Ray not sure which thread you mentioned Musk's rocket. This is not a secret space program. Tech is easily 50 years or more beyond the public space program. For instance-https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w0mimIp8mr8
Never said it was a secret; after all, the satellites are still being sent into orbit after several months (my earliest observation took place during my cross-country trip last November):
This reads like a 2007 dicussion by the recently awakened. Even back then I knew the names of the 300 families, but that was always for later. It is the generals who have to be eliminated first. I know who they are and it is clear from your text that, not only do you not know, you have no idea what to do about them. There is only one solution and that is kill them stone dead. The only discussion of merit is how this is to be achieved. The answer to that is, each target has his own environmental context, therefore, unique execution plan, conducted in the country of residence. If you are not talking this you are wasting everyone's time. I should add, after the families have been eliminated, next will come the time wasters.
Actually, people must keep their connections and develop new ones, if possible. Eventually, everyone will be on their own, because centralized action is impossible. "On their own" means staying within their "clans."
Agree, Ray. TPTB have war gamed this for decades. The most important thing we can do at this point is nurture our connections, and make new ones, preferably local. We are going to need each other more than we can imagine. I’m doing my part to help facilitate more in person connections of like minds. We also need to remember out of chaos comes opportunity. Thank you for all your insights. 🙏🏻
The bad part is that no community can function without an underlying ideology. Muslims are lucky on this department, Christians are not so much... Without aiming at the same objective, my neighbors will kill me for a can of soup, if their children run out of food...
Thank you, Ray Horvath, for this incredible article. It has been cross posted to Solution Seeking Subscribers as per the quote below. Thanks for all you do. We continue in our own best ways.
Solution Seeking Subscribers are invited to read this impressive article and consider what is stated there within the context of what we are attempting to accomplish. Further, Solution Seeking Subscribers may want to subscribe to this author. I myself see opportunities for meaningful discussions about many aspects of what is discussed in this article. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you for giving me credit; only a few do even after obviously using my materials (which I don't particularly mind, because at least they are spreading the truth).
I'll keep track of your site, also hoping it will make people face the right direction. :)
the vaxxxxed dont have human rights because they are genetically modified and are no longer considered human made by the good God in his image and likeness ... new vaxxes no longer have to be safety tested when given to the vaxxed and their childern .... good God please help us all defeat satan and his demons... thanks and glory to the Father ,Son and Holy Spirit
Makes me kinda wish the dollar would die and quick! Fast enough to fuck with their fuckery. If I am going down, seeing them go down with me would be at least something. Imagine all the bribes that would run dry, and the deals that would evaporate, if the dollar was 'gone' tomorrow, while I drink the last of that 'proverbial substance' with my morning beverage. If money talks, then these bullshitters will be running fast.
Yep. So.....cowards die every day, is all I can think to say. Killing the dollar would help us at this point, choosing a fast death or a long languishing one....hmmmm....hmmmm....I choose fast.
Our globohomo overlords look at us increasingly as "useless eaters" (a term used by Yuval Harari, a Jewish homosexual atheist who is the top advisor to Klaus Schwab), and it's questionable whether they will (1) stick us all into "15 minute smart city" pods and pacify us with UBI, Netflix and porn indefinitely or (2) just murder most of the world's population, who are consuming too many of the remaining world resources which the globohomo overlords want for themselves. Either way, the future is very grim...
If there were only two globalists left on the planet they would still try to kill each other. That is useful knowledge. Harari can kiss my ass. Or turn to Christ like Saul. Either or.
Yes, they will eventually fight each other for domination, because they know they cannot be trusted, and only One can rule. That will significantly reduce their ranks.
Actually, these morons have been sold to genetic modification. They will use human testing extensively, but only in controlled environments like the "Green Zones" or secret labs. After they feel safe, they will employ the tech to themselves, which will fail well after the length of period previously tested on their human subjects. It can also fail b/o environmental factors. "Science" can never test for everything, and messing with the DNA cannot and will not go unpunished...
The mind boggles at the hubris. I've been dicking with computers for getting on 40 years (bought my first in 1987) and year in, year out, it's the same old shit: Expensive software that doesn't work worth a damn and you can't refund it. Programming errors. Program conflicts. Hardware and software conflicts. Platform incompatibilities. Planned obsolence and the crowning fury: You can't count on the damned things to work reliably for 60 consecutive seconds. I recently lost 18 months worth of data when both my backup hard-drives failed at the same time!
I'm reading about people like Jordan Peterson fret about "Chat GPT" and "Artificial Intelligence" OTOH I've spoken to people in the know who assure me self-driving cars are still 50 years away... Meanwhile the WEFers and whatever demonic entities are behind them want to reduce humanity to 500,000 souls and turn the pitiful remnant into Borg drones.
I was one of (it feels) about a dozen people on Vancouver Island who had the sense not to take The Lethal Injection, but from what I've been reading it's only a matter of time before I'm infected, no matter what I do.
My wife is saying The Rapture may happen sooner than we think.. All I can say to that is God had better hurry up: This is not going to end well.
PS If any of us learn about genuine "artificial intelligence"? Take a sledgehammer to it. Immediately.
I had my share of computers in my time, too, starting with a C-64 in 1988 and switching to an Amiga a few months later. The Amiga was actually reliable (software bugs excluded), but the screen was made for playing and the resolution disturbingly low for word processing. First PC in 1992, when Commodore went under. Been fiddling with various PCs and operating systems ever since. In the last 10-15 years or more, backdoors have been built into the hardware of hard drives, and some of them have an encoded expiration date, which may have been the reason why your two backup drives croaked at the same time (it may have been a virus, too).
The public receives scraps of the exiting technology, and usually 10-15 years later. Many people think that AI is as stupid as these bots, which gives them confidence for no good reason; they are falling for the psyop and believe they are invincible.
Yes, everybody is receiving the "vaccine" sooner or later. No, this is not going well.
If I had to guess, the central AI might be on the Antarctica, but any abandoned mountaintop or remote island can work, too.
PS My first computer was a humble Atari-ST... But! I learned "WordPerfect" on it, and that saved my bacon. August 2020 I switched over to Linux: Bill Gates has enough money. (Some of us dare to think he has too much..🤔💩 )
Though my sentiment Ray is with you I feel that we see from some distance not an iceberg but Antartica. A huge frozen continent if you will that our kind see's say at night from far away. I do suspect that since WW2 work has been ongoing in UK and USA and in the former USSR now Russia on human augmentation. Rolling out injections is the great experiment and proof of concept. How long will augmented live, and work? Using Huxley as a model I suspect some live long and most not. However more interesting for me as a speculative fiction author is the High Frontier. Catherine Austin Fitts has documented the Breakaway Civilization.
This civilization is the actual Deepest State. Billions have been sunk over time building it. The fake space program a key component. We are as humans off world. Fitts speculates we have made "Contact" and communicate with others.
If you think it over a bit there is more than enough room for several civilizations to rise and enter into SED and collapse. Or augment themselves over time to fully adapt to SED. In regards to punishment, The Orthodox tradition is silent about whether or not in heaven we will receive any scientific knowledge about proportions in nature that are alleged to correspond to divine forms. In hell, however, we can “live” eternally according to Augustino-Platonic ratios, straining forward in an eternally self-sustaining yet self-consuming effort at solving the ultimate physics equation, namely, “How can I make God fit within man-made concepts deriving from creation?” Dwellers in hell (and may God’s mercy save us from this perdition!) will be eternally self-sustained through contact with God’s life-maintaining energy; this sustenance is also a self-consumption through God’s saving or deifying energy, however. In this way, God is not culpable for man’s choice to experience deifying grace externally, from the outside-in, as it were. We could say that damnation in hell is the mirror-image of deification, but this would risk sacrilege, since deification for the saved is an eternal co-acting of divine energies. In hell, the “deification” of the damned is not fundamentally a co-acting of divine energies; it is rather a continuation of the self-exile from God that was lived in earthly life. The human energies of the damned never cease to resist the unifying and passion-inimical divine energies. It is not because of any limitation of divine power that this purifying soul- and body-wringing goes on eternally, without transforming the condemned into a truly saved being. Human freedom is the precondition for salvation; an unfree creation cannot accept or reject God. An unfree creation would not exist integrally; he would be a phantom, unable either to commune with God or to eternally cast himself away from God.
Hell is a physical and spiritual fire that is the presence of God’s reality within a human being who has gone through the Final Judgement having chosen to be eternally dependent on creation rather than on God. Thus, the actual burning is, in the words of St Maximos, a “self-castigation of witless elements,” or an ongoing rejection of the cure of demonic delusion, though the energies of the Holy Trinity sustain the existence of the wretch, allowing him the type of existence he has chosen. Hellfire is an eternal self-caress that is eternalized and absolutized by coming into contact with the saving energies of God in judgment. The final self-coddling of creation-worship becomes a self-rending that never ends. The damned person is constantly filled with saving energy, but constantly attempts to expel God from his nous, soul and body.
Cairn, (SED) Space Exploration and Development. I think the eschatology of this epoch so firmly fixed in Scientism has demanded an explanation for mistakes and contamination creating injury and death secularism cannot proffer. Observationally the culling is full steam ahead. Yes there is this time of man since Christ came. Always eschatological
This is discussed everywhere but in not in language of mothers or fathers or family or love, only in the sounds of words with science statistics and sobriety of seemingly men who rely upon reasoned sanity, without hysteria, academic, with no passion, nothing but professional anger glinting like the elaborate hilt of a ritual intellectual moral sword at the noon of night of some Roman Centurion always scabbarded. The possessor assuming airs of Angelic innocence as death toll and injury mount higher daily saying obeying orders is civilized.
Where is an impassioned outrage? Congress can be ignored.
I read global research articles and find them informative, the writers are from many different fields and my knowledge of how the world works has been improved. I have no idea if there is a solution, no-one has come up with anything apart from use cash and don't get jabbed. But if TPTB make regular jabs (no-one is safe until everyone is safe) as a digital ID for conducting every day business, then most people would either comply or starve. The biggest problem I see is the majority thinking everything back to normal now and yes, government was a bit harsh but they had to be, didn't they, otherwise we'd all be dead now!
The injections have become unnecessary, unless they are used as submission devices or for testing the non-compliant. There are plenty of other delivery systems:
Sometimes I think the eugenicists are right: most of the time, most people function like base animals and act on their instincts and their conditioning without the slightest sign of being conscious or well-meaning...
The only reason why it matters what's in the vials that once people know, a few perps might be thrown under the bus. Other than that, "vaccine" delivery systems have made the injections redundant:
Had a conversation with a co-worker last night, and the conversation wandered onto the "vaccines"; I was a bit "too open" shall we say? I may have referred to them as "The Lethal Injections" and he woke me as to what I was saying with "Do you mean, I'm going to die?" ... I replied "I have no idea. I hope not."
"George", has taken 4 of the injections. 😱
He went on to mention how his face has been wrecked since he took the injections, and I have noticed. When I first met him a month ago I noticed the eruptions on his nose and cheeks that looked like bloody zits; this week I noticed his face has become a kind of purple crimson colour and seems... swollen..
I gave him links to Dr. William Makis' substack (has some herbal remedies that might work) and also Dr. Joseph Mercola.. then I had another look at the former and wished I hadn't, because all his posts after the remedies are horrendous... 16-year-old kids in high school dropping dead at their desks. A 12-year-old boy in The Philippines dying of an aggressive brain cancer.. "George" is going to find those posts..
And I've been pretty upset at myself. Except.. it just hit me as I was reading your post Ray.. the sheeptards are going to have to learn what they've done to themselves sometime.
At this point we can only pray and hope that The Law of Unintended Consequences is going to bite the perpetrators on the ass, and bite, very hard.
While certain immediate intervention might work against the several types of toxins, parasites, pathogens, and graphene in the injections, every batch is different and the sooner the remedy comes, the higher the chance is that it might work. Unfortunately, it's next to impossible to tell what is in a specific batch, and the Internet is full of miracle remedies to the extent that I was so sick of it that I even wrote an article about it, which managed to turn a few people against me, but I don't compromise for lies, even if the liar is only a useful idiot:
I would say that natural antioxidants might work for "George," but in my experience, most of the injected develop cancer within a year after the injection (four of my injected neighbors are already gone and the fifth one is dying, and my 68-year-old mechanic's two friends died shortly after the injections, so he decided against them), and "medical" help only makes it worse most of the time...
As you know, Roy, there are no "side effects." The injections have been depop devices, and now people are about to be "vaccinated" through the food supply:
As of right now, every cattleman I have contacted said they had no intention to use mRNA vaccines in their livestock.
I don't believe this plan for beef and chicken is in full swing just yet as the public backlash is coming out loud on this one now that the cat is out of the bag.
Funnily enough here in Victoria, British Columbia, I'm seeing almost nothing. I may have seen the aftermath of a "vaccident" on the way to work couple weeks back, someone zapped across 2 lanes of oncoming traffic and wound up crashing his car in a parking lot. One worker in the shipyard I'm employed at dropped dead leaving behind a 9 year old daughter, another developed thyroid cancer. Those were about 6-8 months ago. A co-worker had a nasty reaction to his third injection, but 2 days later he was back to work. That was January. The worst case I've seen is my stepdaughter. I warned her not to took the injection. She did it anyway, like all of them do...🙄 Her menstruation which according to her mom was always heavy has now become more like a heammorhage, her mom found some super-heavy-duty sanitary napkins on Amazon and they were shipped a month later -- from England. She now has eczema all over her body including her eyelids. She can't shower, she can't use her hands without wearing gloves. She's 26 years old, her life is over. My stepson and girlfriend both took The Lethal Injection (tried to warn them too, they wouldn't listen 😐), she had a baby... whose birth pictures looked suspiciously like the "black-eyed babies" I've been hearing about. Emilia is now 8 months old... seems okay... but my wife -- one of 4 people I know of besides myself on Vancouver Island who didn't and won't take The Kill Shot -- has remarked she doesn't expect her children to survive (we're both now in our 60s).
But nothing has happened locally compared to what I'm reading in the Substacks.
I'm quietly buying silver... and lead, even with Canada's asinine, draconian and utterly useless gun laws.. and canned and dehydrated food, but trying to prep in the 500-square-foot apartment fate has consigned me to, in a rundown building in the grotty industrial suburb of Esquimalt is Quixotic, to say the least. But I've got to do something.
As for the little I'm seeing? They're the first ripples in the approaching megatsunami. And I can't see how this won't eventually blow up in the Satanic Global Elite's faces.
You have your own share of personal horror stories. I've lost most friends and family to the insanity. Nobody listened here, either...
Some silver, yes, but I wouldn't bet on it. Showing even the tiniest signs that you have reserves will be dangerous. For bartering, yarn and needles will be worth a fortune, much more than silver. Survival skills and pre-industrial skills, ditto, but I doubt there are too many blacksmiths hanging around and without them, it's back in the Stone Age. Paper, fabric, tools (esp. for carpentry, spinning, and preparing hides), firestarters, raw materials (esp. metal), weapons, ammo, and the list is long. Ensuring potable water will be difficult, if not impossible, because even rainwater will likely be tainted. A good karstwater spring or an artesian well nearby might take care of the problem. As the survival bunkers pile up storage for five years, I assume that five years of supplies is all one needs.
Firepower can also make a difference, but only if at least 10-15 skilled people participate and cooperate. Urban living will not be possible.
Only a few will make it, and I don't expect to be among them. Same age bracket as you two.
Still, survival makes no sense, unless it is in perspective. Why would anyone want to survive? Is it an animal instinct or something more? That depends on the person.
The satanic blokes are content living on their remote, self-sustaining islands and are entertaining themselves by watching the show through their worldwide surveillance system.
The future looks like this so far: racial segregation, sterilising sexually divergent, eliminating women from public offices and events (i see the T movement as mostly about repressing social roles of women - back to the kitchen! ) . A very conservative 50's outlook behind this crapfest. Operation Paperclip never ended. Oh, one more thing. Israel is handed to the Arabic World on a silver plater now. What do You think Ray?
Creating divisions and distractions only make it easier to introduce the NWO.
Nothing reliable is coming out of Israel. My impression is that the residents will move to a country whose assets they already mostly own. I have a few guesses about he countries, but I don't want to be a party pooper. :)
Ray not sure which thread you mentioned Musk's rocket. This is not a secret space program. Tech is easily 50 years or more beyond the public space program. For instance-https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w0mimIp8mr8
There are more things in heaven and on Earth Horatio than dreamt of by our philosophy. :) First Folio, later altered to "your."
Never said it was a secret; after all, the satellites are still being sent into orbit after several months (my earliest observation took place during my cross-country trip last November):
Still, there is NO technology to take humans beyond the Van Allen belt.
That sir is the secret.
This reads like a 2007 dicussion by the recently awakened. Even back then I knew the names of the 300 families, but that was always for later. It is the generals who have to be eliminated first. I know who they are and it is clear from your text that, not only do you not know, you have no idea what to do about them. There is only one solution and that is kill them stone dead. The only discussion of merit is how this is to be achieved. The answer to that is, each target has his own environmental context, therefore, unique execution plan, conducted in the country of residence. If you are not talking this you are wasting everyone's time. I should add, after the families have been eliminated, next will come the time wasters.
I disagree with the solution. The only feasible solution is a lot more simple:
True. This freight train is coming and nothing will stop it. sigghhhhh....
Actually, people must keep their connections and develop new ones, if possible. Eventually, everyone will be on their own, because centralized action is impossible. "On their own" means staying within their "clans."
Agree, Ray. TPTB have war gamed this for decades. The most important thing we can do at this point is nurture our connections, and make new ones, preferably local. We are going to need each other more than we can imagine. I’m doing my part to help facilitate more in person connections of like minds. We also need to remember out of chaos comes opportunity. Thank you for all your insights. 🙏🏻
The bad part is that no community can function without an underlying ideology. Muslims are lucky on this department, Christians are not so much... Without aiming at the same objective, my neighbors will kill me for a can of soup, if their children run out of food...
What are your thoughts on the Wansee Conference minutes against a background of Adolf Hitler's views in his manifesto, Mein Kampf? https://writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/Holocaust/wansee-transcript.html
Thank you, Ray Horvath, for this incredible article. It has been cross posted to Solution Seeking Subscribers as per the quote below. Thanks for all you do. We continue in our own best ways.
Solution Seeking Subscribers are invited to read this impressive article and consider what is stated there within the context of what we are attempting to accomplish. Further, Solution Seeking Subscribers may want to subscribe to this author. I myself see opportunities for meaningful discussions about many aspects of what is discussed in this article. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you for giving me credit; only a few do even after obviously using my materials (which I don't particularly mind, because at least they are spreading the truth).
I'll keep track of your site, also hoping it will make people face the right direction. :)
the vaxxxxed dont have human rights because they are genetically modified and are no longer considered human made by the good God in his image and likeness ... new vaxxes no longer have to be safety tested when given to the vaxxed and their childern .... good God please help us all defeat satan and his demons... thanks and glory to the Father ,Son and Holy Spirit
Numerous people online, eg. Greg Braden, Dr. Lipton, others have offered videos on Youtube showing the existence
and reality of 'other', 'higher' dimensions. I use biblical concepts, but don't need anything written to proceed or
explain 'other things' that can be done.
Another point before I explain what I understand, is many talk about a 'multiverse' and I know a lot of these
groups you discuss here are not only very aware of these dimensions, but use them, frequent them.
These are 'powers'. You can actually FEEL the presence of a power, either way, depending on where
the person is 'at', what draws them. Today, many people try to play it 'both ways', dabbling in 'truth',
or 'the light', but also going into 'darkness' for a 'quick fix'. Darkness is, of course, much faster, just as
corruption is far faster than 'due diligence', or proper proceeding in things.
Imagine when someone IS transparent about ANYTHING, aren't they quickly and often vociferously attacked?
This is why those groups started off not being transparent. Too much work, too hard to get ANYTHING done.
Once these groups were 'secret', then lots of 'shady' dealings became easier. Then add collusion, and
how fast the internet is, how easy to 'erase' or put together parts of a story which is completely
different from the real story. And very hard then to correct. That is partly because of what I call
the 'strange bending' of the minds of a lot of people, maybe not 'the masses', but many within society.
Try being 'transparent' with those 'vaccinated' with their 'booster shots', showing them the data!!
We know we get nowhere with that.
So, my view of how to deal with all this pervasive corruption is to get into those 'higher levels' which is
where the battles are going on. If anyone's ever done this, you KNOW these realms exist, and the
ones engaging FEEL they're in a battle, feel the 'bad feelings' for want of other, better words.
And, again, for want of a better description, it FEELS 'dirty', or corrupt. Going up into that dimension,
has many descriptors. Loads of people explain this well.
There are likely various ways to enter that dimension, but I enter it through prayer in praying
to ....find those individuals that would like to 'get out' of these dark groups. I can't do this,
but prayer can find them, and encourage them that they CAN get out. Those ones are
ALWAYS attacked, pursued. There are those, for example that left a corrupt music industry, and
they are always under attack for leaving. You can read about this on youtube when people
leave groups like the Mormons or Watchtower, and it will also occur when people leave witchcraft groups.
They usually need power to do that, and this is usually Christian, through the Lord and these people
experience this.
So, in various ways, some leave, some get out, and THEY almost always then EXPOSE the group which is
why they're attacked, pursued (often spiritually, so they are under great stress, images etc).
Then just going into that realm and bringing 'light'. Light is what you've been discussing, the truth of
things, what happened, and anyone can 'meditate' on this and that is sent into those dimensions.
All that 'thought control' written about is a two way street. THEY aren't the only ones that can shape
and bend thought, or shape and 'untwist thought'.
So, for those who follow this, who are interested in these areas, there will be information online,
or just do it. Klaus Schwabb is not the only one who can 'penetrate' an area. Having listened
to Yuval, and found some things I did LIKE, and found him not completely 'dark', I can pray
FOR Yuval.
What can I pray? Isn't it interesting in a day just WHO you contact, who you meet and what ends up
being said or discussed? Yuval is no different. Nobody is all that 'sure', unless they're really into
darkness, which I believe some are. I would not pray for or try to 'contact' Klaus Schwabb, for example.
Or, Soros who seemed not to have a conscience from a young age, nor did his father (so, perhaps
a genetic line).
There are 'powers for GOOD' in that realm and it is wise, I think, to ask for help from those believing
in truth, in goodness, kindness. So, that realm is, to me, where it's happening and that's where I go.
Also, we're very hidden, even though I'm writing this, who believes it? How many label it in
negative ways? This is protection, and only those capable of doing this even find this has value.
So then, Ray works on his areas, levels, and we learn there are many levels we can work on.
These variety of levels really do disperse 'the enemy' of people who hold fair values and who
are concerned about others.
And, next time, I will put all this on notes, and then revise it later. Sorry if it's 'all over the place',
but it is...all over the place.
If any are interested in doing this together, let me know and we will do that.
According to Christian church, who's the light bringer? It's a paradox.
No, that one is a misnomer, a (deliberate by satan, mistake),
Yehoshua (the Lord) said 'I am the light'.
BUT, with respect to Ray who is RIGHT that this is not for bible discussion...I AGREE, let's leave it.
Makes me kinda wish the dollar would die and quick! Fast enough to fuck with their fuckery. If I am going down, seeing them go down with me would be at least something. Imagine all the bribes that would run dry, and the deals that would evaporate, if the dollar was 'gone' tomorrow, while I drink the last of that 'proverbial substance' with my morning beverage. If money talks, then these bullshitters will be running fast.
The dollar is under controlled demolition. People are too attached to their assets not to accept the upcoming replacement, the CBDC.
Once the dollar is dead, a lot of people will follow...
Yep. So.....cowards die every day, is all I can think to say. Killing the dollar would help us at this point, choosing a fast death or a long languishing one....hmmmm....hmmmm....I choose fast.
The dead will include most of "us," too, coward or not. :)
Everything that moves, depends on the system that the globalists operate. Only a few can afford to live independently.
Seat belt buckled :)
Makes it tough to be an adult in this environment :). Get comfortable with your creator. Peace friends
That's certainly the first and most significant step, but giving up is not in your nature, Susan, either! :)
Many people, when reading my reports, feel depressed and hopeless. That's because they want hope without faith/trust...
Not giving up here, just having growing pains. Off grid for the afternoon.
Sorry to hear that...
I mean never, not this afternoon... So did you.
not giving up until last breathe but feel sad for our species, we could have used tech for good and so many of us love life...
My guess is we the lowly people are under attack, ALL of us.
That we are. :)
Our globohomo overlords look at us increasingly as "useless eaters" (a term used by Yuval Harari, a Jewish homosexual atheist who is the top advisor to Klaus Schwab), and it's questionable whether they will (1) stick us all into "15 minute smart city" pods and pacify us with UBI, Netflix and porn indefinitely or (2) just murder most of the world's population, who are consuming too many of the remaining world resources which the globohomo overlords want for themselves. Either way, the future is very grim...
...seems we're all of us are actors in the penultimate film noir...
And the freaks are watching, enjoying the show.
"Jewish atheist" is an oxymoron.
Is being Jewish an ethnic group or a religion?
My favorite oxymoron was "military intelligence," but in the last three years it has evolved into "human intelligence." :)
No, it isn't. Some of my best friends were such. That doesn't mean I agreed with them.
According to the plan, eliminate 19 out of 20 people and turn the rest into cyborg slaves.
The moronic rulers are mistaken, when they think their technology will turn them superhuman. It will eventually finish them off.
If there were only two globalists left on the planet they would still try to kill each other. That is useful knowledge. Harari can kiss my ass. Or turn to Christ like Saul. Either or.
Yes, they will eventually fight each other for domination, because they know they cannot be trusted, and only One can rule. That will significantly reduce their ranks.
I gather our Yuval plans to upload his conscious into a computer matrix. I wish him luck.
Actually, these morons have been sold to genetic modification. They will use human testing extensively, but only in controlled environments like the "Green Zones" or secret labs. After they feel safe, they will employ the tech to themselves, which will fail well after the length of period previously tested on their human subjects. It can also fail b/o environmental factors. "Science" can never test for everything, and messing with the DNA cannot and will not go unpunished...
"(...) messing with the DNA cannot and will not go unpunished..."
Here I disagree. We all do it naturally generation after generation. Difference is we do not speed it up like they're doing.
There is no "we" doing it. What you are calling "speeding it up" is what I mean.
The mind boggles at the hubris. I've been dicking with computers for getting on 40 years (bought my first in 1987) and year in, year out, it's the same old shit: Expensive software that doesn't work worth a damn and you can't refund it. Programming errors. Program conflicts. Hardware and software conflicts. Platform incompatibilities. Planned obsolence and the crowning fury: You can't count on the damned things to work reliably for 60 consecutive seconds. I recently lost 18 months worth of data when both my backup hard-drives failed at the same time!
I'm reading about people like Jordan Peterson fret about "Chat GPT" and "Artificial Intelligence" OTOH I've spoken to people in the know who assure me self-driving cars are still 50 years away... Meanwhile the WEFers and whatever demonic entities are behind them want to reduce humanity to 500,000 souls and turn the pitiful remnant into Borg drones.
I was one of (it feels) about a dozen people on Vancouver Island who had the sense not to take The Lethal Injection, but from what I've been reading it's only a matter of time before I'm infected, no matter what I do.
My wife is saying The Rapture may happen sooner than we think.. All I can say to that is God had better hurry up: This is not going to end well.
PS If any of us learn about genuine "artificial intelligence"? Take a sledgehammer to it. Immediately.
I had my share of computers in my time, too, starting with a C-64 in 1988 and switching to an Amiga a few months later. The Amiga was actually reliable (software bugs excluded), but the screen was made for playing and the resolution disturbingly low for word processing. First PC in 1992, when Commodore went under. Been fiddling with various PCs and operating systems ever since. In the last 10-15 years or more, backdoors have been built into the hardware of hard drives, and some of them have an encoded expiration date, which may have been the reason why your two backup drives croaked at the same time (it may have been a virus, too).
The public receives scraps of the exiting technology, and usually 10-15 years later. Many people think that AI is as stupid as these bots, which gives them confidence for no good reason; they are falling for the psyop and believe they are invincible.
Yes, everybody is receiving the "vaccine" sooner or later. No, this is not going well.
If I had to guess, the central AI might be on the Antarctica, but any abandoned mountaintop or remote island can work, too.
Does that AI sport horns, and a pitchfork?
Actually both of us know the answer to that one.
PS My first computer was a humble Atari-ST... But! I learned "WordPerfect" on it, and that saved my bacon. August 2020 I switched over to Linux: Bill Gates has enough money. (Some of us dare to think he has too much..🤔💩 )
Though my sentiment Ray is with you I feel that we see from some distance not an iceberg but Antartica. A huge frozen continent if you will that our kind see's say at night from far away. I do suspect that since WW2 work has been ongoing in UK and USA and in the former USSR now Russia on human augmentation. Rolling out injections is the great experiment and proof of concept. How long will augmented live, and work? Using Huxley as a model I suspect some live long and most not. However more interesting for me as a speculative fiction author is the High Frontier. Catherine Austin Fitts has documented the Breakaway Civilization.
This civilization is the actual Deepest State. Billions have been sunk over time building it. The fake space program a key component. We are as humans off world. Fitts speculates we have made "Contact" and communicate with others.
If you think it over a bit there is more than enough room for several civilizations to rise and enter into SED and collapse. Or augment themselves over time to fully adapt to SED. In regards to punishment, The Orthodox tradition is silent about whether or not in heaven we will receive any scientific knowledge about proportions in nature that are alleged to correspond to divine forms. In hell, however, we can “live” eternally according to Augustino-Platonic ratios, straining forward in an eternally self-sustaining yet self-consuming effort at solving the ultimate physics equation, namely, “How can I make God fit within man-made concepts deriving from creation?” Dwellers in hell (and may God’s mercy save us from this perdition!) will be eternally self-sustained through contact with God’s life-maintaining energy; this sustenance is also a self-consumption through God’s saving or deifying energy, however. In this way, God is not culpable for man’s choice to experience deifying grace externally, from the outside-in, as it were. We could say that damnation in hell is the mirror-image of deification, but this would risk sacrilege, since deification for the saved is an eternal co-acting of divine energies. In hell, the “deification” of the damned is not fundamentally a co-acting of divine energies; it is rather a continuation of the self-exile from God that was lived in earthly life. The human energies of the damned never cease to resist the unifying and passion-inimical divine energies. It is not because of any limitation of divine power that this purifying soul- and body-wringing goes on eternally, without transforming the condemned into a truly saved being. Human freedom is the precondition for salvation; an unfree creation cannot accept or reject God. An unfree creation would not exist integrally; he would be a phantom, unable either to commune with God or to eternally cast himself away from God.
Hell is a physical and spiritual fire that is the presence of God’s reality within a human being who has gone through the Final Judgement having chosen to be eternally dependent on creation rather than on God. Thus, the actual burning is, in the words of St Maximos, a “self-castigation of witless elements,” or an ongoing rejection of the cure of demonic delusion, though the energies of the Holy Trinity sustain the existence of the wretch, allowing him the type of existence he has chosen. Hellfire is an eternal self-caress that is eternalized and absolutized by coming into contact with the saving energies of God in judgment. The final self-coddling of creation-worship becomes a self-rending that never ends. The damned person is constantly filled with saving energy, but constantly attempts to expel God from his nous, soul and body.
And you win a subscriber with this dissertation.
Fantastic. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
I am honored by your appreciation, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Okay, you might not have to explain everything in detail. :)
Despair and bewilderment seem to be turning more people to search for God.
[What is SED?]
That is the purpose behind Divine Judgement. Not everyone will repent and turn back to God, though. In which case The Lake of Fire awaits.
Cairn, (SED) Space Exploration and Development. I think the eschatology of this epoch so firmly fixed in Scientism has demanded an explanation for mistakes and contamination creating injury and death secularism cannot proffer. Observationally the culling is full steam ahead. Yes there is this time of man since Christ came. Always eschatological
This is discussed everywhere but in not in language of mothers or fathers or family or love, only in the sounds of words with science statistics and sobriety of seemingly men who rely upon reasoned sanity, without hysteria, academic, with no passion, nothing but professional anger glinting like the elaborate hilt of a ritual intellectual moral sword at the noon of night of some Roman Centurion always scabbarded. The possessor assuming airs of Angelic innocence as death toll and injury mount higher daily saying obeying orders is civilized.
Where is an impassioned outrage? Congress can be ignored.
"God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."
-- Arthur Koestler
You caught me red-handed. Scare people with the truth.
That is part of my logistics.
I read global research articles and find them informative, the writers are from many different fields and my knowledge of how the world works has been improved. I have no idea if there is a solution, no-one has come up with anything apart from use cash and don't get jabbed. But if TPTB make regular jabs (no-one is safe until everyone is safe) as a digital ID for conducting every day business, then most people would either comply or starve. The biggest problem I see is the majority thinking everything back to normal now and yes, government was a bit harsh but they had to be, didn't they, otherwise we'd all be dead now!
The injections have become unnecessary, unless they are used as submission devices or for testing the non-compliant. There are plenty of other delivery systems:
The latest one is food:
Sometimes I think the eugenicists are right: most of the time, most people function like base animals and act on their instincts and their conditioning without the slightest sign of being conscious or well-meaning...
I cannot see a long-term escape from the CBDC:
"There is literally no evidence of a planned extermination of European Jewry" ? ohhh.. you're treading on very thin ice indeed, my friend.. 🤔
Just went to Bitchute to leave a couple of links.. none of David Irving's links play on Bitchute anymore. YouTube has deleted them entirely.
Oh!! I found 2 that worked! Better capture them to your hard-drive ASAP!
6,000,000 𝘋𝘦𝘣𝘶𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 3 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 35 𝘚𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘣𝘺 𝘋𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘥 𝘐𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 -https://www.bitchute.com/video/ynVnqmoBB3ng/
𝘋𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘥 𝘐𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 - 𝘚𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘭𝘦 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘯 𝘏𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/l1LmlWact1BY/
Irving was also jailed for his work... An elegant proof that he is telling the truth...
He's lucky he got out. Ursula Haverbeck is likely going to die in there.
She also stood up for what she had seen. That doesn't make labor camps commendable, but the propaganda is a far cry from the truth.
Apropos of nothing at all on the face of it, have you encountered the works of Asha Logos?
Here's one: "A Modestly Priced Weapon - Our Controlled Press" - https://odysee.com/@psecdocumentary:4/Asha-Logos---A-Modestly-Priced-Weapon---Our-Controlled-Press--hd-720p-:e
Find more at www.ashalogos.com.
Watch immediately:
The only reason why it matters what's in the vials that once people know, a few perps might be thrown under the bus. Other than that, "vaccine" delivery systems have made the injections redundant:
And "vaccination" is coming into the food supply, too:
Dear Ray:
Had a conversation with a co-worker last night, and the conversation wandered onto the "vaccines"; I was a bit "too open" shall we say? I may have referred to them as "The Lethal Injections" and he woke me as to what I was saying with "Do you mean, I'm going to die?" ... I replied "I have no idea. I hope not."
"George", has taken 4 of the injections. 😱
He went on to mention how his face has been wrecked since he took the injections, and I have noticed. When I first met him a month ago I noticed the eruptions on his nose and cheeks that looked like bloody zits; this week I noticed his face has become a kind of purple crimson colour and seems... swollen..
I gave him links to Dr. William Makis' substack (has some herbal remedies that might work) and also Dr. Joseph Mercola.. then I had another look at the former and wished I hadn't, because all his posts after the remedies are horrendous... 16-year-old kids in high school dropping dead at their desks. A 12-year-old boy in The Philippines dying of an aggressive brain cancer.. "George" is going to find those posts..
And I've been pretty upset at myself. Except.. it just hit me as I was reading your post Ray.. the sheeptards are going to have to learn what they've done to themselves sometime.
At this point we can only pray and hope that The Law of Unintended Consequences is going to bite the perpetrators on the ass, and bite, very hard.
Best Regards,
Capt. Roy Harkness
I often feel badly if I have pushed too much reality on injectees. But I cheer myself up with the idea that they won't believe it anyways.
A boosted friend likes to skite to me that he's still alive.
Those shot-ups don't want to know what they've been shot-up with.
Not everybody is able to handle the truth, but they cannot be helped. Well, they don't even want to be helped, because they are waiting for a miracle.
To me, it's strange that the weak die, but the weakest kill each other, too...
Thank you for the story and your thoughts.
I've posted about "George"'s problem before, hoping to collect ideas:
While certain immediate intervention might work against the several types of toxins, parasites, pathogens, and graphene in the injections, every batch is different and the sooner the remedy comes, the higher the chance is that it might work. Unfortunately, it's next to impossible to tell what is in a specific batch, and the Internet is full of miracle remedies to the extent that I was so sick of it that I even wrote an article about it, which managed to turn a few people against me, but I don't compromise for lies, even if the liar is only a useful idiot:
I would say that natural antioxidants might work for "George," but in my experience, most of the injected develop cancer within a year after the injection (four of my injected neighbors are already gone and the fifth one is dying, and my 68-year-old mechanic's two friends died shortly after the injections, so he decided against them), and "medical" help only makes it worse most of the time...
As you know, Roy, there are no "side effects." The injections have been depop devices, and now people are about to be "vaccinated" through the food supply:
They have been vaccinating pigs since 2018.
As of right now, every cattleman I have contacted said they had no intention to use mRNA vaccines in their livestock.
I don't believe this plan for beef and chicken is in full swing just yet as the public backlash is coming out loud on this one now that the cat is out of the bag.
Yes, they have, but it's unlikely to be mRNA:
They want every living creature to be part of their worldwide simulation, euphemistically called the IoT (Internet of Things).
"Vaccines" can now be delivered in many ways:
The delivery system is now including food:
Funnily enough here in Victoria, British Columbia, I'm seeing almost nothing. I may have seen the aftermath of a "vaccident" on the way to work couple weeks back, someone zapped across 2 lanes of oncoming traffic and wound up crashing his car in a parking lot. One worker in the shipyard I'm employed at dropped dead leaving behind a 9 year old daughter, another developed thyroid cancer. Those were about 6-8 months ago. A co-worker had a nasty reaction to his third injection, but 2 days later he was back to work. That was January. The worst case I've seen is my stepdaughter. I warned her not to took the injection. She did it anyway, like all of them do...🙄 Her menstruation which according to her mom was always heavy has now become more like a heammorhage, her mom found some super-heavy-duty sanitary napkins on Amazon and they were shipped a month later -- from England. She now has eczema all over her body including her eyelids. She can't shower, she can't use her hands without wearing gloves. She's 26 years old, her life is over. My stepson and girlfriend both took The Lethal Injection (tried to warn them too, they wouldn't listen 😐), she had a baby... whose birth pictures looked suspiciously like the "black-eyed babies" I've been hearing about. Emilia is now 8 months old... seems okay... but my wife -- one of 4 people I know of besides myself on Vancouver Island who didn't and won't take The Kill Shot -- has remarked she doesn't expect her children to survive (we're both now in our 60s).
But nothing has happened locally compared to what I'm reading in the Substacks.
I'm quietly buying silver... and lead, even with Canada's asinine, draconian and utterly useless gun laws.. and canned and dehydrated food, but trying to prep in the 500-square-foot apartment fate has consigned me to, in a rundown building in the grotty industrial suburb of Esquimalt is Quixotic, to say the least. But I've got to do something.
As for the little I'm seeing? They're the first ripples in the approaching megatsunami. And I can't see how this won't eventually blow up in the Satanic Global Elite's faces.
You have your own share of personal horror stories. I've lost most friends and family to the insanity. Nobody listened here, either...
Some silver, yes, but I wouldn't bet on it. Showing even the tiniest signs that you have reserves will be dangerous. For bartering, yarn and needles will be worth a fortune, much more than silver. Survival skills and pre-industrial skills, ditto, but I doubt there are too many blacksmiths hanging around and without them, it's back in the Stone Age. Paper, fabric, tools (esp. for carpentry, spinning, and preparing hides), firestarters, raw materials (esp. metal), weapons, ammo, and the list is long. Ensuring potable water will be difficult, if not impossible, because even rainwater will likely be tainted. A good karstwater spring or an artesian well nearby might take care of the problem. As the survival bunkers pile up storage for five years, I assume that five years of supplies is all one needs.
Firepower can also make a difference, but only if at least 10-15 skilled people participate and cooperate. Urban living will not be possible.
Only a few will make it, and I don't expect to be among them. Same age bracket as you two.
Still, survival makes no sense, unless it is in perspective. Why would anyone want to survive? Is it an animal instinct or something more? That depends on the person.
The satanic blokes are content living on their remote, self-sustaining islands and are entertaining themselves by watching the show through their worldwide surveillance system.
Great comments Ray and the Captain.
Good question about why want to survive.
The future looks like this so far: racial segregation, sterilising sexually divergent, eliminating women from public offices and events (i see the T movement as mostly about repressing social roles of women - back to the kitchen! ) . A very conservative 50's outlook behind this crapfest. Operation Paperclip never ended. Oh, one more thing. Israel is handed to the Arabic World on a silver plater now. What do You think Ray?
Creating divisions and distractions only make it easier to introduce the NWO.
Nothing reliable is coming out of Israel. My impression is that the residents will move to a country whose assets they already mostly own. I have a few guesses about he countries, but I don't want to be a party pooper. :)
Great article. I was interested in your ideas about the best way forward for us