Demons… 🔥🔥🔥

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One cannot see them with the eyes, only with the soul.

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There is no secret cabal. None. They are out in the open, talking newspeak, steering media and assets. I think that what happens is that certain people grow inside of the system and some grow above it. This positioning turns them predatory towards the less fortunate. They would have no empathy towards issues that general population experiences and see the world as a bored kid sees an ant farm. And act accordingly. Shake shake with occasional burn with magnifying glass.

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The worldwide cooperation that enforced the plandemic measures and destroyed half of all economies shows coordinated planning. There is also substantial evidence of Russia, China, and the US working together on the plan. Enforcement comes through the control of the money supply by the globalist banking cartel, but that doesn't mean they are on top of the food chain. They might still be agents for an assembly of higher order, although that part doesn't matter, because nobody can reach them, anyway.

Without the globalists' fiat money, the whole plan would collapse, which is why it's so urgent for them to introduced DBDCs.

I nearly forget; they also own or control everything that matters. They must be deprived of their assets (e.g. Bill Gates from the land he owns in the US or conglomerates what own about 94% of the MSM); otherwise, they can keep going.

Yes, the proverbial substance usually rises to the top, and in all cultures in history, power accumulates before their collapse.

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I was pointing out to the fact that conspiracy is secrecy. There is none to be seen. Plans are telegraphed across the media all of the time. But the people are distracted to the point of not caring.

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One of the ironies of course is such as us repeating their plans sets them in stone even more.

I was in a waiting room the other day and a waitee was reading Hirari's book and enjoying being up with the latest and lecturing the waiting room on it.

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Pseudointelectuals like their non-religious spirituality don't they? :)

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I wonder what I am. :)

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Everyone fluctuates between a thinking being and a background actor levels of mental performance all of the time. Harari sets me off because like most of self propelled to greatness gasbags he has based his career on reminding his followers just how animalistic and primitive they are. So unlike the chosen people. This kind of crap does not fly with them at all ;)

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Tru dat. These freaks operate openly and with absolute arrogance.

People would care, but they are powerless to do anything, so they prefer to turn away before the guillotine falls...

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Thanks Ray. Quite a read. Major threads of the Fallen Angels in there too.

Rockefellers. http://www.whale.to/b/rockefeller9.html

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It is a problem with medieval Christianity that everybody had to pretend to be Christian most of the time, unless they wanted to get into trouble sooner or later. Protestantism opened up the field of Christians killing each other, too, in the name of their "faith." Prior heretic movements had been tiny compared to brother killing brother for their landlords religious preferences (the landlords choice determined what was forced on his subjects). Religious wars and persecutions outnumbered the victims of the Inquisition by several orders of magnitude.

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"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators."

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Bolshevism is baal shiva ism ,,, also baal shem tov ...

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Sounds Jewish.

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As a result, Solzhenitsyn, after emigrating to the US, fell out of favor there, too.

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If it was the "Russian police" that created that document, then they probably weren't Russian


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Yep, you could have written the "covenant" yourself, but you write better than this. LOL

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As it seems to be quite recent, it didn't need someone to foresee the future. :)

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I agree with you, but I cannot prove that it's recent, how have you gone about dating it.

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You are right; I should have included that. This morning, after realizing my mistake in my dream or while half-asleep, I added the following as entry 5 to my thoughts in the text:

The major contradiction in the text of the “Secret Covenant” is that the current globalists are technocrats, who do not believe in God. This alone proves that the text is less than a forgery; it is fiction.

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Don’t be too sure about that Ray. All the demonic believe there is a Divine Creator, God, and most know the Bible better than most of the saints (believers). Lots of Bible illiteracy among believers tho, unfortunately.

They just choose Satan, their father, over following God and Jesus, our Father.

I came across this 8 or 9 years ago and it resonates more now certainly than when I 1st read it. The indication that they are fallen angel demons is clear.

“I’m an oilman” J. Rockefeller could be a Nephilm bloodline guy.

Love your work Ray.

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Its very good that you chose to put that up; I was going to do it, oh well at least one of us did.

An interesting pattern about the culture and psychology of these abusers, is that they have an "occult need" to slightly inform their victims of what they plan to do next; almost like, they want us to give them tacit agreement that we will just accept their abuse.

With all the different dimensions of just who and what they are, it will take all of us to sort out their exact identity.

I have been finding all the information anyone could ever want on these Parasites with the history that is available; I've been teaching this info to everyone willing to listen. The recent post I put out on Dragon Court has just the tip of the iceberg for it. Link below:


The way I figure it right now is; it doesn't matter what "religious" or "cultural affiliation" we think these Parasites belong to, they are lying to us and are only just posing as Jews, Christians or Muslims. They are quite similar to or are exactly a part of the same "cult" that is known as Sabbatean / Frankist. It doesn't matter if JD Rockefeller or one of the Rothschild composed this; for those of us who have done the foot work and studied all the material, it just "resonates" truth.

The ones that are likely at the top of the parasitic pile are the "Dragon Bloodline" this includes connections to the original 13 bloodlines, often referenced. They in turn, employ the ones called the Order of the Garter that includes many of the European Royal Families (maybe not all) Then, in turn are employing the offenders that we may be more familiar with who are the Sabbateans I often refer to. Those Sabbateans are the ones who control guys like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros and Henry Kissinger. This whole network is not a linear hierarchy like it may seem; it's actually more like an onion skin with the Draconists at the center, ever protected by compartmentalization.

Thanks for posting the "Covenant," it does give a good outline.

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They certainly make fun of their victims by telling them the truth that the victims cannot do anything about.

As for the secret societies, to me, it looks like they have also been infiltrated. Royals have been possible to control through the money flow, starting as early as the introduction of the first fiat currency, the British pound in 1692.

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Actually, the first bankers who were allowed to lend money were Christians in what is today Northern Italy. At one point, they even minted the money of the Holy Roman Empire. Eventually, they were kicked out of everywhere and settled in Hamburg first, and in Amsterdam next. They invaded Britain with the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688, when William of Orange was "invited" to rule Britain.

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"Actually, the first bankers who were allowed to lend money were Christians in what is today Northern Italy."

We can only try to guess how ancient societies lived.

Sun cycles can (and do) tear everything apart in a blink of an eye.

Different zeitgeist but the human mindset never changes.

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The story of Venetian bankers is well-documented... Money talks. :)

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Yes Ray, but I was referring ancient societies, not modern society. 2 or 3 thousand years it's nothing.

Some theories admit that the Egyptians ruled and were the economic center of the world for about 30 thousand years.

The pyramids are the ultimate symbol of that power. The Romans and the Greeks learnt everything from them.

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I prefer to use "civilizations" instead of "society," because the latter has been abused so often; employed as a rhetorical device to shut people up ("it's society talking now; you'd better shut up") or by people who have next to no idea what they are talking about. Sometimes the word "culture" is the best replacement.

All civilizations have always had the same structure and followed the same timetable:


By the way, any news about the 5G measuring instrument you mentioned about a year ago?

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Bingo, right almost at the same time as the Sabbatean movement was just getting started, arround in mid 1600's or so. Bank of London was and still is controlled by? Fill in the blank: (I'm tired of typing in Rothschild -- Ops I just did.) After reading how so many associations connect, the pattern just starts to reveal itself.

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And the same applies to about 160 central banks around the world.

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Protocols is well known as Imperial Russian secret police fraud. An August 17, 1921 London Times article in which reporter Philip Graves compared passages from Maurice Joly’s Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu (1864) side-by-side with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to prove that the Protocols was plagiarized. (via US Holocaust Memorial Museum website)

A significant moment in the history of the effort to combat antisemitism took place one hundred years ago this August. The occasion was the detailed refutation of the most influential and conspiratorial antisemitic documents that ever appeared, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

The writer of this historic refutation was Philip Graves, a journalist of the Times of London. He analyzed the Protocols, which claimed that it was the discovery of the secret plans of world Jewish leaders to take over the world. Rather than a discovery of any such plans, Graves proved that, in fact, the composers of Protocols, members of the Russian secret police, had concocted it by plagiarizing a satirical French piece that dealt with a completely different subject. Graves ably demonstrated by showing the comparable structures and expressions of the two documents that the Protocols had been fraudulently conjured up to generate the most conspiratorial anti-Jewish sentiment.

As to the need to tip us off by some absurd document it really is in keeping with this my most recent piece. https://stegiel.substack.com/p/tis-a-theme-for-poetry-too-strong

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To your recent piece: outrage over Budlite but not over clotshotting.

People would do better to focus on:

What's in the shots and who's calling the shots.

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While the brief discussion above highlights the responsibility of the Global Elite for planning this program and then having it implemented through Elite agents including the World Economic Forum, relevant international organizations such as the WHO, national governments, pharmaceutical corporations and national medical associations, a critically important role has long been played by education systems, the corporate entertainment industry as well as the corporate media in ensuring that what most people regard as ‘knowledge’ and what most people believe is ‘true’ is always consistent with the Elite-promoted narrative.

See, for example, ‘Do We Want School or Education?’ and Propaganda.

Hence, in the current context, government media channels and most corporate newspapers, television and radio news programs as well as corporate social media giants have heavily promoted the Elite-driven narrative and routinely censored those telling the truth in exposing the Elite program.

See ‘WHO Labels Unvaccinated People a “Major Killing Force Globally”’ and ‘Propaganda Perpetuates the Pandemic and Censorship’.

As a result, while some people resisted the onerous restrictions on human freedom, few of these people understood the genuine threat that we faced from the elite plan concealed behind the ‘virus’/‘vaccine’ narrative. Consequently, most resistance has been focused on the wrong people, using ineffective means and with negligible understanding of what is taking place.

Hence, we are three years into this crisis that portends profound changes to human society, including the death of billions of people and the transhuman enslavement of virtually all those left alive, with only negligible progress in resisting this long-planned and sophisticated Elite program.

Let me elaborate.

We Are Being Smashed Politically

With the vast bulk of the human population trapped in the delusion that governments make the important decisions that shape our lives, virtually all effort to halt the substantial encroachments on our identity, dignity, volition, rights and freedom, including the injection mandates, has been directed at protest demonstrations, lobbying politicians (or voting for them) and petition-signing with those mobilized demanding that governments withdraw the restrictions and mandates.

This has meant that three years of efforts to mobilize people to resist have been misdirected and the resulting demonstrations, lobbying/voting and petitions have absorbed and dissipated the dissent, as those who truly govern intend.

As has been systematically documented, Elites of a local, regional, national, international and, most recently, global reach have controlled the political destiny of the population over which they exercised jurisdiction making the word ‘government’ a meaningless term. For a brief elaboration of this point, see

‘The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave Us: Why Can’t Governments, Legal Actions and Protests Stop Them?’

Beyond this, however, since World War II there has been an ongoing series of developments to create global infrastructure that subverts any remaining national sovereignty while shifting power to the Global Elite.

Among many initiatives, for example, the Global Public-Private Partnership has been presented by Klaus Schwab and Peter Vanham, on behalf of the World Economic Forum.

See Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet summarized in ‘What is stakeholder capitalism?’

While this sanitized account obscures the threat it poses to humankind, Iain Davis and Whitney Webb have thoughtfully critiqued it

– see ‘Sustainable Debt Slavery’

– noting that even a 2016 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs report

– see ‘Public-Private Partnerships and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Fit for purpose?’

– also found it ‘unfit for purpose’.

So what is it? According to Davis, the Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P) is a worldwide network of stakeholder capitalists and their partners:

the Bank for International Settlements,

central banks, global (including media) corporations,

the ‘philanthropic’ foundations of multi-billionaires,

policy think tanks,

governments (and their agencies),

key non-governmental organizations and global charities,

selected academic and scientific institutions, labour unions and other chosen ‘thought leaders’. (You can see an instructive diagram in the article cited below.)

The G3P controls the world economy and global finance.

‘It sets world, national and local policy (via global governance) and then promotes those policies using the mainstream media’, typically distributes the policies through an intermediary such as the IMF, WHO or IPCC and uses governments to transform G3P global governance into hard policy, legislation and law at the national level. ‘In this way, the G3P controls many nations at once without having to resort to legislation.

This has the added advantage of making any legal challenge to the decisions made by the most senior partners in the G3P (an authoritarian hierarchy) extremely difficult.’ In short: global governance has already superseded the national sovereignty of states: ‘National governments had been relegated to creating the G3P’s enabling environment by taxing the public and increasing government borrowing debt.’ See ‘What Is the Global Public-Private Partnership?’

As Davis notes:

We are supposed to believe that a G3P-led system of global governance is beneficial for us and to accept that global corporations are committed to putting humanitarian and environmental causes before profit, when the conflict of interest is obvious. ‘Believing this requires a considerable degree of naïveté.’

Davis clearly perceives ‘an emergent global, corporate dictatorship that cares not one whit about truly stewarding the planet.

The G3P will determine the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. There is no opportunity for any of us to participate in either their project or the subsequent formation of policy.’ Davis goes on:

‘in theory, governments do not have to implement G3P policy, in reality they do. Global policies have been an increasing facet of our lives in the post-WW2 era…. It doesn’t matter who you elect, the policy trajectory is set at the global governance level. This is the dictatorial nature of the G3P and nothing could be less democratic.’

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Thank you for your insights and the link; they have inspired my today's article:


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Really good response Stegiel to my

*Who's calling the shots*.

Such a snowballing, and gathering more momentum.

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Sounds like Philip Graves was doing his "job" as hired "fact checker." When ever I accidentally read a "fact check," I just automatically assume the opposite is true.

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Stegiel is giving you new information which you can consider.

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It's possible that what he brings up has some merit. If the covenant is fake from the perspective of whoever originally wrote it; however, it is the underlying content that actually rings true. I always like to consider the source text; as he asked me to. That is the most accurate way to study history.

I evaluated it based on what we see today; which again, goes back to content.

The way I operate is very different from the average person; I use a similar approach to things as a scientist would, but with an intuitive perception of seeing connections.

I don't actually "believe" anything; for me that's a yogic discipline. I can accept that he disagrees with me on this and that is ok.

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No. You need to read the source text. All this bullshit can be traced to 19th century. Russia had a difficult time with Jewish populations. In 1924 in Germany the Jewish author and journalist Binjamin Segel wrote a major historical exposé of the fraud and later edited his work into a shorter form, published as Welt-Krieg, Welt-Revolution, Welf-Verschwörung, Welt-Oberregierung (Berlin 1926). Translator Richard S. Levy, a specialist on the history of anti-semitism, provides an extensive introduction on the circumstances of Segel's work and the story of the Protocols up to the 1990s, including an explanation of its continuing psychological appeal and political function.

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A Lie and a Libel: The History of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Binjamin W. Segel, B. W. Segel. University of Nebraska Press, $35 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-8032-4243-2

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a potent forgery alleging a Jewish plot to run the world, has proved durable since its turn-of-the-century fabrication by Russian police; this book offers welcome background, context and refutation. The main section is the 1926 effort by Segel, a German Jewish journalist, to expose the fraud; he shows how the infamous text was plagiarized from trash fiction, Machiavelli's speeches and a political satire. While Segel describes how the Protocols helped fuel pogroms in Russia and was embraced by automobile magnate Henry Ford, Levy, who teaches history at the University of Illinois, adds much in his comprehensive introduction. Unlike most anti-Semitic works, he notes, this has ``no national context or identity.'' Thus it has served multiple purposes for different audiences; it was not only publicized by the Nazis, but it also remains influential in the Arab world and eastern Europe and among American right-wingers and black nationalists

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What we are discussing is a work that describes fairly accurately what we are witnessing today. Since we are not living in the 1900"s, lets be practical.

As I've stated many times before; the Criminal Cabal who I refer to as "Sabbateans" or as organized as the Family of the Dragon Bloodline -- has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH JEWS.

It is its own culture; it has its own psychology and psychopathy.

The truth is the Political Zionist movement was vehemently opposed by most Jewish communities in the 1900"s. Many people saw it for what it was. Both world wars were orchestrated in part by the Rothschild Family; The Balfour Declaration, in combination with the fraudulent Sykes Picot redrawing up of the middle east that occurred after the first war, just shows how "planned," everything was. Nothing is ever just simple happenstance.

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The whole story still doesn't answer the question:

Who was able to foretell the future or make projections for so much ahead so accurately?

It reeks with intelligent planning.

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It was intelligent planning.

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But why announce it in advance?...

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Somebody did write the Protocols and it was published in 1905. The author must have known what (s)he was doing, because most of the plan has already come to fruition.

The question is, who wrote it.

The rest is a blaming game and creating divisions.

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Right. Russian secret police wrote it up but Henry Ford spread the word.

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To what end? Why were they giving their plans away so openly? Also, how did the Russian secret police know so much about the future? That doesn't add up.

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The Russian government needed a document that could be used against the Jews. After de the assassination of tsar Alexander II a scapegoat was more than welcome. They got their wish from members of the Russian secret service in France. Especially the tsar and tsarina were vehemently anti-Semites. Nikki is on record talking about the zid (Jew) being everywhere. One must be aware that mediocrities like royals invariably are have always been scared of Jews and take them for far more intelligent than they are.

Afterthought: That a whole people for centuries has been judged by their exceptions is beyond me I confess.

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It's not a fraud. It was the plan. And it's exactly what's been happening and continues to this very moment.

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"During the plandemic, the perpetrators gave away one of their fingerprints that is NOT in any of the above texts: they have been deriving some sick satisfaction from telling the truth to their victims[.]"

See "revelation of the method" https://archive.org/details/secret-societies-and-psychological-warfare-by-michael-a.-hoffman-ii



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I have also written about these extensively.

When Hoffman elaborates on the secret societies, my first thought is that, as everything has been infiltrated, why would those be exceptions?

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see also http://www.rexresearch.com/articles/ocultech.htm

to your query in another thread "o what end? Why were they giving their plans away so openly? Also, how did the Russian secret police know so much about the future? That doesn't add up." at the time that the protocols were written, astute thinkers had already calculated the trajectory of the modern era. See for example Louis Ferdinand Celine who is quoted by Hoffman as saying "Since the Renaissance there's been a tendency to work more and more passionately for the coming of the Kingdom of the Sciences and the Social Robot."

Protocols and the link I shared at the beginning of this reply are likely part of a genre of literature that combines practical analysis with speculation and are written from the perspective of some imagined foe in order to convey a sense of fear. They can be very instructive especially if one does not take them at face value.

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Apr 17, 2023
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Petitions accomplish two things:

1. Acknowledge illegitimate powers

2. Create lists of dissidents

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I totally agree. I've only seen petitions work a SMALL amount of times; and I too am convinced that whomever signs petitions has just revealed to the ubiquitous 'them' their identities.

Only people who have the law written on their hearts will obey laws/rules/regulations/standards/protocols/requests from citizens. If/when they don't, no amount of petitions is suddenly going to give them a conscience and lead them to do the right thing(s).

We must come to the understanding that we are on the bottom side of a pyramid. Those who stand (for now) at the 'top' are on top of the rest of us; so to speak; they don't care about their subordinates (Everyone who is not an elite); we can scream; shout; protest; sign petitions; do whatever pops into our heads to do; and in MOST cases at least; it will accomplish NOTHING; except to wear us out; which is part of what they want.

God spoke this to me a while back when I myself was considering signing a petition for something. He said; "Stop petitioning people; start petitioning Me." So my 'petitions'....prayers; and all my trust; go to God alone. ONLY He is able to save and deliver and help. "Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless." Psalm 60:11.

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Apr 17, 2023
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Every sensible person knows that there is no such thing as "the Jew."

Going after the families would not solve anything; I doubt they could even be located. The incredible power infrastructure they have created by controlling the money supply would keep functioning even after the families are long gone. Starting with the elimination of fiat and putting a cap on usury might be a good start, but I can't see how that could be done. These are the parties that also control the court systems and the politicians, so going against them would be "against the law."

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Laws are only "social agreements," so far it seems that the creators of "the laws" have decided to not fulfill their end of the bargain. No representative government; No equal application of the law; Incentivization of criminality; Double standards; Rules for thee but Not for Me..... ; Vaccine Mandates requiring citizens to take a poisonous bio weapon into their own bodies, so violation of sovereign bodily autonomy. The list could be endless. When the government chooses to make open warfare on it's own citizens, all expectation of obedience can be considered VOID. In fact it is our DUTY of revolt.

The system of Hierarchy that they (Elites) created is actually fragile and is not a natural feature to human nature; at least not in the arbitrary form, in which it exist today.

Natural forms of hierarchy would be local and involve merit as a primary priority. As for what laws we should obey; Self Law or in my cultural reference: Sva Dharma.

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There never was any agreement. Laws have always been created in order to ensure social stability, which included that the ruling classes and their assets are safe. After all, they made the laws for themselves.

That doesn't mean all legal systems are equal. Natural law worked well in small communities. Hammurabbi waived all debts every three years that prevented debtors to be slaves for longer than that. It all depends how much the rulers need the slave class. This time, most people can be replaced with robots and AI, so the need for slaves has become limited to specific types of slaves... For example,


For that matter, all human civilizations had the same structure, so it is quite "natural" for them. :)

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Apr 19, 2023
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My problem with your opinion is that how do you decide who your enemy is who "need to be eradicated"?


Do you really want to go around, killing people?

The battle between good and evil has been raging throughout history, and there is no "we." Only I can be responsible for my decisions, and the same is true for everyone else. Without personal responsibility, no civilization can survive. Remember, when corporate employers started the BS of "team work"? As innocuous as it sounded, that was the beginning of the end, culturally.

The battle is spiritual, inside the soul, as it has always been...

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