Ray Excellent post! Feeding the beast. Very very apt.

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If we do not spend the money at all for any of these huge mega corps then eventually they will fold. I get if you just buy Miller instead of bud light but if we just all together stop the spending it will have an impact.

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OMG I always tell my kids, ‘there is no WE.’ So true. This post blew my mind, I had a feeling but seeing Larry Fink talk about this, my goodness. Can’t stop thinking about it.

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yup, it's all a handful 've mega parent comp-knees as yer graphiks show--it's the ol' marketin' skadoodle (peapod) shell game--DON'T buy Farmer Fred's corn--itz got BUGZ, buy farmer ZEKE's corn, itz not buggy!--so "free thinkin' " folks hotfoot it an' gallumpf over ta Farmer Zeke's an' buy up the entire warehouse... pattin' themselfs on the back fer puttin' their money whar their pie holes are. BUT nobuddy knows there ain't no Farmer Zeke (or Farmer Fred fer that matter).... them 2 com-pet-i-turds are just countrifried graphics sold under one in-dust-trial roof by one Big Mac Daddy Corpor-ay-shun that own's both BRANDS. Both brands re BUGGY as heck tho! Like the song lyric, "When will they ever learn...? " (..oh an theyze burnin' all the flowers now anywayz)!

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023

So you are saying that target and busch will be rescued by government money which in the end is our money anyways either through inflation or taxes. Ok. So they rescue them one time but what then. We still don't buy from there what then. Rescue them a second time? The boycott is successful if we hold the line all together for a long time.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I started brewing cider and wine about 2 years ago. 102 batches achieved! Only a few exploded!. Cuz lots of fruit (esp apples) here that goes ungathered, usually unwanted for the mess they can leave. It has been very gratifying, wine is easier than beer. But I am a beer lover too, so now I go down the beer road, but malting my own grain.

Best brew book to start for me was Stephen Buhners Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers (for brewing with what herbs might be growing in your area)....also good is Brew Beer Like a Yeti by Zimmerman, along with all the other old beer brewing bibles from the 1980's onward by Papazan and others, so many. Here is the book that got me started with wine, (simpler) -its from the 1970s...https://www.amazon.com/How-Make-Wine-Your-Kitchen/dp/B00416OYY2

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Value based action can work and this is how https://thegreatreject.substack.com/p/how-to-take-action-part-2

Hint: not by engaging in duopolies

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So what can we or do we do differently??? I understand you are saying the whole game is rigged against us the small consumer just struggling to make ends meet financially and raising families, etc. So what do we do differently besides withdraw from society, homestead and live of the land, raise our own food, so on snd so forth???

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Beautiful! I just love how you put that together. We won't see those points made in the Lame Stream Media for a long time if ever.

As far as beer is concerned:

I am a brewer myself; I make many recipes of Ancient style "Beer" but ancient Beer does not have any Hops in it. In ancient times, the beverage was known as Gruit Ale. Made with many herb combinations instead of Hops. Some may think that it wouldn't taste good, but I beg to differ.

As an added advantage of making your own recipes, you get to be free of the giant corporations that are ultimately controlling everything like the ingredients, the popularity, the availability and the even the very definition of what a "Beer" is. I tried licensing my small company to bring the ancient ale styles to market; they said that they can't license Gruit Ale commercially because it doesn't contain any hops. But that was the whole point.

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Couple of points. Companies are American brands...and won't be able to access working capital if they disobey. I think we need to establish private working capital operations for them..and get rid of top mgt..because they have no worries about losing their jobs...not like the ordinary workers

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Stalinism American Style. Starring OJ Simpson as James Bond. Klaus Schwab as secret Nazi spy master. Vladamir Putin his judo teacher. Great ending with black and white footage from Fail Safe and the Russian built top secret Chinese heavy bombers not called back from their Fail Safe point.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

& today I got an email encouraging me to use Amazon new drug prescription plans

& Whole Foods gave me jibberish to my questions about the Apeel coating on organic produce.

So many people have retirement funds invested with black rock companies and have no idea.

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e x t r e m e l y g o o d p o i n t

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Is State Street the third one?

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