Aug 23Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

What is your opinion of "Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation" (TENS) unit?

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It's been around and practiced worldwide for several decades by physical therapists, that is, by those who were equipped and used it. It reminds me of acupuncture without the theory and the experience attached to acupuncture.

Personally, for the time being, I would compare it to acupuncture, and I would prefer the chain-smoker old guy from China to do the trick, the kind who kept my dying sister painless with two treatments a week until the last week, when she was already too weak to be moved around, because every movement hurt...

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Aug 22Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Public Executions in England originated as a consequence of Feudal terror. Instead of secretly killing someone the State did so openly. However the State also created quite a few Capital crimes. Stealing a sheep on a riverboat was one. Being a pick pocket another. Now visualize the hanging as a public picnic-it was a spectacle, drawing crowds, and drawing....Pickpockets. Capital punishment deters no one. My authority is a book by David Cooper-Lesson of the Scaffold. $8.60 at World of Books online.

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The English at least started to deport their "criminals" to Australia and to "America," where white slavery, especially of Irish origin, went rampant, but orphans in the UK were also treated like trash:


Capital punishment seems like a good idea for certain crimes, but the legal system is never reliable enough...

For that matter, in 1802, there were 306 "crimes" in England that came with the capital punishment. It went as low as hanging a 12-year-old for "fishing from a pond."

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There is a title on 19th century England discussing the quite sharp class differences. One can see that this sharp difference is still extremely important and for we who survive the next few years the cutting edge of the knife will be sharper.

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Aug 22Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Antiquity preferred exile. Socrates chose death to punish Athens. Remarkable to recognize how humane stony eyed Greece could be in contrast to her educated offspring 2,400 years later.

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Sorry, I added the info about England after your reply...

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Was "COVID" a cover story for a lethal Gain of Function Avian Flu that started in China by 2013 (courtesy of BHO and Dr. Fauxchi) and will that Avian Flu be Disease X? And what really was the "COVID" vax about other than the obvious?


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As I have posted before numerous times, there was no "gain of function" crap going on, but the existence of the international (Russian, Chinese, US) "research" in secret laps confirms that all "superpowers" are but humble servants for the globalists. In such labs, bioweapons of all kinds have been developed for several decades, and the convid injections are only one of them... As there is no "virus," there is no "Avian Flu," either. :)

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Didn't you get extremely ill a few minutes after being near someone in a store? I'm sorry, I can't remember, did you think that was from "shedding"? I keep forgetting about that too, which should probably be the top suspect. I think whatever "it" is fried my brain. I guess the question would then be, what exactly is being shed or transmitted?

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

Thanks for reminding me, Ray...I go back and forth on that...something very brutal killed my wonderful mother almost 3 years ago and I'm desperate to understand it. Every time I think I've figured it out (graphene, 5G, parasites, WBAN, self-replicating nanotechnology, or whatever) something else gets me going down a different rabbit trail. There were also evil spirits involved to really complicate things. I'll probably never know what it was or how it happened, so I'll have to feel like it was my fault for not saving her from whatever "it" was for the rest of my (now miserable) life.

So if bioweapons are not technically GoF "viruses," what are they exactly? In Latin I believe virus = poison (Yandex search "Quick Answer"):

"The word “virus” is derived from the Latin word “virus,” which means “poison” or “venom.” This choice of name reflects the harmful nature of viruses and their ability to infect and cause disease in living organisms. Viruses are considered parasites as they cannot replicate or survive outside a host cell. They rely on the cellular machinery of the host to reproduce and spread, often causing damage and disrupting normal cellular functions."

So I guess what you're suggesting is that a virus is not what we think it is, as in a contagious germ that causes sickness?

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They can take your life, not your soul. Having Peace with yourself and God. What more do you need?

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Yes, the extermination smokescreen smorgasbord & plandemic propaganda continues in this world.

In my world, I am about to go to bed hugging one beautiful little boy with his head on my right shoulder & another beautiful little boy with his head on my left shoulder……blizzzzzzzzzz!!!!

No religion, no fear, we are spiritual - our mind, body, soul & consciousness belongs to each of us & Source only.

There is still so much love, light & happiness all around & I wish it to all of you!

Stay safe & strong.

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Aug 22Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Why would you post a link without bothering to explain why anyone should click it?

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Aug 22Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Apologies.. it’s a song about how wrong things are - the name of the song is “WRONG” by the Conspiracy Music Guru ❤️‍🩹

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I knew you were not trolling, but for new readers, I've been waiting for your answer. It's absolutely fine to place links into comments, but a little introduction always helps. :)

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