Hi Ray, your reposting my ATCC investigation made me realize something important about what the perps have done. They bury the start of the fraud so deep by making it necessary for an investigator to keep digging to a prior paper, then a prior paper, then a reference document, and on and on. Then this original fraud is taken as the holy grail of explaining the fraud's pedigree thru the phylogeny of later papers that base all they have done on the "fact" that "it exists because it has percolated through so many layers and years of propaganda. THIS then takes lots of work to dig it out and connect the dots. It also takes a certain amount of nerdy perseverance to work thru what in a later paper is connecting to a prior paper, sometimes requiring many browser tabs open at once. There are just many people who don't have the patience and detail to excoriate the truth out so they remain in the matrix at the entrance to the rabbit hole and can't see what's in it. Assuming Lincoln is honest, he's then just got the new condition, "rabbit hole phobia".

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Yes, they send the reader on a wild goose chase in a chain of cross-publishing "authors" (aka. crooks), they "peer-review" each other's baloney, and call it science. :)

I am pinning your comment, because it is an important factor and, although I am familiar with the ruse, I failed to mention it.

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The concept of the Big Lie. You tell a lie so massive, then repeat it enough times....even the person who originated the lie will start to believe it. The easier way to cut through the bs is to acknowledge that the dream of life will always have truth mixed with bullsh**. The problem is that we are often seduced by the BS and become attached to it. That's what gets us into trouble. Then we become so attached/comfortable with the lies that we have "invested" so that it seems like a let down. So practicing things like The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz helps you to return to your own common sense:

1) Be Impeccable with your word

2) Don't take anything personally

3) Don't make assumptions

4) Always do your best.

*5) Be skeptical, but learn to listen

Also explains why "cults" like the Amish, Nation of Islam, etc seem to be miraculously immune to this covid nonsense and avoided the jab as if it was its own plague. In the case of the Amish, they distrust most forms of gov't + avoid technological devices + place a big emphasis on traditional family values, eating foods raised the way "God intended" (no GMO, hormones, etc artificially injected). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1DgWYdukZU

NOI distrusts gov't and places an emphasis on separating from the white man's wicked way of living and rulership. They embrace technology, but also believe in natural foods diet and traditional values are what will sustain a community long-term. https://noi.org/vaccine

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Read this Ruiz book over 25 years ago! Had forgotten. Lovely read that was kind of co-opted by the new ager woo crowd.

Very basic Human values well articulated. Thank you

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The following must be read by everyone who wants to think about Islam:


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Yes, a very old tactic, to flood the target population with rumors, and lies, for so long that it is very difficult to disentangle from, as that is The Point, as you have discovered.

Many people will grow tired of such efforts, and give it up to the will of the party line.

One that is serious about life can not serve two masters, and this bit of wisdom helps me to clarify the immediate path at my feet.

I have seen many a person be redirected from a initial desire to "know the truth" about this wickedness, to a place of frightened complacence, after having found the illusion too real- that mirage that would make it appear as if the work required to achieve such knowledge of truth is insurmountably difficult to obtain, therefore Turn Back At Once! - do not attempt to peek behind the curtain... proving to me that this war for our Spirit, our Soul, our essential, vital "juice", is not a fictional war.


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False hope is also essential to keep the population at bay:


Knowing the "truth" changes nothing... Never did, never will...

The War is indeed in people's souls; at least for those, who still have any left...

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Ahh, but The Truth charges one's very soul with a Divine and powerful light-source! Surely such abundance has It's place, as I attest to such fact that without my adhering to the worthy bit of It I was blessed enough to have discovered, I would assuredly be Out There, being blown around, just as many of these listless zombies are, under the influence of Such lack, I must declare.

A few dented and tarnished souls still dwell here, for the moment being! 🦁❤️

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This is all I have time for


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Thank you for your participation in the conversation.

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I sure have been hearing the phrase "we'll just have to agree to disagree" a lot, come lately, and as Everyone has heard to veer clear of the dreaded topics Politics,Science, and Religion, and especially the topic of Spirituality, which is the target that all three of these dreadful subjects aim to prevent our learning and development of, at least so far as the public arena goes.

I propose that the science, as far as what the public possesses, is nearly completely misconstrued (intentionally), and that your questions, Pete, towards the end of your piece, are seemingly coming from one that believes the wolves are just bluffing, and will not eat the sheep, and have no reason for such.

I suppose that it is anyone's right and privelege, these days, to believe the lies of the liars, but it is increasingly difficult for one to dig up and expose the horrible truth, with the mountains of deceit and treachery propagated for our entire lives, back millennia of years, now.

I appreciate your struggle to maintain something familiar and known, something that you are comfortable sinking your teeth into, but I feel that, in the end, you will find that you were being deceived by the very (black) magic that is involved with such hubris as mankind occupies itself with these darker days, to rob folks such as yourself, by filling your minds with invisible bogeymen, not entirely saying that such do not exist, but that many people are being sold on a very distorted version (if that) and it is to only disrupt and destroy mankind, not help it with any "truth".

Take good care.

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I concur: everybody is responsible for their own lives. Pete is doing what he believes is right, and that's all a human can do. :)

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Bless the Lovers of Truth,

one and all.

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wow im exausted just reading this post .... my congrats to ray for his research ,time and good will in his replys to the non critical thinker so called scientist ... cheers

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Sorry, Alex, I don't do "research," but it is true that I read and think over what I have read. :)

My site belongs to my readers: I only provide information, entertainment, and inspiration; they are the ones who bring this site to life by making their own decisions and taking control of their lives!

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Ray, here is the link to the site of a worthy contributor, who is currently under attack, literally, for her honest work.


Sorry to have not posted it sooner.

She has been mistreated by the "good" doctor Peter McCullough, and is harassed by the Sage Hana, here on s.s., apparently over her difficult labors to nail down some of the multitudinous, deceitful countries and corporations, by having sought and obtained FOIA files, using the prescribed, legal method, and with their liar's having to just come out and spew yet more lies to cover their previous lies, near hidden in the cacophonous din, as Proton discovered, but also along with the hired goons to break some kneecaps, and using whatever other toys and technologies they aim to employ- including the ages-old and reliable lures of sex, drugs, and the All Important $$$...

Shiver me timbers.

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Good point, she is a REAL LIVE HERO. I contributed a document to her site and support her with some spare cash. Hope others will too.

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I wasn't aware she is taking such contributions and I haven't been asked, but I am more than willing to support her, too. :)

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It is good to support each other in our noble efforts as best we can.

Everyone contributing what he or she can.

Blessings to all.

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I have been Christine's subscriber for a while now. :)

She IS good.

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got ya there! I think JJ Couey isn't AT ALL sayin' at all that he's a victim (follerin' a red herring perhaps)--it's more like he's a goin' "WTF? everyone I worked with I thought were my buds' is headin' over to eat steak on the DeepThroat ranch an' I wuz a fool not ta see whut wuz up...right under my Scoobied nose!"

I hear ya re "preachin' " but keep on doin' it while the choir remains ;-)

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yes but (fer me at least) it was nice to see JJ Couey 'splainin' how he wuz "scooby-do'd"--an' with that the way RM(alone) figgers inta the equation... how his own team was.... "compromised" an' he's bein' ostracized by those on the team he started! (shades of The Intercept... an no less twisted a path...)

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It's better late than never. I've been preaching this for like two years and look how far that worked. :)

Still, I'm always wary, when someone presents themselves as a victim...


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Lab leak has never been an option. There was nothing to "leak." The secret labs must have been used for developing the injections...

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Absolutely and I always look for a Cui Bono - Follow the money trail to find out who owns the Science (TM). The media talking heads even admit now, "they own the Science". This is a good rundown on how they find "virus" if anyone is on the fence about the virologists methodology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPSViaPCGrM

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Migration. Mind-gration. A false contagion, infatuation with causation, a foreign enemy for retaliation, slowly now in litagation with increased heart palpation, causing mutation, death by poison and sedation, deathly danger in lactaction, an easily divided nation our current vexation, elites rebuilding sugar plantations on the graves of our relations.

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can you be more specific on what article applies? And why you think it is relevant?

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The site contains stuff that I have plentifully written about, but takes a bit different angles, so its focus is different from mine.

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The medical freedom movement better get its act together soon, because by 2030 we'll all be happy and own nothing but our vaxxx passports.

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I'll cut to the quick. Try understanding Terrain Theory and all your ponderings on this subject will be answered.

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Sorry, Greg, I don't quite see what you mean; please, help me out.

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The last line reminds me of my friendship with a liberal...we are good until we start discussing politics. And I see the classic Covid era argument that the virus has not been isolated lives on. I think it’s funny because the normal not so smart person like me thinks scientists are so smart they should’ve figured it out by now.

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Some of them did. I admire Yeadon for this.

By now, every thinking human being on Earth must know what “science” means: a form of human activity that justifies the acts of the rulers that direct all governments (the same interest groups own the corporations that employ "scientists"), because they can corner politicians by their global control of the money flow. In return, such human beings are sometimes offered generous compensation, while on other occasions, they must obey, due to mundanely-delivered threats. “Science” itself, as it must be clear, can only be exercised with extreme modesty, caution, and humility. My parody of the myth of science is from August 12, 2022:


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Yeadon was a hold-out for many months (2 years). Myself, Massey (she has an entire section with her emails with Yeadon) and others spoon-fed him the in-silico and cell-culture non-science logic but he was quite recalcitrant. He told me that antibody epitopes were specific so that there must be viruses. I sent him a Nature paper that said they were non-specific and that they had to be non-specific to combat anything (putting aside what antibodies may and may not really be). That along with the fact that a "respiratory virus" (according to germ theory) should burn itself out in a year he said was what brought him over to finally get the no-sars virus point. But none of the other "freedom docs" have ever even been able to have a normal inquisitive discussion about it-they're clearly on a leash. Anyway, Yeadon was very resistant for a long time. "Frozen thought" is a very interesting phenomena.

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I had my conversation with Yeadon around March, 2022. By then, he was reluctant to reject both Germ and Terrain. He changed his mind only a few months later, but I am convinced that he remembered what I told him about compliance: it was not going to save anyone.

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In 2020, around the time, when you started to put up your fight, I was convinced that if Germ Theory was destroyed, the Cabal would lose its grounds for the illegal edicts. My next step was to discredit the lethal injections, but I didn't get far with that, either. Since then, I have learnt that "covid" was only the next step towards the NWO that will inevitably end with the DBDC.

At this point, the focus must be on the CBDC; everything else is a distraction.

My parody of "science," including honest science, still stands :) :


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Yes! I have ideas previously put in your comment section about them. CBDC is then but one of the ends of panopticon technocracy, where you can go, what you can do, strangulation by the IOT, carbon tax, and "SDGs" that means you can't have much, your biological incl neurologic brain freedom (See bio-digital convergence in the Canadian Govt's New Horizons Document that smells of Musk's Neurolink to implant everyone's brain), population size, the control (theft) of the global commons-land, sea, air (see Iain Davis). For CBDC I reference John Titus' Best Evidence on Bit Chute and thecorbettreport.com and G. Edward Griffen, "have things not money".

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It's good that at least you and I (and a handful of others) represent the same faction, because this is probably the most realistic one. It's not our fault that the real thing tends to scare people or they shy away from taking responsibility for their own lives.

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The Corbett Report is the best way I've seen so far to get up to speed and keep up with all the aspects of the "strangulation" network. The comment section-only by members- is full of people like us who are "in the know". It's $1 a month to support him and get commenting privs-and he sells DVDs etc of his years and big episodes, so he makes a decent living it seems. His docuvids are excellent, only he doesn't get into genetics, cell-bio, or the existence of sars or viruses. He says its a political, econ, and NWO problem and sars is unimportant to worry about, though his other anti-covid vids are great. Not expecting him to know about cell-bio on day one, but considering all the people on Substack etc who are not biologists and get the no-virus thing now even in detail, and his ability to get science like the no-climate warming, this is my only disappointment with him. He could easily get Sam Bailey on a show. Well....no one's perfect. Just rambling, no need to reply!

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Dec 8, 2022
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Yes, I have, plentifully. Look at my "Archive" on my start page and scroll down.

There are good authors out there, delving deeply into those subjects here on Substack; some of them are in this very article.

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Dec 8, 2022
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Please, notice that I am not an Oracle for the Truth. I can provide tools and information, but the most important part, thinking is YOURS! That's one of the reasons I tend to say, this site belongs to my readers. :)

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