Clarity came though to this 9 yr old :).

I’m trusting myself here too, all these terms viruses, parasites etc. are general and need more clear language to define. I do ‘see’ where it was very convenient and profitable for the creation of the whole idea of viruses to give the medical profession much more to do, add in Pharma and control systems and well here we find ourselves.

Personally I can feel and sense the subtle electronics of my body, PH level influence too. Gardening and going barefoot in the grass/soil while messy, leaves me with a sense on wellbeing. What I can’t tell, but it makes sense to me is the negative effects of all the new electromagnetic waves that are everywhere- both from history - epidemics that paralleled the introduction of radio waves for communication and electricity strung all about the planet, now this new EMF literally everywhere and from current (pardon the pun) acceleration of symptoms illnesses.

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If you use simple language they understand. I'd tell my 5-year-old granddaughter, that those shots her pediatrician gives her were bad owies that will make her sick all the time. That she'd understand because she has constant earaches, colds, and fevers. Plus she hates those owies her parents take her for. She is great at having panic attacks over the food she doesn't like. Heaven help the school she will go to next year, as she is never still, takes 2 hrs to eat what she asked for. Blue schools best not teach that sex crap.

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After I watched this guy right here it solidified, at least the germ theory part. I keep going back and forth, but I am convinced that viruses are nothing more than parasites.


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Le problème avec tous ceux qui disent que LES virus n'existent pas et ne sont pas la cause des maladies, c'est qu'ils ne proposent pas d'alternatives pour expliquer leur apparition.

Il n'y a pas de germes pathogènes (virus ou microbes) qui envahissent le corps pour le rendre malade.

Pour comprendre comment tout cela fonctionne, il faut lire le travail de Béchamp (contemporain de Pasteur) découvreur des MICROZYMAS et de leurs fonctions. Quand on a pris connaissance de la théorie des microzymas (basée sur les faits et de nombreuses expériences), on finit pas se rendre compte qu'il n'y a que trois causes possibles aux malades : chocs et conflits (voir la nouvelle médecine germanique du docteur Hamer), empoisonnement (dont les ondes) et carences (manque de vitamines).

Et alors, tout s'éclaire.

PS J'ignore si le travail de Béchamp a été traduit en anglais. Cependant, le docteur Robert O. Young en parle très bien.

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Dr. Kaufman believed exosomes were SENT from the diseased area OUT to other areas to alert them, to

start a process of healing. Not sure if thee's proof for this or not. I don't think exosomes are dead cells,

but maybe some types are!! Or maybe Dr. Kaufman is just wrong.

But when a certain class of kids, say around 8 years old, get the same thing, at the same time,

but not ALL do, and no other classes of kids do, then I don't know what's going on.

Do you have any idea at all?

And I've read different accounts that pneumonia, which I never stopped having growing up,

2x a year, same time for 7 or so years, whether it's a bacteria or not. Some said virus,

that V word and I don't think any V's whatsoever have been isolated.

Then, there's Dengue Fever, and Malaria which further confuse me. How can I ever find out?

They've all said it's a virus and even explained how Malaria worked (much like spike protein).

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RemovedJan 31, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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