Everything is linked.
In case you didn’t know, the term “Final Solution” comes from Adolph Hitler’s1 speeches, and its implications were not exactly what an English-speaking person would infer into it2. However, I am using the term from the globalists’ perspective in the Anglo-Saxon sense and delve a bit into whatever it entails.
The frequent question, “Who runs the show?”, attracted animated comments after my yesterday’s article:
Stegiel placed one of his many elaborate and erudite comments at:
The comment includes a link to an article on a Russian-sponsored alt-site in Canada that I also frequent and occasionally read some of the articles. This one is worth taking a look at:
This was published only 10 days ago, and it lacks references in the manner I do in most cases. Still, the author refers to Roguski and Katherine Watt, which suggests that he is a Substack reader, too.
The text itself reads like the author combined several of my articles into one without mentioning me, with a few details added, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s good to see so many of my ideas in one place, albeit long after I published them. I am addressing the inconsistencies here.
The author, goes off the rail with his “solution”:
The only way we can defeat this long-planned, complex and multifaceted threat, is to mobilize sufficient people all over the world who are willing to nonviolently noncooperate with its foundational components, that is, those elements that make the entire Elite program possible.
Right. And I was born yesterday... That boat is long gone.
The article is still stuck with the injections, when that question is already moot, because people are not “vaccinated” through the food supply.
His solution fails to address many facets of the war on the people. There are bioweapons, combined with psyops:
There has been severe progress in the technologies of mind control, and the subjects cannot do anything for their protection:
The author cautiously avoids mentioning the final globalist weapon, the CBDC and whatever could be done about it:
The worldwide cooperation that enforced the plandemic measures and destroyed half of all economies shows coordinated planning. There is also substantial evidence of Russia, China, and the US working together on the plan. Enforcement comes through the control of the money supply by the globalist banking cartel, but that doesn’t mean they are on top of the food chain. They might still be agents for an assembly of a higher order, although that part doesn’t much matter, because nobody can reach them, anyway.
Without the globalists’ fiat money, the whole plan would collapse, which is why it’s so urgent for them to introduced CBDCs.
I nearly forget; they also own or control everything that matters. If they were deprived of their assets (e.g. Bill Gates from the land he owns in the US or conglomerates what own about 94% of the MSM, all the banks and investment companies that grew rich in criminal ways), the worldwide economy would collapse, because they are moving everything that matters. Anyway, what kind of united effort could ever accomplish the feat of taking them out of the picture? It would be like an infant beating up the schoolyard bully…
You might say, “But we know who the bankers are…” Michael Lewis Kahn even offers a list in his comment:
Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Reynolds, Krupp, Russell, the bloodline of the Merovingian family, including the royal families of Europe.
Of course, I doubt that the list is complete, but that makes no difference what I think. Going after the families even if all of them were known, would not solve anything; I doubt they could even be located. The incredible power infrastructure would prevail. What does that comprise? Burrowes refers to Davis for an answer:
So what is it? According to Davis, the Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P) is a worldwide network of stakeholder capitalists and their partners:
the Bank for International Settlements,
central banks, global (including media) corporations,
the ‘philanthropic’ foundations of multi-billionaires,
policy think tanks,
governments (and their agencies),
key non-governmental organizations and global charities,
selected academic and scientific institutions, labour unions and other chosen ‘thought leaders’. (You can see an instructive diagram in the article cited below.)
Of course, the term, “Global Public-Private Partnership,” is an oxymoron. After all, the globalists control all governments, and knowing it places the phenomenon into perspective or, as I put it two articles ago, it establishes a reliable frame of reference for further interpretation.
The G3P network is made possible by the globalist control of the money supply, which would keep functioning even after the “families” are long gone. Starting with the elimination of fiat and putting a cap on usury might be a good start, but I can’t see how that could be done. These are the parties that also control the court systems and the politicians, so going against them would be “against the law.”
The proverbial substance usually rises to the top, and in all cultures in history, power accumulates before their collapse. Dying civilizations are usually taken over by another one, and this time only a technocratic solution is offered. The globalist technocrats wants to ensure that no organic humans will make it to the Brave New World of, well, Idiocracy, where insanity will be the measure of mental well-being.
The zombies are coming.
For more, consult the following:
Irving was willing to go to prison for his research. How many fake historians would be willing to do that?
There is literally no evidence of a planned extermination of European Jewry, many of who were dragged to German labor camps during WW2. “Final solution” in Hitler’s case, meant to transport Jewish people to Slavic territories in order to prevent race-mixing and ensure the “purity” of the “Aryan race.”
Our globohomo overlords look at us increasingly as "useless eaters" (a term used by Yuval Harari, a Jewish homosexual atheist who is the top advisor to Klaus Schwab), and it's questionable whether they will (1) stick us all into "15 minute smart city" pods and pacify us with UBI, Netflix and porn indefinitely or (2) just murder most of the world's population, who are consuming too many of the remaining world resources which the globohomo overlords want for themselves. Either way, the future is very grim...
I read global research articles and find them informative, the writers are from many different fields and my knowledge of how the world works has been improved. I have no idea if there is a solution, no-one has come up with anything apart from use cash and don't get jabbed. But if TPTB make regular jabs (no-one is safe until everyone is safe) as a digital ID for conducting every day business, then most people would either comply or starve. The biggest problem I see is the majority thinking everything back to normal now and yes, government was a bit harsh but they had to be, didn't they, otherwise we'd all be dead now!