I have seen websites destroyed by being swamped by lengthy and irrelevant comments, so IF YOU WANT THIS SITE TO LAST, please, consider the following.

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I guess, it is because my time is limited, I haven’t done it, but people are coming up with several good topics that I must start separately in order to keep discussions on the subject. Swamping a comment section with irrelevant comments, no matter how interesting they are, deters good commenters, and eventually readers, in the long run.

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Thank you on Italy post.

I used to go a couple times a year.

Have friends there.

I personally am too scared to go.

Trapped because of no vax.

It might be fine now, but in a flash it could change.

Also, how many of the little businesses we loved to visit are shuttered ? Heartbreaking.

They were recovering from the propaganda crash in ‘08.

Salvani, he seemed to be a pro Italy guy.

He shut down the immigration, at least noticeably different in Rome.

Cleaner, safer, not being harassed by carved elephant hockers.

Thank you for your newsletter

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You seem to have thought it over and made the right decision.

Italy has gone through different phases towards implementing the WEF's agenda. It has been one of the most brutal places for enforcing the lethal injections, installing 5G towers right after they had been installed in Wuhan, and enforcing counter-measures against "racists," who wanted the culture to persevere...

Thank you for your appreciation. :)

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Nobody wants to be right about any of this.

The brainwashed, like my friend, can’t understand why I hesitate to go to Italy or Europe.

Thinks I’m exaggerating my concerns

Of course he’s 4 Xs vaxed.

Sees no problem in any of this insanity.

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Flying anywhere is risky for the reason you said. Even driving has its risks, because artificial riots can start up anytime anywhere. Metropolitan areas are the worst, but locations are not guaranteed.

A cruel form a natural selection to play Russian roulette with the injections. I just make sure I avoid the freshly-injected for at least a couple of weeks, because I got extremely sick two years ago, when one of them simply breathed on me...

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I hate going to California for the reason you stated.

I’m hiding out in another State.

My 92 yr old mother m is in California.

As well as my residence….

So I have to spend time there with Dictator Newsom at whim.

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Lucky for her, she was not close to a "doctor" or a "nursing" facility... Can she travel and stay with you? You can perhaps sell your place in CA... Many people have fled and the exodus is not over.

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Actually, she is in a really nice nursing home.

She has refused the vax.

The only one in the whole place, apparently.

She’s tested positive, had to isolate.

They tried to scare her.

I kept reminding her, mom, if you’re not sick, you’re not sick.

I can’t care for her.

I did take care of my dad. Till he passed.

My mom has too many medical issues for me to handle.

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My husband went on a Golf Trip with vaxed buddies in 2021.

Came back and was destroyed by “Vax induced Covid”

He had a 2 foot blood clot in his leg.

Was so sick.

Thank God we both paid attention.

Nebulizer, Inhaler, Horse Paste literally.

I was sick also, not like him though.

We were not going to the hospital no matter what.

His brother was murdered in one earlier in the year.

He walked in w pneumonia, called it Covid.

Fauci protocol. Dead from organ failure. Again, deemed it Covid.

Of course no one would listen to us, we weren’t Drs ….

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I'm sure Italy was pretty close. Hospitals are death factories, anyway, just like modern "healthcare."

"Doctors" are clogs in the machine:


or hired killers:


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Perhaps in latin, meloni is plural for melons, the current flavour in marketed political fruit loops, leaders approved for office by bottom trawling media..

The Italian ‘meloni’ was/is a Great actress, talented, with her ‘lines’ carefully and well rehearsed. I was taken in, foolishly. A prime example that there is No limit to the mendacity of this market in ‘talent’ for willing political actors. ..

Wow, this is sad for Italy.

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Bravo! Bravo!

Better to awake a little late, than to never wake up at all.

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Apparently, in the last 30 or more years, the globalists have been grooming kidnapped children to become various actors in the worldwide theater: some of them become actors, others "artists," politicians, "scientists," and the less lucky sex slaves, organ donors, or adrenochrome sources...

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Good topic for an article Ray, because the industry is ripe with all of the filth that most have come to love and adore.

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Most of this stuff cannot be proven and I don't want to be established as a "conspiracy theorist," but quoting various sources and leaving it up to the reader would be doable.

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Maybe Politicians too?

Gavin, Trudeau ? Come to mind.

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Absolutely! WEF- groomed.

By Herr Klaus Vader his self, I gleaned straight from the horse's mouth, on the WEF forum.

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Who knows? It's so easy to forge papers retroactively... Even Obama's birth certificate and life story remains unclear.

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I think the ‘art’ of this grooming might be less overt, and more proximal than you assert. Mentoring, coaching, cultural enticement into the hallowed halls of fame and wealth is ‘kidnapping’ by false desire, using an easy artful disingenuous ‘marketing’ industry. No limits apply here. The acolytes are not in short supply. Politicians a plenty and in perpetuity.

The pure form of Identity politics.

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Absolutely, but for some roles, grooming is necessary, because there wouldn't be any volunteers.

Who would, for instance, like to trade places with Turdeau? A narcissistic psychopath (I don' like the term, but it readily applies here)? Maybe, there is a strong supply of those, too.

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Yes. So the cult of ‘groomers’ is something to behold..An authentic Ghandi or Mother Teresa won’t get a look in..the ‘narcissistic psychopath’ imho is the required profile for such political compliance. The intrusive objectionable personality profiling done by recruitment agencies, has, no doubt, provided private info to ‘others’.

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Yes Bravo. I have been following prophecy (selectively) for some time. It's important to note that quite a number of them state "do not place your trust in ANY politician inside the current system." "None of them are your savior." I'm paraphrasing here, but that's pretty much the message.

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Thank you. Please, notice that I never press "Like" when someone appreciates my work, but I do find it rewarding. :)

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There may be a few good men and women in politics but the times of a Mr Deed goes to Washington are mostly gone. The system is corrupt across the globe.

The only way to get out of this mess, in my opinion, is anarchy. As in anarchism-capitalism aka free market economies based on morality. As in no government. And certainly no macro-governing as in who WEF UN and eu. The more local the better as people decide best what is in their own neighborhood. Want an oil refinery? With jobs and money? Or abstain and go for fewer jobs.

Though even with local voting on local policies - there’s The Demon in democracy. For me the demon comes in lobbyists’ clothing.

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Key word "MAY". I can't buy it.

"There's no Gov'ment, like NO Gov'ment."

"Live free, or Die."

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I personally think that lobbying is a red herring. Politicians are usually owned (look at the last vote on the "budget" or the "Ukraine aid" packages) before they get "elected."

Democracy, at its best, is the rule of the mob (according to Aristotle in Politics, who considers it the "most despicable form of government," which is why the Constitution included "natural" rights) and, at its worst, a playing field for the rich for unlimited corruption. I don't think I have to say which one it is by now.

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Anarchy is an understatement for what is inevitably coming. The question is, how and when it's going to arrive:


What's coming soon?


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How do you know who your subscribers are precisely?

As for bringinh in new readers, I can't convince most of my previous friends of what is going on even at the superficial level. What chances do I have to bring someone to your stack. I am glad that some are watching Bret Weinstein, Russell Brand or John Campbell 😂

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"I am glad that some are watching Bret Weinstein, Russell Brand or John Campbell 😂"

I hear you. This is rather pathetic to have to watch.

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Jo, yes they are gatekeepers but for someone just starting down a rabbit hole, there are some truths, so it's a start to their awakening. I'm a newbie and it does take a good while to sort out who is who and there's an abundence of these people.

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Has Bret started to entertain the idea that there's no such thing as a virus or is he still keen to push us to go to war with China?

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It's an estimate; e-mail addresses, for one, are giveaways, but there are more, which I prefer not to discuss.

You cannot fix stupid, which is why I am convinced that my site is for the three percent of the three percent. :)

Moreover, I don't care to convince anyone. If my readers make up their minds and take responsibility for their decisions, I have achieved my objective (by informing, entertaining, and inspiring).

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Campbell the clown who took >2 years to come around?

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Yes a few like that now hailed as heros. I entirely disagree.

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Be very careful whom you choose to follow.

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People who cannot think and stand up for themselves, need "heroes." There was an English movie (Reign of Fire) about dragons occupying the Earth, and an American soldier shows up from Kentucky with his troops (dragon killers) and says to the people, who celebrate the death of a dragon after two of the Kentuckian's men died in the killing, "Pity the ones, who need heroes." Or something like that.

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“Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.” – Albert Pike 33 Degree Mason

It’s hard to trust anyone!

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Ahh- another that is hip to the snake who's coils still tighten, even in death.

Look out and mark your calendars for 3/3/twenty twenty 3- a big day for the manipulators.

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That was a good read and laugh! Thank you!

I always tell my husband we are living in the Truman show and we are constantly being mad fun of. He isn’t quite there with how I see things, but close.

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Only 100,000? Italy is lucky. We’ve had over June 2020 the uk accepted 247,000. Our migrant approval rate is three times of scantily occupied France. Guess they’re hoping to make British number 1. As in highest population density per square foot in Europe.

What we’ve also opened our doors to is any rich Hong Kongers and Ukrainians that want to invest I mean settle here. And they’ve made it easier for Ukrainians to cone unlike before when it was east for the Ukrainian oligarchy (to replace our Russian ones we confiscated their property from) and their young via Epstein/Clinton type transport arrangements v

Now they say the property market might crash? Think again. House building 300,000 per annum. Immigration at over 500,000. They’ll all need to be houses somewhere. As for visitors to our shores, no room at the inns. They’re housing our illegal migrants.

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U$ well over 4million in 22, but ya know we are the Melting Pot...

The U$ leads again! So proud!

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How sad.

USA is doing huge replacement invasion too.

Communist Color Revolution in full charge.

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Except it's eugenicist globalist technocrats, which is anything but "communist." The ideology of "communism" was to prevent exploitation by eliminating private companies (banks etc.) through government ownership. The technocrats don't want to keep anyone alive who are deemed disposable, because they don't perform their function efficiently (or not at all).

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Practically I don't think that there was any difference between corporate and communist control, by technocrats both with a peasant class below.

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The means to the end has always been the same. As Mao put it, "power lies in the barrel of the gun."

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And riches of course. Someone was asking why the poor stayed poor yesterday. The answer is that if they want riches then they have to take them by the method that you've mentioned.

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Thank you for the clarification 👍🏽

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Sorry, I had to make it a bit more clear about whose ownership, so at this point it is hopefully clear.

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The space is running out. A few days ago, in El Paso, TX, citizens, border guards, national guard members, and (I'm not sure) police installed razor wire and stood behind it with their weapons ready.

The invaders backed out.

Strange; when the whole invasion of Europe started in 2014 after Gaddafi was removed as an obstacle (well, it's his idea of a gold-based African currency certainly did him in) from the migrant routes, I was alone with the "cruel" idea that invaders must be met according to their intent. At this point, they will out-breed Europeans, most of whom have lost their culture and their direction. Islam, on the other hand, never does that:


I'm wondering how much longer The British people can put up with the current design of their enslavement. Americans have had more than enough. Blacks were the least injected race and they didn't swallow the bait of race-baiting. They are now supporting their alliance with WHITE Americans!

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I'm afraid the Brits appear as skewered as the rest of the commonwealth (for the plethora of reasons you well know, up to and including the COVID policies and killing clot shots), notably Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Perhaps we should consider these as part of a larger cultural Anglosphere that also includes the US? The US Declaration of Independence, its Constitution and its separation of powers arguably improved on and built upon all that went before, to Magna Carta. The bedrock of the Anglosphere was once the idea of the sanctity of the person, individual liberty and bodily sovereignty, and it guarded explicitly (or used to) against tyranny of the State. These ideas were culturally established and ingrained for nearly a millennia. Do they represent or are they perceived to be a shoal upon which the globalists may flounder?

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The reason that the States has a constitution is in my view related to the tyranny that came before the 18th C in England. Star Chamber, Cromwell etc etc.

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The Articles of Confederation are certainly the way to go.

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Justin “drama teacher” Trudeau. Dictator of Chinada.

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Oh, yes. Apologies, you misspelled the sock puppet's name: it's Turdeau. :)

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Rise and be recognized, Sir Ferguson! :)

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Full name: “Emperor Justin Turdeau Castro”

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As a matter of fact I took out a subscription with Ray's Newsletter bcs the other substacks were beginning to feel like cosy little pubs. That's not the 'feel' of the times we live in. I'd rather stay wide awake.

Oops, forgot to answer your question. I have vowed never to vote again. They have betrayed us at all levels. Will that do?

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And I can hardly read any of them anymore; they are boring, repetitive at best and misleading and lying at worst.

Not voting sounds good; you are not giving your consent to the facade.

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Yeah, it felt like being lulled to sleep. I shall have to cancel them all.

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There are only a few good sites left. You might want to consider keeping those. :)

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I wouldn't know which are the good ones. I have enjoyed the ones I read for a time and learnt a few things too (about the USA). Guess I needed some company in these hard times. But a substack (funny word, can't make it out) must keep me alert. I am given to dreaming as it is.

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It depends on your interest. Tried to look at your subsciptions a minute ago, but only found two paid subsciptions.

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Tess L., Steve K. Igor Ch., Naomi W.

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The true part of that meme is worth considering ...as well as what it leaves out.

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