Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back (Frank Sinatra).

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Behind Blue Eyes ~

Aryan Blue?

Breeding the New German "Race" https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/breeding-new-german-race

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When several races were asked what they would consider the most beautiful woman, they all voted for a blond white... :)

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Germans were for racial purity. All races are beautiful, but only as long as they don't give up what they are. Race-mixing is one of the current psyops...

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The company I work for has colors of Blue and White. And it is Jewish run, if I may add without anyone getting their panties in a bind. I've never really noticed the Holly-weirdos' eye colors. None of those people matter to much to me in my life. I don't support any of them.

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Take note, you might find them empty and black.

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My current stance suggests that Freemasonry has infiltrated most, if not all, global organizations. Ironically, Masons below the 33rd degree might just be useful idiots.

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Ray, you are correct. I know Freemasons. In my opinion, they’re sold the basic crap about Masonry. They’re absolutely clueless. I’ve tried asking questions nicely. I think they have cognitive dissonance.

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Like us tax payers. Well, those few who actually work these days.

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Behind Blue Eyes. Who. Not Yes

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If my fist clenches crack it open, before I use it and lose my cool.

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Who is who? :)

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I kinda remember a song by Yes, too, with a chorus, "We're waiting for the night, waiting for the night, to go." That might also apply. :)

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"The son will lead us, our reason to be here." Yes- Relayer album.

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City of Love Lyrics


(City of love, City of love, City of love, City of love, City of love, City of love, City of love, City of love, City of love, City of love)


This one?

Once bitten, twice shy

No, no regrets at all

Justice, body smooth take over

Good girls, they work the city

Good guys, they spike you hard

How they jive and jingle

When you're in their backyard

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Ouch. Thanks. Corrected.

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No worries 👍🏽😊

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Roger Daltry has beautiful blue eyes

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Only 7% of humans have blue eyes, but among public players, they are disproportionately represented. And no, the are not necessarily "Jewish," either. :)

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I personally am tired of the Jew card 😀

Seems lazy.

The JINOs doing crap are 3 rd tier in this globalist mafia.

Not even Rothschild ranks in the top. They have their overlords too .

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Somebody recently counted the organisations that make up the NWO lobby, arriving at the figure 137. That pretty much tied in with my own rough estimate made in 2007, although I considered actually counting these to be pointess. The salient feature though is that the larger organisations are run by the self-appointed elite, the membership having been colonised unaware. Thus, one would be unreasonable to slam all Jesuits, Catholics, Freemasons, socialists, communists, workers on Wall Street, or even CIA employees, of being globalists. Most of us are just inwitting shills.

I know many will protest this notion say, in no way am I a shill, yet if we watch or read the MSM, work in science, media, academia, or for a corporation, we are absolutely cogs in the globalist machine. I would go further. If we subscribe to the ethic of "non-violent peaceful protest" we are cogs in the resistance destructon machine, created by the City of London and CIA through their creations, Gandhi and King; made forever memorable for us by their PR arm, Hollywood. Almost all academics, most scientists, and most women, are captive to this indoctrination, even though history seriously undermines it's credibility. But then, who under sixty today knows anything about actual history? "Everybody" you all chorus. "We have all seen the movies".

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Fabian Socialist, Club of Rome, Committee of 300 etc all one big circle jerk of narcissistic psychopaths.

Gates was just admitted to the C300

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They are, but they are too exposed to be anything else but red herrings or patsies, at least the way I see it:


To me, Gates looks like a little errand boy who might even have to get a drink for his masters at a globalist meeting, assuming he is admitted at all. :) After all, he has been selected for the role, just like Zuckie for Fakebook.

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Oh absolutely.

If we know their names.

They’re useful idiots.

Dangerous but useful.

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Ray and Ijulr... you get it. Few others do. These are our targets for hatred and desire for revenge. They are canaries on the coal mine. While we are killing them, the head of the snake will slip quietly away. Having watched these people for decades, I know who he is and I know how to trap him. He knows this too and has had people try and silence me, four times since September 2021. I have had to step well behind the line and mark time. But it will not be long before others grasp events in history and the numbers of his enemies will grow beyond control. I doubt he will survive long afer Xmas.

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Yes, the proper word is "decoy."

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It is always a comfort to encounter people who see what is to be seen. Most seem to be blinded by their own hope and shining optimism.

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You do not mention the root of Evil = judaïsm !

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And remember, the first “Christians” were Jews.

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Hebrews... that is why I left christianism !

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I get so tired of pet hates. STFU. It is Zionism, not Judaism that is the problem, They do not even possess Semite DNA. Most are American evangelistic Christians. That is one cold fact of life. Only Christians such as Mike Adams have the toughness and intelligence to confront this.

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Non ! JUDAISM is THE problem, worse than zionism... !!! Read the Talmud !

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Not sure about most Zionists, either; they might also be decoys below a certain level (which I cannot ID). Also, it would be nice to keep the discussion respectful even if someone voices an unusual opinion.

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Stop blaming the Jews.

That’s a distraction psyop.

Always blame Jews and the masses won’t look further.

The few Jews in the NWO are 3 rd tier at best. Including Rothschild.

They have their overlords too.

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Judaism is the religion, or rather the political ideology of the Talmud, religionized. Evil is as evil does. Get them (rape) before they are eight before it's too late.

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Religion, after it emerges, survives only, if it is accepted as the state ideology or, at least, it is compatible with it. As a result, as you are also saying, it becomes an ideology for the powerful. Religions have been left alone during the era of secularization, but the individualistic ones are now under attack. Judaism as an ideology is not individualistic. Ignoring it would make it extinct, which is why "antisemitism" must be kept alive...

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Exactly. As I have been saying from the beginning 26 months ago, there is no such thing as "the Jews." Even Zionists are most likely but patsies on the road to Agenda 2030.

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Please, explain. There are three major trends in Judaism.

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In the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the Jews are referred to as the lesser brethren.

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Absolutely. The least innocuous threat comes in general concepts that shape the world into the one projected by the globalists in which they MUST be dominating. The t*ist word comes in mind first, but even the word "truth" is poisoned... Movies set up fake situations (e.g. the "war on drugs," which is directed by clandestine organizations; in movies, heroic agents and cops "fight" drug lords and gangs, while in reality, all those participate in the activities).

The following map of global public-private partnership looks quite revealing:


I stopped teaching over 10 years ago, and turned down an offer shortly before the plandemic started. It turns out it was a good thing, because I would have refused to obey any mandates.

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In my last post, I tried to ask thought-provoking questions. But it was probably not understandable because of my language barrier. Blue-roofed houses, blue cars, blue umbrellas, blue bins, etc. not "allegedly", but documented, they did not burn on Maui. And not because of the "holy color"...

Sorry, I'm not familiar with American education, but we had these as teaching materials back then. Of course, I don't know if it's still the case now, since education has been downgraded here, as it is all over the world.



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Why is the color of Republicans red, while the color of Demonrats blue? I believe this should be reversed. Republicans are aligned with police-blue, while Demonrats are aligned with socialists/communists who are red (Red China)?

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IS this a proof of the existence of the Uniparty? :)

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How the light bulb cartel helped usher in planned obsolescence

(why do we just keep supporting a diabolical system?)


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Police in Uganda wears mostly white! Everyone who has ever been in a country that is dry and has mostly dust roads knows white is a colour you should avoid. They have recently changed their uniforms, now they are more brown, probably preparing us subconsciously for what's to come.

Another weird thing about this country; the police were asking for a raise but the great leader said that they had their own means of improving their salary. And they have, considering the amount of times I have been asked for 'some help for lunch' by a police officer. The funniest one was a female officer who told me I would not have to pay my ticket if I would give her a chocolat baby.

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After my higherself channeled through me back in 2014, my eyes went from blue, to having a golden yellow ring on the inside of the

Irisis around the pupils. You have to get close up to see it. My Granddad who was a 33rd said "You had to be extremely strong in the Craft to attain that.".

My higherself also has light blue skin.

There is a split in freemasonry those who promote Christ consciousness, the Order, the Good. The other side who worship the light bringers, literally the Greys, the chaos, the evil, the anti Christ.

Apologies Ray for being discourteous to you in a Targeted Justice, comment section. Targeted individuals have hard time being believed at the best of times. Especially about the satellites, towers, nanotech which is Grey technology...

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Interesting. My entire immediate family has blue eyes and I alone have green (with central heterochomia. Have you seen this: https://emmakatherine.substack.com/p/mk-ultra-psychic-abilities-and-central?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 ?).

As far as I can tell I’m the only one who’s awakened and attempted to escape, AND as far as I can tell I’ve always been the rather non-conformative one, too. The best I’ve been able to pull together to date is that the ‘loss’ of me is collateral damage from perp’ing.

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blue was not an easy pigment to use with yarns/cloth, untill BASF managed to synthesize indigo and mass-production of denim/jeans begun, to satisfy an increasing demand for military outfits: in the U.S Army '....regulations published in 1779 established the Army uniform as blue with colored facings based on region....' - https://www.military.com/army/uniforms.html


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Why are we blue when sad? Why not any other colour? Other than green for sick or red for angry. I get those. But why does blue=sad?

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Remember that most words/symbols means one thing to us and another to them; for instance the peace sign (fifth age), the thumbs up (sign of emptiness) etc etc.

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I thought green was for envy and yellow was for cowardice?

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My mom had a “blue” diamond 💎 in her wedding ring. They’re supposed to be very pure - so she told me.

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Diamonds provide another intriguing channel. Their prices have been kept artificially high for several decades, and the collapse of South Africa may have had more than nothing to do with the diamond trade. I prefer emerald of the lively green color, and never had any idea why diamonds are so popular, except for the hype. It's kind of like "Father's Day" or "Valentine's Day," just another chance to spend money.

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The song Mr. Blue by Clear Light from somewhere around 1969 is still relevant today as they still want to whip us into shape. They still have their eyes on us. And resistance is futile.

Don't know much about masons, the history of the color blue or what reason accomplishes beyond practical uses. I really don't care. I am still trying to figure out what the color of air is.

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BLUE and then there is an artists' BLUE PERIOD

all artist go through it and get stuck in it if not aware ( I am a painter)

eg Picasso

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True, and I am grateful for any more entries on the list of "blue." When I used to draw, I usually used B/W, but I am not claiming to be an artist for that. :)

(A side note: Picasso was a fraud; due to his "incomprehensible" style and his prolific output, he was used by "art" dealers for elevating prices that, as usual, enable money laundering.)

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