Hi, Ray. Today Dr. Milhacea posted that the government of Wakaminenga Maori in New Zealand has already convicted some guys for the Covid's scam and the "vaccine" crimes...

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"that the government of Wakaminenga Maori"

What Government?

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It's supposed to be a New Zealand's region or whatever, a local government.

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This is the address "WMG Nu Tireni PO Box 545 Te Awamutu 3480 Nu Tireni/Aotearoa" What they're saying is that the legal basis for the current State of New Zealand is fraudulent (and that may indeed be true). So they're saying they're the legitimate government and for that to be the case they need general support and that is definitely not the case. Probably something to do with this guy who is, like me, originally from Te Awamutu.


Te Awamutu is in the Waipa local council district. Niu Tireni is pre British term for New Zealand but to me it sounds (and looks) Dutch rather than Maori. "New tyranny" basically. Aotearoa is supposed to be the Maori term for NZ but it's unlikely there was a Maori concept of NZ at the time and Aotearoa is indeed a made up term of the British from about the 1850s. So both "Maori" terms for NZ are actually European.

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So, what was Dr. Milhacea talking about then? I understood that there was going to be a Covid trial in New Zealand (and I confess that I didn't read the article, just the title); but because of your explanation I'm understanding now that that is not the case...

Well, I believe too that the current State of New Zealand (and of many other States too) is fraudulent, specially since 2020...

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Well, thanks for your 😳 information, Richard.

Because we almost never heard anything about "New Zealand" before 2020, we thought it was because everything's going so well there... but OMG...

Well, after knowing about Jacinda Arden, one ends up waking up to the fact that all those countries that seemed so perfect in pre Covid times (besides "New Zealand", also Canada, Australia, Luxembourg...) were in fact some kind of demonic traps...

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It's pretty much along the lines of the 'common law' (which can get confusing because the law systems of UK, US, NZ etc are called the same) proponents who say that the whole basis for our countries is fraudulent. That may indeed be the case but you need general support of it before it becomes the de facto case. Also undoubtedly Russia & China are stirring away in the background, the internet being a place where there is often more trolls/bots commentating than there are actual citizens of the countries at discussion.

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And there is a connection to the Te Awamutu Lions Club.

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And Maori "independence" movements are probably getting subsidised by the same tbh.

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Maybe it's run by a naughty Lion's Club?

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So, the "mRNA" "vaccines" are prohibited and four patsies are being thrown under the bus. Big deal. Nothing about the "wildfire" mass murder, and the sentencing is still coming up, while some patsies "die" in custody, while they might be simply disappeared and live happily ever after with a new identity...

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"that the government of Wakaminenga Maori"

What Government?

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Your reply went to the wrong post. I didn't say that. :)

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Waka - boat

min - I guess the same as English, Maori is a combination of Spanish & English loan words to a large extent (shhh about the Spanish part..)

enga - exactly as it looks - supposed to mean worry but looks to me like "English" (in new Maori -Ingarihi)


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Thank you, Ray. Very helpful article.

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I'm glad you've found it helpful.

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I look at the neck .

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Dr.Ana Maria has some serious thyroid issues going on .

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I'm not sure what you mean and why, but it's important to note that about 80 percent of American suffer from iodine deficiency, which is, somehow, never mentioned by "doctors," who are happy to remove thyroids (they receive money for tissues sold and train their interns) and sentence the patients to a lifetime of pharmaceutical "medications."

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That chimp at the laptop should be thinking "Who am I"? People I've met, the ones with no clue, are nothing more than simple bobbleheads. I don't waste too much time explaining to them anymore. If they cannot open their minds to other possibilities, they're done. But watch out for them because its easy to dupe dummies into lynch mobs.

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Hi Ray -- THANK YOU for taking the time to so thoroughly and resolutely share your observations with me, a spectator and hunter/gatherer of information, insight and relevance in an increasingly obscure and confusing world.

I have familiarized myself with some of your posts and perspectives and while not agreeing with all of them highly respect and appreciate the thought, research and context they bring into a larger discussion about where we find ourselves (yes, I said the "we" word, unless you're a bot or AI -- otherwise we as a mass of individuals are all systematically being managed, herded and corralled into doing what they probably had us bred for -- to serve their needs for as long as it is profitable and necessary, since they obviously see themselves as far superior and we as mere tools for carrying out their [psychopathic] objectives) sorting through the myriad of sources of information, facts, speculations, and outright lies to chart or at least pretend to navigate a course that yields what the chief objective we may have for ourselves (in my case, to live out my life in a way that corresponds to my Creator's desires for me to honor and further His purposes and intentions in love and for me, out of gratitude for His care of me and the certainty of a future with Him personally as I depart this realm in probably fewer years than you (I'm in my late 60's).

My intent in commenting was to attempt to participate and I apologize for the length and numerous touch points that flowed rather freely out of my in response to your stimuli. I will make every effort to be more concise and do so with deference to your wishes. Fear not - if I am unacceptable to you, it would not be the first time (and you would be within your "rights" to evict my comments and thoughts and responses). I lived in and fought the corporate plantation arrangement my whole life and barely escaped in the last year or so to recover the latter part of my existence and to learn what I'd been too busy serving others (protecting them FROM the corporation) that was burning inside of me to ascertain. You are a part of the education in many ways, and I thank you....and I wish you well. I think Ana is a treasure - a bit unfettered and unorthodox -- and I agree Sasha has steadfastly refused (so has Katherine Watt - I emailed her about why there has not been collaboration and it appears you have partially answered that if you have extended yourself only to be ignored) to depart from the maginot line drawn by many of the "truth tellers" who seem to be after fame and acceptance, despite their seeming outrage about the jabs (Malone being another, Cole, etc.) even if evidence is teaming from multiple sources. Best to you in your continuing exploits - I'll be reading (:0).

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Hi Ray,

I received the same Substack from Dr Ana Mihalcea, linked here:


Near the bottom it says the court case date is November 9th. You can preregister for the link to the case there. When you click on the highlighted date it brings you to Interest of Justice (Dustin and a small group from IOJ are leading the way and mostly funded by subscribers and IOJ supported dontations. They have also been taking the WHO to task as well.

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Right. Tackling the WHO from Costa Rica...

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Well they are doing their best to hold them and the Costa Rican government to account. I don't know if you follow IOJ and their Substack but they are at least TRYING, unlike many other lawyers and people who are doing NOTHING.....




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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023Author

I personally consider the very attempt a diversion. Realistically, the attempt cannot achieve anything apart from taking people's attention off the fact that they have to do what they can, because nobody is going to do that for them.

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perhaps...perhaps not...

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“If the world is currently manipulated towards Agenda 2030 according to the instructions of a central AI that is running a global simulation with live data...”

I prefer to think “If not...” Why presume that human programmed artificial intelligence has the power to manipulate the entire world? If one believes such a thing, don’t beliefs influence perception? I think so. I prefer to focus my beliefs on an entity different from computer programming and man-made systems and all things artificial (ie anthropogenic). If this entity is mythical, then I prefer to focus my beliefs on nature.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I use the rule that I don’t always agree with everything Ray says, rule, but intelligent enough to keep me engaged, forever evolving new ideas and my “not as popular as an AI-generated substack” to believe he’s most likely a normal dude with a brain that doesn’t stop thinking. Who knows, I may even end up hating Ray, just not today. I like thinking with my whole 👉🏽🧠. I hate any idea or rule set in stone, which always comes with an “overseer’s punishment protocol” to enforce what my 🧠 can or cannot think about.

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Hate me all you want to, but if you make up your own mind, I've achieved my goal. :)

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)


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Excellent article! Something We ALL should be considering as We interact online.

These days, anyOne presenting on this castrated web could be AI. There are good clues that any given One is not, however. Like a body of work spanning from 2006 to now... (That's when I started My path to free Humanity from the psychopaths in control who use AI to sway Our perceptions.) Pretty sure back then there was no AI that could do the things We're seeing now,

And given I have not deviated in My vision and efforts, severely shadow-banned and targeted for them, I would guess I'm not yet "influenced" by AI...

But who knows what the psychopaths in control will unEthically do next with Their technology. (Doing unEthical things - failing to get FULLY INFORMED consent for things that would change Others, for one - puts those psychopaths below the level of the beasts. Not gentleOnes at all, though They think They are.

For a wee bit of My work I offer a video and an article to Ones not yet familiar:

The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Why Free Energy Technology Is Suppressed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-free-energy-technology-is-suppressed

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If this is her then I would not listen to a thing she says:


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Actually Light and Frequency healing IS A THING....and the PTB are keeping a lot of information to themselves as they want to ensure their money stream continues in Big Pharma.

Don't knock it until you try it! It has helped a lot of people. :)

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What is not normal, however, is receiving "channeled" information from an alien.

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well, animal communicators were considered "not normal" for a long time, but now even veterinarians are using them. The proof is in the pudding. Normal is a poor criteria for truth. Almost the opposite.

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We're not talking about animal communicators. We are talking about a person saying they are channeling an alien through their own body. And a so-called doctor following the information that "alien" is giving.

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She follows RAMTHA. Books are about making CONTACT merging with interdimensional ALIEN consciousness. Is this the Quantum near extinction level event she refers to? Is she an ascended master descendant preparing the way? And who is Dr Randa Mihalcea who seems to b the polar opposite working on the dark side- but merges in the article on technowarfare. Do they look in the photo like the same person? sincere question. Going out on a limb may b that its a controlled op for a GIANT PSYOP.

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thanks for liking. i feel like a lonely truth warror. JZ [female] inhabited by spirit of ramtha[male} showing the power "from above' in pipe smoking crop circles. is this a joke. she said she was involved with cia/ aliens.

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So I DONT KNOW- yet in the end i got to where my thinking was headed. As a possibility. To be aware of. thanks bye!

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I cannot comment on what is "normal"...might be unusual, but who knows if they exist or not, and if they are benevolent or not...one guarantee is that the gov is keeping us in the dark about many things, and no doubt would paint aliens as evil regardless...in order for the gov to continue to control us....just my CDN 2 cents, and I know that isn't worth much.

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I am in agreement with you that our world's governments lie to us in order to control us.

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How could you possibly ascertain if the information you are getting is correct in this way? It could all be a deception.

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Yes, it could be....gut feelings?

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I think intuition is given to us humans for a good reason 👍

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I read. Don't watch videos and don't listen to talks in order to make sure I don't get influenced by extraverbal stuff. Everyone is impressionable, although I might be less so.

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Sorry, what I meant by saying "listen to" was to take into consideration the views she has written and expressed. I was imprecise with my language.

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Which part do you disagree with?

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Im going to tell you what I disagree with after you refuse to recognize it and show no interest? Please stop. You can have preps remedies stashed there as a show.I really dont know and dont want to judge. but my feeling is BAD. thats all.

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I don't appreciate generalizations...

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

you go RAY!

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Ray only disputes and destroys. Which has a purpose- albeit limited,

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That is simply not true. I have several articles about facts, preparations, and potential remedies. Please, do not spread lies about me.

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Has she ever shown her scars/ injuries from the long ordeal she went thru? Seems she continued posting articles. I felt odd about her last 2 substack articles . Then remembered there is another Dr w same last name who looks like her- and she works/ on and talks exactly like DR Anas last article. Looks like her too. Dr RADA MIHALCEA. Its up to others to figure this out.

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RAMTHA advises how to prepare for aliens. This is who DR ANA follows.

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Im beginning to think there may b a controlled OP giant PSYOP being UNDERTAK EN here!

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UFO's the nature of reality preparing for contact- understanding ALIEN consciousness , interdimensional mind the FUTURE that AWAITS the 'human" RACE. by RAMTHA whom Dr AM follows. someone else can challenge her. I doubt Ray will help.

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"Based upon teachings by Ramtha the Enlightened One, Dr. Mihalcea presents a new way of assessing molecules of healing according to their light value. She explains the remarkable, scientific documentation of the great American Channel, JZ Knight, as an extraordinary example of how one’s Divine Spirit can manipulate the matter of the physical body."

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She treats damaged red blood cells with infusions for $1,000 a time.

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That was not the topic. Your answer is a diversion. pointless to comment or adresss your substack. You will get no where except the dud of exhaustion.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023Author

Her Healing methods WERE the topic. You talk about aliens, however, which was not. It is actually YOU who is planting diversions... Trying to discredit me with generalizations and straw-man arguments is not welcome, either. You have been warned.

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Some wanted to explore topics. But IVe heard you. conversation ended. for me.

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VERY WEIRD. Look up Dr RADA MIHALCEA her photo/ and work.

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I’m on record saying no exit except war.

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How about a fake war with some casualties on TV and a few false flags? That would be enough to introduce martial law, which will be the end of the appearance of the Republic.

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https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/israel-nuclear-wildcard-dangerous-road-armageddon-macgregor. Just sayin' my friend that only do not expect good outcome from left hemisphere thinking. Dr. Iain McGilchrist argues that many of the problems our society faces stem from the fact that the left hemisphere of our brains has come to dominate our minds and lives. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/neuroscientist-argues-the-left-side-of-our-brains-have-taken-over-our-minds-1.6219688

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A few reasons why real war is superior is because of how many dead are coming from injections. Another is global debt. Still another is the change to Chinese rule requires it.

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War is a game that fake war enhances. No need for many wars but there they are. Israel may decide that they win with a neutron bomb. Allegedly used once in Yemen and no objections. Possible use by USA in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Collapse of West. Debt is the reason for Reset. One reason. War is a great excuse for the world to have to move to Totalitarian order. Some fakery sure, but tactical Atomics as well as Chemical Biological weapons as well. World War 2 was fake and real also. If Russia had Poland and Hungary and Bavaria in 1920 the West would be Soviet.

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War is an excuse, but there is no need for it. Nuclear is completely out of the question. Biological is already used on populations. :)

Russia gave up the Baltic republics. They cost too much and offered little in return.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023Author

They can kill anyone anytime in many more ways than the injections without the destruction of war. Debt will make no difference after the global economic collapse. Not sure what you mean by Chinese rule, unless the Chinese "peacekeepers" after the food riots start.

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I'm on record saying that if We get the free energy tech out from black projects (which I KNOW is there), We can strip Them of Their single tool to power, making Them just as powerful and You and Me, We can avoid war...

Why Free Energy Technology Is Suppressed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-free-energy-technology-is-suppressed

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I’m doubtful that the tech will be released until after the Terran Soviet era. Twenty years

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Let it blow. Tech inventions are locked up or inventors killed. The paradise is not for slime mold mankind but for WEF things.

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Oh, and in about 20 years... The sun will micronova...

Earth Disaster is Coming | ALL The Evidence (17 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j635Cv2aOlA

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I aim for building Our own devices, and in My video below I offer what I know of one such tech My father worked on as an aerospace engineer. I would be all over experimenting and all Myself if I was not elderly, disabled, denied assistance, lost everything, destitute and technically homeless (and targeted).

All I can do is offer what I know and allow Others with the wherewithal to do the experiments, and offer the successes freely and without patent (the patent process alerts Them and They will buy it out and bury it, and if there is no sale, set inventors up for blackmail, threaten, ruin, and kill Them.

Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether (9 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Targeted Individual (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/targeted-individual

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If this comes off confrontational my apologies. Just don't read it.

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no i dont mean you i meant my thoughts!

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The Nuremberg trials were a farce. It makes me cringe every time I hear one of the MFM call for Nuremberg 2.0! Sure some Nazis were sacrificed to please the sheeple, and we were given a nice Nuremberg Code (which the US disregards anyways), but the original trials did nothing but push a skewed version of WWII.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023Author

Even the concept of a "Nazi" has been fabricated:




I have a hard time taking any "author" seriously who is still using the term...

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Thanks! You have so many great articles that it’s hard to find the ones that I am extra interested in (like these). I also want to thank you for linking to a Donald Jeffries substack - I’m really enjoying his work too.

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Thank you. What are your favorites at Jeffries?

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So far my favorite article is “America First but Israel Firstest” (which is the one you cross-posted) but I have not yet been disappointed by anything of his so far.

Similar to Jeffries but further out-there is Henry Makow https://henrymakow.com/archives.html have you read any of his work?

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Sorry for typos ABD MT is supposed to be "And my" blood is dark dark red.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Furthermore her article said the colleagues blood was stored in a syringe but in the video the blood is being poured from a breaker. ABD MT blood was dark dark red not syrupy light red


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