Pascal Najadi claims that his late father founded WEF with Klaus Schwab but later left the organization because Schwab became too dominant and evil

Najadi ‘s channel:


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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I completely see the logic in everything you write here, but sir, respectfully, what ARE we to do if not protest?!

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Ok, I imagine it's too little too late.

But I will not dispare. We must not dispare.

And, because of various clairvoyant's predictions throughout the centuries, I believe that this is something humanity will go through, however, it will not be the end of humanity. There is an intervention coming.

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Only those despair, who have no faith in something that is greater than their lives. :)

Hope can feed on faith/trust, but it doesn't work the other way around:


Only weaponized hope precedes faith/trust:


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Imagine! (mit Klaus zingin' !) -- gotta laugh while the "zun" is still up in the sky ('fore Mister Bill blots it out!)


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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

That one is hilarious. Another personal favorite is MRNA by the Pillage People ( Tedros, Klaus, Bill, Fauci, Trudeau)

Very clever musical parodies by BOATRAWKER!

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Author

Daisy has a fantastic sense of humor. :)

The video is also becoming a fave for many.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Good Post Ray, there is a twist it seems to the Dutch farmer party, I have not confirmed this yet myself though:

“The Dutch Farmers voted for BBB, not knowing their marketing and PR campaignes were funded by Bayer/Monsanto thru ReMarkable. ReMarkable started the BBB party.”

https://twitter.com/hodlbois/status/1637732623958122496 // https://archive.is/r09Gj

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Also, there are six Kennedys among the WEf graduates:


I'm not sure who is who among them, but I haven't been enchanted by RFK, Jr's activities since 2020. He reminds me of Steve Kirsch in many ways, but he is allowed to do more than Mercola...

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

And, unfortunately for the useful idiots now being used by TPTB, when all is said and done, there won't be enough resources to take care of them, either, only enough to sustain the "elites" who are making this happen. But those useful idiots won't see the train coming until it's about to crush them under the same wheels that crushed the rest of humanity. Can't you see them now, begging for scraps from the "elites's" table, pleading that they had done their jobs as requested, only now to be tossed onto the tracks like last week's trash? So sad.

I think you are right, too, when you say that those who try to live in autonomous enclaves will be hunted down and destroyed, and there won't be enough wild game to feed us all in the end, either. I often am chided for being pessimistic and predicting a dismal end to humanity, but it is beyond difficult, if not impossible, to picture a different scenario. These miscreants have managed to infiltrate every institution, in force, that they need to effect the plan. It took them decades to get where they are, and they now believe they have all the right pieces in the right places to push the button. That's why things are happening now, at breakneck speed. As the Trilateral Commission declared the other day, 2023 is Year One of the New World Order. Don't believe that was an empty boast.

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Yes, the enablers and the enforcers will be replaced by AI and robots and will be lined up on the path to the slaughterhouse after their dirty job is done. They will be told they will go on vacation.

It does look like the large-scale culling is about to begin:


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It is exceedingly depressing that we haven't outlawed anyone from holding any office at all if they are A WEFer graduate.

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Where is the "we" with the power to enforce anything like that?...

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They are a poor excuse for us to hate instead of Communists but they will do in a pinch.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The END GAME of Communism has always been a One World global government into which each individual nation state is dissolved. Back in 1989 when the "death" of communism was announced with great fanfare at the breakup of the Soviet Union, I was sure that communism was merely morphing into its next stage on its way to its final goal of world wide government. Also well described in Biblical prophecy. The God they rejected, the CREATOR and SUSTAINER , will have the Last Word. Sure enough.....

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Wow, in 1989 (Hungary opened its borders to German refugees to the west), you were a LOT smarter than I was at the time. I only noticed the systemic collapse that is not turning global.

I keep admiring the Creator's patience, because everything people have been doing in history makes the future totally predictable. Of course, the question is, what's the point? If creation is out of Love in order to share it with the created, it all makes sense.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023Author

I thought communists are extinct. :)

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Like many, you were taken in by all the false propaganda alleging, announcing and hyping the Death of Communism relative to the breakup of the Soviet Union....

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Let me make it clear.

I consider "communist" a cuss word without any definitive meaning. Edwin knows that. :)

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The only way to really be prepared is have an off grid sanctuary thats 100% self sustaining. Micro hydro I’ve found is the best source of continuous power thus you need to have a year long flowing stream nearby. That too requires electronics and battery systems so can be targeted with electromagnetic pulse weapons. We have a few solar panels just in case. Ours abuts thousand of acres of remote state and federal lands that I prey they neglect for a good long time. Enough game meat to live 10 lifetimes. The problem is determining the right time to bug out as it’s 5 hours from home base. Also looking into buying a few yurts now for a friends to hunker down in. Hopefully it will remain a vacation spot only but something is coming and I’m not counting on it.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023Author

Parallel economies will definitely form after the CBDC, but they will be tracked. Expect satellites to send in drones after infrared signals of more than 2-3 humans in one place, probably including large dogs. A stream is good, but only as long as the water is clean, and too many corpses in an area poisons the water (most "plagues" were due to such poisonings, but there were other reasons, too). Rainwater is unsafe because of the nanoparticles and all kinds of other nasties in it from chemtrails. Solar doesn't last and even if it does, it rarely provides enough power without attracting attention from looters. The batteries are an even bigger problem, because they last even less. Game will be hunted down by those fleeing the cities, and people will probably start killing each other for a can of tuna, too.

Still, if your place is far enough from populated areas and large enough to keep you alive, you might get lucky (I cannot speak for areal poisonings from chemtrails).

The strategy must depend on the environment. Even in most rural places, it might be best to wait until people kill each other for a can of soup, but it's unclear what's best, because looters can arrive even on FEMA buses (not that the original buses would be any better), and people will be well armed for a few months.

Learning to live in the wilderness is definitely the way to go.

I am expecting an overall attack on the people at the beginning of a winter. It's strange it hasn't been started yet.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I am listening to Celeste Solum ‘s videos about the depopulation agenda, FEMA concentration camps etc.


Also Dr Rima Laibow and the final culling of useless eaters:


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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Watch out huntin' DEER--they're injectin' 'em with the covoid clot shots now -- ostensibly cuz White Tailed Deer all have Omicron (Oh-Micron!) but no doubt it's just ta spoil the meat fer hunters... an' "spoil the hunters!" (too many that hunt are patriots /libertarians, on the "right"--whatever...but unjabbed...so they'll git 'em where they eat!)--not jokin' -- I believe in NY State 100,000 deer got injected an' tagged... not sure if they're tryin' this in other states but that means N-Aahhh Wilderness!

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Can you write a post about that, please? It was your find and it is extremely important...

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Hi Ray, jus' seein' this--so I mebbe kin write a post but it's a deep dive an' I've got much on my plate so INSTEAD I'm gonna give you a passle've links addressin' just a piece of the nightmare they are creatin' fer us--it covers injectin' a) domestic pets b) farm animals (food!), and c) wild animals (deer!). I'll add--in some places (Chynnnna!) they actually pet killed dogs, cats and HAMSTERS (?!) b/c "covid" an' no doubt have planted the same seeds right HERE in the USA. Also, gettin' folks AFRAID of their "watch dogs" would be some trick, right? (Also the love we give n' git from our furry n' feathered friends they wanna crush, right? cuz that's crushin' to human-itty!) I cannot fer the life of me find the article I read about the Staten Island deer they injected but below are a BOATLOAD of stories about all the covid-possy-tiv deer nay-shun-wide (cuz if folks 'r scared to approach or eat the deer--bingo!--nobody kin fend fer themselves feedin' their famblies on 'em). The fear mongerin' varies so I included MANY examples includin' souped up ones talkin' bout how we humanz gave deer the 'rona an' they'll morph it and pass it on back to us WORSE. OH and I fergot them zoo animals... Let's kill 'em all with jabs and git folks n' kids afraid to see 'em--no more zoos (note: certainly I'm not fer the old setups with cramped cages an' no proper habby-tats but today's zoos are very much like luxury hotels fer them critters--ache-er-ridge! prey fer them that need it! waterin' holes vs "cement ponds" an' so much more! but I digress...)

HERE are a TON of links--fer all the thirsty human critters that wanna know more!

(an' this is just the tip of the fear ice-BORG!)

INJECTING LIVESTOCK, PETS, WILD ANIMALS--and TESTING and DART-INJECTING WILD ANIMALS (eeeek!) and puttin' FEAR in the HEARTS of HUNTERS that the deer meat they'll eat is TAINTED (fear in the hearts of fearful humans that their farm animals should be culled 'fore they the animals spread the deadly virus to them (!) and they must not touch or kiss or pat their pets b/c covid)...etc etc











*vaxxxine darts can be aimed at human beans just as easily
















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That's extremely important, and I somehow forgot... The plan also includes injecting all domestic animals.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The wild herd of cattle they tried to exterminate (did they eventually?) in the Gila Desert of New Mexico comes to mind.

Here, at minute 22:40 -


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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yes, the penalty for stupid is extinction. Just don’t appreciate being caught in the fall out of all the angles of attack

which you’ve exhaustively named. Is it check mate? Probably - but possibly not- in the quickly approaching time of chaos that will engulf humanity, there will be a points in time just before the totality of the digital control plan is ha! Comfortably in place to appease the controllers quest for certainty…

Boom-God’s nature and creation are quite strong- boom -

Pressure tends to exponentially increase human ingenuity and creative doings- There is a small opening for the possibility of a beautiful upgrade in being and thinking.

Pipe dream? Perhaps, but I must continue to learn and do my best .

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Yes, I also feel I've been caught up in an avalanche of cr*p.

Yes, one must do what is possible, and it might lead to an evolved species that can evade extinction...

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Someone pointed out the new Dutch party is BBB. Hmmm.

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Whatever it is, I'm not going to hold my breath. It would be a miracle, if it succeeded. It's probably only a pacifier for suckers...

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I wish I could disagree with what you have written but I can't. Eventually this nightmare will end but not for several years.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Good picture of the WEF-ers and such. Hard for people to imagine such a diabolical and complex plot to own us across the world. Especially the fact that all of our world leaders across the political spectrum are involved. And not just national but very very local involvement. The involvement of our press corporations, medical institutions, pharmaceutical, digital, banking, insurance and more. Our city, state, and county governments. School boards. And then there is the YMCA, American Red Cross, World Wildlife Fund, etc.

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Oh, dear... You might want to write about what's been left out; I'm exhausted. :)

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There’s a never ending supply of what’s left unfortunately. The gift that keeps on giving. Not planning to write about them again for awhile, lol.

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