"I Fell and I Can't Get up!" -- Is This the End?
A chemtrail pilot above rural Kentucky has just made fun of the people with a termination announcement
The biblical prophecies seem to be applicable, whether someone believes them or not
Here is the iconic song by The Doors, The End, used in Apocalypse Now, too:
On Saturday, when my wife and I went grocery shopping, she noticed a strange figure in the sky.1 (Sometimes I jokingly say that is one of the good reasons for a man to get married is that a woman can notice or find things a man would not.) At first, it was a circle that resembled the “artificial suns” gaslighters post on the Internet, but the pilot carried on, and it became a smiley:

When you look closely, the microwave-emitting street lights are also visible in some of the pictures above the parking lot.
The pilot’s “ink” was not blood, but close enough: poison.
The pilot was not finished with the smiley. The next “drawing” was
K. O.
Needless to say, I got the message: it’s a knockout, and I cannot do a darn thing about it. The pilot still drew something else I didn’t care to observe, but the whole thing turned into a cloud in five minutes.
“I fell and I can’t get up!”
That reminds me of the change in federal subsidies for the elderly poor. Until now, they have received some credit towards their internet bill, but it is now changing to a Lifeline machine that has been advertised with “I fell and I can’t get up!” for decades. Please, notice that the machine is obviously a spying and extermination device with the latest 5G built in that turns the electric wiring into a giant antenna in the neighborhood.
Disappointed, but unsurprised? You are not alone:
Here are some oldies, but goodies:
I noticed all these crazy huge “flag poles” going up recently on govt properties.. the poles are not regular flag poles .. they really say “FU”
Please take a look at Climateviewer (.com, on YouTube, rumble, etc, telegram, and on substack ) to see that every contrail is actually a chemtrail, because jet fuel is unregulated and full of toxic heavy metals. The bulk of the toxic stuff they are dumping on us every day is totally legal and out in the open... Geoengineering is complicated... takes a lot to wrap your head around all of what is happening. Very grateful to climateviewer contributors for digging up truth ...
from Ed Wells at https://t.me/climateviewerchat/8363
"Isn’t is baffling why they never mention Aviation as a source of air pollution in these articles?
“Aerosols and their Relation to Global Climate and Climate Sensitivity”