made a pact with Hitler in 1939.

Christian Rakovsky was a veteran Communist insider facing execution for plotting to overthrow Stalin. Born Chaim Rakover in 1873, he studied medicine in France before becoming a revolutionary. He was the leader of a terror group that attacked government officials.

In 1919, Lenin put him in charge of the Soviet Ukraine government. He retained the territory for the Bolsheviks during the Civil War 1917-1922. Stalin appointed him Russian ambassador to Paris in 1925.

Rakovsky belonged to the powerful Trotskyite faction that took their orders from the Rothschilds. Many of this group were shot in Stalin's 1937 Communist Party purge.

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I have read Hitler’s poorly written rambling manifesto ‘come book’, cover to cover three times. One thing that is extremely apparent... is that he saw ‘perpetual war’ as the means towards establishing and maintaining a thousand year German reich. I’ve also read that both the Rothschilds and Rockefellers financed both sides of both the 1st and 2nd world wars.

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Prescott Bush, and the "Walker" found in H "W" Bush's name. Bankster FUND Both Sides of Wars.

Hitler was not "as Bad" as Stalin, not much consolation to the Population Reductions of WW II.

and the NWO Banksters will Do It Again!!!

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Mindkét oldalt ugyanaz a háttérhatalom pénzelte, Drábik János több videója nagyon részletesen kifejti ezt, ő régóta e téma kutatója Magyarországon.


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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My silly guess is that the same 'ball of money and power' that 'protects'/gives special status to Switzerland/WEF headquarters still (protection from attacks, highest point in Europe literally) is what Hitler the Austrian drew from as well. How close a relationship did Austria and Switzerland have then? and now? I am sure there are certain families interspersed between the 2 countries.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

That Time cover of the little guy is simply aped in the present day:


But, like all modern day products, the authenticity and overall quality of dictators was better back then. Made of stronger materials, louder, longer lasting, less see though... etc etc.

They just don't make 'em like they used to.

Probably something to do with the growth of social media and the ease with which one can get up the ladder nowadays?


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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Thanks. Hugely important question. My guess is that corporate forces in place today were involved. How could it be otherwise?

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Too bad the people in control are more into other things than into solving predicaments.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Few leads to be had from this article.


League of Nations, Prescott Bush, German companies, British Royalty and banks all had a hand. The business of war and empire is as old as society.

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Versailles seems to me... A direct ticking bomb to help start WWII. I have absolutely no evidence. But only an idiot, a mean one , would have written it...

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