Aiming at Occupying the World: "Young Global Leaders" in Action
Some things speak for themselves, but let me give them more voice.
Who are the “Young Global Leaders”?
According to Wikipedia (this time, telling the truth),
Klaus Martin Schwab (German: [klaʊs ˈmaʁtiːn ʃvaːp]; born 30 March 1938) is a German engineer, economist and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF). He has acted as the WEF's chairman since founding the organisation in 1971.
He is the promoter of the “Great Reset” that will concentrate all legal and monetary control under the aegis of a “world government,” preferably by 2030, while eliminating up to 95% of the Earth’s inhabitants:
Klaus started training WEF agents under 40 in 1992, but since Angela Merkel had to be admitted at 43 and a half, the age limit has been raised to 44. In the program, select people are groomed to occupy positions from which they can influence or even determine the outcomes of politics, scientific research and implementation, the money flow, public opinion, and their decisions can determine the difference between life and death for billions. Of course, the living standards of those allowed to survive will still be heavily affected.
You can peruse the following excellent article for more details and for the long list of “Young Global Leaders” up to 2022 at your convenience:
Notice that in 2005, a major expansion of the project occurred; you can check it out in the link. As for the reason, your guess is as good as mine, but I assume, it may have had something to do with the coordinated invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. In 2014, when the invasion of Europe started, also significant numbers graduated, suggesting that everything had been planned, although the destruction of Libya that opened up the route to Europe from Africa, was also due to Gaddafi’s idea of becoming independent from the global banking cabal by issuing a gold-based African currency.
You can even take a look at some of the enablers, enforcers, and implementers of the project back until 2018 at
As far as I’m concerned, I can’t stand the stupid faces and the fake, conceited smiles of the freaks, but you might have a better stomach.
The deployments of “Young Global Leaders” immediately give away the globalist plan
By taking a look at the countries in which the graduates are deployed, you can easily find out which countries are certainly parts of the project.
The training specializes on various activities, spewing out specific types of agents and activists for the WEF. The following link goes back only to 2018, but it clarifies the types of grooming (“sectors”):
The “sectors,” with pretty obvious roles for the players, are:
Academia/Think-tank, Arts, culture and sports, Business, Civil society, Media, Public figure, and Social entrepreneur.
While China is on the list, Russia, somehow, missing. Putin is doing a good job at cooperating with the WEF planners, and there are plenty of names from Russia on the list from plebeianresistance .
If you take a look at Klaus Schwab’s latest graduates, you find politicians, bankers, climate and mind control technology researchers, NGO activists, healthcare decision-makers, news agency representatives, and a number of people from all the declared categories1.
Politicians are sometimes promoted into becoming presidents or prime ministers (e.g. Macron, Turdo, Merkel). Putin is not a graduate, but he has been in close contact in a cordial relationship with Klaus since 1992, shortly after he first appeared on the political stage as chairman of St. Petersburg’s External Relations Committee2, while some youngsters are planted in legislative bodies in participating countries, possibly in order to make direct contact with their colleagues and warn them that bad things could happen to them, if they disobeyed.
Bankers are installed in positions from which they can promote and safeguard the progress towards CBDC. In 2023, a remarkable number of banking graduates came from Switzerland and, incidentally, this is the year of the Credit Suisse crisis3, too. Globalist bankers have been controlling the worldwide money flow for decades, which gives them enough leverage to control governments, healthcare, research & development, the food supply, telecommunications, technological installations, natural catastrophes, and the weather. Banks can go bankrupt and depositors are only giving them unsecured loans (of which most people are unaware), and bailing out depositors of the Hollywood First National Bank4 only accelerates the destruction of the USD, while forcing the taxpayer into more debts, because the private bank, the Federal Reserve, issues money only as a loan at an interest to the taxpayer, while lavishly distributing it among its allies.
Energy crisis was also artificially created all over the world5, which makes people dependent on government assistance in exchange for compliance.
The demolition of the food supply with climate engineering, “accidents,” the invented “bird flu,” and the burning down of about 200 food processing/packing plants in two years is nothing new to my readers, and the Dutch farmers’ crisis has been going on for a while, and the ruse is used either to raise health concerns or to enforce the fraudulent “climate change” agenda.
As climate change is an essential tool for introducing carbon credit in CBDCs as a method and excuse for the total control of every single person on the Planet6, pushing it on the people must be done by people promoted into power. The Crown Prince of the Netherlands happens to hold the office of a governmental "Climate Envoy."
Climate manipulation, mind control, healthcare, and robotics are also indispensable parts of the globalist project.
Examples of recent and current events
The peaceful trucker protest was mercilessly terminated (which resembled what happened to Occupy Wall Street in the US), but the globalists gave away that they can freeze people’s bank accounts and imprison antagonists without a trial (the same happened in the US after the Jan6 protests; since the “Patriot” Act, as soon as you can be held on a trumped-up t*ist charge, they can hold you indefinitely).
A snap election was called in August 2021. Citizens answered the call, but the election was rigged (sounds familiar for Americans, too?).
Many cried wolf, initiating a review of this event.
Instead of appointing an “independent body” (does anything like that exist?) to look into the controversy, Turdo assigned a family friend to determine the scope and nature of the investigation:
He has proven to be an obedient servant of his globalist masters.
Who is he?
The Netherlands
I addressed the problem on July 8, 2022 first:
Nine days later, I added a few things:
Since then, the Dutch farmers have united, refusing to accept the government’s orders to give up their livelihood.
They recognized, if their farms and animals were liquidated, the people would be forced to rely on the government, which would mean feeding on critters that normally would not constitute human diet7.
Learning from the truckers’ lot in Canada, they founded a new party to represent the agricultural sector, which sounds like a miracle, considering recent elections worldwide. They gathered enough momentum to grab seats in the Senate:
Watching the story unfold… Can they stop Agenda 2030?
In the US, presidential edicts have been used to circumvent Congress, with FDR taking the lead:
Congress probably would have passed anything it would have been told to pass, anyway, but edicts are faster. By March, 2023, the puppet Bidet had signed 108 “executive actions,” after Obama's 2768. Moreover, the current declaration of emergency that has been enacted three years ago is still valid, and it gives the usurpers virtually unlimited power as long as they have enforcers to do their bidding.
Recently, the French president (another “Young Global Leader” and a Rothschild banking associate) signed into law without parliamentary approval that the retirement age was to be raised from 62 to 64 by 2030 despite mass protests, which I am finding stunning, because by 2030, only a few will live to be 62, if the WEF agenda succeeds, and there is not much around to counterindicate the prediction. Sometimes, I wonder if this opposition is not led by the globalists themselves in order to divert attention from the CBDC, the medical tyranny, the soon-to-be-realized 15-minute cities9, the upcoming food and energy shortages, 5G as a Directed Energy Weapon10, nanoparticles in the air, food, and water, possibly a WW3 or an alien attack on TV, and another manufactured plandemic that will mandate countless more lethal injections called “vaccines.” Distraction works, because the longer people are waiting, the tighter the noose becomes.
From the very beginning, about a million citizens protested, mostly mobilized by trade unions. People have been swinging, loudly voicing their disagreement, burning garbage, and clashing with the police; in short, having some fun for a change. Many are out on strike, which further hampers the economy. They also block access to schools (finally, that sounds like good news) and transportation, and the latter makes it hard to make even critical deliveries. In short, they are hurting themselves and speeding up the destruction of their country, while there is hardly any chance that they will achieve anything, and even the few scraps they might receive, are likely to be temporary.
Macron used Article 49.3 in March 2023, when he pushed through the pension reform package. Opposition lawmakers responded by submitting no-confidence motions against the government. This motion received 278 votes, falling nine votes short to force Macron to replace his cabinet or dissolve the National Assembly and call for a snap election. Missing the votes meant the pension reform bill became law. That is another story about voting, which reminds me of the failure to recall the criminal Newsom in September, 2021. He is still sitting in the governor’s seat in the state of California.
The people of France are on the streets across the nation.
Apparently, dozens of protesters have been already killed or disappeared. Heavily-armed “police” are bludgeoning unarmed people. Well, some of those people are lighting fires in the street, but that was not considered a criminal act by the media and by prosecutors in the US during the summer riots of 2020, as long as paid and freshly-released criminals were setting stores on fire in order to create racial divisions and existential insecurity11.
Who is Macron?
The problem with protests
Protests chronically achieve nothing, except for generating lists of the non-compliant for the “authorities”:
Infiltrators and paid agents can also start violence, which gives the “authorities” the right to use brute force.
The economic disruption caused by strikes can also be blamed for later shortages of food, energy, and even water. “Pandemic” policies successfully prevented mass demonstrations for a while, and when they did not, my heart shrank at the site of all the muzzled faces in the crowd…
There is no guesswork here; it’s happening
When everything points in the same direction and even the objective is publicly announced, there is little doubt that the implementation of Agenda 2030 is happening. Considering how public poisoning in “accidents” have become commonplace, 5G towers can also be turned up any second, and any of those can imitate a “pandemic” that will entitle “authorities” to introduce further restrictions. After all, the “Green Zones” are already operational and some of them might even be already a bit populated:
Being prepared to a certain extent is possible, but considering that survival bunkers and similar accommodations are sold for five years12, it might be hard to secure food and water for such a long time, while the options for personal protection are also in question. It might be easy not to board a FEMA bus, but that's where the predictable part of the story ends13.
The movie industry has been faithfully serving the globalists for several years, hiding codes in movies:
The job for sports, arts, and pop “celebrities” is likely to appear in public and support the WEF’s declarations. NGOs are always useful to destabilize a country’s traditional cultural values.
This is part of the controlled demolition of national currencies and, eventually, will lead to a stock market collapse as well, giving the green light to new fiat currencies, the CBDCs:
As of March 15, 2023, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 108 executive orders, 129 presidential memoranda, 391 proclamations, and 80 notices. Each of these presidential documents is different in authority and implementation.
Only in California, 35 thousand prisoners enjoyed “early release” as part of the program, and they were bused around in the country to wreak havoc.
In August, 2022, I already compiled a shortlist of predictable events:
And, unfortunately for the useful idiots now being used by TPTB, when all is said and done, there won't be enough resources to take care of them, either, only enough to sustain the "elites" who are making this happen. But those useful idiots won't see the train coming until it's about to crush them under the same wheels that crushed the rest of humanity. Can't you see them now, begging for scraps from the "elites's" table, pleading that they had done their jobs as requested, only now to be tossed onto the tracks like last week's trash? So sad.
I think you are right, too, when you say that those who try to live in autonomous enclaves will be hunted down and destroyed, and there won't be enough wild game to feed us all in the end, either. I often am chided for being pessimistic and predicting a dismal end to humanity, but it is beyond difficult, if not impossible, to picture a different scenario. These miscreants have managed to infiltrate every institution, in force, that they need to effect the plan. It took them decades to get where they are, and they now believe they have all the right pieces in the right places to push the button. That's why things are happening now, at breakneck speed. As the Trilateral Commission declared the other day, 2023 is Year One of the New World Order. Don't believe that was an empty boast.
Good picture of the WEF-ers and such. Hard for people to imagine such a diabolical and complex plot to own us across the world. Especially the fact that all of our world leaders across the political spectrum are involved. And not just national but very very local involvement. The involvement of our press corporations, medical institutions, pharmaceutical, digital, banking, insurance and more. Our city, state, and county governments. School boards. And then there is the YMCA, American Red Cross, World Wildlife Fund, etc.