Comic Relief: SF Police Dressing up like Chicken Supports My Theory of Evolution!
Chicken in, Chicken out
Yes, that’s a cop!
As I previously said it a number of times, the police are no crime-fighters; they simply establish an equilibrium in specific areas and hunt down the competition, which improves their “success rates.” Their job is even harder, because the alphabet-soup agencies are also seem to be carving out a piece of this turkey, especially drugs. Opioid problems skyrocketed after Afghanistan, after all, but suppliers never diminish. Not sure about the $80m hardware left there…
My original article is from November 16, 2022, updated:
Who is the winner?
What about evolution?
Darwin figured that humans must have evolved from a bunch of apes, the apes from monkeys, and I’m not sure what else he had in mind to track the lineage further back; possibly himself. That process became popularized as “natural selection” since he published his Origin of the Species in 1859, suggesting that humans are but “smart” animals, which of course, implies that if something smarter comes up, humans become obsolete. The American philosopher, Herbert Spencer, even applied the theory of natural selection to humans, which became commonly known as the “survival of the fittest,” which is nearly irrelevant these days, when AI can take over for humans:
Psychologists use rats to emulate human behavior (I guess, roaches would be harder to observe, albeit just as appropriate). Apes are a lot more civilized than humans most of the time; although chimp males occasionally kill youngsters, if they tick them off, bonobos peacefully line up to the female with the sole intention of benefiting the race, and male gorillas go only as far as a bluff charge, during which they place their foreheads against each other and wait until one of them has something better to do. Orangutans are peaceful and placid even on photos, but they are a dying breed, going down the way of the Arawak after the Caribs invaded, except the Caribs are now played by “civilized” humans.
So, where do humans come from?
The incessant story of degeneration
When I was trading stamps and coins at grade school, in the fifth grade, one of my classmates’ granddad was a WW1 veteran. His grandson traded his WW1 binoculars for a few trinkets with me, which was not the smartest thing to do, but you cannot fix stupid or, in that case, greed, either. FYI, he never informed his grandpa, who was pretty much like a half-wit by the time, which I didn’t know until it was too late to cancel the transaction… The best memory of the event came from my being able to listen to grandpa’s stories. By then, I was familiar with my mother’s stories from WW2 in Europe, so my conclusion was easy and fast: The great-grandfather generation was ten times tougher than the grandfathers, and the grandfathers were ten times tougher than the parents. I was ten times weaker than my parents, my offspring’s generation was ten times weaker than me, and the grandchildren’s generation goes even lower, possibly because of the long-time poisoning of humanity:
All these details proved beyond doubt, at least to me, that it’s not the fittest who survive, but the most protected:
Chances are, most of them do not even have job, but are either rich heirs to family fortune or they stay lawfully out of work by collecting all kinds of support from all over the place and spend the rest of their time on the TV, on their phones, eating, and copulating, which further multiplies their ranks. The same applies to the ultra-rich, but they tend to inbreed, which effectively defiles their progeny in the same manner as I have noticed among commoners.
What do the protected groups have in common?
The rich want to be richer, because they know that their power lies in their connections and in their assets; the alternative would be to become vulnerable by losing assets, but becoming vulnerable is not an option; they are AFRAID of penury and, for that matter, of becoming law-abiding citizens who are exposed to all kinds of laws that contradict each other to the point that any of the common folks could be tried, sentenced, and incarcerated anytime, should authorities choose to pursue the course:
The freeloading poor are easy to decipher: they simply want to be taken care of. They vote for handouts that they usually do not receive or even deserve, but what the heck. Their crowds are still more than enough to populate the Earth. What are they afraid of? They don’t want to become responsible for their own lives, and they offer their submission or even subservience to the powers that allow them to receive some of the fruits of the stuff that responsible people bring into existence. They will kneel forever, because they are afraid to stand up and lose their “benefits,” especially if the benefits amount to a federal or a state pension from their already overpaid jobs.
Who are humanity’s common ancestors, based on the common denominator?
Lo and behold:
That’s it! You guessed just right: chicken!
Which came first?
The chicken or the hue-man? 😆
Another wonderful compilation of articles Ray, illustrating the dilemma(s), we as humans have gotten ourselves into
Remember, DARWIN's THEORY of evolution is but connect the dots, with little to no scientific PROOF.
ORDER out of CHAOS is but a theory...
A DREAM, an Illusion...
Being consistently touted as FACT. 🤣
Ever find a full sentence 'suddenly' form from alphabet soup?
A full sentence from Monkey's pounding on typewriters?
'Mmmk.' 🤣