1. dang, we saw the same funky sky circles in NYC in 'bout 2022--not the KO tho'... hmmmm... I thought it had some meanin' too...

2. we used ta dance ta this hoot-worthy spoof of the ol' commercial!


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As Proton mentioned, one of the images looks like the Chinese character 否 (in Mandarin it's pronounced "fou", which means to negate or deny.

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So, is it a call for "resistance"? I doubt they could drag me up into the sky and write it there in poison...

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Idk looks like KC to me - we all know who's behind this "Green New Deal" in which Maurice Strong initiated his book in 1987 Our Common Fututre - Strong was given 5 years to develop his action plan based on his accepted and adopted principles of his book.

Five years later, the Earth Summit in Rio de Janiero, in 1992 where the 300 page implementation plan for Sustainable Development (a coin nailed by Strong his self).

"It's an action plan constructed by the UN to inventory and control ALL land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, information, energy, production, law enforcement and all human beings in the world."

Followed by a document produced by 1500 scientists looking into what they felt the future would look like with this plan in place. "Global Biodiversity Assessment."

Please look up these titles for yourself and please consider watching the 30 min video presentation explaining all this: https://youtu.be/1ri07TzZnDA?si=Tx2TgaZfPATluC2W

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It goes back way further .. but that does seem like the cult public kick off ..🙏

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Yes indeed I'm well aware... this is definitely the plan that is in the current machinations is all... cheers! nice to know that others know!

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Compliance-training started in 1913 with the introduction of the federal tax for a private bank and its enforcer, the IRS. In 1914, passports were introduced as well. Ever since, people have been treated as government assets...

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The clowns who seek to destroy mankind will end up destroying themselves also. It's written in the wind and in the clouds. Not to become biblical, but whatever you do to others you also do to yourself. Okay sarge, do I have permission to fire upon that UKP? Unidentified Chemtrail Plane?

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As far as I can see, they will inevitably destroy themselves, too, or their central AI will do the favor:


My first association was also a SAM. :)

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The sky image looks like this Chinese character 否 pronounced "he", in Japanese.


to negate / to deny / evil

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Can't see which image you are referring to, but it makes little difference. Also, in your link, the meaning varies according to its combination with other logograms, which is normal in all languages, because both contextual and collocational variables determine actual language use/"meaning." Strangely, all the combination in your link can apply to the event.

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Its the character above or below the word "Fou" in the examples in the link.

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Please take a look at Climateviewer (.com, on YouTube, rumble, etc, telegram, and on substack ) to see that every contrail is actually a chemtrail, because jet fuel is unregulated and full of toxic heavy metals. The bulk of the toxic stuff they are dumping on us every day is totally legal and out in the open... Geoengineering is complicated... takes a lot to wrap your head around all of what is happening. Very grateful to climateviewer contributors for digging up truth ...

from Ed Wells at https://t.me/climateviewerchat/8363

"Isn’t is baffling why they never mention Aviation as a source of air pollution in these articles?

“Aerosols and their Relation to Global Climate and Climate Sensitivity”


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I noticed all these crazy huge “flag poles” going up recently on govt properties.. the poles are not regular flag poles .. they really say “FU”

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Also, if one takes a closer look (again, my wife did), the latest version of 5G antennas are nothing spectacular; they look like small sticks...

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Thank you for sharing!

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Glad to see it's working. Ever since the plandemic started, it has been clear that taunting the victim is one of the globalist habits (e.g. I wrote about this in https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/what-comes-after-taunting-the-victims), and it's sometimes taken as far as limited hangouts for which the majority falls, "proving" to their torturers that they are indeed "inferior." With this article, I wanted to show this again, while hoping to bring out a smile, too.

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I find it counterproductive (even though I have to urge myself not falling into this trap) using "globalists" "elites" ... as it only confirms "their" status and thereby perpetuates "THE MADNESS" out of which this FALLACIES originate - THE SERPENT, EVE AND ADAM IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN.

There are NO elites - FULL STOP! What there certainly are are minds bound to the flesh that have convinced themselves and others and are continually doing so by all sorts of "magic"/word salad/spells - I could point towards former/current prominent characters in this domain, but I am going to refrain from it due to the risk of being understood as blaming the character instead of looking at the cause - of being very special. And the more their DELUSION is being "confirmed" by THE WORLD - worldly power and material benefit and worship by peers and "lesser" souls - the more they BELIEVE it themselves and by extension others. Self fulfilling prophecy is the best description encapsulating the idea. And every man is susceptible to this dynamic. Only the level of susceptibility of THE MESSIAH COMPLEX and the pathway one is choosing with EVERY THOUGHT determines the level of DELUSION one brings into existence INDIVIDUALLY.

When THE LORD JESUS CHRIST was tempted by SATAN, who offered HIM "glory", "fame", "riches" and "magic", THE LORD JESUS CHRIST humbly refused knowing full well that accepting this offer would sever HIS tie to THE HEAVENLY FATHER!


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It doesn't matter. I used to say, "self-proclaimed elites," but I am now saving the keystrokes.

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As I missed this response of yours the first time I came back - here is my response to it. And I am absolutely serious about it, notwithstanding the absoluteness, harshness and dogma with which it certainly comes across.

I come to BELIEVE that there is nothing more SINFUL - apart from babbling something even though one should be silent, as THE LORD JESUS CHRIST was before Pontius Pilate - but to leave out words for the sake of brevity, simplicity, convenience .... and as a consequence not being as precise as necessary to stay in THE TRUTH - and I am surely as guilty about it as anyone - WHY? one would ask, because ...

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made. 4In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcomea it. John 1, 1-5

In order to get a better grasp on it let me use an analogy .... Imagining one is about to transmit information to builders in order to build a bridge and one just provides some rough sketch with some approximate measures about the thickness and some vague description of the sort of material that is supposed to be used NO-ONE in his right (hemisphere) mind (anatomically, not left, which is important too) would claim that based on this information this is going to become the best/most beautiful bridge ever built.

And the same - or even on a MUCH MUCH MORE FUNDAMENTAL AND CRUCIAL level - applies on mental concepts about GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATION. As the consequences of one's IMPRECISENESS - individually and collectively (with growing numbers of mindless minds, i.e. ANTIsocial media, the effect is astronomically potentiated) - are "hidden" behind the veil of PRIDE, ARROGANCE, HYPOCRISY, IGNORANCE AND HUBRIS.

Which explains the MADNESS being "suddenly" revealed in the here and now globally. It is simply the accumulated WICKEDNESS, IMPRECISENESS, HALF-TRUTHS, LIES of man's PRIDE, ARROGANCE, IGNORANCE, HYPOCRISY AND HUBRIS over millennia.


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They should be referred to as PARASITES. Never elites

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Some parasites live in peaceful symbiosis with humans. These are worse. :)

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Let me clarify something - using terminology coming out of/being created by the minds that LIFE - THE HOLY SPIRIT - in each and every GOD ALMIGHTY CREATION - man - has recognised, however dimly or foggy, as OPPOSITE TO LIFE shall NEVER, in ANY SHAPE OR FORM, be used to ask for the remedy. As it is akin to trying to copy SATAN in order to become GOD ALMIGHTY or in more earthly terms to become a musician of classical music by taking hard metal rock lessons.

Please let me refer you to a European outgrowth of this approach as a stern and serious warning, what becomes of those taking above mentioned approach.


(Her label Bambie Thug already describes what is inside)



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BTW - I would neither have been able to read your comment nor respond to it if it wasn't for GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRACE, by having someone else like my comment and I am coming back to it, as your like and response to my comment didn't show up in my inbox. I have not checked my spam yet.

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AGAIN! - What truly speaks to my heart is the sincerity with which your words come across. Not at all shy of having an opinion no matter how controversial according to THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE or what the "repercussions" - ss being one of those last shelters GOD ALMIGHTY has kept for the few sane minds open, even though letting SATAN attack it now and then in order to highlight the desperation of THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE - by whomever comes across your articles. I wholeheartedly pray to GOD ALMIGHTY to keep this trickle of TRUTH & SANITY open - SOLI DEO GLORIA!

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Thank you. I am only the messenger. It's up to everybody to react the way you are describing my post...

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So the pilot we watched writing I love Jesus was actually poisoning us at the same time .. he did this on a regular basic .. 🤬

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Same idea of taunting the victim...

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The list missed tyrannical democrat government and sheep filled communities

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The Republicans in Washington are just as sheepish as the Democrats.. uni-slime

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I kinda like the term, "Uniparty." ALL politicians are captured and/or groomed to do their disservice to the country.

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We’ve always been warned of the wolf, when it’s the shepherd and his family who eat the sheep in the end. I

Always wondered why we are referred to as sheep by religion, now I understand.

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Hegelian dialectic: problem (wolf) - reaction (sheep: HELP!) - solution (shepherd [gov't]: yeah, we're here to help).

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