Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

RH,'some natural methods can work in specific cases, but I haven’t found reliable documentation on those. They are usually advertised by people who profit from the “cure.”' Yea&nyay, Prof Ray...all the online summits this ol'mechanic has attended-20 of 'em, have a spectrum of speakers- MDs,naturopaths, TCM docs,body workers,aromatherapists etc...The MOST surprising thing is, that majority of them got into traditional healing after spending years or decades of dangerous&ineffective protocols on the Allopathic treadmill/conveyor belt ...So to dismiss them thusly is doing readers a disservice...My pop was a criminal lawyer& you'd see him reading pulp fiction in his old age. 'Why?'

his reply was, that ALL books have something to offer us. [plug ...what have you got to lose?

''Discover 40+ Insights to Get Rid of the Pain, Bloating, and Discomfort at the Reversing Chronic Gut Conditions Summit!''


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Um, actually your statement re "leaky gut" being unsubstantiated is pseudoscience. It has, it is and yes it's a thing.😉

The epithelial layer lining your gut has gap junctions. Think of them as bricks tightly packed together, so as to be seem less. The joining (junction) becomes weakened through exposure to chemical, pesticides (glysophate decimated gap junctions), food additives, toxins, etc. This creates holes in the gaps that get bigger as years and damage continues. Bit like mortar or grout gets damages from scrubbing bathroom walls etc.😉

Hence, leaky gut occurs when more stuff, that should not be getting in to places, like food molecules etc, start to get in between the junctions, into the blood stream etc. You then get all sorts of inflammatory responses from the body and it starts trying to protect itself from itself or the molecules causing the damage.

And H.Pylori, yes it's a microbe everyone has, but much like Candida and many others, if you have an excess growth it will cause damage, in HPs case, it causes ulcers. But likewise, you need it in smaller amounts to keep other microbes in check, among other things. Balance.

There is enough people running around muddying the waters when it comes to understanding gut issues and microbiome- everyone's got religion/opinion on something that is barely understood and a much smaller part of the overall halobiome.

Your work is usually much higher caliber than this Ray.🤔😉

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I'll leave the modern stone age medical mafia to you guys. No drugs, vaccines or mRNA plas-matic nano-particle murder serums for me. There are NO drugs that help you live a healthier life for longer and better than altering and improving your life style. And most doctors are indoctrinated beyond hope. They do not want to do anything or see anything differently other than to burn holes in your body while burning holes in your wallet.

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'Antibiotics, of course, kill off most bacteria, which gives the body a chance to start over and it tends to excel at that.' ...close, but no cigar, alas, Prof Ray... 'A research conducted in the year 2018 found that after one has taken antibiotics it takes about six months for the gut flora to get back to normal levels' [if you're lucky] ...that's 6 mos of a lowered immune system& systemic physiological&mental disruption... then

there's the bad news... http://whale.to/a/report1.html

'Antibiotics can permanently destroy gut flora balance, leading to lifelong illness...Antibiotics: Killing Off Beneficial Bacteria … for Good?'

As well, due to overprescribing & use in cattle,pigs,etc ''Superbugs' Are Surging and So Is Antibiotic Resistance'




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"Homeopathy is a bit different in its applying minuscule amounts of poisons that seem to invigorate immune responses, much in the way blood-letting worked in the Middle Ages."

Ray, homeopathy is so much more than this. It is energy medicine. It works when you receive the correct remedy (made out of plants, animals, or minerals - in effect, diluted until there is nothing left but their energy) something that resonates exactly with who you are and what is ailing you; a remedy that is on the exact same wavelength.

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Just wait, I cannot recall WHO, but a substacker posted his/her/it's WEF/WHO information to share...

Upon listening to a conversation from the site...

There is little to NO interest in Anti-biotics... ( of course)

SO, the lady in charge would like to start a "subscription" service for medical professionals. The more potent/

effective the anti-biotic... the more curative...the more expensive to access...

She was excited... it will be a money generating idea to continue funding for her experiments... she sounds altruistic... and that may be the intent... yet

it sounded


Can you imagine this?

A probiotic... cataloged and newly identified as a curative biotic might be too expensive to give to the patient SO...

Oh well...

The administrator could not think past the way to make a buck for more research...

Without realizing she will be cutting off the potential supply of these products by eventually making them cost prohibitive! 🤣

Walking in to the Hospital, may eventually become a one way ticket... with no re-entry. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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No doubt that the quiet war on humanity includes the war on their gut biome.

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In Chinese medical thought the human is alive, dynamic, well into advanced years. Chi Gong and Tai Chi are also medicinal. Until 2013 I only saw - rarely at that, once or twice since 1987 -Chinese doctors in Chinatown. In 2013 I had health insurance and was getting married. I learned I had a tumor on my Pancreatic tail that made my Diabetic. I opted out of surgery. I remain diabetic. I saw a Korean doctor. He retired that same year. In general in our Western world Caveat Emptor is the byline. Pro-Biotics are good for gut flora. Probiotics have an important role in the maintenance of immunologic equilibrium in the GI tract through direct interaction with immune cells

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Sadly, I ignored my gut feeling about being forced to take an experimental vaccinex2. I wasn’t aware of any conspiracies before that...now I’m aware and unfortunately injected.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Years ago I had an ulcer and did not know that was what it was until a friend suggested that my symptoms sounded like it. I proceeded to do research and yep all symptoms indicated same. Dr. prescribed zantac, said we could do tests but if positive would be same treatment which I accepted. Made some dietary changes and slowly healed. A test I did take for h. pylori was negative. Years later I found the cause to be mercury poisoning from dental amalgams. Mercury can cause 'corrosive damage' to digestive tract, thank you. In retrospect I had symptoms of being poisoned even after ulcer healed. Of course we know what's happened w zantac. I now take sodium bicarbonate prn. That was only one of the secondary damages I suffered from mercury, some are permanent. It's greatly disturbing to know how they 'hide' it in so many products we consume and drop it on us from above.

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