Actually it does metter, electro sensitive nano particles can be remotely controlled and directed.

The fact is that in order to build a device you need to be able to control several types of nano materials, and the more you can introduce, the more you can do with them.

For my understanding, graphene and as we can guess, graphene oxide, are means to store electro charges used to feed the hypothetical circuit.

There is also something which they have named S.M.A.R.T. as in “Self Monitor Analyze and Reporting Technology” dust. “Smart dust”, which they can spray with their weather modification programs “see Geoengineering “ .

So yes actually it is quite important to know if you got some of that stuff in your system, and do something to get rid of it.

Pine tree needles tea is one apparent good remedy I have heard of, I am also quite sure that there is more specific homeopathic remedies for it too.

Here a story I wrote some years ago


Read also my “letters from the edge of dystopia” free book on the topic in 8 parts.

Any how thank you for sharing

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Taking control of the nanotech would be nice, but I haven't heard anything about how that could be possible. Also, there are devices that are meant to suppress or heal nanotech damages with radiation, and I'm having doubt that any more radiation than the amount already present causes no harm.

Pine tree tea has been circulating on the Internet for a while. Here is my collection of common recommendations:


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I look into it thx

Controlling nano teach is basic, each substance reacts differently when exposed to different frequencies, controlling the way I they all react to use them for different applications.

Millimeter waves are used to manipulate the particles.

An example

When the scamdemic broke out, I was in Italy, where I was shown several packages of brand new surgical masks coming from both a hospital, and pharmacies, and was shown that inside all masks was something which looked like microscopic black warms.

The worm were constantly moving, then I noticed, that as I placed my mobile phone close to them, they behaved differently.

Similarly work all electro sensitive particles, so yes, microwave is the mean used to charge them, make them shift shape, and or swingle, grab, swim, ecc. ecc.

the idea and the so called nano tech is there but the fact is that all those materials, are highly toxic, completely unnatural and thereby carcinogenic, making so that in reality this so called technology is toxic, and only good for killing people.

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The fact is that it has been in these harmful broths they call "vaccinations" for years, along with other chemical toxic substances - and if you delve into literature, and deal with it a little bit more, you know that it has been experimented with for decades - by now you can assume that research has made immense progress in this regard - to deny something like this without having any knowledge of it is pretty naive!












And of course these nanoparticles can come from everywhere, so no one should be surprised that there are more and more sick people - only if you inject them directly into the organism/blood, hopefully everyone can imagine what happens - and the insidiousness was, that not every batch was equally contaminated with these toxic-chemical materials, otherwise people would have found out too quickly what was going on!

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Dr. Ginger Breggin has, what to me seems a sound theory, as to WHY they'd want graphene in us:


One can skip down to: A More Insidious, Purposeful Result of Immune Exhaustion

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That's a great article! Thank you for the link; I haven't been familiar with the page.

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The Breggins are great people...great substack!

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Ray, What were you like as a child? I bet you questioned almost everything. I mean that in a good way. I so appreciate your skepticism and well-honed critical thinking skills. I hope that when you were quite young, your discernment and curiousity were appreciated by others. You possess a great gift.

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Thank you for your appreciation. Here is a story about young Ray.

When I was four or five, my mother counted how many times I asked, "Why?" on a Sunday morning. I exceeded a thousand before noon, when she gave up. She said there was only one way to stop the next "Why?" -- "Just because." :)


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I drove my mother crazy with asking why. Her comment was "because I said so". Didn't stop me from my barrages, however. Yes, I was a bit of a brat.

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Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Definitely maybe, LOL! But why? WHY WHY WHY?


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"Does Graphene exist? How does it matter?"

No and no if Scoglio is correct but Graphite (which his paper sets out to prove is all there is evidence for) can do what Graphene has been alleged to be capable of:

1. Network growth via Tesla-phoresis (by definition, electro- conductive)

2. Microscopic (as opposed to nano) self-assembly

3. Tissue damage from shard-like edges for example to blood vessel walls

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I read PM’s post before I saw yours and wanted to comment but couldn’t articulate my opinion at the time. I think I’ve got it now. It’s a philosophical issue. My education was science oriented, so I see things differently than those who have a different background.

There are many things in this world that we can’t directly observe e.g “see” via microscope or telescope. Even some of these tools don’t really “see” things but sense them instead. We (usually scientists) have decided they exist because we can measure them in some way. In the case of GO they have measured electrical properties at a minimum. Sometimes it’s a measurement of that thing’s affect on other things and from what I understand GO is damaging to our cells.

I’m far from a biomedical expert but do think GO and GHO is something we shouldn’t be adding to our bodies.

Still, the point of my comment is that just because we can’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

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"We (usually scientists) have decided they exist because we can measure them in some way."

But suppose there is more than one entity present that you scientists can't directly observe? How would you know? How would you determine the origin of the secondary effects that can allegedly be detected? Sounds like a summation of the Scientistic religious faith that masquerades as falsifiable science to me. It's a core component of the bind humanity is in.

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I would hope those scientists you refer to have done their experiments properly to isolate a specific “entity”. It’s been decades since I did any lab work in college but a robust study should be able to avoid the error you mention. For the record, I’m not a scientist. My college major was electrical engineering so I did have to study plenty of science. The kind of science we can’t see but have to “believe.” Even switching on a light can seem like magic.

Science isn’t perfect, no doubt. It can definitely seem like a religion when the general public is asked to believe in things we can’t see for ourselves. So belief is required. From what I’ve seen much of medical science has been co-opted by big pharma. Many other scientific disciplines have also been biased by powerful organizations that have control over funding and publication of studies. We are at the mercy of “TPTB” so we all do the best we can with what we are given.

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It's system-specific, which reminds me of physicists who need 7-13 "dimensions" in order to explain their models for the physical world.

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I meant to add that my own opinion on the argument that viruses don’t exist is that it’s a very compelling argument. I tend to agree that they very well might not exist.

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It depends on the definition of "viruses." :)

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“So, does graphene exist or not? As far as the fast-approaching extinction-level-event is concerned, it doesn’t matter.”

When an individual is convinced that human extinction is a near future inevitability, plenty of physical and social phenomena don’t matter. “What DOES matter?” becomes the most important question. And it’s a question that doesn’t have a consensual answer.

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“... the human mind can only build cognitive models for closed systems...”

I don’t believe that axiom.

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Dr. Noack and Graphene Hydroxide


Lee, D. & Seo, J. Three-dimensionally networked graphene hydroxide with giant pores and its application in supercapacitors. Sci. Rep. 4, 7419; DOI:10.1038/srep07419 (2014).

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Images, characterization by X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and Infrared spectrometer (FT-IR), and a Physical Electronics Quantum 2000 X-ray photoemission spectrometer (XPS).


Graphene Hydroxide: Properties and Applications. 3 references (one above from 2014) - paper mentions GH as a graphene derivative and its proposed application in drug delivery systems. 2023


Not an Abstract, not the paper, but rather TL:DR = Too long, didn't read


And the money shot. Very compelling. Whitney Webb debunked?


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It doesn't matter what one believes. Juri Lotman proved this axiom in 1921, and it's only logical.

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Human logic and philosophical/mathematical proofs don’t always describe reality. People who want to believe that proofs and logic transcend belief are welcome to that belief system. 😊

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sorry did not have time to read yet, but could not help but see that this information is relevant - graphene naturally occurring on pollutant particles in jet exhaust...


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Right. My best guess is that the problem is the same as the one with "viruses": what are their functions, and what functions can GO fill? Not sure about graphene per se.

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Hope you don't mind Ray, but I'm going to do a Horvath. I've thought that Scoglio is worthy of very careful consideration since he first emerged on the international scene in the interview with Torsten Engelbrecht referenced in my comment on Proton's post:


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This is only a link to the comments. Which one are you talking about?

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This one, sorry can't see how to link it specifically:

For what its worth (I will live and die by them) my sense checks tell me that Scoglio has high credibility. I first came across him in this interview with Torsten Englebrecht which majors on spike protein as a fraudulent concept.


He touches on GO at 26 minutes and expresses skepticism which his recent paper is evidently designed to enlarge on. For me his credibility emerges from laying open the factual evidence that informs his opinions, expressed in a rational and common sense manner. Admittedly I have not read the papers he references (though as a birds-eye perspective is my preference) I recall secondary commentary that provides confirmation rather than contradiction.

Overall I'm increasingly convinced that TPTB are baffling us with bullshit. The explanation that passes Occams Razor (which I do not imbue with total explanatory power) is that they are simply poisoning us whilst weaving an occult web of misdirections which assume a Golem-like life of their own. Bear in mind what occurs to me whilst I write this, that the concept of Golem mocks God (who breathed life into Adam, formed from the dust of the Earth) by attributing to the occult adept, god-like abilities. Their "abilities" in truth amount to psychological effects, but to credulous folk, the bonepointer's curse can be fatal by autosuggestion. Perhaps this is the perennial appeal of the zombie. Its all in the mind (except the poisoning).

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when you say that 'TPTB are baffling us with bullshit' (LOL) I'd politely ask whatever happened to their once seriously proclaimed successfull 'shock and awe' strategy? Iraq, anyone?

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Was the Scamdemic not shock & awe at the global scale? Most of the very real shock and awe was felt by me very keenly, even though I saw through it from before the first lockdown. It was shocking and awful to watch grown men and women clap like trained seals for the NHS whilst murderous hospital protocols were wheeled out. Shocking and awful that almost everyone I knew complied with every absurd humiliation. But most shocking and awful is the reality that the entire narrative was based on pure, unadulterated bullshit, and provably so.

I have a growing suspicion that profoundly mistaken materialist beliefs on the part of TPTB mean that much of what they claim to know or be able to achieve with their vaunted ScienceTM is also bullshit, but still capable of trapping the unwary in their false Transhuman paradigm that can never be achieved in practice, but which can wreak death and destruction in the attempt.

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it's a strategy that doesn't last long and eventually wears off. although shocking and awful at the time (you're absolutely right about that!) many people saw through it and we're now living in a period of mass cognitive dissonance, a.k.a. the ostrich's strategy of hiding one's head in the sand. when we could teach children to be resilient and dare to look behind the wizard's curtain, the future might look better.

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Yeah, my adult daughters are still being put to bed by Aunty Em whilst my sons have ripped back the curtain on the pathetic little guy behind the curtain. Mid career is a tough time to face realities (they haven't) but my sons are young enough to have nothing to lose. That presents big challenges also. I find my comfort in He who is all Goodness, Truth and Beauty and reverencing Him in the most holy sacrifice of the Mass. God bless you!

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The question is exactly whether GO is needed or not. If the self-assembling nanocomputers (transmitter, receiver, and CPU) are real, and if they can anchor themselves to the body with protein-based interfaces, they can function as a reliable control mechanism that enables an AI to run a live global simulation that can serve as the central processing power behind the globalists' move to Agenda 2030:


To me, it's important that everything would fit into the same interpretive frame:


Other than that, I haven't excluded poisoning, but something must coordinate the worldwide attack on humanity, and I believe, it's too complex for the human mind, so using and extremely advanced AI is indispensable.

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perhaps not so much too complex for 'the' human mind, but certainly for most of the average, well-fed, lazy minds of TPTB's gofers, who then must resort to Ai.

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Agreed up to a point, particularly that it's too complicated for humans. However I believe that a demonic intelligence is driving the inter-generational program and is doing so whether or not the bloodline families, their senior stooges and useful idiots explicitly worship it or not. If you don't serve God, your non-serviam is gratefully received and exploited by the fallen angel Lucifer / Satan.

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Assuming computers are from the devil, you and I agree. Otherwise, there is no need for the devil, as Occam's Razor suggests, when an AI can do the job. However, its owners, along with the enablers and the enforcers of "the Plan," must be definitely diabolical.

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Pure spirit could not possibly fit Occam's Razor more perfectly - no materialist complications, just pure malevolence, albeit a malevolence limited in its operational scope by God's permissive will.

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Whether it exists or not, I trust no globalist experts or WEF clowns or medical superiors.

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That's a good start. :)

The problem is that gaslighting works, because they sometimes tell about facts. Of course, it's usually only after it's too little, too late:


Basically, it's a lot of limited hangouts:


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great comments today!

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