Perhaps readers and USA residents are learning the capabilities of what AI can and will do?

The decision to express one's opinion on such topics may be waning.

Your readers are probably alert individuals....

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Until proven 'otherwise' you have been seen a true light, as opposed to those who seem only holding candles which are easily extinguished with the slightest of 'blowback'...


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AI usually scans everything and creates profiles of people, including deepfakes:


Just about everything that works with electricity is now a terminal for a central AI, just like ChatGPT:


It is understandable, if people are afraid of expressing their opinions or even "Like" the description of the functions of such mighty grabbermental agencies... The only reason why I'm not afraid is that being silent is not going to save me. Of course, neither will talk. :)

Yet it's not new to me; it's the story of my life. It not a lonely, but a solitary path, but at least I don't have so many friends that I don't have time for them. :)

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I had always been someone who spoke for those who had no voice - until ... . It reminds me of sticking your head above the parapet only to keep getting shot at. They even control 'no man's land'. There is no white flag zone.

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Is substack the only medium for communication (because I don't trust it)? All comments are going through algorithms and all contacts are being trolled. How do we 'communicate' if they turn the internet off - or only turn it off for the 'undesirables' they want to silence i.e., especially those who dare to think critically? We are a dead giveaway - standing out in plain sight - by 'commenting'. Maybe the lack of comments is not a sign of disinterest.

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My point is there are more coming in than going out, despite the gov't. photo ops making it appear the number they're deporting is immense. As for the number already here, I would bet that it's over 10 % of our population, possibly pushing closer to 15%. That's a lot of mouths wanting food and more. Concerning the ICE operations, the hard core criminals are not the same ones cutting lawns, working in factories. Maybe ICE should bring in the contractors (mercenaries) who are experienced from Iraq, working close quarters. Or even the SWAT type from the FBI or ATF.

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That's the idea of the show: more coming in than going out, especially once they proliferate here.

The only contractors ready (from the illegal bunch) are most likely Chinese, and are about to serve in private armies. After all, corporations, according to the "Supreme" Court, are "persons," which comes with the right to bear arms... Some newcomers have been awarded the promise of citizenship, if they serve in the Armed Forces, but everyone there have received the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections that might turn them into cyborg zombies who can be remotely controlled (my impression is that once it's done accurately enough, everyone will fit the bill).

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I have no knowledge of the number of ICE agents (and those "drafted") operating now. While the number of deportations to this point is disappointing. According to Michael Yon (see his substacks), the Darien Gap is still open, and illegals (although a lesser amount) are still being processed, by the NGOs. Michael claims that there still are more illegals invading us than are being deported.

I would think planning a raid on dangerous illegals takes time, intelligence, etc. to be carried out. Plus, the criminals are being warned by government officials of impending raids. In the idle times, ICE is raiding factories and neighborhoods known to have the ordinary run of the mill illegals. They all have to go. Obviously, the dangerous should go first. I am not defending the low numbers. There is also the question of whether this is an honest effort or if it is a staged procedure to satisfy the public. Before making judgements perhaps ICE should be given a few more weeks to get the procedures that work in place, which means, unfortunately, more dead, innocent Americans.

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Of course, there are more illegals than reported... Mostly from places where people hate Americans, which is only one of the aspects in my article. The disconcerting part is that this whole operation is a psyop and most people are falling for it...

Please, always post links, whenever you deem them relevant. As a single author, I just don't have the time to dig up things...

My impression is that most ICE personnel are retired LE, who are also collecting their pensions after 20 years of service, when the vast majority don't even had to draw their guns. These people are not going after gang-bangers for reasons both you and I know. They are sending out the newbies every once in a while, just to "prime" them, but they are not wishing them dead, either...

ICE is understaffed, so they want to improve their statistics by going after soft targets...

The problem with the dangerous is that they don't exactly have an address and they shoot back... How would you handle those?

In short, ICE is only a psyop, along with MAGA and DOGE...

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Fully in agreement here with MariYahu .....grateful thanks from me also. For my part re your understandable disappointment with your readers, I feel reluctant to comment due to a lack of knowledge of the topic so often and because you provide such a banquet of subjects and intense interest in all your posts that I can become over-satiated and not have the time initially to continue 'gorging'...(this is a compliment, just not a great choice of word perhaps). However , you are truly appreciated even though you probably feel at times like a mother cow being drained of sustenance by her greedy babies.

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Thank you kindly for your feedback! :)

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I always appreciate someone that exposes the truth, so thanks for bringing us your take on various topics. I believe ice will be used against us when the time is right. The wall that people are clamoring for on the border will soon become the wall that prevents Americans from leaving and fleeing, thus, imprisoning us. I believe they're creating the conditions agreeable to a civil war and that will make many stand up against them. When that happens, the people are in real trouble. Americans will be fighting on several fronts. Their goal is to take this country down, put the compliant into their "freedom cities" and take all the spoils leaving the survivors with an AI governance system tied to "money" and a social credit score. Many Americans are lazy, complacent, brainwashed, damaged physically and mentally from all their poisons and just want to be left alone. When that happens to a country, they are very easy targets. TPTB can easily manipulate the people with bread and circuses under the guise of peace and safety.

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Please, notice that I've never been, and never will be, posing as an Oracle for "the Truth." I can publish facts with my conjecturing and my conclusions, but the MOST VALUABLE part is my readers' using the information for further decisions!

And yes, the wall has always been about keeping Americans in...

Unfortunately, the only "freedom" I can see is staying human. I have made my own decision, but everyone will have to fashion theirs after their abilities and options. I just hope that they will converge:


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I wasn't implying that you were an Oracle. I tried to thank you for trying to provide researched information to people and providing that along with your take on it. I appreciate the forum to discuss these important topics as well as the input by others as it expands my mind and understanding of this world and usually leads me to consider things I wouldn't have bc my exposure can be limited to the topics I find interesting and/or important.

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In this life, we are all in it together, but alone. :)

As you know, I always welcome relevant discussions and never expect anyone to agree with me.

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I’ve long thought the “border crisis” and immigration problem would be narrative tools to get us to accept our own enslavement.

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And even be proud of it!

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. "Undocumented immigrants often work in industries such as construction, agriculture, food preparation, and maintenance, where they make up significant portions of the workforce."

Without being able to find work due to the controlled collapse of these cash jobs in farming & massive brick & mortar businesses being forced out of business as well as Ma & Pa restaurants going belly up,, they turn to drug running, prostitution or trafficking of goods & services, which conveniently ... seems to go hand in hand with the for-profit prison system & makes the puppet masters wealthy.

Jails are emptied in other countries & ironically, they end up here. It sure seems like that's part of a bigger people trade between our gooberments.

The propaganda of opulence from the US to foreign countries is also an issue as tent cities pop up nationwide and we cannot seem to employ citizens, let alone illegals. There is also a hierarchy of illegals that WANT to work & have distain or hatred to the ones that are being paid with never-ending food cards, given cell phones & service, put up in hotels or given housing & don't seem to need driver's licenses. yet they drive pretty nice vehicles. It's a rigged game.

edit: the amount of ICE workers that have committed suicide is astonishing due the fact that they could not perform their actual job & were forced to participate in gov. theater,

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And LOTS of the illegals are from cultures that HATE Americans!

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YES, & a very strategic move by lead Miliscary politicians to bring in the hateful illegals.

"The military is a Presidential cabinet agency. Its top leaders are political appointees. It employs deadly force in SUPPORT of FOREIGN policy objectives"

In other words. The high-ranking Military brass HATES American Civilians as much as the illegals do. They move them around like pawns on a chessboard as strategic positioning in their war games against all of humanity.

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It's disheartening to know --- to see --- how things really are and where this is all leading.

Thank you very much!

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You cannot fix government. But the fools keep trying.

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It looks like ALL "politicians" are only sock puppets and the visible "politics" is only a show for the gullible...

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You don't "fix" a corrupt, tyrannical, belligerent gooberment.

You TAKE IT BACK by any means necessary.

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What you're saying is absolutely true. It’s refreshing to hear someone else express the same understanding. I completely understand why it might feel isolating when others don’t get it. It’s just that not everyone is on the same wavelength. I’m so glad you posted this because it shows that there are others who see things the same way. You’re definitely not alone in this, and I’m grateful you posted this despite losing some followers you will gain others. Thank you! I needed this confirmation today.

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Thank you.

Not worried about losing readers; at nearly 4,700, I still have respectably few. Also, I usually lost a few, when I revealed quirky details about the Trump administration or RFK, Jr., but this stack is for readers who can think for themselves. They don't have to agree with me, and they know that.

The embarrassing part is that, as most people can only count up to two, they are celebrating ICE, while it's only part of the theater, as my article explains.

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