I've often wondered if melanin (we ALL have it) helps connect to divinity. Explains WHY they call the sun the son. We are all connected & part of the divine creator.

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Nice to meet a fellow seer!

My brother recalls 'coming in' to his conception...

I studied this too in Amnion Aquatics where we learn about the epigenetics and imprinting around coming in from the cosmos, landing into the egg, reception of the sperm, discovery and all they dynamics of our energetic embryonic developmental field - of epigenetics as well... till our birth story and then the external experience of 'development' and our spiritual purpose we learn...

If interested Ray, we have a circle of 'seers' you'd feel well at home with!

Love the rainbow/lightning bolt photo! May I use it?

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Sorry, I am only human and I don't think I am a "seer."

My experience is personal, as is for everyone else.

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OK, it is something that you describe that others also experience similarly, it's often not spoken of publicly - so kudo's to you for doing that!

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It has to be phrased cautiously, because nobody wants to be accused of being cuckoo...

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Jul 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

😂👍🏻 Personally I don't care what people think about me. 3 generations after my death hardly anyone will remember my first name.

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In North America, anyone "diagnosed" as mentally incompetent can NEVER regain their rights. Other than that, I don't care for the opinion of people who don't care for me, and even after listening to the rest, I reserve the right to make my own decisions. :)

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Jul 26Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Wow I don't know the law regarding that here in Europe.

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Profound material. Masterfully stated. Thanks for the essay and kudos to the commenters.

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Jul 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

NB typo: "....guarding all exist..." < exist = exits.

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Thank you for trying to help. The grammar is actually good this time.

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Jul 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Interesting read, with many good points. I'm wondering where you come up with the statistic that 70% of people don't exercise their free will? Is that your conjecture or is there some sort of data behind it? I've often felt that throughout my life, and it sounds about right.

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Fair question. It was Aristotle first, in Politics, who stated that about that proportion of humanity deserves to be slaves. In my years of academic teaching in several countries, I also found the percentage realistic.

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Jul 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Agree that our best chance is to rise to the level one can accurately apply free will. However like you, my attempts to give people the benefit of doubt in their capabilities has lead to abysmal failures that had negative consequences for others and ultimately, me.

Self preservation and “inner” work does point to selfishness doesn’t it?

I would argue that even if chemtrails are degrading surface level light, enough gets through to be of benefit. Forests and plants make the best of it and also offer some degree of protection by diffusing/interfering with electromagnetic emissions and filtering the atmosphere and earth. Although they suffer too, they have the energy mass to ride it out. I tend to think our tribulations are only temporary. I think the weffies know that too and the poisoning will be dealt with by the earth eventually. Hence the focus on population reduction, limiting travel, green belts, seed banks, securing farmland ( including places like say…Ukraine). Climate change hoax is just a means to an end. So those that can, must use their critical thinking skills and free will to get to the other side.

Re free will. I was just thinking when I got up this morning. If all life is part of consciousness, and you cannot escape that, then we are all in essence slaves to consciousness. It’s part of our innate psyche to serve. IOW we are predisposed to serve. Choose your master wisely.

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Free Will boils down to a single question:

"In what kind of a world am I willing to live or prefer being killed instead?"

And yes, the answer depends on the Master.

For that matter, as much as I have also screwed up my most important decisions, overwhelmingly because I trusted people's well-meaning or intelligence too much, I've never been able to function as a slave. When the two gangs kept beating me up in the poor neighborhood, I was only 2-3 weeks away from killing some of them. Good thing, we moved...

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Jul 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My biggest failures in life and career were also relating to trusting that others wanted respect, agency to make decisions. I assumed they thought like me. I no longer suffer that.

Although I never had to deal with lethal bullies growing up I did have some secret weapons against the wannabes. I could out bike them, got along with the viscous dogs in the neighborhood, and was not allergic to poison ivy. That saved my ass a bunch.

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I am still underestimating human well-meaning as well as viciousness and stupidity, but I don't have a choice and must take my chances. :)

After I turned 10, I swore nobody would ever beat me up again; I would prefer to die than being ruled over. While we moved out of the poor, crime-ridden hood, it was never perfect. Only older, bigger, and stronger tried after that, but they failed. When I asked my childhood friend (who had been in jail unjustly) why that was, he said, "They can see it in your eyes." Dunno, I prefer to look innocuous. Military service closed the gaps and connected the dots for me; knowing my weakness is part of my strength. Got lucky with dogs (Rotties and the like; am I emanating something that they like?).

Everyone needs "secret weapons" now. :)

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Dogs know.

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At least they do. :)

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Jul 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ray, you’ve conveyed the essence in a beautiful way. Of course everything is inter-related, how else could we breathe? How would the body know when to wake up? How else could we tell the other person’s essence with closed eyes, by touch only? Or, those who are sensitive enough, even without touching? How else could anyone watch a TV show and know instantly when lies are told?

From a different perspective, when two vehicles collide, their drivers must have made their minds about the violent meeting hours before it actually happened. They planned their daily chores, postponed some things or advanced others, maybe did something beyond their routines, all in the unexplainable effort to be on time at the place of the collision.

How else would birds know how to fly in a flock, moving in all directions, 360 degrees, harmonizing their aerobatics not with one or two other birds, but with the whole gathering? And they are covering 30 yards each second (swifts), never making a single error, never miscalculating the next second, the next 30 yards.

How else would a dog be able to tell danger signals from the 24/7 background information?

This life is a mystery, and a wonder, and its ingenuity is beyond our comprehension. We are not capable of living one single day with some problems, mistakes or wrong decisions. The Existence, being responsible for the multitude of small lives of objects animate and other, makes no mistakes. And it plans everything so far ahead of time and space. Recognizing it, we are taking just the first step.

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If only the globalists knew what you know, all this would not be happening.

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Jul 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

If they knew they wouldn't be members of the globalist gang.

Whose only object in seeking knowledge is to appease their greed.

At which they will succeed no more than the IDF at wiping out Hamas.

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Taking sides only turns everything one-sided, and because there is no such thing as "the Jews," it only turns many, if not most of them, into collateral damage.


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Taking sides ...?

This is what analysts say on ALL sides.

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Jul 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

What makes it so easy to enslave (the majority of) us is that our parents co-operate from our birth if not from our conception if only because that's what their parents did to them. Sadly though.

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Primary socialization is certainly a primary cause. As a result, most people are unable or unwilling to make their own decisions, and are playing the game of trying to make someone else responsible for their own actions. What they seem to be blissfully ignoring is that the dead cannot blame anyone...

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Jul 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Lot of experience is behind this post Ray, it's the sort of thing that I wish everyone could ponder over - well I can and appreciate the expression of what I've been feeling for a long while - thank you

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Thank you kindly. I am an old-timer who has messed up most of the important things in his life, and is still hoping to make up for some of it, but is well aware that he cannot do it alone. :)

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Jul 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

After 5,000 years, government is still trying to rule the world as one entity. Everything may be related, but not everything matters to everyone. Humans have always been slaves to a master, at most times a government or military, and it is seldom that humans have known true freedom. A few here and there (the earliest humans) may have lived it. It's just a fact of life that in order to be truly free, one must be willing to die to remain free. It would not be that way if all government was abolished.

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Humans ALWAYS default to the same societal structure, irrespective of the complexity of their culture:


If the world started a million times over, it would always end in this whimper; no bang.

Freedom is in everyone's heart as long as they are able and willing to use it:


EXACTLY as you are saying it: it is an existential decision, that is, how is a person willing to live...

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